This was posted 2 years 11 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Stand with Ukraine 123 Item Bundle (Back 4 Blood, Satisfactory, Metro Exodus, etc.) $55.44 @ Humble Bundle


Pay at least $55.44 to get all 123 items in this massive humble bundle. This bundle includes a collection of games, books, comics, software and assets. 100% of the proceeds will go to support humanitarian crisis relief efforts for the people of Ukraine.

Some highlights are:

Back 4 Blood
Metro Exodus
Fable Anniversary
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Slay the Spire
Kerbal Space Program

… and many more.

Charity Information

This bundle supports Razom for Ukraine, International Rescue Committee (IRC), International Medical Corps, and Direct Relief.

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closed Comments

          • +3

            @botchie: Gotta admit he's a better wartime president than Pootin.

        • +1

          I saw it just as the recent invasion started not realising it was from 2014, he makes some very valid points.

        • +3

          Have a listen to Ray Mcgovern, former CIA Whitehouse liaison and Analyst, on how NATO is trying to get missiles on Russia's border to defeat Russia's counter-strike capability - that is , it enhances the US first-strike capability against Russia.

          • -2

            @Bespoken: Thanks, I’ll take a look. Feel free to msg me on telegram

            Username: brickwall4000

      • +14

        Not sure what point you're trying to make with a question asked in November 2014, which was answered by "High Representative/Vice-President Mogherini on behalf of the Commission" (one click away in your link), saying "To our knowledge, these reports have not been confirmed by any independent source". Has there been any actual independent proof of this war crime in the last 7.5 years? There has been plenty of time for it to come to light.

      • +3

        Brainwashed Russian stooge, who's never set foot or been anywhere near a war/conflict zone.

  • +2

    A great bundle for people new to PC gaming.

  • +35

    This bundle is designed to help the people of Ukraine. Whether you think the invasion was justified or not, it's civilians in all areas that are suffering, regardless of their political persuasion. This bundle is designed to help those people out. It doesn't really matter which side is right or wrong. The civilian in Kyiv, or anywhere else in Ukraine, and is worthy of assistance whether you believe the Ukrainian government are fascists, or if you believe Putin is unjustified in his actions.

    • +15

      I can see what you're trying to do. 👌

      Please don't make allowances for the ignorant people to feed on the Kremlin fake news, that spew the neo nazi angle. The only way to stamp out this bs is to call it out.

        • +38

          There are neo nazis everywhere, even sadly in Australia, it's shocking that people like this still exist, but they exists in tiny numbers.

          Also the Ukrainian government is not fascist.

          Putin is a murderous evil bastard that needs to be removed. To save the Russians and Russia from his iron fist, and the world from his instability, at his access to nukes and chemical warfare.

          • +2

            @diddy50: The azov battalion is not tiny.

            • +9

              @Justsendit: At most 0.5% of the entire Ukrainian army, before conscription?

              You're taking one side issue and trying to justify Putin invading an entire country because of it. That doesn't make sense.

          • +2

            @diddy50: Yeah, only America should be allowed to invade other nations, destabilize regions for its own gain and put forward military bases with missile stations near the borders of their enemies without repercussion.


            Of course war is bad, and an entire nation is suffering because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. But it's not as simple as Russia = Bad, Ukraine = Good as every media outlet is pushing. The US and NATO caused this debacle by threatening and enflaming Russia using Ukraine as its puppet. Ukraine and Russia have a complex geopolitical history that ties the two nations together, and with the West screwing around teasing Russia saying they're going to get Ukraine into NATO, not only was it going to upset the balance of power in Eastern Europe, but it was bound to piss Russia off too. Ukraine had no business trying to join NATO, and NATO had no business pretending to recruit them (Which is why they STILL officially haven't. NATO doesn't care about Ukraine, they just wanted to piss off Russia on purpose) and should have remained a neutral nation at best. Putin warned that he would secure his border and protect his country's interests if NATO continued to threaten him, and they did.

            The West started this fight (intentionally) and are now using media controlled propaganda tactics to yell PUTIN = Evil. Remember this the next time The US decides to invade ANOTHER country under false pretenses.

        • +9

          Bandera is long dead who operated within an entirely different context.

          The Azov battalion aren't good news, no. They do seem to harbour some unsavoury sorts, I agree.

          How is either a justification for what's happening across the country today?

      • -7

        so as the lazy minded masses here listen to a barrage of western media and commentariat, and the West blocks access to anything that might explain Russia's actions (because 'Putin is mad!!!') , the only fake news you see is 'Kremlin fake news'…seriously, switch your light mate.

        • +2

          Putin isn't mad. He is a coward, he is evil, he is incompetent, but he isn't mad.

        • -1

          Yeah obviously the media you read that justifies the mass murderer of civilians is better than our media that doesn't.

          There is no way you are reading Russian propaganda and have such low brain function you don't realise.

          • +1

            @Aureus: Our media did justify the it though, it agreed NATO expansion was more important to the West than Russia going to war with Ukraine.

            It was pretty simply, no NATO expansion into Ukraine = no War, but the West said 'no deal', NATO expansion first.

