Receiving Face Masks Three Months after Order

I ordered face masks in early January and completely forget about them. Shows up today. Face masks no longer needed in QLD so I'll never use them.

Company is slow with response but website it says acceptable refund if delay exceeding 4 business days in shipping (but goods not shipped yet).

So I get I should have contacted them before they shipped but what are my chances of refund here?


  • +6

    when i see this line

    "face masks no longer needed in QLD so i'll NEVER use them"

    you could go intertstate where they still need it (still needed in public transport in NSW), maybe overseas (need it for flights), COVID could still come back (different strains)

    how many masks did you order? 50?100? 10000000000000?

    • Well i already have enough face masks (these are P2 masks), so i'll never use these.

      • must be a slow troll day lol
        10 masks 21 bucks….

        ebay sell in
        facebook market place sell there
        burn it

        pick one

  • +2

    what are my chances of refund here?

    What was the website?

  • Orders masks online…
    If they were an international order i feel you have no recourse.

    • from WA

      • Ok yeah, you might have a case there.
        Did they say it was a backorder?

        • Nope, was in stock when I bought it. Wouldn't have ordered it otherwise

  • +1

    put them in a cupboard ready for the next pandemic

  • +1

    How much were they? How much was the delivery cost?

    • -1

      $15 + 5.95 shipping

      • For a total of $21 bucks, that's only going to be a few P2 masks.

        Might as well keep them.

        • +2

          is a 10 pack. I wanted them in January, not march. Its a principle thing as well. Companies saying they have stock then taking months to ship it.

          • +1

            @hannibalbarca: A 10 pack of P2 masks for $15? Are they even legitimate P2 masks?

            • @bobbified: P2 Respirator Mask. Don't think its the same as the ones they use in hospitals

      • -1

        Donate them to the homeless. Jeebus.

  • -1

    Face masks no longer needed in QLD so I'll never use them.

    I'm sure the company would looooooooove to have them back then.

  • -1

    Cover your body in them to protect from Japanese encephalitis.

  • +3

    Ask screensaver.

  • +1

    Just hold on to them until after the federal election.

  • +1

    Wait until winter arrives and Covid cases spiral out of control again.

    Hope for the best but expect the worst.

  • -3

    Or you could do what the government did. Ordered all these vaccines but nobody wants to take them…hope for a coincidental and massively fortunate media focus on the importance of your boosters.

    Perfect timing. I guess they just got lucky…

    • +3

      Here he is!

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