Friend Harrassed and Scomo Bin Stickers Removed in The Night. Liberal-Led Council Threatens Not to Collect Stickered Bins
Did anybody use the stickers yet? What was the reception?
We live in a conservative area
I was not brave enough to put the stickers on the bin
My family friend was harrassed publicly
Bin sticker raiders peeled off the stickers painstakingly in the middle of the night
She does airbnb and stopped putting them on out of fear
Would this have happened if it was a Coalition supporter sticker?

Liberal-led council threatens not to collect bins with anti-Morrison stickers…

Poll Options

  • 61
    Would have happened if Coalition Supporter stickers
  • 338
    Would not have happened with Coalition Supporter stickers

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        • No editing, it's a quote of what they said, and it's nonsensical.

          • @tryagain: No, you missed out the rest of the qualifier.

            • @try2bhelpful: So you mean I took it out of context as opposed to selectively edited. My point is that the two comments are mutually exclusive, no matter what the context is.

              • @tryagain: “They only like free speech when it agrees with their own opinions”.

                It is clear what they meant to say based on the full comment.

                Me I would’ve said “free speech” because the right do, only, believe in anyone having “free speech” if it agrees with them.

  • I didnt answer the poll because I really don't know how it's even possible for them to refuse to empty your bins.

  • Would this have happened if it was a Coalition supporter sticker?

    Yeah probably. It'd happen if you put any political sticker on your bin.

  • +5

    Putting political party stickers on things (bins in this case) to show your allegiance is a great indicator that you don't have a personality but are using a political party as a cover for one.

    • +2

      As opposed to the people removing said stickers…

      • +2

        They're in the same group of people from another post very similar to those who let SUV tyres down and leave a note about it on the windscreen.
        Too much time on their hands!

  • +1

    Is this really a question? After Morrison decides to prioritize flood relief for Liberal held LGAs… bin stickers is a no brainer…

  • I notice ScoMo has been auditioning for a number of other jobs lately. However, shampooing a young girls hair is just creepy.

  • There are consequences with every action we take.

    Most people just don't get it.

    • +2

      Exactly! Do these people not realise that the bin stickers were created as a consequence of the subject's leadership?

  • +2

    They can feel the labor swing closing in and they're clutching at straws.

    Last vestige of hope that the liberals hold before their impending demise.

  • I missed out on the stickers. Can the person make more please?

    • If you are in Sydney I have 17 sets, pm me

  • +1

    lol these are hilarious. i think stick what you want on your bin but yes, waving your political affiliations around is certainly asking for trouble from the psycho proportion of the population.

    • +1

      No sane person is going to be swayed by political views of psycho members of the population who think it's a good idea to place ugly stickers on government owned property, advertised on the street at least one day a week.

      • +1

        Exactly, pretty warped mind to think that making the street look even uglier with political ads is going to persuade anyone, really just screams you are someone to avoid. Personally I find all political advertising like this offensive, in Canberra it is the prick Andrew Leigh that keeps leaving political voicemails and flyers, the bastard will never get a vote from me because of it.

      • It’s been a problem for a while. Here is an organisation, obviously with an agenda, offering stickers, to deface council owned bins with, about 6 years ago :/…

  • I call BS. Most conservatives are not happy with Scomo.

    • Man, I hope so.

      • +2

        Not happy with Albo either. I think independents are going to get a few seats this year. Both majors are almost the same.

        • +7

          Not even close, mate. The LNP ran an investigation into sexual harassment and couldn’t find one perpetrator. Honestly? Huge cover up. Then you add in the pathetic response to Covid, natural disasters, defence spending, women in general, the LBGTQ+ community, raising a religious right to discriminate bull, but refusing an independent corruption one. The list is massive.

          The LNP has been pushing everything that is important onto the states and wasting billions of dollars of our money. The LNP have been in power twenty of the last twenty-five years. Political parties are like nappies you change them when they stink. This one is so bad we are getting, severe, nappy rash. I don’t think Albanese is perfect, either, but we’ve had a good look at the LNP and they, certainly, aren’t the answer.

  • +6

    The bins are council owned, and no stickers are appropriate. End of story.

    • AS are the walls ( other than private or commercial properties ), the telegraph poles the sub stations etc etc . These locations may be permitted under the electoral act - not sure.
      But who cares anyway. A sticker on a rubbish bin. Imagine if the Conservatives thought of it first. It might be a whole different story.
      Great way to advertise I reckon.

      • Actually they are not permitted, appart from in polling locations when the elections are on, but the council/power company only will bother acting if a complaint is made.

        Stickers/signs on a bin is not a new idea been around for ages.

      • +1

        Of course it's not permitted on telegraph poles and council owned "walls" and suchlike. If you think it's OK to place stickers on council owned property, then I assume you wouldn't mind if someone entered your property and stuck stickers all over your walls and windows too?

      • +1

        These locations may be permitted under the electoral act

        Nope, illegal.

