This was posted 2 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] 10 Additional Rapid Antigen Tests Posted to All Registered WA Households @ WA Government


West Australian households will be sent more free Rapid Antigen Test kits as the State prepares for an expected peak in COVID-19 cases as soon as this week.

This will bring the total number of tests supplied to each of 650,000 registered households since the program began in February to 15.

“By providing free RATs to all Western Australians, we are able to ensure everyone is prepared for the wave of Omicron and best placed to stay safe and limit unnecessary spread of the virus,” Premier Mark McGowan said on Tuesday.

“The reporting of positive RATs is starting to outweigh the reporting of positive PCR tests and the provision of these free RATs will ensure people have them on hand as they need them - for ease and convenience.”

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Western Australian Government
Western Australian Government

closed Comments

                  • @1st-Amendment: I'm sorry about your aunt. Sincerely.

                    I know it is tragic. There will never be a public policy that has no unintended consequences. The common good here is many have avoided unnecessary suffering and death from contracting Covid while lying vulnerable in hospital. Many are thankful for that.

    • It'll climb. Queensland was exactly the same. Opened up once vaccinated and only once Omicron.
      QLD has a population of $5.185m - 644 deaths. Almost all since opening in January, once fully vax target hit and Omicron the strain.

  • -1

    did people actually use them? and I bought a double pack 2 years ago, use one last year just out of curiosity. still have one that I don't know when should I use it.

    • +2

      If you don't know when you should use it then I'm not sure we can help you

      • -3

        If you don't know when you should use it then I'm not sure we can help you

        I know. You use them as security theatre to pretend you are doing something when in fact you are doing nothing at all.
        Feel free to post data that says otherwise, I won't hold my breath…

        • +2

          Can you use them to wedge between your keyboard keys so we don't have to read the shit you're dribbling?

  • -4

    Haven't even received my first order….. Might receive this next year.

    • +4

      Are you in the Metro area? Did you read that they were only planning to send them out this week?

      Many people (me included) were lucky and got them a lot quicker than promised. Others have no reason to complain yet.

      For a government program this was handled surprisingly efficiently.

  • -4

    Will they give money instead, if you don't want any RAT's?

    • +15

      Nope. And why would they? This is to motivate people to frequently test, which will allow early detection, self-quarantine, and lower infection numbers.

      If you don't want to help the community and your friends and family, why should the government incentivise you?

      • -8

        Still, do you believe in this narrative?

        • +9

          What alternative narrative do you propose? With the next election years away, what other motivation would King Mark have to send out free tests?

        • +6

          Heeeeeeeeeeeeere we go againnnnn

        • +3

          They so overwhelmingly do this group of woke consumers called OZB. Even ‘their science’ says omricon less deadly or on par with the flu.

          • +1

            @Pennypacka: But waaaaaay more transmissible. Come on mate, you've had two years to get up to speed about this.

            • +2

              @banana365: I guess acknowledging it is less deadly than the flu is some progress

          • @Pennypacka: Believing in Science is one thing. But believing anything in the name of the science spread by “experts” funded by drug companies is appalling and confirms the end of human civilisation and evolution going wrong way.

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: The only way to know which science is correct is by watching sky news and reading the papers which are run by people with no agenda.

              Also my aunt on facebook is quite a reliable source when it comes to vaccines.

              • +1

                @PiratePete1911: I don’t do any of that shit anyway. Or else you can learn about history of medical misinformation. How blatantly they lied about cigarettes and how all calories are equal and WHO classifying meat as carcinogen. You can go on for a day about medicine misinformation by authorities

              • +1

                @PiratePete1911: I’m sorry buddy, I’ve only seen a few sky news clips on YouTube but it ain’t them that have you lot believing there’s monsters under your bed. Say what you want about the man and his politics but listen to what he says, he’s openly saying he has to coddle you.


            • @[Deactivated]: 48% of hospital admissions for Covid in WA are unvaccinated people.

              • @Spendmore: Can you link to that info please? That they are admitted for covid. Like most of the ‘unvaxed’ deaths from the eastern states they were in their 80s and 90s. Too frail to recieve the vax. You have 27k active cases. From surveys it’s underreported between 5x and 10x. So conservatively you have 100k cases. 112 WITH covid in hospital and 5 in icu. 5 out of 100k. Do you realise how ridiculous that is? And anyone who questions the narrative wears a tin foil hat? Really?

                • +1

                  @Pennypacka: Probably has to do with the high vaccination rate here. Here is the link
                  For people that say it's just a cold, well maybe it is now but mass deaths in India, Brazil etc showed it was something that shouldn't be underestimated.

