This was posted 2 years 11 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[PC, Steam] Stand with Ukraine Charity 57 Game Bundle (Among Us, Gang Beasts, Rounds, etc.) $22.35 @ Fanatical


All proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross in Ukraine.
57 Games.

1993 Space Machine
8-bit Adventure Anthology: Volume I
Among Us
At Eve's Wake
Aviary Attorney
AWAKE - Definitive Edition
Awesomenauts All Nauts pack
Baby Dino Adventures
Cannibal Cuisine
Click and Slay
Cloud Gardens
Combat Tested
Crash Drive 2
Cube Escape Collection
Dimension Drive
Fling to the Finish
Gang Beasts
Gelly Break Deluxe
Hidden Folks
ibb & obb Double Pack
Interrogation: You will be deceived
Journey For Elysium
Last Resort Island
Mad Experiments: Escape Room
Necronator: Dead Wrong
Nelly Cootalot: Spoonbeaks Ahoy! HD
Nuclear Throne
Pizza Connection 3
Pressure Overdrive
Railway Empire
Rayon Riddles - Rise of the Goblin King
Renowned Explorers: International Society
Shortest Trip to Earth
Stick Fight: The Game
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
Swords and Soldiers HD
Tales of the Tiny Planet
The Falconeer
The Way
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
Treasure Temples
X Rebirth

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closed Comments

  • +42

    I got in before these comments turn into a shit show

    • +1

      Me too

    • +2

      My OzMentalIllness bookmarks folders get a lot of new material each time Ukraine is mentioned.

      • +3

        Mental illness nothing to joke about

    • +1

      These types of packages are coming faster than I can make popcorn for the comment section. Need a cobs deal

      • a true ozbargainer would wait for a deal on raw kernels

    • -3


    • +9

      Yeah, nah. Sort of shitty hypothetical scenarios here. Let's talk once somebody starts using fascist rhetoric and preemptively invades your BRASIL. Or whatever comes to your mind.

    • +1


    • +8

      Who told them to?! They are a free country. They haven't joined NATO and have said to Russia that they will commit to not joining if that is all it will take to stop the invasion.

      Alas, the shelling and murder continues. There is more to this war than a Kremlin narrative… Pretty much just one psychopath's ego.

        • +7

          Comment not relevant, next.

          • @iWan: Their comment makes zero sense, and not just because of the crappy English.

            • @subywagon: While it's a shit comment, lets not make it about someone's level of English if that is not their first language.

              • @skidexa: Yeah you are right. I was trying to make it NOT about the English, I meant the point of what they were saying wasn't coherent and NOT because of the bad English. I should have used better English myself to explain this.

        • -3

          comment relevant

          • +1

            @Tomika: You don't really have that much to add, do you?

    • +8

      So, are there political bots here too? Very odd place to have political bots in a bargain site.

      • +1

        Yep they're here.

      • +1

        Not bots, just huge idiots.

        You might see some of them in this picture.

    • +7

      So….if a country wants to (or even expresses interest to) join NATO they deserve to be invaded and have their citizens killed?

      And really that's already buying into a sort of pro-Russia narrative - it looks like poorly justified expansionism from Putin to me.

      Is it any wonder that the largest scale European invasion since the start of WW2 and the ensuing humanitarian catastrophe has captured the minds of Australians and other citizens eager to support?

      • -3

        gotta know the established purpose of NATO

        • +5

          "NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means."

          It was established to guarantee the freedom and security of its members. There is nothing sinister about having a defence alliance and defence agreements. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a member of an alliance that guarantees freedom and security.

          • +1

            @g1: Nah that is the fake purpose. The real secret purpose involves the Freemasons, Bill Gates and 5G.

            • +2

              @Aureus: Illuminati are having a hard time these days! No one is mentioning them in the secret actors lists anymore, they got to up their game!

    • huh?

      Engrish, please!

    • -1

      Thanks to everyone for a record-breaking negative response.
      I also increased my knowledge of how highly knowledgeable people are in this group.