            And i don't read any Russia media, my information comes from US experts, whose primary concern is how NATO actions here have been strategic disaster and are undermining World security

            • @Bespoken: Give me a link to an article saying NATO expansion is more important to the west than Russia going to wear with Ukraine.

              NATO was a long way off happening, because NATO doesn't admit countries with land disputes.

              According to Putin they are mass murdering Ukrainians to remove the Nazis. If that was true they would start their special operation in Russia, but that won't happen as Russian Nazis are almost always right wing nationalists who support Putin's autocratic government.

              Nazism is a problem all over eastern Europe and racism is a problem all over the world. I hope you won't justify Russia invading us to defeat racism.

              • @Aureus:…

                'The West at large is ….refusing to grant Putin any of his key demands (which are no NATO membership for Ukraine, a return to 1997 security lines, and no intermediate- or short-range missiles near Russian borders)'.

                Under the democrats, Biden (who has family interest in Ukraine) along with Zelenskyy have been fast tracking NATO membership. Obama/Biden/Democrats orchestrated the 2014 Ukraine coup resulting in Russia taking control of Crimea (and naval base). It went quiet under Trump, because Trump would veto Ukraine's NATO ambitions for his mate Putin.So Biden and the Democrat administration get back in and pick up where they left off - bringing UKraine into NATO/EU.

                These things are well understood in expert circles.

                How much the West Ukraine Nazis and the treatment of East Ukraine Russian speaking population were part of the reason or an excuse to invade probably only Putin and his inner circle know.

                FWIW, Putin may be an autocrat and quiet ruthless, but he is a Russian patriot.

                Evil? if he was he would just mess up a few of West Ukraine's reactors, and pull out leaving NATO/EU/West Ukraine to clean up nuclear disasters for the next 50 years.

                • @Bespoken: Sorry that is the dumbest shit. Not going to bother replying to you more.

      • +3

        Oh I agree with you. I don't think anything that's happened can be justified and I'll call bs when I see it too. A pocket of neo Nazis within any state could never be justification for what's happening.

        I just think we can't lose sight of the fact that it's every day people paying the price. As is usually the case. War sucks.

      • +4

        Then why do they discriminate innocent Indian and Africa students? They were not allowed get on board trains, and have denied entry at the borders to escape. Even the stranded students aren't getting food or water as they are treated the as the lowest.

        I'm no way supportive of war, but everyone is struggling to survive, and it's always a selfish act, no matter whether you're the culprit or the victim. Let's just give up trying to fix this world and let's try to get out of here to a better place asap.

        • +4

          There's been discrimination against foreigners to Ukraine because, unfortunately, there is still a lot of racism there. There is all over eastern Europe. You're right, some foreigners to Ukraine have had a terrible time of it and have been mistreated by some Ukrainians as they try to get out. Not good.

          What you're drawing attention to here isn't neo Nazism though.

    • +8

      then the title of the bundle should be 'Help the suffering in Ukraine' not a political propaganda statement.

      • +5

        Perhaps you're right. That'd be a better title. If you look at the charities though, you'll see that's what they intend.

  • +21

    We just can't have nice things in OzBargain.
    Some fools come along and ruin it with the ignorant, fake news.

    How cruel can these people be to be supporting Putin, a murderous dictator who just bombs hundreds of innocent civilians? Who invades a sovereign, democratic country?

    Great deal and great cause.

      • +19

        Wait, there isn't a war in Ukraine?
        Putin isn't bombing civilian areas?

        Sorry, my mistake. Thanks comrade 🙄🙄🙄

          • +13

            @Justsendit: "smoothbrain"…"MSM narrative"…I can tell you've been spending too much time in echo chambers that have been dominated by professional propagandists, but you can't!

      • +17

        You have been so effectively brainwashed by Russian propaganda it's fascinating.

        • -1

          And you have been so effectively brainwashed by western propaganda.

          • +5

            @Justsendit: I'm not spouting any ideology, what are you referring to?

            • +4

              @Tunblor: You are labelling everything as Russian propaganda so you obviously believe whatever channel 7, channel 9, channel 10 and the abc are telling you. I don’t get any information from any mainstream media outlets, only independent sources on the ground in Ukraine.

              • +6

                @Justsendit: Perhaps you should look at all sources for a more balanced perspective?

              • +2

                @Justsendit: I haven't stated any sources, but you've confirmed that you only get your information from places that are the primary propaganda platforms.

        • +2

          It's just sad

      • +7

        Couldn’t agree more. I prefer to get my facts from random folks on the internet 😀

    • +1

      Great points and I agree with you! These warmongers like Putin need to stop, but he isn't the only one you know?

      But at the same time, I have to call out, why aren't we sanctioning the US already for what they did in the middle east? Are you saying Syrian, Iraqi and Afghanis lives aren't equal to Ukrainian lives?

      Food for thoughts… probably gonna get negged, but meh… I hate double standard.

      • -3

        The west and western allied countries stand for freedom, democracy and sovereignty. It's not about racism. Syrian is led by the Assad regime, Afghanistan is led by the Taliban and Saddam Hussein was another Putin but worse.

