This was posted 2 years 11 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Stand with Ukraine 123 Item Bundle (Back 4 Blood, Satisfactory, Metro Exodus, etc.) $55.44 @ Humble Bundle


Pay at least $55.44 to get all 123 items in this massive humble bundle. This bundle includes a collection of games, books, comics, software and assets. 100% of the proceeds will go to support humanitarian crisis relief efforts for the people of Ukraine.

Some highlights are:

Back 4 Blood
Metro Exodus
Fable Anniversary
Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Slay the Spire
Kerbal Space Program

… and many more.

Charity Information

This bundle supports Razom for Ukraine, International Rescue Committee (IRC), International Medical Corps, and Direct Relief.

Related Stores

Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +16

    More expensive but much better than the other bundle

    • +14

      What is the other bundle?

      Also the comments below here are a mess. You have been warned.

    • are you kiding me? just ONE of those games is double that price. and your getting 120 games. for 55 bucks you would be bonkers to say this is "expensive" in any way.

    • +37

      I trust the dowvotes will be plenty for that nonsense comment.

      Some good titles in this one.

    • +19

      This is coming from the guy welcoming new users with the words "don't be a knob".

    • +15

      Looks like you are from the same crowd

    • +13

      Calling a Jewish person neo-nazi?

      This is an unprecedented level of stupidity.

      • +11

        Like the kid off Q&A lol.

        Lives in a country with free access to media resources, still living the life of a Putin cuck 😂

        • -5

          true. white communists somehow prefer to live in the states, Canada, Australia instead of north Korea, china or russia. beyond lol.

        • -3

          Israel doesn't support Ukraine because it plans to use the same hostile takeover procedures as Russia: Over time, move large numbers of settlers into nearby areas outside the borders, then annex those areas via voting and military action.

          • -8

            @twocsies: Lol, Israel will not exist as a nation on the world map by the end of this decade - think Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, IRGC etc..

            • @alz: lol. your dad said the same thing in the past century and yet israeil has been expanding their lands exponentially.

            • @alz: Sure, if they didn't have certain powerful allies

      • +28

        Nazism is not a ‘legitimate’ political philosophy lmao, - do some research, what an ignorant comment

        ‘ In almost every respect it was an anti-intellectual and atheoretical movement, emphasizing the will of the charismatic dictator as the sole source of inspiration of a people and a nation, as well as a vision of annihilation of all enemies of the Aryan Volk as the one and only goal of Nazi policy.’

          • +5

            @Gamer Dad Reviews: Actually you can't if you promote violence and discrimination, which Nazi's do.

            • -7

              @FabMan: If you oppose Nazism then you ought to be supporting Putin’s invasion to de-nazify Ukraine. I, however, stand with Ukraine. Even if a minority of their army are self-declared Nazis.

              • +5

                @Gamer Dad Reviews: Don't be silly, Putin isn't fighting Nazism, he is invading Ukraine for his own gain. Killing civilians and throwing his young soldiers into a meat grinder.

          • +9

            @Gamer Dad Reviews: very ignorant of you to compare nazis to communist - shows you just have no idea my friend, stay to game reviews

        • -1

          Nazism is not a ‘legitimate’ political philosophy

          No true scotsman lol…

      • +3

        Yikes. Stick to your video games gamer dad

    • +1

      Atleast they're not russians, they deserve nothing less than the gulags.

    • -2

      Since you're so passionate about this issue - what have you done recently to combat the resurgence of neo-nazi groups in our own country?

      Or failing that - what have you done to combat the increasing anti-Semitism in this country, and online?

      • what have you done to combat the increasing anti-Semitism in this country,

        • I'm not clear on what your point is here.

          • @snoopydoop: the dude you originally responded to is anti-semitic and a Hamas supporter
            so its ironic AF for you to tell him to combat anti-semiticism

            • @payton: It wouldn't surprise me - and I suspected as much which is why I felt obliged to make my comment.

              But the linked comment could be perceived either way - to me it's not clear whether they are saying it is a bad thing that this at risk of happening, or a good thing.