      • +1

        Hey, credit where it’s due - you did the hard work

  • +5

    I got excited for a moment and thought Fanatec were selling a sim racing peripheral bundle for the low low price of $22.35. Boy was I let down.

  • +7

    What a bunch of terrible games. Buys 2.

    • Yup, this is nothing but a small bonus to me throwing my money at those poor, poor innocent people that have had their towns turned into hellscapes because none of his cronies have the stones to stop the senseless war crimes and straight up mass murder.

  • +1

    Here we go again!

  • +1

    Good cause. Don't hesitate too long if you really want this. They are limiting it to 10,000 purchases. Obviously not on the same scale as the Humble Bundle but there looks to be a few interesting indie titles in there. Just don't expect a heap of AAA games.

  • +3

    Are any of these games good? I only recognise Among Us. Doesn’t seem like good value at $22.35

    • +3

      Not sure to be honest. I flicked through a few of the youtube previews and they looked OK. I ended up just getting the bundle. If I end up playing a few of them that's great otherwise it's just another donation.

    • +3

      Gang Beasts is great fun granted you have friends to play with

      • +3

        great assumption that we have friends….

        can we buy friends with eneloops?

        • Just don't try salad

    • +3

      I was zenning out with Cloud Garden this morning :)

      I only had like, 2 of them wishlisted also but.. eh whatever. Moreso for the charity.
      I saw a handful of puzzlers and point and click games that I might check out as I went through redeeming them.

    • Had the same thought. There's a few nice ones there.

      Gang beasts is great fun for couch coop for a few hours.

      Tabs is entertaining if you like a sandbox.
      The falconeer is somewhat mainstream, never tried it.
      Ibb and obb is good coop.
      Nuclear throne is good as a rogue like twinstick.
      X rebirth is a cult classic but a very acquired taste
      Shortest trip to earth is good too
      Hidden folks was on the other ukraine bundle

    • +1


    • +17

      They had the biggest protests ever seen in Australia

      • +12

        Who ordered whataboutism? @MaxHashrate brought a dollop in.

        No one? It's sprinkled with some lack of knowledge and poor sarcasm.

        • -3

          What's with you and the word "whataboutism". It gets thrown around so often. Come up with a better word.

    • +12

      I don't even know how to unpack this comment. Who has been cancelled and why? What bearing does a 20 year old war between two separate countries have to do with this?

      Does it mean that actually everything is fine and we should turn a blind eye to it?

      Does it mean that because a war (which plenty didn't want at the time) turned out to be based on false pretences means that we should ignore what's happening now?

      If you're going to be critical at least make a proper criticism because this comment just looks badly concocted and even more badly thought through.

    • +2

      Repeating Russian propaganda. Putin called sanctions on him cancel culture. It is refusing to support Russian aggression. Economic sanctions have been around a lot longer than cancel culture, they arent based on culture. If sanctions are cancel culture what do you call an unprovoked invasion ? Oh thats right "special military operation"

      • -1

        It’s fact though that there has been a huge fascist movement in Ukraine (widely reported in west, too) and that a
        civil war has raged since 2014 in the east of the country. Also a lot of corruption with the government that the US have definitely had a hand in.

    • +7

      I don’t think video game charity bundles were a thing back then

      • +8

        Myanmar is currently going through violent miliary operations but there isn't any game bundle charities for them.

        • +15

          Yeah, someone should start one

        • +1

          Don't forget Yemen is currently being bomb into a crater by the Saudis, and the Afghan civilians being starved to death at the hands of the US sanctions.
          While I am in no way downplaying the horrific attacks in Ukraine perpetrated by Putin and his goons, but it doesn't take a genius to realise westerns (i.e. us aussies) have a long standing hatred of ethinic minorities after the last 20 years of apathy towards events/movements like BLM, stop asian hate, christchurch shooting, stop the boats and etc.

          • -2

            @Ducky555: War sucks, no matter who is causing it. Putin didn't just become a douche a few months ago, he's been like this for decades, yet only last year European leaders were hugging him and laughing away, even post the Crimea incident. Russian billionaires (Putin one of them) have been spending/investing doing everything at will and continue to be living their lives comfortably whilst the middle class everyday Russians are being squeezed to the point they cannot live. An innocent anti war Cellist in Germany had her concert cancelled because she is Russian.

