• out of stock

Sony OLED TV's | 77A80J $4079, 65A80J $2459, 65A90J $3299, 83A90J $5999 Delivered @ Sony Education Store


For those not receiving the verification email, make sure to whitelist "[email protected]" in your email domain as some domains auto-block this email for Spam.

Some absolutely ridiculous prices on these Sony OLED TV's on the education store :)

Entrance to the education store is available through signup here for those with .edu emails.

  • 55A80J $1799 - Out of Stock
  • 65A80J $2459 - Out of Stock
  • 77A80J $4079 - Out of Stock
  • 65A90J $3299 - Out of Stock
  • 83A90J $5999 - Out of Stock



As always, enjoy!

Credit to DWD3-Jin for noticing the education store discounts here.

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Sony Australia
Sony Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    Congrats everyone. Anyone know if this one is coming back? Promo ends 30 April hah

  • ok so my 83A90J is being dispatched. Looking for any recommendations on a wall mount?

    • When did you place the order?

      • Monday 4/4 - 9.30PM (I'm in SA)

    • I am using this one https://www.binglee.com.au/products/sanus-vlf728-b2-premium-… for my 83A90. I paid about $150 for it from the installer who got it at cost. Costco has a very similar one from Sanus for about $150 as well and can do up to 90".

        • +1

          How much did you pay to install it out of interest?

          • @mtjz: Unfortunately I can't tell you as I did it as part of a package deal to run LAN cables all through my house. He would not have charged much, maybe $100 on top but then he already got me a massive discount on the mount (Costco wasn't in Australia then).
            If you're in Canberra I can dig up his details.

  • -1

    do .edu.au emails work too?

    • No, you have to study in the US to get a .edu

      • +1

        Monash Uni are just .edu without the .au

        • True, never seen one in aus before.

    • gee thanks for the down votes, the site states ".edu"
      I only asked about .edu.au addresses because I haven't received any verification email (even after whitelisting sony)

  • +1

    Can anyone pls share their 77A80J receipt? Thanks.

    • Me too please. Want to try and price match though I feel highly unlikely.

  • Mine just got an update of delivery failed, return to depot. Yet I am sitting here near my front door and nobody has shown up!

    • +1

      I got the same, called up DHL and it's a scanning error. Mine is still out for delivery, yours probably is too

      • is your tracking from Sony working?
        I keep entering my order # and email and says it can't find it - it's been 24 hours since email.

        • I have the same problem, I had to log in to my Sony account and use the link from the My Orders page

  • Word of warning… The remote control is probably what's coming spoke with DHL and they scan the remote as shipped and Sony detect it as the whole package. TV likely to be delivered later.

    • PS I'm shattered - the original ETA was today for me but just the remote!!! Wanted to set it up this weekend for the GP!?!? >.<

      • +1

        What tv have you ordered? Have you received the Remote today? does the https://mysctrackandtrace.dhl.com/ tracking system show you both units when you check your tracking number?

        • Thanks for this link. I couldnt get Sony's tracking working but I punched in my order number here and I can see it now. Cheers.

          FWIW i ordered the 65a80j and the tracking says i have 2 units coming at 31.1kg total.

          • +1

            @csider: Same for me, I really hope both units arrive today.. Would be really disappointed if I got a remote only today :D hahah would have to put it on the entertainment unit and stare at it hahah

        • I got the 75x95j…but was skeptical with the almost next day elivery service, my TV was scanned as 54kg, and the remote as another item as <500g…buutttt I was told Melbourne depot only got the remote last night.

          • @sn00kered: I'm in Sydney Metro area, will keep you guys posted when something arrives.. did you manage to get additional info regarding the tv itself?

            • @piotrekov: I was told it was still getting prepped to leave the Sydney warehouse.

        • +1

          I received the remote today morning and then got a call from DHL around 1130 and was told that my TV will be delivered tomorrow.

          Just kept the remote in the TV unit and staring at it :-)

  • +1

    Still waiting for my order to be shipped. So far i have not gotten a refund which is a good sign however no tracking number has been given.

    • Same here

    • Same. Just confirmation email. No tracking.

      • +1

        I called Sony they said the order was ok but they are waiting in until to get to the warehouse and ship I should expect it on the 13th of April.

        Sounds like I've gone into backorder

        • I just called the 1300 number and the nice lady told me that it takes up to 10 business days for orders to get delivered. She also confirmed that the order is valid and they are in the process of shipment.

