• out of stock

Sony OLED TV's | 77A80J $4079, 65A80J $2459, 65A90J $3299, 83A90J $5999 Delivered @ Sony Education Store


For those not receiving the verification email, make sure to whitelist "[email protected]" in your email domain as some domains auto-block this email for Spam.

Some absolutely ridiculous prices on these Sony OLED TV's on the education store :)

Entrance to the education store is available through signup here for those with .edu emails.

  • 55A80J $1799 - Out of Stock
  • 65A80J $2459 - Out of Stock
  • 77A80J $4079 - Out of Stock
  • 65A90J $3299 - Out of Stock
  • 83A90J $5999 - Out of Stock



As always, enjoy!

Credit to DWD3-Jin for noticing the education store discounts here.

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Sony Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    Ok that’s cheap

    • Yeah rarely do you see Sony at these prices…

  • can't believe I just got the QN800A yeasterday….

  • Fark!

    77" now for 4k

    Or hodl for a deal on the C2 😭😭😭

    • +9

      Keep holding for c3.

      • +26

        Why not wait for explosive deals on C4?

        • -1

          If you can cut through the C5 will offer cripplingly good specs

  • +2

    how is a80j vs 90j?

    • +9

      Is Sony A90J worth it over A80J?
      Our Verdict. The Sony A80J OLED and the Sony A90J OLED are very similar TVs overall, and both offer stunning picture quality in a premium, well-built package. That said, the A90J uses Sony's new heatsink technology, which allows it to get brighter in HDR, although the difference is relatively small.


      • thanks

      • -1

        The Sony A90J has the upper hand when it comes to gaming to vs the A80J…the latter has image retention that the A90J doesn't and it also recovers quicker from Absl dimming….both are better than C1 and now have VRR

        • +1

          Rtings says the A90J has higher input lag and doesn't support Freesync compared to the C1

          • @LlamaLlamaLamp: You don't use Freesync on console…its HDMI Forum VRR and no it has 8ms at 120Hz for me on XBSX and 16ms at 60hz….
            You want the best input latency get a monitor with 1ms input response

            • @[Deactivated]: Xbox One supports FreeSync. Series X supports FreeSync and VRR. Rtings reports 14.7ms at 4k @ 120hz and 16.6ms at 60hz. The lowest input lag they reported was for 1080p @ 120hz at 12.1ms.
              Edit: an noone mentioned consoles

              • @LlamaLlamaLamp: Yeah Rtings use there own input lag measurement tool…a quick google search or even YT shows my measurements with the A90J…again if your really concerned with input latency you would be playing twitch shooter's like COD and competitive multiplayer on PC at 200+ fps with a 240-360hz monitor ….
                Freesync or Gsync is only a compelling feature for PC users as XBSX and PS5 support Forum VRR…
                And no the A80J like the A90J does not support Freesync

    • A90J is brighter, newer "EVO" panel with heatsink, less image retention, has better remote with backlighting A90J has the glossy anti reflective coating, where the A80J has a semi matte coating, personal preference/circumstances here as to which would be better.
      Not worth the $1500 difference at full RRP, $840 is still probably too much of a difference. $500 would be acceptable in my mind.

      • +1

        Apparently the 55"& 65" A80J's can come in both non-EVO and EVO panels
        The 77" A80J is guaranteed to come with an EVO panel


        • Correct, but even if the do come wth the WBE - EVO panel, they will not be any brighter than the WBC panels.
          They will be more energy efficient though.

  • +27

    Screenshots for those wanting Price Protection:


    • Legend. Thanks!

    • +1

      how would i use these effectively?

      noob question

    • Any chance of a screenshot of 85X95J ?

    • Mate, you're the best! I'm not buying, just came for the comments.

  • insane price for the 77 and 83" models

  • Damn that's temping for the 83… Wasn't going to get OLED due to bright room… But for the PQ gains..

    • -1

      If you have a bright room and watch during the day, consider the X95J series instead.

      At night you will love your OLED, in the day not so much.

      • Commenting to note, the X95K will release soon, offering an improvement to FALD with Mini LED and Sony Backlight Master Drive.
        I have the X95J and a C1 OLED, the X95J is fantastic in bright environments, the OLED just really isn't bright enough. Fantastic in the dark though.

        • +1

          Yeah I wonder how much the 85" x95K will retail for though to begin with ?


          I just bought the 85" X95J for $4199.40 delivered

          A deal was posted in January for the same TV @ $5395

          Cheapest I have seen it before today is $4750

      • +3

        "If you have a bright room and watch during the day, consider the X95J series instead."

        It would want to be an insanely bright room.

        My OLED is in a room with large north-facing windows, and during the day it is just fine.
        If I was doing any critical watching I'd have the curtains drawn anyway, but even when open during the day I have little to complain about.

        • +2

          TV position and viewing position are also important. If TV is opposite that window and you view from straight on, there's no way you aren't getting major reflections during the day. Important consideration is not just 'is there windows and what direction do the face' but 'is there windows, what direction do they face and will the reflections be a problem given the viewing position and the location of the TV'.