            The coverage of this Ukraine war and the way the Western media and corporates are behaving has me questioning it all. There is definitely something at play here when you have idiots like Zelensky painted as some freedom fighting saviour. He is not, lets get that out of the way.

            I find it hilarious people are willing to not trust the media for almost everything but rely on it, consume it like it is gospel when it comes to this.

        • +3

          Coz it is a domestic affairs, myanmar vs myanmar, not putin vs zelensky.

        • Somewhere someone is dying buddy welcome to the world of the internet and mass media where not everything is covered and most likely you are being broadcasted a lie.

    • +12

      You really don't have to purchase it if you don't agree with the cause.

      • +9

        I do agree that Ukraine should be assisted but it's very double standard

        • +11

          Dude, just create that bundle for Myanmar already and let us help.

        • +1

          Totally agree. Not downplaying the Ukraine situation which is tragic but when "the West" invades another sovereign country to install a West friendly democracy no one bats an eyelid.

          • @Xastros:

            no one bats an eyelid.

            Where do you live again? There's usually a lot happening in the cities.

            • +3

              @pizzaguy: I'm in metro Perth. There are small protests but no Steam sale donating proceeds to Iraq or Afghanistan.

              The responses are not the same magnitude.

              • @Xastros:

                no one bats an eyelid.


                The responses are not the same magnitude.

                So your observations on the (here irrelevant) past events are changing right in front of us.

                Do you actively protest your causes - in person or less directly? Respect if yes.

                • @pizzaguy: No I do not protest so no respect. I only share my opinion that Putin is wrong but so were we in Iraq. What I see more often is that people here only condemn Putin but often don't do the same the actions of NATO or whatever country they're from.

    • +14

      NATO bombing Yugoslavia with uranium tipped weapons = no problem…

      Putin using bombs = war criminal

      • +1

        Thanks for sharing this. I was not aware this sort of thing was still going on. It's disgusting how little value human life has for some people.

      • +1

        NATO also bombed Libya, nobody cares or is reading about what is happening in Libya today as a result of those bombings.

      • +1

        The link says get unlimited access for $1 a week…

      • -2

        Selective facts, convenient contexts - is MaxHashrate that Putin's hiding general they're going to blame for Russian conscripts' debacle?

      • +1

        Again with idiots. NATO HAS NOT INITIATED ANY WARS. Individual nations that are in NATO have been to war with countries but were not acting on behalf of or following NATO orders. NATO is a defensive alliance. It's sole purpose is to counter Russian aggression.

        • +3

          People don't get it. They feel they're smart and escaping some American/Western deep state and rather believe some thinly veiled propaganda (or their own logic based on no knowledge) and denounce NATO instead of a literal authoritarian fascist who said straight he's denazifying a country run by a Jew and declaring it has no right to exist. That's some weird warped Hitler situation.

        • Don't be naive, of course westerners will back NATO and western countries. And non-westerners vice versa. Every major wars always fought because of race, religion or something similar. Only Trojan war was fought because of love.


        • +1

          NATO has literally bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, in an offensive not defensive aggression against a non NATO, and non Russian country.


          • @CODY-19: From your article:

            that, almost twenty-three years later, Kremlin propagandists still use the 1999 air war as a point of comparison and justification.

            I recommend a proper read of that article to everyone, and here's a nice nugget summarising the current shitty sentiment of Russian religious/cultural hypocrits:

            Russia did not have a direct stake in Kosovo, aside from a vague, sentimental idea of affinity with the Serbs because they are, like Russians, Eastern Orthodox. (So are most Ukrainians, but that no longer seems to matter.) In Russian memory, however, the NATO war was an attack on Russia—because it showed that Russia no longer mattered. (…) Putin’s protracted campaign of threatening Ukraine looks like a long-delayed tit-for-tat in response to the air war in Kosovo.