              EDIT: Just saw your edit, the reason I am asking him what he has done to combat antisemitism is because he is bringing up "stopping nazi-ism", without actually having any intentions themselves of doing that. Using anti-Semitism as a scapegoat for a horrific act when they are possibly anti-Semitic themselves (or at the very least do not care about that as an issue) is disgusting.

      • There is no resurgence or increase in anti semitism. These pockets of hate groups have always been there, they are just being exposed more easily with modern technology and the media making seem like it’s much worse than it is.

        • This is simply not true. Both anecdotally, and from data provided from multiple organisations, in addition to statements from ASIO, it absolutely is on the rise, and much more of a threat than it has been in recent years.

          The media is not making it seem worse than it is, the media is barely covering it.

          • @snoopydoop: Who’s collecting the data and how it’s being interpreted means a lot. But that aside, why do you think it’s rising then? What is causing this sudden rise in hate considering the recent movement of acceptance and tolerance for minorities? Are you saying we are less accepting today than we were 20-30 years ago? I’m not saying you’re not correct, I just find it hard to believe. But I’m open to suggestions, at the end of the day it’s just my point of view and I’m more than willing to change it, if I hear the right things.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: It's a huge topic, and I'm not going to be the best person to inform/educate, but I'll do my best. If you want to know more, I'd implore you to Google more about anti-Semitism and how it manifests itself - I'm adamant that it is on the rise, and many groups/organisations have been voicing this for some years.

              Most of what I'm going to mention is more on a global level - but I'll preface this with ASIO have said that groups such as neo-nazis are one of their biggest concerns at the moment in terms of extremism.

              Anecdotally, my family and I have particularly over the past 5 years experienced a lot more outright hate (anti-Semitic graffiti targeted at a family member, slurs, etc). Previously in my life, this outright anti-Semitism wasn't prevalent, only subtle ingrained anti-semitism. Obviously this isn't indicative of everyone's experience, but many who I speak to, particularly visually identifiable Jews, are feeling the same.

              But that outright hatred isn't even the main way anti-Semitism really displays itself - it's a little different to other forms of hate. Serious anti-Semitism is usually manifested in the "Jews controlling the world" stereotype. It's often directed at "faceless Jews who are pulling the strings". In order for this to really manifest in a population, Jews need to be afforded a little bit of privilege/power for it to be jusified.
              Most recently, there's been a lot of anti-Semitism caught up in a lot of the anti-vax movement, which is where we've seen it seeping into the mainstream. I'm not suggesting that every anti-vaxxer is anti-Semitic, only that there are plenty of tropes caught up in the movement, even if many don't realise it.
              When you hear anything to do with "conspiracy theories", more often than not, that road leads eventually to a Jewish conspiracy. A pandemic is perfect for this type of thinking. Another big one at the moment is QAnon - which is also extremely anti-Semitic.
              Because anti-Semitism can often be presented subtly, it can often go unnoticed. Even by those propelling it.

              While there has been increased acceptance overall for minorities - for the most part it really does feel like Jews have been excluded from this. I don't want to turn this political - but this progress in acceptance has mainly been achieved by people on the left, but that same protection from the left is definitely not there (anywhere near as heavily) when there's anti-Semitism.

              I think there's a few reasons for this:
              -The subtlety of many forms of anti-Semitism, and how it doesn't usually take the same form as other groups
              -Israel/Palestine. It's 'fashionable' to support Palestine, and decry Israel. And many equate Jews to Israel, and I think that creates some hesitation in many to stand up for Jews, even when it has nothing to do with Israel. Every time there's a shooting or hostage situation in a synagogue, you'll see comments about Palestine, despite Israel having nothing to do with it.
              Plus, there's a lot of anti-Semitism surrounding Israel, sometimes coming from the left. Not all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, but there's a lot of anti-Semitism surrounding it, which gets a completely free pass simply because it's about Israel.

              I don't mean to make this political - I myself am on the left. I only bring it up as the left are usually the ones to offer protection against hate, and this just isn't the case when it comes to anti-Semitism. The right aren't any better just because there's more support of Israel on that side. Extreme-right is predominately the problem. But the left are silent on this issue, and sometimes even fuel it.

              There is not really much allyship from one side of politics or the other, only from within the Jewish community.

