For those who missed out on the deal from Umart. This one has an option for delivery as well.
Prices should be dropping more and more over next 6 months, hodl if you can :)
For those who missed out on the deal from Umart. This one has an option for delivery as well.
Prices should be dropping more and more over next 6 months, hodl if you can :)
still, these drop were like crazy. so HOLD for one more week then we will see even sweeter deals
unlikely.. this is clearing out stock to make way for RTX4xxx series
That's still 6 months away. Probably still clearing out the last of the 10GB 3080s because the 12GB is standard now.
Mine never shipped.. they literally had my money for a year
those EVGA 3080 FHR @$1139 are long gone, they'll never come back, part of history book now.
this ASUS 3080 10GB @$1399 might also gone forever, before 3080 12GB takes the throne.
3070Ti TUF $1119 as well
The prices are in freefall. High supply and no miners to buy them, and retailers need to get rid of them before all the new gpus launch
Not really, 10gb variant will be gone soon, only few gigabyte and msi left, and then supplanted with 12GB model at premium prices:…
I back-ordered this exact card on launch day for this price. Better late than never I suppose.
i thought it was $200 cheaper?
18-09-2020 : Transaction ID: xxxxjx1 Payment Type: Credit Card(MasterCard) Timestamp: 2020-09-18 08:43:58 Payment Status: Completed Amount: 1421.00
It was a FHR card though. These are LHR. But also having a card was special 18 months ago.
I'm ain't paying for old card at this price.
That's what people aren't realizing, this is still kinda way overpriced as it's 1.5 year old tech now. It should be like $900-1100 brand new. 40 series is arriving late third quarter apparently so not too far away with rumored "double the performance" (but also requiring a hefty power supply and possibly cooling to accommodate).
That's what people said about the 2000 series before the 3000s came out
Just waiting for the 3080 Ti to drop in price now. Sub $1500 would be nice
When will the HODL end? At what price? I fear, it will just vanish and be replaced by the 40x series and WW3 as the reason for 2500 starting price.
I wonder if they can pull this stunt another time. The semiconductor shortage must end one day and next-gen consoles will eventually also be readily available to buy. Hard to imagine anyone forking out that kind of money for a GPU when a console delivers a comparable experience.
That's like saying "I can't imagine anyone riding a bike when a car delivers a comparable experience"
Consoles vs PC is nowhere near Bike vs Car. If anything it's like a loaded Camry vs a top line Lexus.
Yeah, I've wondered the same thing, is this how things are always going to be, shortage? Groceries, Cars, Computers etc.. What has happened to our world.
not even close mate.. not even close. There are plenty of games I can't run at quality mode at 4K@60 fps on my PS5 which I can easily run on my PC / RTX 3080. Plus I get the work benefit of the 3080 for rendering/editing video quicker and upscaling old video clips to 4K. Then of course I can also do all my productivity work on my PC which I can't do on my console. I have the PS5 for console exclusives and they're being pretty light on release even after 2 years. I didn't get an xbox one x because there are no exclusives and PC game pass gives me access to the majority of cross platform titles.
China sanction is looming, any day now. All these GPUs came from there, who knows what will happen.
Why would there be a sanction against China irregardless of what they're doing? Too risky to the world economy.
trigger happy scomo stuff, its all in the news.
it'll be a long while but most major Western nations are re-building their manufacturing infrastructure because they've realised through Covid and the supply chain issues how dependant they are on China and how much they could be 'held to ransom'.
@gizmomelb: It’ll be such a long while I fear that we’ll forget how touch and go it was there for a while and it will be back to business as usual in no time. I feel we don’t have enough of a working class to bring manufacturing back at this point. Will require either mass migration, paradigm shifting world leading automation that we are at ransom at Europe, Japan or the USA to develop anyway and structural reform to domestic socioeconomics. It will never happen if we don’t pressure our politicians and change our mentality to security before profits.
Scorptec doing same sale on Asus rtx cards
How much of a drop are we going to expect still?
I'd assume it won't go below $1000
it will if no one buys it.
Retailers need to get rid of them.
Then you gotta ask yourself why do you want a card that noone wants to buy? ie the 40XX cards are out.
aaaand it's sold out.
waiting for the strix 3080 to drop like the umart deals
ill wait till they are actually in stock, so I dont have to pay for shipping. :D and also At Supplier could potentially mean no ETA on delivery.
But thank you for the reply
obsolete tech at eye watering prices
Obsolete is a strong word when it's still better than 90+% of cards being used today for gaming.
This was rated well by hub as well.
Did you buy one? as expected sold out overnight. Edfoo bought his yesterday.
Nooo. 4080!
When 12gb 3080 with this price tag?