            So to the NATO critics right now, with their references to what happened in 1999 and shouldn't be brought to the conversations about the current war - it legitimises Russian agression among impressionable people, while it's all about Putin his (manipulated) nation's hurt ego.

    • +1

      Name check out

    • +13

      Actually, it should be called "We stand with Western Democracies". Not unreasonable imho.

      The US pulled out of Afghanistan, why don't you head over there and see how much better things are now? Maybe take some school books for the girls?

      • We are here to preserve Democracy not to practice it.

      • +4

        The US pulled out of Afghanistan, why don't you head over there and see how much better things are now?

        I guess the morale of the story is: if the US would stop funding, arming and training terrorists and proxy groups around the world to fight against their enemies (like they did with the Afghan Mujahideen) we wouldn't end up with these fundamentalist death cults and authoritarian regimes with horrible human rights records?

        Here's a fun newspaper headline from the 1980s.

        That's not to mention that the death toll attributed to the Taliban throughout the Afghan Civil War in 1990s before the US-led invasion in 2001 was estimated to be in the tens of thousands and the Taliban only really controlled a few key cities like Kandahar, whereas the Northern Alliance held the northern half of the country and likely would have eventually toppled the Taliban (especially given the copious covert support they were getting from the US, Iran, Russia, India and neighbouring Central Asian states).

        The US-led invasion in 2001 has killed to date around 200,000 people (and those figures are wildly under-reported) and completely flattened what little infrastructure Afghanistan had after 20 years of non-stop warfare since 1979.

        That's also not touching upon the topic of the opium trade (Afghanistan produces 70% of the world's supply) which the US-led invasion also restarted (and handsomely profited from), having previously been outlawed and largely stomped out by the Taliban. The drug that has killed millions globally and continues to do so.

        You can thank me for the history lesson later; in the meantime, spot spouting your insanely ignorant bullsh*t.

        Maybe take some school books for the girls?

        Ah yes, the injustice against the wimminz. That's the real problem. The hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians who were flattened by air-dropped US munitions, the orphaned children and traumatised families are all infinitely more righteous than those who are beaten or killed by the Taliban. Feel-good moral relativism 101.

        "We stand with Western Democracies". Not unreasonable imho.

        Lol, standing with "Western democracies" while standing upon the ruins of the 57 countries the US has led invasions, overthrows and destabilisations in since WW2.


        • I guess the morale of the story is: if the US would stop funding, arming and training terrorists and proxy groups around the world to fight against their enemies (like they did with the Afghan Mujahideen) we wouldn't end up with these fundamentalist death cults and authoritarian regimes with horrible human rights records?

          Yeah because in clown world, that's exactly how the world works. Ignore all the other actors, complexity and nuance, it can all be boiled down to a single act of US funding foreign militias… and if that one thing never happened we'd all be sitting by the fire arm-in-arm singing kumbaya….

    • +3

      Hundreds of thousands protested in Aus, you have a short memory

      • +5

        you indeed have a short memory. Aus did nothing, even joined the war.

        • +3

          The majority of the population was against it

          • +5

            @thesainter: and…. nothing happened. still joined the war.

            • +3

              @MaxHashrate: And yet the majority support Ukraine and we are not joining that war, the realities are more complicated then that

          • +2

            @thesainter: I would have loved to see if it was possible to send money to the Iraqi's to support their effort against the invasion…

            • +4

              @tightm8: This isn't to support effort against the invasion. It's to help affected civilians.

    • +1

      Do you believe it's a valid reason not to have it now?

    • +4

      That was 20 years ago wasn't it? Do you think there should be no 'stand with' deals ever because no-one thought to sell a bundle of games and donate to Iraq charities in 2003?

    • Be the change you want to see in the world. Simple as that.

      If you have the time energy and resources go organise and plan one out.

      Get in contact with all the developers and then humble bundle or fanatical and make it work.

      These things don't organise themselves.

      Maybe a robot could do this in future though.

  • +2

    Why am I standing again

    • +1

      Cause you cant sit?

  • +13

    If I had a dollar for every whataboutist in these types of deal’s comment sections I’d have enough to buy an NLAW for Ukraine

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