  • shows $3,495.00 for 65A80J for me after I created an edu.au account

    • +3

      How long between edu sign up and verified? Still waiting for a verification link to be sent 😭

      • +3

        haven't received the verification

    • +1

      How did you get a .edu account mate, I’m interested in getting it too

      • +21

        my trick is I forward my edu email to my other email address before I graduated. So now I still can receive the email sent to my edu email account.

        • +1

          You're a genius

        • +12

          That’s some forward thinking, good on you :)

        • +3

          Note for everyone else: This only works where the institution doesn't delete or disassociate the license from the account. General practice is to leave the accounts on ice for few months after the student has left before archiving or removing the account.

          • @ctg: when I tried to logon the edu email account it shows account been locked and contact admin

          • @ctg: What kind of shit unis get rid of peoples emails when they graduate?

            • @Korban Dallas: Why wouldn’t they? Former employers don’t keep your email address available forever.

            • @Korban Dallas: They all do. Student uni email accounts are for use at uni, they're not a forever gmail account.

              When I worked at uni I was amazed how many ex-students got in touch <i>several years after leaving</i> wanting to get stuff out of their old uni email accounts. Like, duh?

            • @Korban Dallas: UWA offered alumni a graduate email address for a bit, then shut it down.

  • +3

    I'm guessing they are starting to clear stock ahead of the 2022 line up.

  • -1

    is there any chance to get this without the edu email ? if not, how can I get an edu email if Im not studying anymore? kids?

  • Can someone confirm the price for 85” X95J ?

    • $4199.40

      • Can you check the price of 75 X95J please?

      • Thanks

  • +3

    Anyone yet got an email for Sony's signup/verification step? Maybe just very slow.

    • +2


      • I got mine just then (instantly).

    • Yes it is slow

  • What's the price of 75" X95J?

    • Scroll up. Jeeze. Literally 2 threads above

      • +1

        Check the time stamp. He asked 1 minute after the answer. Probably typing when it was submitted.

  • +2

    Not sure how these contribute to education but hey

  • Hi all, Is it only for uni students? My daughter is a high school student and gather she has an edu email so wondering if I can leverage off that?

    • +1

      Yeah I'f you've got access to an email you can order, just use your info and her email address

    • Same here

  • -5

    how to get sony education store?

    • +8

      You'll have to break in somehow. The word on the street is that there's no security on Sunday nights. You didn't hear that from me.

  • +1

    Wow those are insane prices. For mine if you are going for an OLED definitely go 65"+ (top tip no matter what anyone says size does matter 👉👌 make dot believe).

    • +1

      Dunno why this is downvoted. TV size definitely matters more than people give it credit for.

  • -2

    So tempted. Why do I feel like:
    * EITHER the JACK is knocking to get in
    * OR the items will be out of stock for bulk of the time

  • Where do I log in with my edu.au account to get these prices?

  • Strange TV sizes - having both 77" and 83" is kind of redundant no? 77" is 40% bigger than 65", but 83" is only 16% bigger than 77". Makes the 83 kind of pointless unless for bragging rights.

    • +4

      They are different models.

      • +2

        I see. Not sure why you got downvoted?

  • Can jbhifi price match ?

    • I doubt it as it would usually be below their 'cost' price by a fair bit but doesn't hurt to try

    • Would like to know this too!

  • +16

    I gave people a heads up about partner pricing a few days ago and people doubted me (same price as these). It's like.. I don't have anything to gain from informing you that you might have a discount that you're not aware of..

    Good to know that they also have an edu portal for when I change jobs

    EDIT: Lol bring in the downvotes

    • -1

      what you smoking boi

      • +4

        Many things ;) But just wanted to let people know.. not all hope is lost if you don't have an edu email.

        Make an account with your corporate email and see if you get "partner" pricing.

        From other comments this is available to EY & CBA employees (as well as others) - although the discounting seems to be different for different "tiers" of partnership.

        • Are you able to confirm pricing for CBA employees?
          I have tried to register with my CBA email address and have not received an email yet.

    • +1

      You got my upvote then and you got 1 now.

  • +2

    still havent received verification email

    • +1


  • +8

    I want a 83" OLED. It's for muh edumacation.

  • Been eyeing off the 77" C1's recently, thought this was an instant buy then see the edu part >.<

    almost worth enrolling for a semester just to take advantage of all these edu store bargains.

    edit: I like how sony has a "request price match" feature on website, wonder if they will price match themselves heh

    • +4

      I have tried yesterday, they have rejected my pricematch request….lol

      • hah yep, doesn't hurt to try though

  • +1

    Wow. That is fantastic pricing. About $500 cheaper than i got my 77C1 for about 4-5 months ago. Get on this anyone that has been on the OLED fence.

  • Dammit wish my Panasonic vt60 would pack it in…

    • My ST60A stopped powering up on Saturday, can't say I'm that excited buying a new TV, I was still really happy with it.

  • +1

    I'm currently using LG C7 from 5 years ago. How much improvement can I expect moving to A80J?

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