              Hopefully that gives you just a little insight. There's plenty more than that, and I'm not always the greatest at explaining. So please don't take this comment as a definitive on the issue - please stay open minded to the arguments of those who are more knowledgeable and expert in this area.

    • Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone negged that much, so quickly. Ummm.. congrats? I guess :P

    • spend 55 bucks to get the Soviet Union back together.

    • The Nazi's have the Z on their vehicles mate.

    • +54

      Wow. Brainwashed Russian simps even on ozb…

      • +12

        Yep - very vocal minority.

      • -3

        I guess you just don’t know anyone in these regions. I have family members living in Donetsk.

        • +19

          I lived in Ukraine for many years, and know people in every part of the country, so what? the bottom line of all of this is: Russia just wants natural resources and land, it is a joke that it cares about Russians on these territories. Russia doesn't care about Russians who live in Russia to start with, there's lots examples of that. I have lived in both countries long enough to feel the difference

          also look at Donetsk before this invasion, it was fine. I know people who lived there before this preposterous and unprovoked invasion, the only problems there were coming from Russia financed militant groups.

          Ukraine is a peaceful country that was invaded by Russia, period.

          it is not normal for people to wake up and think "I wish there was a different country around me", people just build their lives the way they know. when there's armed conflict you know that there are dirty politics involved. also when people think "I wish I lived in Russia" they pack their bags and move to Russia, many did.

          so don't tell me that people in Donetsk wanted war or asked Russia to intervene. they were always fine, but there were always lies and crimes and provocations blown out of proportion, and it all was Russia's plot to snatch these lands.

          there's no excuse for the war Russia started. no excuse at all, for lost lives, for destroyed cities, and don't even start pretending there was ever any justification for this apart from dirty political games of sick man Putin is.

          • -6

            @shabaka: Ukraine should be free but who is free these days, if not Russian controlled they are NATO and US controlled - is that better ? better for who?
            what is Hunter Biden doing in Ukraine post 2012 and overthrowing of democratically elected president?
            what other normal and free country overthrows its president please?

            • +11

              @botchie: if you are referring to the 2014 removal of Yanukovych from the office, let's just stop here for the moment and contemplate this: if the president is supposed to be elected by the majority, like in a healthy democracy, then how come the majority wasn't happy with his policies? it is a fact that Yanukovych is a Russian puppet (also a convicted criminal, quite a coincidence right?), and the elections were rigged. normal and free country stood up and fixed this, I witnessed it first hand. nothing suspicious here.

              the fact that other democracies helped, is a good sign that the things were going in the right direction.

              seriously, I lived in Ukraine for years, and it was building slowly a good economy and a healthy society after the soviet nightmare. however all these efforts were constantly hindered by Russian influence, and there were practical reasons for that (natural resources, interdependency between key industry players on both sides of the border, Russia just didn't want to let go).

              all this NATO and US influence bullshit are just a fake precursor for invasion, you know, for normal people who don't know the real mechanics behind the actions of politicians. my family had ties rather high up in Russia, and my situation makes me the ultimate nemesis of Russian propaganda, as I lived in both countries and know quite a bit of behind the scenes. and I know who's lying (and why) and who isn't

          • @shabaka:

            Ukraine is a peaceful country that was invaded by Russia, period.

            "So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong…"

        • -5

          I hope your family is ok, mate. Don't listen to the idiots here. They prefer to ignore the fact that Ukraine was bombing and shelling Donetsk and Luhansk for the last 8 years. That doesn't fit their media-driven fantasy but it's not completely their fault. CNN doesn't like to report such things. They need to keep telling everyone that Ukraine are the "good guys" and that's hard to do when Nazi Batallions are killing people in the Donbas so they just turn a blind eye to it and pretend like it never happened.

          • +6

            @icarus255: I can show you pictures of Donetsk after "Ukrainian bombing". it actually looks fine. just before the Russian invasion

            according to you, it's a good reason to totally destroy Irpin, Mariupol, Kharkiv. these cities look like a page right out of an apocalypse fantasy. except it's reality right now.

            you people have no shame.

          • -4

            @icarus255: 100% agree with this.

            Donetsk / Luhansk should be independant as well as Crimea.

            It's gonna take balls for the USA to take them back but let them try.