          • +1

            @io: Sony store always this slow?

            so hard to give updates too, terrible

  • Order just dispatched! Ordered 10:30am, in Sydney Btw

  • For your guys updates, my 65xA90J was dispatched yesterday noon from DHL depot at HORSLEY PARK 2175 NSW, and I received the remote only at 10:30am today. It shows two units in the package when I tracked from DHL, hopefully the TV can be delivered later today. Finger crossed!

    • Where are you located?

      • Epping 2121 NSW

        • +2

          So I just received a package! The remote.. how useful :D I can now try to turn off the lights in the house with the shiny brand new remote :/

          I called DHL and apparently they will be calling us within 48 business hours (not sure why business hours…) to arrange delivery.. :/ The lady who picked up the phone already knew I was calling re Sony order cause as soon as I told her there were supposed to be 2 packages she was like, is it Sony order? :D

          Well, that's a disappointment..

          • @piotrekov: What does the tracking say after you've received the remote?

            • @Bearboi: Delivered, that's why I've called them cause it was a bit confusing

          • @piotrekov: Hahahahah, thanks for the information, I was meant to make the same call as well, but no necessary now. lol…..

          • @piotrekov: Just received an incoming call from DHL now, told me was it ok to send the TV to me tomorrow?……..:D

            • @YongL: Lucky you, still nothing for me.. I only got the remote after 12 so they might call me later…

    • Ah I received a call from DHL about my Sony order but didn’t think to ask if it was a remote or the actual TV… Ordered the A90J 65” too, I’m in Hornsby 2077 , they said that my package should be delivered tomorrow

  • I also received the remote only as everyone. Called up the DHL and they told , they have not received the TV yet from Sony.

    • +1

      A number of people who contacted Sony were told the TV they ordered was out of stock and now on back order and may be delivered from next week

      • +2

        As long as they don't refund cause it's unlikely we will get a deal this good again.

    • +1

      Yeh I think its hit and miss for some. I've been told TV made it to the Melbourne depot at 1pm today - should expect a call this arvo for delivery tomorrow (fingers crossed!?)

      I need this setup for the weekend of racing haha.

  • +2

    I couldn't afford the 83" OLED so bought the 85" X95 LED instead.

    It turned up today, with the remote. I am in Port Stephens, about 2.5 hours drive north of Sydney.

    Single delivery guy with a small van turned up in the middle of an absolute downpour. TV box weighs 67kg. I had to carry it into the house with him or he couldn't deliver it….

  • Quick question - how does the bonus remote differ from the standard one that comes with the TVs? Is it anything special?

    • From what I can see it looks like a standard voice remote. Looks similar to the one that comes with the TV, but the A90J has a brush finish.

      • The bonus remote is missing 2 buttons - one of them is Prime Video, forget the other.

  • +3

    Just called DHL as my status went from "Transit" to "Delivery failed" I checked my cameras and no one came around that time. She mentioned the TV only arrived into the depot today. She said I will be expecting a call from the booking team because the item weighs more than 25kg. Deliveries are never same day from the point of booking, so she said that I'm likely going to receive it next week. She said she will try to organise the remote to be delivered together with the TV.

  • +1

    Looks like we ozbargained Sony and DHL! Sony had to remove TVs from the sale and now DHL cannot handle the volume of TVs!

    • Did they say when they're delivering? I'm actually not home today so don't really mind if it's next week. But I haven't got my booking call yet

      • I rang and the girl asked for my tracking number. I got to P-R-E and she laughed and said "You want to know where your Sony TV is right?" and said she has had hundreds of these calls.
        She said they are trying to call everyone today to arrange delivery, but you may not get a call until next week with the crazy amount of TVs they have gotten in.

        • Ahh.. I got a call, but couldn't pick up and now I can't call back lol

          • +2

            @Bearboi: I just got a call! Delivery tomorrow! I was going away for the weekend, but I will delay that! LOL

            • @choofa: I was told they don't do deliveries over the weekend :/ That's pretty inconsistent with what other People say :D Congrats on your order :)

              • @piotrekov: Maybe they need to clear a huge pile of TVs from storage and they had to arrange overtime. Totally ozbargained!!

                • +1

                  @choofa: Yeah the dhl lady on the phone told me they're overwhelmed by the amount of orders that came from Sony!

  • +6


    65" A90J, Epping NSW 2121

    Placed the order at 8:00pm, April 4.
    Order received by SONY at 11:40pm, April 4.
    Remote despatched at 1:20pm, April 6, received at 10:40am, April 7.
    TV despatched at 6:15am, April 8, received at 1:30pm, April 8.

