• out of stock

Sony OLED TV's | 77A80J $4079, 65A80J $2459, 65A90J $3299, 83A90J $5999 Delivered @ Sony Education Store


For those not receiving the verification email, make sure to whitelist "[email protected]" in your email domain as some domains auto-block this email for Spam.

Some absolutely ridiculous prices on these Sony OLED TV's on the education store :)

Entrance to the education store is available through signup here for those with .edu emails.

  • 55A80J $1799 - Out of Stock
  • 65A80J $2459 - Out of Stock
  • 77A80J $4079 - Out of Stock
  • 65A90J $3299 - Out of Stock
  • 83A90J $5999 - Out of Stock



As always, enjoy!

Credit to DWD3-Jin for noticing the education store discounts here.

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Sony Australia

closed Comments

    • +1

      Ohh me too

    • I just moved from a C7 55' to a a80j 77. Besides the bigger screen, the only thing for me was the upscaling of content being cleaner because of the Sony chipset, sound is better but I run a soundbar anyway.

      Also the amount of apps you can get with Google tv. Webos was a bit slow in that regard

    • Sell and upsize.

  • The thing I hate about these new OLED tv's are just how LOW they are on a standard (renting so can't wall mount), this essentially means my sounbar (sonos arc) blocks out a portion of the screen at the bottom when movies are full screen, whch really annoys me.

  • +5

    Anyone getting the verification email? Been an hour now…

    • nope same here. been almost an hour as well

      • I had to click the verify email link and submit my address again after I logged in for it to get sent. It doesn't go automatically

        • did that. still no email

          • @gembel: did you check your junk/spam folder?
            my email was received immediately

    • +2

      it is 2 hours for me still haven't received anything I used the same phone number as my another sony account

      • Same. Wondering if the phone number is stuffing it up?

  • Wow OLED's are falling in price. Great stuff, loved my B6 and now my CX, amazing price for a 77"

  • -5

    I'd be careful of ordering from the Education Store. If they're anything like Samsung's Education Store (and product reviews make me think it is). You'll wait months and months for a TV that never shows up.

    • +3

      It's almost like they are two separate companies

  • Hurts that for the price I paid for my 55” OLED B6, could have got a 77” nowadays.

  • +2

    Have a nsw.edu.au email and still nothing. About 45 mins now…

    • +1

      yep waiting for one in canberra as well, nothing :(

      • +2

        It’s not even that I want to buy a tv but I will at some point in the future and want to have this sorted out…

    • +1

      Also registered using nsw.edu.au email and waiting over 1hr for email. Maybe manual approval in student account creation?

      • I manually requested for the verification email after the automated one didn't come through and it arrived within 5 minutes

    • Contacted it det.nsw.edu.au and it may be a system block and asked for it to be unblocked… it's a ticket now so hopefully will know soon.

  • For anyone having issues with verification, I had the same issue with the partnership portal when I bought this deal a month ago.

    You can still go ahead and purchase the TV (just check that the pricing is applied, which it should be if you're logged in unverified). The receipt/tracking will come through a different email which wasn't filtered by my org (YMMV)

    • +2

      if you're logged in unverified it doesnt show the discounted pricing unfortunately

      • Ah damn, I guess the education portal is stricter than partnership

  • +1

    Any cheap 32" ?

  • Great price!

    But if you have a PS5/Xbox Series X the LG OLEDs are still slightly better as they better support Dolby Vision while gaming.

    Also the A80J only has two 2.1 HDMI ports one of which is the eARC port so you might not have enough HDMI 2.1 ports.

    See: https://youtu.be/e6crY2NkQ84

    • how many games offer dolby vision gaming? also if you have one console arent the new VRR changes now bringing the Sony up to date?

      Also, the 65 inch C1's are going for $3700, is the above worth over 1K difference?

      • They aren’t as you can’t activate all the features at once unlike LG.

        Really a personal choice whether you value those features vs the saving.

        For a $1000k saving I would prob give them up, and means you can upgrade sooner later.

        For the $200 ish difference at 55 inch. I would get the LG for gaming.

    • I'm going to get a HDMI 2.1 splitter so that I can run both the PS5 and XBOX X off one

  • Can anyone help with available options for 83'-85' size OLED? One is Sony 83A90J and then you have LG OLED83C1PTA. Is there any other model with price below 7k? Thanks

    • +1

      Sony and LG have the only 2 83" OLED's

      • Thanks mate. So Sony is $6k as per this offer and LG seems to be around $9k. Big difference.

  • +6

    I like how these deals are on the education store. I clearly didn't have a spare $5K as a student to spend on a brand new TV.

    • +13

      You sir, mustn't be an international student.

      • I remember doing some market research focus groups with overseas students in 2008.

        The guys from Dubai and Kuwait were literally bought a half million dollar unit to live in, and were complaining they only got $100,000 a year spending money from mummy and daddy…..

        • +7

          A young Saudi prince studying abroad receives a call from his father asking him if everything is alright. He tells his dad that he is feeling ashamed that everyday he goes to college in his brand new Lamborghini while all the other students take the train. His father replies: "I understand your shame son, take this 2 billion dollars and buy yourself a train".

  • Locked in the 83" oled. It had been on my to-get list for a few weeks now.

  • I am feeling so tempted to buy 83" but don't need it until Nov end. I hope there is such offer around Black Friday.