            Unipolar world is over baby, here comes RU + CN + BRICS + rest of the world behind them (minus Uncle Sam and his puppets).

          • -1

            @icarus255: Little rich you calling others idiots, icarus255.

      • -5

        Wow. Brainwashed western mainstream media simps even on ozb…

      • +12

        He has a point though. We forget that a lot of innocent civilians in those areas have been affected by what's happening over there for 8 years now.

        • +4

          we also forget that the only reason they have been affected is Russia financed militant groups who have been trying to take over that area (with Russia's backing) for the last 8 years.

          just trace the breadcrumbs of where their weapons come from. these aren't local citizens who just decided "we'll become Russia". there is a lot of information on what was going on there.

          Ukraine didn't start that war either.

          if some Ukrainians (and they are Ukrainians) were affected, it's all Russia's plot and design through and through.

          let's not forget that.

          • @shabaka: Yeah of course. I agree with you. I was merely accepting the fact that many innocent civilians in that part of Ukraine also have had a rough go of it, regardless of who did what and why, and they are worth remembering too.

      • Everyone who has a different opinion is brainwashed? How do you know you aren't?

        • there's the truth, and there's just one. there's no "alternative truth", there's just lies

          people who believe lies are "brainwashed". that's also truth

    • Well seeing as it is currently Ukrainian territory that is occupied by Russian funded terrorists. I highly doubt it.

    • I would assume they would help as many Ukranian citizens affected by the war as possible.

    • +32

      We got one a few years ago, when fires were ravaging the country. Y'know, in response to a crisis. Maybe we'll get another one to support flood relief soon.

  • +25

    It's called the humble bundle but there's actually quite a lot in this one

    • -1

      Every now and then a miracle happens.

      You just gotta go through the fire and the flames.

      Play the game it's all the same.


  • +67

    Great idea, great games.

    Putin is a coward.

    • +38

      Please don't be so nice Putin. He is a deranged, murderous, cruel, filthy pos.

      • +18

        I find it funny people support the guy that hides away in a bunker, who keeps a large distance between him and his advisors, compared to the man who stayed in a bombed city and walks among his people while assassination squads are after him. A few people love that coward.

        • -8

          bunker? he was at a concert on Friday :)
          the other guys is a comedian, please…..

          • +5

            @botchie: Spin this:


            He's a coward who is now desperate to show fake unity in his people. Anyone who disagrees publically gets arrested.

              • +11

                @botchie: I'll choose the man that has a sense of humour, who isn't invading other nations, that stands along side his people during a bombing, who isn't arresting his own people that disagrees with him, that doesn't sit 20 feet away from his own advisors due to being afraid of assassination.

                Funny video though, so thanks for that.

                • -1

                  @FabMan: nothing is black and white as msn makes you think it is.
                  if you cant think for yourself, all good keep wasting your energy on this
                  there is no difference to Putin or Biden or any other US president that went to wars with countries with no NATO approval even and killed millions of innocent people - the only difference is narrative and what media tells you to think, and you think it.

                  and here is another one for you
                  your leader of free world :) :)

                  • +3

                    @botchie: I dislike US invading nations like Iraq, that recent soldier that called Bush a war criminal is right, but that soldier won't disappear for it, like people do in Russia for calling out Putin. I have no power to stop Putin or Bush, but I don't have to just accept that bullshit spouted by people promoting Putin's idiotic and evil invasion. Actually there is one difference between US and Russia's invasions, US send prepared and equipped troops, Russia is sending their own people to the slaughter.

                    Also yeah, that video is embarrassing, awful that he is what the US calls the president, I guess that is who democrats thought could beat the fat arsed idiot Trump, they were right, but the US and the world deserves better leaders than Biden, Trump, Putin, Morrison, and many others.

                    • -2

                      @FabMan: this is the problem - you really think Russia is sending troops hungry and unequipped? and Ukrainians are slaughtering them.
                      Russians haven't ponded the crap out of the cities with air strikes like good old US of A, contrary to people beliefs they are trying to preserve things as much as possible - they circled the cities they need to and cut them off, they are now slowly starving them and shelling from distance.
                      Ukrainians are begging for billions of weapons from other countries, foreign soldiers, they are stopping their own people from leaving and making them fight - but this is made to look like a good thing ?
                      stay and die for US and NATO so they can get rich of resources ?
                      only losers in all this is Ukrainians, either way you look at it.
                      and as for freedom of speech in Russia that has always been like that, country is at war now so you can expect these things to escalate
                      same things happen in Saudi Arabia, China, etc but you dont seem to care too much about that - for now, till its highlighted for you in news.

