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[Afterpay] Gigabyte Aorus RTX 3060 Ti Elite 8GB V2 LHR GPU $704.22 Delivered @ HT eBay

Last edited 19/03/2022 - 23:27 by 1 other user
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If you don't get this reference give up, just quit, because in this life, you can't win. Yeah, you can try, but in the end you're just gonna lose, big time, because ozbargain is run by the Man. oh, you don't know the Man?
JV is the Man.
Username doesn't check out
only allowed 1 change of username every 12 months.
What would the next one be?
Wow I've lost a lot of money buying this over 2 months ago, harsh 😕
I mean if u mined on it you would've lost less money
I wouldn't know we're to start with mining any suggestions?
Edit; Is it as easy as installing the software and just leaving it on and watch the money roll in?
First you need a wallet. I've had a binance once from day dot but you can set up a metamask one in your browser fairly easily or trust wallet from the app. Then go to flexpool and set up the details and (put in wallet /name for rig, it'll pull the closest server for the pool) and download the appropriate mining software for your gpu (I use trex for nvidia and phoenix miner for amd), paste the stuff from flexpool into the notepad for eth or eth+zil or whatever 2 coin u mine with LHR and then start it up.
Then spend hours optimising the card for peak performance / wattage. Or copy one from the net.
Mining uses your ram 100% and very little core (Dual algo mining on LHR cards use core tho) so it usually uses half or less of the cards tdp. Making sure it runs cool means you aren't limiting the life span of your card.You can set your payment in eth or there's another payment with zero fees I can't remember I just go with eth but fees are like $5 which could be several days mining with one card.
I started a year ago earning $15 a day on my 3080 now it's $5 a day but I still like building rigs and collecting gpus for cheap. It's like a hobby that makes money while I sleep
@Jazza2400: $15 a day back then on the $1139 evga cards, money back in 75 days.
cannot fathom why many hates this concept, then they waited for 1.5 years without gpu to buy the same card for $1286.
@Jazza2400: JaYzus Mary n Josef. Just go to nicehash and start mining. Then maybe go full nerd start tweaking once you motely comfortable.
@Jazza2400: Hey Jazza2400 Thanks for sharing I was always around the bush with mining but never actually did it, don't know why or if I'm just scared too but I reckon I'll give it a shot looks and sounds easy enough. People are saying it's not worth it anymore can i still consider doing it? I'd be down to splash a little bit of cash if it pays off.
i mined for like half a day with my 6600XT.. linked a wallet to NiceHash and the returns were going to be around $1 a day mining ETH
My GPU was running around 90% @ 140W … no power tuning… i decided to not bother. $365 a year take away the cost of electricity is simply not worth it
I can see how having heaps of GPU's running could make money but only running a single card is a waste of time… easier to get a part time job and invest the money into crypo and make more money from the gains over the long term.
@vid_ghost: Thats crazy why did you run it at 140w. The 6600xt is one of the most efficient GPU's around you can get 33mhs for 55w and it makes around $1.83 a day. Undervolt & downclock your gpu if you try mining.
@vid_ghost: Locking the core clock on a gpu takes about 30 sec and will reduce the power consumption and heat. Seriously no one mines on stock settings thats just asking for trouble.
@vid_ghost: Lol I do too so definitely know what you mean, in saying that i didn't spend much time on my 5600XT, mined with nice hash for a while got to $300, sold that for $500 (purchased it for about $300), also sold a 1650S for just under $400, now I have a 3060 the tech fast mini type… Tried tuning it for mining while not gaming, gave up as return was meh, it worked out ok for me and learnt a little about crypto… At least from wallet/trading side of things.
Still I definitely don't have the time or energy to spend on fine tuning etc… I'll spend that down time with fam or playing 10 years worth of backlog games.
@vid_ghost: Investing in an asset that will likely be banned globally at some point and essentially worth $0 (bans have happened in a number of major countries) is a stupid investment idea. Remember, governments can talk a lot now, buy won’t accept competition with their main digital currency (once launched). That and the fact that crypto currencies have a habit of being used for illicit activities doesn’t help.
@JeBs: You cant ban blockchain technology.. its WEB 3.0… regulation on crypto "assets" are being talks about… china banned crypto.. its tanking their economy .. lots of money left that country
@vid_ghost: Web 3.0 isn't a thing, neither was 2.0 ever a thing. They're just arbitrary terms tech bros use to hype up certain features or trends.
@JerraJones: They are a term to grouped advacements of the IP network that we now know as the internet in 2022… intergarting blockchain into the web to replace servers with firewalls will be a massive security update thats desperatly needed..
@vid_ghost: Exactly, better returns buying a card you need for your application and dropping your money into stonks or cryptos that are going to pop.
