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[PS4, PS5, PS Plus] April Free Games - SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, Slay The Spire, Hood: Outlaws & Legends


Not a bad month.

Hood: Outlaws & Legends will be the PS5 game for April 2022.

Full credit to Billbil-kun

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated is an excellent game!

  • +4

    Hood makes sense. They spent a very very long time marketing it and offering beta tests that didn't excite at all, so by the time it launched, was quite literally dead on arrival with minimal interest. Also no disc version release didn't help. This might just revive it a bit.

    Not the best of months but it may be due to reserving the good titles to rumoured/alleged upcoming new PS+ service.

      • +1

        Not Australia

        Offers cloud streaming access for original PlayStation, PS2, PSP and PS4 games offered in the Extra and Premium tiers in markets** where PlayStation Now is currently available.

        **Current markets where PlayStation Now is available: US, Canada, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden.

        • +2

          Ok but the bit the OP was talking about is this part… Which is available in Australia. Not streaming old games.

          Adds a catalog of up to 400* of the most enjoyable PS4 and PS5 games – including blockbuster hits from our PlayStation Studios catalog and third-party partners. Games in the Extra tier are downloadable for play.

  • +2

    I need to start a running tally of how many different times/clients/platforms I own Slay the Spire at this point..

    Another wash for me, but that's ok; between all these Ukrainian Indie Bundles and March's releases I'm still well inundated with backlog anyway.

    I actually thought this month was going to be something a little more unique/maybe incorporating the PS1/2/3 catalogue etc. with the planned Spartacus announcement also. Ah well.

    • +2

      It's another 'Control'… free everywhere

  • +37

    More disappointment from PS plus. Sony are overdue to join the ranks of a modern subscription services

    • +2

      Wash your mouth out with soap.

      Slay the spire is absolutely amazing.

      It's brutal but amazing, it doesn't seem like much when you start out but when you get used to it, it's as addictive as slurm.

      • +1

        While I agree that it's great, honestly nothing I want to sit in front of a big tv playing. Can just play on my phone or switch for exact same experience + even better due to portability

    • +2

      Rumour is theres one incoming. Though it would be interesting to see what they'll try to do to compete.


      • It’s not a rumour, it’s been announced.

        All it does is merge PS Now with PS Plus, with different tiers offering older PS1 / PS2 games, or PS3 games (streaming only).

        No day 1 releases, no announced titles in the service.

        • lol yeah, if you look at the date. I legit posted this just a few hours before they announced it. So funny that the day I make the comment of a "rumour" is the day it gets cleared up haha.

    • +1

      Yes, I defected after 15 years of PS. Gotta say, game pass (turkey) and xbox quick resume are pretty dammed impressive

      • Game Pass + Quick Resume is hands down the most next gen feature of either new console. PS5 honestly feels archaic in comparison, having to close then open individual games, and not even being able to have folders etc or display your content in a nice way!
        Have been using my XSX much more than my PS5 because of it all (not to mention, VRR baby).

    • +2
      • +1

        That's garbage.

        Says the "essential" tier is the same as we're getting now, then immediately says it includes 2 downloadable games per month when we're currently getting 3 (actually 4 this month). So they're actually not providing the same as we're getting now.

        • +1

          Their marketing at the moment also still says two - the PS5 games are "bonus" in the sense that at some point in the future they'll stop the PS4 and only do PS5, much like with the PS3 to PS4 transition.

      • Awful.

        We don't even get the last tier either because we don't have streaming available in Australia. No streaming PS3 games for us.

  • Hmm

  • +1

    Nice. My 5 year old has been into a lot of SpongeBob lately.

  • +3

    Gamepass has been great. PS plus regret getting, won't be renewing.

    • +7

      It's not the same thing…Playstation doesn't have a Gamepass equivalent as far as I know. Ps Plus competes with xbox live gold. but yes gamepass is good value for money.

      • +1

        Playstation doesn't have a Gamepass equivalent as far as I know

        They sort of do but it's not available in Australia

        PS Now

        • You can use a US account, but it's not the same. It would appeal to those that like the back catalogue.

        • +2

          Ps now is not game pass equivalent and Sony has themselves said they aren’t interested it’s not something they want as it doesn’t work with the quality of there exclusives

          “Sony has said on multiple occasions that the Game Pass model wouldn’t work for PlayStation. Speaking to GI.biz last September, SIE boss Jim Ryan claimed a subscription-type model would be unsustainable for PlayStation Studios because it often sees its first-party game budgets grow to “well over $100 million”.

          Forza 5 has the best car (BMW x5) locked behind VIP pack you couldn’t even buy it on car sales in game. Halo is barebones and leaks for arkane studios next game in pre alpha had a fully functioning micro transactions store. I really hope this isn’t a sign for things to come to game pass because my 3 years is about to end in November. Although I do like the indies coming out on it I will simply unsubscribe if the rumoured price increases goes ahead.

          Just going back to PC gaming

    • I read that Sony will soon unveil its own game pass-like service, titled Spartacus or something.

  • +13


  • Sony apparently revealing their answer to game pass in the next week or so. Might find out more regarding their rumored new tiered membership. I imagine there will be some sweeteners hence why no "AAA titles" this month.