                      • +2

                        @botchie: Who said I don't care about it in other nations, when someone promotes CCP I critize that too, so don't go making up stories like Russia's state. Nobody promotes Saudis much that I've encountered.

                        Yes, I do think Russia is sending troops ill equipped and ill prepared. The verified losses are staggering and horrible, you can see video footage of poor decisions by Russian troops. Yes Russia hasn't destroyed Ukraine because it wants to control it, that wouldn't make sense. They aren't doing it because they are kind, they just want more resources and the nation. Russian troops deserve better leadership, that way, they'd stay back in Russia and have better equipment there.

                • @FabMan: Do you actually think that Zelenskyy isn’t in a bunker? What next, you still think the soldiers really died on Snake Island and the Ghost of Kiev is real?

                  • @[Deactivated]: Erm, you can watch video footage of him walking around a bombed city, visiting the wounded, talking to his people, refusing assisted evacuations, and while assassination squads are after him.

          • +2

            @botchie: A cool and normal concert that people were forced to attend to celebrate the anniversary of an earlier invasion and annexation. More like a propaganda event with music thrown in.

            • -4

              @Alzori: Forced to attend ? Proof ? You were there forced to attend ?
              Believe it or not Putin has higher approval rating to any west leader , most Russians support him and what he does whatever you like that or not

              • +3

                @botchie: Of course he has, he has the method of encouraging his people like Kim Jong-un does, they have no other real choice.

              • +1

                @botchie: That's what they said on the news this morning, based on interviews with people after/at the event. Reported in some of the articles about the concert if you Google it.

          • +1

            @botchie: The other guy is on coke

    • +2

      yep. also a criminal. and sick man. and liar.

  • -8

    Good purpose, but these games are too old, and few are related to the current war. I want to fight Russian troops in games, certainly not in real world though. Leave it to the comedian.

    • +1

      Old? What do you mean old? Back 4 Blood was released October 2021, Satisfactory was released mid-2020 and Metro Exodux was early 2019. What do you mean old? There are plenty more games in the bundle which was released around these times too. Lol.

  • +16

    So, how about this bargain eh? Good value bundle!

    • +1

      This comment needs some more love! :P

  • +45

    Imagine using an ozbargain gaming deal like this to spread hate and wild tinfoil theories.. jesus some of the comments in here.

    Anyway happy to support despite owning abut 35 of them, the rest knocked off a significant chunk of wishlist.

    Should be worth noting that Max Payne 3 is a rockstar key, while Liberated and Wanderlust: Travel Stories are GoG.
    Gloria Victis, the Pathfinder/Starfinder corebooks and Music Maker EDM need to be redeemed within a certain timeframe otherwise the keys will expire.

      • +3

        Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

        • +1

          I just watched this last night actually, very informative. More people need to see it.

        • +6

          why is the post getting negged =/ the guy is just posting a video analysis of the geopolitical situation from an alternative point of view. Are we now living in a society who 'embrace' free speech but not freedom of expression?

          I don't support the invasion by Russia nor Vladimir Putin, but I hate 'cancel' culture to the core. Doesn't mean if you don't agree with a view point, you can just cancel them…

          • +1

            @WillKillfor5Cents: Totally agree, people should be interested learning as much truth or facts as they can to understand what is happening, not in hating because the information doesn't suit their prejudice.

          • @WillKillfor5Cents: Downvoting is also freedom of expression

            Which you’re all for, right

            I’ll just let you sit and think about it for a while

            People expressing views about people expressing views will seem like witchcraft at first but stick at it, you’ll work it out

            I believe in you

        • -3

          What I want to know is how a comedian acting in a show about being a president runs for president in real life and wins in a suprise landslide then sells all major energy contracts to Hunter Biden and this is not news worthy , it's so funny it should be a show….hang on

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