@buffalo bill: Eth has traded sideways for almost a year. During that time I've almost mined 2 eth. I have more from mining than hodling. Also tried shit coins that pop. Won some. Lost some. They only work in bull market. It's not a bull market atm
@Jazza2400: That'd be almost $8000 per year. Most people I've seen mining recently including those here return a few dollars a day… what sort of hash rate on what card?
@Jazza2400: So Ethereum went up and you also bought more cards… it's an important distinction because you can't currently mine $8k p/a with this card without crypto getting pumped.
@buffalo bill: ETH went up and then back down. ROI has gone up. Difficulty gone up but plateaued while Even if I snag a 2060S for $400 which is <$10/mh it'll take 9 months to reach ROI until I get solar installed.
But ETH is creeping back up. And the benefit of mining when it's $3k and "unprofitable" (protip: it's not for me) means you accumulate more. When it hits $6k every man and his dog jumps on to make a quick buck, suddenly those 9 months cards are 4.5 months and ROI is achieved if you sell at that point.
You can't say "you can't make $8k p/a on this card". Because that's based on todays value, and you don't know what it'll be in a year. And neither do I and that's the gamble.
that's based on todays value
Correct. Meaning, miners are still reliant on ETH pumping to make it a viable venture. Lets say a person scores a second hand 2060S for $400, it's not an ASIC (they need a rig), they have to run it almost 2 years to make a few hundred off it. Assuming the card holds up, the price of ETH doesn't drop further and it doesn't go PoS.
It's not the road to riches it gets portrayed as by many here.
@buffalo bill: Yep but neither is holding money in the bank. Nobody is saying it's roads to riches either. And people will have rigs with a spare slot that may think "sweet I can buy a new GPU and get paid to offset the cost".
Its like getting paid, without doing any work.
@vid_ghost: I've been doing crypto trading a lot, its still a work for me, much more profit than mining, but far more work.
Mining on the other hand I just press the start button.
No, I don't stake.
@vid_ghost: Still have to mine or buy the crypto to stake
And a fair chunk of it unless you want to pool.
Can someone tell me how to remove Afterpay from my front page view? Sorry, I'm not on the bandwagon, and it's pretty much ruining the whole OzBargain experience.
Just wait another day mate and it will be gone for a year at least.
Just get the click to remove Chrome extension.
After installing the extension, simply click on the extension icon. You can then hover the cursor around, and the extension will highlight all blockable elements within a page. Click on an undesirable element, and the extension should block it immediately.
Avert your eyes its that easy
Man this is so tempting, I don't know what to do.
Depends what you have right now and if your unhappy with it… I paid a bit more than this for a shitty mini 3060 lol soooo yeh 😂 definitely is tempting I agree.
Buy this one for better gaming and mine your 3060 to death, when you reach your ROI just sell your 3060 to whatever price on fb, gumtree, ebay. Just make sure include your power bills, 3060 should be peanuts cost.
Most importantly listen to your wallet, lookout for 3070 Ti deals or 3080, APT sale ends today…
Kinda stuck in the middle of holding out for next gen but at the risk of crazy prices or grabbing something at 700, 3060 Ti at 700 is crazy given what we've had for so long. Currently on a 3600xt + 1060 6GB setup.
I'd get this mate - who knows what kind of shit show is coming for next gen. All that time waiting around and hunting for deals could be better spent somewhere else!
@badonde: Oh yeah, it's crazy how there was a time when holding out for next gen was the way to go, you knew it was gonna be better. Nowadays even when the prices are coming down you don't know. I think I'll give it a month and whatever is available in 700-800 I'll just grab and be done with the GPU scene. Oh man, it really sucks the life out of you.
I think $700 for 3060ti is very good, msrp of the founders isn't much less.. If hadn't of wasted $700 for that mini I'd gotten it.
@scud70: Oh man, yeah I don't think I'll feel bad with a 700 3060 Ti. But might wait a month longer and see if the 1070 is within range.
Looks like 3060Ti price hanging around $650-$700 mark now
These are all afterpay deals though. Once the promo is over, the HODLers will have to wait for a 15% price drop just to reach where we are now - basically rrp
It really depends on Intel's pricing, these could be the lowest prices of the next 12 months.
It would be interesting to wait and watch as most people who were holding have now got gpus and the demand would further reduce.
15% on top of rrp pretty much the basic margin of resellers. I doubht the prices will keep sliding after today, maybe a little but not massive like recently mainly driven by ASUS 25% off thingy.
There's resurgence of miners adding more cards to their rigs, most miners already hit ROIs last year, so no risk for them. BTC is resilience amidst Putin fiasco, so does ETH. There cold be another hype like DOGE last year with the small coins like ALPH, TON, ERGO, FLUX, etc, thanks to dual mining.
Crypto and miners do affect 30xx series price a lot. 40xx series entirely different matter.