    • Paywall'd link

      • +3

        Sony Group Corp. is preparing to introduce a new video game subscription service for the PlayStation as early as next week, said people familiar with the plans.

        The service, which has been in development under the codename Spartacus, is Sony’s answer to Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox Game Pass, a sort of Netflix for video games that has amassed more than 25 million subscribers. Sony’s will debut with a splashy lineup of hit games from recent years, said the people, who requested anonymity because the plans are private.

        Sony’s new service will combine two of its current offerings, PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus. Customers will be able to choose from multiple tiers offering catalogs of modern games and classics from older PlayStation eras.

        Documents obtained by Bloomberg last year showed the most expensive tier will also give players access to extended demos and the ability to stream games over the internet. A spokesperson for Sony didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

        PlayStation consoles have outsold Xboxes in recent years, but Sony lags behind Microsoft’s efforts in the streaming market. Xbox Game Pass offers hundreds of games for $10 a month. One of Game Pass’s biggest selling points is that subscribers get access to many titles on the same day they go on sale in stores for $60 or $70 each. That includes this year’s much-anticipated Microsoft sci-fi game Starfield.

        Sony will likely be at a disadvantage there. The new service is not expected to feature its biggest titles on the day they come out. The upcoming God of War Ragnarök, for example, is unlikely to be offered on the streaming platform right away, said one of the people familiar with the plan.

        • +1


          Sony’s new service will combine two of its current offerings, PlayStation Now and PlayStation Plus.

          Documents obtained by Bloomberg last year showed the most expensive tier will also give players access to extended demos and the ability to stream games over the internet

          Seeing as though PS Now is not available in Australia and many other markets, I gather this new service and/or all "tiers" may not be available here. Article may be for the US market.

          Will wait and see.

    • +3

      I hope it releases here in Oz, PS Now not available here is a joke

    • +1
  • +1

    Definitely a fun Platinum to pursue even if you’re not a SBSP fan, great game

  • Decent month, going to have to make space on the hard drive.

    • +2

      you can just purchase the free game without downloading it. ive got a pretty fast nbn 1gb/s, i dont save game i just download them everytime i need to play them

  • I'm more impressed with my aim in the morning.

    • Half on the wall, the other half on your foot?

  • +1

    Back to back Spongebobs in March/April (there was one on GWG), kiddo will be stoked for another one.

  • +1

    Wow. People are getting one the best roguelikes ever made and are still upset.

    • +1

      I guess not all people enjoy roguelikes as much as others.

      Worth giving a go but if people didn't know what the game was specifically, they'd look at the list and think it was all trash

    • Already bought it for ten bucks. Pretty sure EB even had it for a fiver at one stage

  • -5

    Probably one of the better months of recent PS+ offerings

  • -2

    Slay the Spire on PS4 runs like ass, looking at the deck is super low frame rate. Not sure if better on PS5

  • +3

    LOL laughable month, thank god my PS+ expired. Been waiting to see if I should renew, see u in another month Sony

    • +3

      I can justify it at 60 a year, not so much at 80 a year. thankfully there's always deals in December. at 3 games a month, averaging $1.66 a game, doesn't end up being bad at all.

  • +8

    Absolutely awful lol

  • +1

    I have only ever got mortal kombat form 2015, don't know why I got PS Plus, also paid 15$ to get uncharted. I won't renew it :s

  • +2

    The new confirmed PS Plus subscription tiers info below (AUD$ TBC):

  • +1

    Seems we’ll be missing out on PS3 games unfortunately as PS Now isn’t available here. Bummed out about no PS3

    I wonder how much cheaper it will be for us if it’s $18USD for Premium.

    Interesting to see how it will work for existing Plus subscriptions looking to upgrade to Deluxe

  • +3

    Slay The Spire is bloody brilliant. I've clocked up about 400 hours on that so far, and I'm not done with it yet.

    • +4

      If you have it on Steam, try the Downfall Mod. Another 200 hr easy.

      • That may well be the only platform I have that I DON'T own it on! :D

    • Love Slay the Spire, only game I've ever 100% for achievements on Steam.

  • Interested to know from industry insiders if PlayStation are considering a model similar to Netflix, in that Sony develop the games and charge an annual fee to all people that allows them to play any game that's developed.

    • You mean similar to Xbox Game Pass

      • Yeah I never heard of xbox game pass as I'm on PS5. It looks like maybe a better version of PS Plus but still a lot of games would be unavailable on it. But yeah looks way better than ps plus

  • Last chance to download Persona 5 from the PS Plus Collection

    Persona 5 will leave the PS Plus Collection on May 11. Add the game to your game library before then to continue to access it while you have an active PlayStation Plus subscription

    • Persona 5 is $84.95 and Persona 5: Ultimate Edition $37.73 for me.

      Looking for what I might be doing wrong.

  • +1

    Spongebob is now free

    • Looks like $47.95 to me.

      • +1

        I saw it 2 days ago on psdeals, then claimed and played it successfully. If it's not free for you now, it'll be later on the normal PS+ release time.

  • All 3 are available now for free.

  • +6
  • Anyone have a deal for PS Plus membership?

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