        • If Western and Allied countries stand for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY, let's move away from Middle East for a sec, Why don't they bring FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY to Myanmar?

          Clearly civilians protesting there are under constant oppression by the military junta? I'm sure you all have seen the news.


          • @WillKillfor5Cents: That would be entering a war with China since China is pulling the strings there.

  • Do you have stand with Afghan, Iraqi, Syrian & Libyan? If not no thanks

    • +20

      What a bizarre take. Ukraine civilians should not be supported because there are other conflicts?

      • +10

        He’s calling out the virtue signalling and hypocrisy of westerners.

      • +5

        It's like saying I'll never give money to a homeless person because there are other homeless people.

        • +8

          I think what he is saying is you would give money to a white homeless person but not a middle eastern one…
          - not saying we shouldn't support Ukraine, but it's hard not to admit there's a little bit of a 'disproportionate' response by the west, compared to other modern conflicts that have also displaced and killed civilians,… to put it as delicately as I can

          • +2

            @MrFrugalSpend: Which is BS, old mate forgot about all the Afghanis that we have taken in as refugees in Aus

            • @thesainter: Probably more a reference to the media coverage and every day people's support rather than government response ?

              • +2

                @MrFrugalSpend: There was plenty of media coverage in the early days, but fatigue sets in and people unfortunately lose interest

                • +2

                  @thesainter: Maybe people are bored of the middle-eastern feuds that have waged for decades/centuries /millennia that revolve around who has the better God.

                  Those sort of conflicts can't be resolved with money.

                  • +1

                    @beebul: And Red Cross and other organisations provided aid, yet the OPs low effort post on if a cause/conflict has a humble bundle is just lazy

                  • @beebul: Really, I thought they actually revolve around who has the better oil, but religion used as a tool in that battle by those in control - but believe what you want

                    • @MrFrugalSpend: Open a history book mate, oil has only been useful for the last 100 years.

                      They have been fighting in those regions for centuries..

            • +2

              @thesainter: As a kid growing up in Britain in the 70s and 80s the country raised millions for the starving people of Ethiopia.

              But it's fine to play that card when it suits. 🤷

      • There was no game deals that supported the iraqis and afghans lol. Otherwise he would have bought this deal.

    • +4

      No, because those are not Europeans.

      • +7

        Lmao wtf.

      • Name checks out

      • +3

        Couldn't Russia stop invading? Stop murdering civilians? Stop arresting their own people who disagree with them? Stop controlling their own media to report their propaganda?

      • +1

        So edgy mate. You lorded yourself.

      • +1

        Russia has an option to stop the deaths and retain their sovereignty. Ukraine does not.

    • +2

      Go stand with the the Taliban and the Assad regime. You are comparing these to Ukraine ? Moronic on so many levels. Ukraine represents freedom, democracy and sovereignty all things that we stand for and uphold. Taliban….GTFO.

  • -6

    Good deal. But surprised people still falling for the mainstream narrative after covid…

    • +15

      Agreed. We all know that the moth man is the catalyst for all these events.

      • I firmly believe that the hot-dog people are heavily influencing the moth man, so at its core aren't they really the ones responsible?

    • -4

      Are you really surprised? The masses are just a bunch of midget minded sheep who believe whatever the idiot box tells them to believe.

      • +16

        So woke bro, send me more unconfirmed reports and Russian propaganda so I can wake up too please

        • It’s not Russian propaganda, it’s all from independent sources. Keep watching the idiot box for your daily updates!

    • -6

      CIA funded

    • +3

      There aren't civilians dying in Ukraine?

      • +3

        Civilians died in Donetsk, Luhansk too. Just like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yugoslavia. What’s your point?

        • +1

          Donetsk and Luhansk are part of Ukraine so this is for them too.

  • +5

    As - at the same time - the USA and Australia continues supporting siege warfare in Yemen and Somalia.

    After killing 12 million people illegally to steal oil.

    The wailing hypocrisy is sickening.

    • +12

      It's possible to oppose all violence, even that which is committed by your own state. I'm not sure how that's hypocritical.

  • +4

    Great deal thanks OP! Humble has supported heaps of charities over the years!

  • +6

    Been waiting 54 years for Stand with Palestine bundle. How long do I need to wait ?

    • +2

      Yep. No one cares.

      We are the arms supplies to Palestinians.

      Why are Israeli presidents not called war criminals?

      • Coz they try their best effort to make it look like an isolated regional conflict.

        Which is different from lauching a full scale invasion to remove a democratically elected government.

      • +1

        Clearly not the case. There was a fundraising bundle last year.

    • +6

      You missed it then. There was one last year at . That's rather unfortunate. It raised hundreds of thousands.

      • +1

        So not to 'Stand with Palestine' politically? A big difference.

        • +1

          Both bundles are/were for humanitarian support. We've addressed the title elsewhere, which I agreed with you.

          • @Orion au: Where humanitarian effort is exploited for political messaging and the Ozbargain moderators fail to take action, it needs to be called out for what it is.

    • +3

      There was one on

      Did you post that one?

    • -1

      Nah, I'll pass. Rather not send money to the PLO and Hamas terrorist groups.

      • How about the Israeli terrorist forces?

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