    Hope you all guys a good luck as well!

    • +1

      How did you got the info when the TV got dispatched ? I called up DHL and they told they got the TV but will call me and schedule a time but haven't received any call till now ?

      • You can track the delivery via DHL

        • +1

          Did you get a separate tracking number for the TV?

  • A lot of non-descript movements for what sounds like a remote haha. Don't think I'll see my TV this weekend.

    04/08/2022 2:15 PM
    Into Depot

    04/08/2022 7:38 AM
    Into Depot

    04/07/2022 11:26 AM
    Into Depot

    04/07/2022 8:47 AM
    Into Depot

    04/06/2022 5:36 PM
    Into Depot

    04/06/2022 1:35 PM
    Depot Pickup

    04/06/2022 10:07 AM
    Shipment Consigned

  • +1

    did anyone get their 77A80J yet?

  • +4

    I followed up my 77A80J order status and received an email from SONY today. "Currently, its ETA for delivery in our warehouse will be on the 13th of April 2022. This ETA is subject to change without prior notice. It is possible that we may expect the shipment earlier or later than this date if any developments take place." .
    I placed the order around 8pm

    • +1

      Same answer I got when I called them about my 65a90j.

      Im assuming NSW warehouse didn't have stock left in my case

  • +4

    for anyone missed this deal, bing lee is selling 77A80J at $5,495 with a $1000 mastercard gift card

    • +1

      Wow - so only $300 more… Not bad at all

      These Sony educational offers for TVs were the best bargain of 2022 on Ozbargain IMHO

      • Anyone going for this? I take it the digital mastercard is for spending at Bing Lee only?

        • +1

          No it’s a prepaid mastercard so can be used anywhere that accepts it.

          • @manutd123: Nice. So the credit shouldn't expire as long as you activate on time.

    • Bing Lee now oos of the 77A80J. The hunt continues for circa $4000 pricing.

      • Bing Lee showing in stock.

        • Thanks. Seem to be back in stock now.

      • +1 ordered. Shopback $168 tracked.
        Third Sony tv in less than 2 years.
        Missus thinks im crazy.
        This is Ozb.

    • Thanks, I pulled the trigger on this. Don't forget the 2.1% cashrewards ~$115

      my CR tracked straight away

  • +2

    Got my 65a80j this morning after receiving a phone call 5pm Friday asking if Saturday delivery would be OK. Came with remote too.

    • +1

      Same for me. I only had a couple of hours to set mine up before I went away for a couple of days. It only just barely finished installing the apps and I got to watch five minutes of F1 qualifying, which was stunning, before I had to leave. The house I’m staying at has a 55” four years old entry level 4K Sony which actually looks really good but the black levels and sound are very ordinary.

  • +1

    Anyone received their 83a90j yet?

    • +2

      If I picked up my booking call I'd probably would had got it today. Couldn't call back yesterday and nothing today. So likely on Tuesday now.

  • +1

    I don't get the point of this bonus remote. My default remote also has microphone and has more useful shortcut buttons.

    Has prime, YouTube, Netflix YouTube music. The bonus remote only has Netflix and Google play movies.

    • +1

      One for each hand.

    • +1

      My couch eats remotes occasionally and kids like to play hide and seek so I'll take a bonus remote.

  • +1

    I got my remote delivered today, no 83a90j :(

    • +1


  • +2

    My 83a90j arrived today. I was told the remote will be coming in a seperate delivery in a smaller van.

    • How many ppl came to deliver?

      • +1

        Had two, remote came separately from the regular DHL driver.

  • +2

    Got my 65A80J delivered today, love it so far!

  • Has anyone heard anything or have your orders still sitting in processing? :/

    • +1

      My 77A80J order is still sitting as processing

      • I guess the new A80J 77" stock hasn't arrived at Sony yet.

  • Big thanks to OP. This will be deal of the year for me.

    I managed to get a 77A80J - but as others have also mentioned, is still "processing".

    Just a note for others - last time I ordered a TV from Sony the DHL tracking was useless. According to them it didn't move for over a week before magically turning up in my town for delivery.

  • +2

    Sony replied to my enquiry yesterday about my 77A80J

    The ETA for your order is currently 14 April 2022. Subject to change without prior notice.

    • +1

      Called them and they say my 77A80J delayed again till 20th April 😢

      • +1

        Thanks for the update! Annoying they can't seem to settle on an ETA…

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