  • Maybe not in your area if it is conservative, but absolutely it would happen in a more liberal area.

    As someone who has voted both liberal and labor, I'm not offended, Scotty is aweful. When Albo gets voted in this time I expect I'll be vindicated in my decision to not vote and his leadership will also be awful. Democracies are done.

    • scomo is indeed a two faced snake

      • albo then must be a three faced snake.

        Doing absolutely nothing about the senators that contributed to the death of Kimberley Kitching.

  • +2

    As much as I dislike scomo and the libs I feel like we should keep our political opinions to ourselves and let our votes at the polls do the talking. Too many psychos and snowflakes out there who would take any opportunity to vandalise your property it's not worth the risk.

    • Yes this is my opinion too. I don't touch other peoples bin and neither should they

      • +4

        It's the councils bin

  • +4

    Rather than this showing the council being biased, it seems to me this is more of a case of the SMH showing its bias. This is a non story designed to draw attention to something that would simply be ignored if not for the article.

    As for the thread's poll, it was reported to council, and so was acted upon. Perhaps a different message would have been ignored? Perhaps not. Hard to say. Do we really want people putting any kind of stickers on bins? My vote is no.

    • +1

      The climate stickers and cricket stumps were not an issue despite being the same thing

      • +1

        The question is were they reported? The people picking up the bins don't care, but if council receives a complaint, they follow up on it. It's like all the people that illegally park on the sidewalk, then complain that they never got fined before.

  • A friend was on that council he assured me that this would happen no matter which side it is on. The council owns the bins so they should be non-political

    • +1

      He works for the liberal council sounds biased

      • Full disclosure I am a liberal and live in the area but the friend is actually a labor councillor.

  • +1

    The climate stickers and cricket stumps were not an issue despite being the same thing

  • -2

    I saw in some newsgroup Labor councils doing similar. All election advertising by these parasites should be unlawful with fines. Anyway BOTH labor & liberal are scum. Vote independent, or even better "freedom parties" who are planning to preference each other instead of labor & liberal, or do it manually yourselves below the line and put labor & liberal LAST:

    • +3

      I hope your not saying vote Palmer which = Liberal preferences .
      A lot of Dimmies don't know that .

      • +1

        Dear God, I agree, not the “Freedumb parties”. We want to improve the IQ of those going into Parliament.

        • +1

          Cause the IQ of more of the same ones is so high, right? LOL.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Palmer a cunning prick working on the hatred of both parties to give Liberals votes .
            I must say not a bad strategy based on the last election with Murdock's help .

            • +2

              @popsiee: Rat cunning feeding on prejudices and rightwing media site ideas. We used to say “only in America”; not so much anymore.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Compared to Palmer’s picks the others are Einstein.

      • Not that I'm voting for him anyway, but Clive Palmer preferences Liberal? Really!? Oh wait, what's this:…

        • Only aspect you need to pay attention to is Labour or Liberal in front for his preferences .
          The tin pot parties has no meaning and part of his show .

        • The far right preferencing the far right.

          • @try2bhelpful: [Sigh] Not a single one of the freedom parties I've looked at are "far" right. They're just "right", but "far" right to the left, is anyone who isn't their brainwashed sheep. "Far" right is a dishonest term, a false accusation, used by dishonest liars in an attempt to sway other shallow-thinking people using guilt by association.

            • @[Deactivated]: Actually these people are far right by any objective measurement. If you listen to their speech patterns, and their tropes, they are mouthing the rubbish that comes out of the far right from America. The "freedom" quotes are, often, come from guys who were alive 200 years ago when "everyone" didn't include slaves or women.

              Your "brain washed sheep" comment puts you right in the picture. Honestly, you guys make it so easy to identify you.

  • Ok, if I don't like my neighbour/s, I might put some stickers on their bin :D

    • The good news is most people are nearly divided between the two 2 large parties.
      Plenty of damage whichever sticker you put on the bin .

  • imagine carrying water for morrison

    its like when bill shorten carried water for gillard

  • I took a shit in my bin this morning.
    It was a hard thing to do (lack of fibre) but decided it would be less on the nose than Scotty on my bin.

  • +1

    this is a stupid slippery slope

    should we not supply water or fire services to Labor supporters???


    put a shoe on the other foot… what would be the reaction if you put ALbo on a bin?

    I dont think anyone would care. I wonder why the reaction is so one sided? hmmm

  • You do not own bins - Council OWNS them - they can remove them legally if they wish

    • -1

      The council is not removing them the neighbours are

  • +4

    Hoping that THE rubbish will be collected in May.

  • +2

    just go to blocks of flats and put stickers on those bins ….. residents have better things to do than remove stickers ……and if you put enough on the bins at flats the people wanting to peel them off will be busy all night …..

    trick to stop stickers coming off easily is after you stick them on, slice them with a razor blade or stanley knife in squares pattern, means they have to be peeeld of in pieces rather than a whole sticker being peeled off ……..

