Looks like a pretty good deal.
Ships from Amazon US.
Looks like a pretty good deal.
Ships from Amazon US.
I have them in a Synology DS918+ and they can be pretty loud. I don't notice often but it is on the other side of the room from me.
I've got 6 in a DS1621+, sitting in a cupboard in our hallway. Sometimes I here them ticking when I walk past, but it's quieter than I thought it might be (the cupboard is an intake for the central heating, so it has a vented panel on the door which does let the sound through). Might annoy me if it was sitting besides my desk or something.
Edit: Sorry…my six are 4TB versions…if that makes any difference I'm unsure.
Probably $2XX range in couple of months.
Why would that be? Are Seagate and Western Digital ramping up production?
Combination of less demand from the chia mining dying, increase production as impact from covid (both staff and supply chain issues) ease, increase in distribution as distribution chains come back online after being cut off/reduced due to covid.
$2.85 cheaper and it's an immediate write off for tax if used for work. Hopefully the exchange rate 'wobbles' in the right direction.
the exchange rate seems to have wobbled in the right direction…
when I check today I see a price $AUD298.34!
under the $300 tax threshold for depreciation for those that can take advantage
yes, I noticed too, and it also drops down to 5400rpm
Meaning less noise?
potentially, and possibly energy savings
but I raised the 5400rpm spec. because it may also mean slower performance
Keeps going down. $297.30 now
Has anyone used these drives in a Synology DS920+?
I'm looking at getting drives for my new NAS but keep reading about how loud these are? Does anyone have first-hand experience?
I'm gonna be sitting close by to my NAS pretty often.