When rtx 4080 discount pls?
Getting better but still crazy prices for GPUs…. My old 1080 model is still being sold on ebay second hand for about $300 more than I paid for it years ago …
Not for long, your 1080 will be worthless soon as the mining died. $100-$150 max top.
Wasnt long ago these were being flogged for $2.5k
I know, the price has dropped like $1K in less than one month.
You bought it at 'near bottom' price, good on you. not joking.
I'm pretty sure 3080 10GB cards will still drop some more in prices in the near future, as we all can see plenty of other models still in stock at various retailers available at their insanely high prices. Like I've said before, most retailers are doing the same thing as us buyers here - HODLing onto their high prices because they are reluctant to reduce their profit margins. But they can only hold onto the stock for finite period before they will have to lower those prices in order to sell them. Most buyers won't want to pay $2K for these models now.
@edfoo: At this point in the cards lifecycle (~18 months) they would usually expect to be sold well under the MSRP, if t wasnt for the pandemic and cryptoboom I'd expecting this card to be around the $900 mark in a normal market.
@BargainKen: That's right, if we look back at the pricing history of a Nvidia xx80 cards in the past decade, you could buy them for $800-$900 12 months after their release. But it's mainly because of those freaking crypto mining screwing up the GPU prices for us gamers in the past 12-18 months. Other factors are minor in comparison to crypto mining. Death to the miners XD
Must….. resist……
I picked one up from pccg and was hoping it would ship today so I could be fairly certain I could play with it over the weekend, but alas not to be. It was listed as in stock when I bought it and now has gone to pre-order for the end of the month. Anyone had theirs ship yet?
EDIT: naive me… forgot I’m probably setting myself up for a flaming from the HODLers, Its ~20% above MSRP by my calls and considering the state of the world that doesn’t seem all that outrageous. Shipping containers cost an absolute Fortune these days, eye watering inflation left right and centre, the Lovelace 40XX cards will reflect that pricing. Look at a graph of the profitability of each semi fab node, it bottomed out around 28nm and has been steadily climbing since. I HODLed long enough… I want card now
Not too worry, I also bit the bullet. At the rate these are selling I don't see them being in stock much longer. I have a feeling that these 10gb models might drop a further 100 before they are snapped up by the greater public. If they get any lower then that it will hurt but then again spare a thought for those that spent $1800 for these.
PCCG is ridiculous.
I ordered this card on Tuesday evening while the website was saying it in stock. Checked my order today and PCCG now says it is waiting for stock to arrive on 30/3/2022. WTF? I even paid for their expensive StarTrack Express delivery as well. Thinking if I should just cancel this order and buy another 3080 from elsewhere instead :-(
I’m in the same boat, it was clearly in stock at the time of order and now I have been told ETA for EoM as well. Now I’m in a state of limbo where I feel I can’t quickly react to any good deals and further price drops that may eventuate over that time. Is this normal practice? My concerns are that the ETA will slip severely or they’ll just cancel the order. I have been charged and invoiced and
Nowhere did it mention it being a pre order.
Phew, good news. Just received a reply back from PCCG. My GPU has just been dispatched this morning, so hopefully will receive it in the next few days. The tracking system at PCCG probably was incorrect earlier.
if you’re not specifically after the TUF model, id suggest cancelling and waiting a while longer.
prices dropping quick af
Yeah, I was thinking about cancelling this order and get the Gigabyte 3080 at cheaper $1329, but now the issue seems to be sorted.
Mine has just been updated to shipped as well. Phew indeed! What an emotional roller coaster. Hopefully it’s a smooth run from here on in. I really didn’t want to go the gigabyte path as I’d much, much prefer this model. Can’t wait to get this hooked up to my new M34WQ and new 12700k based rig!
The $1329 Gigabyte 3080 model is their mid-tier Gaming OC, which has decent cooling, similar to this Asus TUF. Unlike their cheaper $1299 Eagle which is running hotter.
Congrats on your new rig with 12700K and 34" monitor. I am building a new rig as well with a 12600K and a Dell 34" ultrawide monitor myself.
Well just to follow up, after that initial hiccup PCCG got the deal done and it has been delivered in time for the weekend. Can’t fault them. Now I’m going to look for a new power supply and stop watching these free falling prices 😂
Are you sure delivery does happen on the weekend? I am expecting mine next weekdays instead.
I also bought (and received) my new Corsair RM850x power supply from Shopping Express earlier this week. Got it for $166 (after 10% discount) and probably the cheapest price in Australia at the moment :)
Well, I received my GPU earlier this afternoon.
These are listed as in stock again on PCCG
Wish PLE can bring back $1139 for evga 3080 xc3