@[Deactivated]: doge is mined on ASIC, if eth mining ever stops it looks like $zec will get teh pump going off charts…
They wont see it, not for a long time and that's where they risk on missing out on an excellent bargain. The 25% drop was negotiated before this stock landed in Australia, ASUS wanted to clear their stock and this is how they did it, a container of assorted GPUs has come in and that newer priced stock is what we see with the 25% reduction.
WCCF posted a story that retailers want to thin out their old stock which is pure and utter BS. If ASUS and Gigabyte are using the same importer, you can understand how that container was easier to bring in, BUT the real important factor here is the Afterpay sale, that is the real reason GPUs went flying out the window, that's what brought RRP to same or less and this has to be a coincidence unless somehow the suppliers strategically aligned it with the AP sale, somehow I don't think this is the case.So the MEMErs are going to be the ones missing out, we will never see another 15% off across all retailers like this possibly for another year, not to the extent we just had.
When eBay has a sale, it's normally a selected few retailers, not like what we saw here where most popular retailers were inclusive of the AP sale regardless of what they had to offer.So the joke is on the HODLs in the end, maybe I am wrong, I just cannot see the GPUs dropping in further price like we have seen in such a large cluster. It has been mentioned that the 4 series will live along side the 3 just as the 2 does with the 3 currently.
If this is the case, and the rumor is that 4 series will be up 25% more than release of 3 series, then these prices we see now are pretty much going to stay, unless you get some other additional external discount.If you bought 1 in the sale, my advice is just enjoy what you have, don't go looking for further sales, just use it and enjoy it. You're lucky to be a part of the GPUpalooza, live in the now, enjoy what you have.
Good argument - it really depends on the fallout from ETH 2.0 which seems imminent
If somehow a new coin is able to soak up all that hash power, then GPUs will be in demand.
But it looks unlikelyMiners will be unloading GPUs pretty soon!
Afterpay sales have been horrible this year
@[Deactivated]: Afterpay shouldn't be doing sales, it's not their portal, they just do promotions to get more customers or existing ones to participate in using AP.
eBay should be the ones providing better sales.
The HOLD is not for current GPUs at this point, its for the next gen if you can manage till year end with the current GPU. Even a 900$ 4060Ti (if its priced that high) would be competing with the current 3000$ 3090 in certain scenarios and will have better features and longer support. People who wanted GPU badly would have purchased by now as the remaining GPUs are not selling out as fast as they did 2 days ago.
@[Deactivated]: HOLD can be for any reason, most comments have been drop lower than RRP which is why I posted what I did.
No one can predict the availability of the 4XXX series which it is a gamble to hold out for tech that possibly could repeat history with the 3XXX series. Whilst nVidia maintains their billions of investment into manufacturing resulting in a good flow of supply, it doesn't mean we are there yet.
I would not call people buying these GPUs now as desperate, just more savvy buyers than the ones that were desperate to over pay prior to the sale.The ones that will be desperate are the ones that bought too high and will sell too low when the 4XXX series is released. The ones that bought into this sale will be able to sell theirs off for ~ 70% if RRP stays where it is, where previous buyers will be lucky to net maybe 50% or less.
Other thing to factor is the age of the GPU, people will be willing to buy a 6 month old GPU vs 18 months old that has been mined the crap out of.
Most miners asking for above retail are a joke and treat the buyers like fools, joke is on them in the end.
So how does this work exactly? You 'use afterpay' to get the coupon and then use X amount of eBay gift cards and then fill in the rest with ap? Would you advise just spending as much as possible through eBay gift cards?
Well afterpay lets ypu pay over 4x 1 payment per 2 weeks.. its not bad for spening over time.. just need to make sure you have the money
Well for a new user the limit is $600 (for me)
Ya, you should have used after pay a few times and paid back on time to get higher limits.
Any decent deal without afterpay?
$828.90 without Afterpay.
Why would i pay 829 when a 3060 ti is available for 769?
Any comment regarding gigabyte vs asus gpu?
How's this compare to say asus tuf series?
Gigabyte Aorus is premium, comparable with Asus Strix or MSI Suprim.
Asus Tuf is the 'budget' line of Asus, tho it has aluminium shroud.
I like both tuf and aorus, so I might just toss a coin or pick the cheapest, but Aorus has 4 years warranty, and Tuf has 3, just don't mess with the pads/paste it will void it.
Wondering if 3070s will get to this price and if the performance jump is worth it?
I was happy to wait a few more weeks but my 1070 just died last night…Not sure whether to pull the trigger on this deal or not now.
EDIT: Well…looks like it’s out of stock now anyways
You can still buy it here for the same price
3060ti 200W 10% slower
3070 220W 10% Fasteroverall its not worth the extra money or power draw… get this card.. you dont know how long you will be waiting for.