    • There won't be any of these left by black Friday. The new models will be on sale though.

  • ty OP, bought
    hopefully not too much fomo from the updated models

    • +1

      when did you sign up and how long did it take to get your verification email?

      • i signed up in the afternoon, it took me about 5 minutes to get the email

      • used my alumni university email, took like 15 min for the verification email to come through.

  • +2

    Not getting the email to confirm. So frustrating

    • +2

      same here :(

    • +2

      Been hours for me and nothing

    • I manually requested for the verification email after the automated one didn't come through and it arrived within 5 minutes

      • +1

        I have tried doing manual verification request, still no luck :(

  • +1

    WOW ! Thanks so much OP - Got the X95J 75 inch for $2999!

  • +1

    Mine isn't showing the discounted prices. I wonder what I am doing wrong. Using my work education email account and still showing full price and even used my old uni email.

  • Is it better to check out using PayPal or credit card

    • I ended up using paypal. For some reason for me when trying to put details in for credit card the suburb was greyed out.

      • Is your credit card linked to your Paypal account?

        • +1

          Yes it is. It auto populated the address when using Paypal for me.

          • @wtran168: which TV did you end up buying? DO you think it's worth paying extra for OLED?

  • I wonder if I can use the AMEX sony offer on this and get another $75 back? Or use Cashrewards too? I don't know if either of these will work with a Sony edu account.

  • +2

    Thanks OP - I decided to pull the trigger on the 77A80J - my first OLED - upgrading from a Hisense 4K 75R7, so it should be a game-changer

    • +2

      same - I got the 77A80J and it's my first OLED, hope it's worth the extra. I was looking at the 83A90J but $6k for a TV is crazy

      • +1

        Noice! TBH I still feel that $4K is also crazy for a TV but YOLO!!

  • +1

    well this has been a week - got the 48 inch Gigabyte OLED monitor for $1048, and now a 65 A80J OLED TV for $2450…great deals but my wallet is hurting!

    • +2

      You should've just combined both and yolo'd a 77" OLED instead tsk tsk

      • Maybe I'll just use them as the world's most over the top dual monitor setup

  • Damn… been eyeing off the 55” for a bit but also just bought a NAS and HDD’s today too. WAF will be low, but might just YOLO it

  • +2


    Student and educator members must not permit any other person to access the student section of the Sony online store using their login information. Offers should not be published in any medium (including, but not limited to, on social media) or otherwise disclosed to any person who is not a student, including any retailer. Eligibility for promotion is at the discretion of Sony Australia Limited.

    • -2

      Good find. Judging by Ozbargain's track record, this post will disappear shortly.

      • +1

        That's interesting, the banner on the top said "Welcome from Ozbargain" or something on the line of that when I was in the portal

        • I believe that is their default greeting when clicking via Ozbargain.
          The fact that this particular deal has T/Cs to say it should not be shared, means it will be interesting to see how long OZbargain will take to honor it.

          • @MKBHD: Deal still up - no surprise that mods don't care. Were you given a reason why no action was taken from your report? (I assume it was you who reported it.)

            • -5

              @MiscOzB: They said they don't care. It's between the poster and retailer. I held Ozbargain at a higher standard. Now I am not very surprised as leaving controversial posts up increases their popularity. Bad popularity is still popularity (eg. Trump). And I used to think eBay is bad for playing that card lol.

  • How do I get these prices without an edu email address?

  • have a 55" X9300E that is awesomely bright and really love it for this reason. should i upgrade to 77" A80J?

    edit: yolo'ed

    • I have exactly the same TV. What was your reasoning for pulling the trigger?

      • jumping up in screen size mainly and also OLED picture quality. what i was worried about was the big difference in brightness but i mainly use my TV at night. but i think HDR content will take a big hit in this area (1400nits vs 600nits) :(
        also getting the updated software on the TV, hopefully not as buggy/laggy as the X9300E, i also have this issue where my headphones wont pair with the TV automatically and annoys the hell out of me

        • Yeahhh, the software on my X9300E is dodgy af. Very often restarts itself for no reason.

          I do enjoy HDR content and games so that'd be a big downgrade for me… Good deal but not a big upgrade imo, I would love that 120hz/VRR support though.

  • +3

    Anyone know what's happening with our verification emails? Are they being blocked?

    • +2

      Yeah same I haven't received one.

    • +1

      Signed up since morning, still nothing.

      • +1

        Frustrating. I want to order this damn TV!

  • I thought I got a good deal buying the 65 C1 for 3k 8 months ago

  • What did you guys end up getting?

  • Nothing I do will send the activation email.
    I have a QUT email

  • +1

    doesnt seem to work on education.nsw.gov.au emails… guess its strict on the .edu domain or something despite that being a school based email

    • +1

      @det.nsw.edu.au not working for me to get activation email

      Anyone had success with this domain?

      • +1

        Not working for me…

  • +1

    My daughters school email is .education.nsw.gov.au so it wont work.
    Or is there a work around?

  • +1

    Pretty sure we have broken their website so the emails won't confirm

    • +1

      What happens if you try to whitelist "[email protected]" on the email domain you're trying to receive at? There's a potential that some domains are auto-blocking the emails from Sony for spam, whitelisting may fix this..

      • I did this, came through straight away, been trying since this arv

        edit: thanks for the tip!

        • +1

          Really? Outlook?

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