    • exactly, just like Post Office Stamp that have now cross cuts.

    • Some clear coat spray over the top also?

  • +1

    First there were Bin Chickens… now there are Bin Stickens

  • +2

    How could anyone be a fervent coalition supporter after the last 9 years…

    Never ceases to amaze me

    • you'll see a fair bit here… the various anti vaxx pro putin rusted on LNP supporters

      there's a particular type… i think at this point you're either deliberately ignorant or you know there's a issue but you dont care or if doesnt affect you so… you're selfish…

  • It's not Twitter, they know where you live.

  • +1

    I was not brave enough to put the stickers on the bin

    That explains the ghost account…

  • I live in Craig Kelly's electorate. I would LOVE some anti craig stickers if anyone knows where to get them? I cant stand him…

    • Kelly will come third in that seat

  • Solution: Get a lawn sign version of the sticker instead and place it at viewing distance from the wheelie bin?

  • I find this thread amusing, people seem to want to attach political bias to everything these days 😂.

  • Freedom of speech, just eat
    H what you say…

  • -2

    Something is missing here.

    Hornsby Council need to be reminded they work for and are paid by the residents, so in effect the Council is owned by the residents.

    Now lets get to the claim that the Council owns the bins.
    Not the case, whichever way you want to look at it.
    Assuming the bins were purchased by the council, well Council used the residents money to buy them, so by default the bins are owned by the residents, end of story.

    Now lets get to the threat of refusing to collect rubbish from bins.
    Well it seems this is a breach of contract as the residents fairly pay an annual fee in their rates for collection, so if Council instruct the contractor not to empty labelled bins, then Council have defaulted on their contract to collect garbage.

    Shame on Hornsby Council, clearly out of touch with society and the community,

  • Nobody would have removed the stickers in the 80s… the freedom decade

  • I suppose if your passionate enough to put an anti Scomo one on you would be a candidate to peel a pro Scomo one off. Find the local candidate you would support and volunteer your time to help them. Talk with your positive assistive action and finally with your vote.

  • +1

    Immagine creating a real life size Palmer sticker. There would be no bin large enough to fit all of him onto it!

  • The ratepayers pay the rates to get their rubbish collected so they therefore own the council bins because its ratepayers money.

  • The problem with the world is lack of respect. Rather than having stupid comments such as bin him on a sticker. Have a supportive sticker on the party you prefer. The world is such a horrible place right now, people are just down right rude now

    • Yeah, because the worst things that are happening now is being rude?

      • It really doesn't matter if there are worse things happening there's never a time for people to be disrespectful. But then again I can't expect anything better from our entitled society.

        • There are plenty of times to be disrespectful. The people who are pushing the “don’t be rude” are the entitled ones. Just accept your lot in life and don’t make a fuss. If you don’t make a fuss you don’t get anything. Look at the shadow housing minister in Victoria. The women deserves a lot of disrespect.


  • think you're all nuts. nuts for being so crass sticking it to your bin. nuts for caring so much you go around peeling them off others bins.
    you realise whoever you voted for, at least 40% of the country disagreed with you? that's every second person you meet. stop acting like indignant teenage victims wherever politics is involved.

    • So the answer is apathy? If you disengage with the political process the message that goes out is dominated by the people with the most money and the largest organisation. A number of independents have, successfully, used grass roots campaigns to bring people onto their side to get elected. Our political leaders set the agenda of how our taxes are spent and what services are provided. You should, actually, care because it might, actually, make a difference to how the election comes out. In fact “acting like an indignant teenage victim” would be disengaging from the process then complaining about the mob you get stuck with afterwards. You want to make a difference you step up. The stickers must be making an impact or the people removing them wouldn’t be doing it.

      • Farting in public makes an impact. Not showering makes an impact.
        Just because makes an impact doesn't mean it's good.
        Just because it's not white doesn't mean it's black.
        Just because someone said don't be a shithead doesn't mean they said you should be apathetic.

        Btw, not saying you shouldn't be a shithead, be one if you like, I just think it's nuts.

        • This is people showing political affiliations. It doesn’t mean they are “shitheads”, whatever that is meant to mean, or acting like “indignant teenage victims”. You can express your disapproval without getting insulting. If you think “it is nuts” it is your prerogative to do so but others have a different opinion.

  • Bins belong to council. Most voters in are are Liberal. I'm not seeing anything unexpected.

    If the stickers were anti union in a union heavy area, removing the stickers would be the least of your problems.

  • Don't like seeing political signage anywhere. At the booth, on TV, those dumb signs people put in their yards, the unsolicited sms messages or on peoples bins. However on point it may be.
    Councils are right, it's a health and safety issue for the bin collectors having to see that face over and over, and I don't want to see it more than I have to either.

    • Ahh. Yeah, I can see that might be an issue.

  • It's not your bin. The council own it. Don't put a sticker on it.
    Put stickers on your own property.

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