Credit Card Deals with X Spend in X Months

I don't have any upcoming purchases that would hit that X spend amount to get the bonus perks.

Is it possible for me to create like a WooCommerce site and chuck an item in for the amount and "buy" something from myself? Then just taking that money and chucking it straight back on the card?

Edit: Thanks for the advice, might prepay my rates and water.


  • +4

    It may violate the terms of use, but also you would be paying 2% or so in processing fees to WooCommerce unnecessarily. You would be better off doing something like:

    • Ho do u make BPAY transactions count against eligible purchase on card for meeting $x?

      • +2

        You can use Beem It to BPay from credit cards and still earn points, but there is a daily limit of $2 000 and a rolling 30 day limit of $10 000. So you can only use it to pay smaller bills and top off larger ones.…

        If anyone else is reading this from the far future, double check to see if credit card providers are starting to catch on and adding Beem It to their points exceptions list. This will probably be buried in their Ts&Cs somewhere.

        I can't imagine this loophole can continue forever. When they start to lose too much money to points from people BPaying via Beem It, they'll probably add it to their exceptions.

        • Thanks!

        • Never knew this with Beem It, been missing out on so many bill payments without points. Thanks for the info!

  • how about sell something on marketplace
    pay by papal to yourself?
    prolly lose out i some fees

  • +3

    Prepaying bills is the key.

    • +1

      …like rates?

  • +1

    Yes you can as long as you don’t get caught. What you’re proposing to do can be considered money laundering.
    You will pay credit card fees though, so it’s not a clean conversion.

    • +2

      Thats not money laundering.

      • That’s what I believed too. Tell that to the HSBC staff who called me on it.

        • It is technically money laundering for CC points :D

        • Well HSBC staff dont really have much brains when they disputed my account saying I didn't meet $2000 a month deposit criteria, when there own monthly statement proves that I paid $2000+ in the month, and they agree at same time that i did infact deposit more than $2000, but at same time say I didn't meet the criteria for depositing $2000 in the month.

          If you can understand it great, because i personally couldn't, All i could make sense of was 1 deposit (done in same way as all the others, from ING orange everyday to HSBC everyday global of like $200 something) wasn't counted towards that deposit criteria for absolutely no reason (but that's just my guess that HSBC's software glitched for me for that 1 transaction)

  • At the end of the day aside from gift cards and prepaying stuff, you kind of need to spend the money. I got my recent CC when I had a few purchases lined up. I also conveniently was able to purchase a $1.5k TV for a friend who paid me back on the day.

    One day when you have a family and mouths to feed you'll find it's very easy to spend 3-4k in 3 months.

  • +6

    Just go to the servo and get a full tank 👍

    • And pay for my cost at bowser too

  • Buy a bunch of woolies and Coles vouchers

    • Aldi gift Card is better, (don't ask me why, i am not going to tell, but it is, just trust me on that)

      • Well now you gotta tell..

      • Presumably Aldi will charge you to use a credit card. So yes, tell us how this is better pls?

        • They do charge so I can't see why this is better

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