                  • @Spendmore: First of all, look at the wording in that article. ‘Tested positive for covid at the time of admission’. Kids breaks his ankle playing footy, goes to hospital, doesn’t even realise he has covid and becomes a stat. 87yo woman has a stroke, was too frail to be vaxed, just caught covid in her aged care, she becomes a stat. But why would mark not explain this? He’s ball deep in the vax story they have to justify it. Why on earth would you vax a healthy 17yo, they have more chance dying from lightning strike.

                    Then you say maybe it is just a cold, so why not be guided by the current science and drop the mandates. I’m lucky, my business has benefitted but there are 1000s of small business owners who have been wiped out, esp those in the tourism sector in WA.

                    What I find most strange is that when the evidence comes out that we over reacted and it’s not as dangerous as we thought most people arnt relieved, they actually don’t want to acknowledge it. Almost as if They want it to be the boogeyman

                • +3

                  @Pennypacka: classic!

                  Asks for a link for source information, and immediately follows with wild statistical claims with source ‘from surveys’

                  • @opilot87: @opilot87 underreporting is obviously occurring. My wife a midwife tested positive via PCR. I did a rat and was positive. I actually did 3 becuase I thought surely there’s an error as I felt some mild body aches for about 4 hours and that was it. Did I report it? Of course not, like 1000s of others. Then there all the people that don’t even know they are positive. I’m not trying to be a smart ass but here is one survey from qld health.

                    So out of 117 households tested there were 20 cases and only 2 actually were aware they had it. When there was officially 100k active cases even the qld CHO said there were likely 1 million cases. Hospital cases are def not underreported though. So this is good news mate, take comfort in it

                    • +2

                      @Pennypacka: "Did I report it? Of course not, like 1000s of others." You are proud of yourself, aren't you?

                      • @frozenchicken: Why wouldn't he be?

                        "If you can keep your head when all about you
                        Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
                        If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you.
                        But make allowance for their doubting too;
                        If you can wait and not be tired by waiting.
                        Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
                        Or being hated, don't give way to hating,…….. "

    • Yes. If you want to go for medical trials of vaccine.

      Or you can peel enough onions without crying 😌

  • WA should keep its border closed, to protect its people and send out more test kits

  • +1

    Mark where are the made in Australia RATs? Wuhan China gave us the virus and now China dumping their RATs on WA. Digging crap out of the ground is all WA is good for.

    • +1

      So true, why would someone neg this, i know CCP agents!

    • +3

      Not sure if he's on OzBargain mate

    • +1

      Please start a RAT manufacturing facility in WA/Australia for a competitive price and I'm sure they'll buy them off ya. Easy to sit, do nothing, and complain. Also why wouldn't you dig crap out the ground when there's a 500% + margin?

    • -1

      How come you from WA and against state daddy 😡
      When it comes to protecting your kids you don't worry about "made in.." you just want to protection!!! And that's what he is trying to do at the moment!!!

      • +1

        5 people are in the ICU based on the latest figures. I am pretty sure there were more drunk driver car crashes this weekend in the ICU. I can guarantee you there were more than 5 heart attacks… If Mark wants to fix something suggest he start with the drink driving that seems to be a sport in this state

        • I am sure Mark doesn't care too much if you slam your car into rock or something and die alone, other than the waste of public fund to scrap your remains off the rock.

          He's just worried about you killing other people while you're trying to kill yourself.

  • As a 100% pure Subiaco born sandgroper from a long line of sandgropers i proudly present to ""over east"" [that is everything east of the WA border] todays ""choppers weather report""

  • I have 45 tests in the cupboard from 4 school kids

  • -1

    Sooner or later everyone going to get covid. So from my opinion the later you open or the later you push people to get vaccinated to get at least 2 jabs.
    The more longer the economy going to suffer .
    These politicians/ leader of the state sometimes they think they looking after the community.

    But smaller business going bust…. ! Because of these LOCKDOWNS that lasting forever. !

    Now theres a war so what needs to be done now that pushes fuel and groceries Up .

    So if some of you think that WA did an excellent job of keeping the death rate from covid down.

    Good luck of catching up on the debt.

    And get death rate higher probably on suicide or depressions !!!

    • +6

      What debt? What businesses going bust?

      In reality, WA economy as strong as its ever been, employment near record lows.

      This narrative that closing the borders would destroy the economy turned out to be such utterly hilarious rubbish.

      • +2

        Don't forget what happened to businesses after "let it rip" went live (Hint: shadow lockdown) and governments washing their hands.

        Did the lockdown kill businesses or was it the epidemic? (Hint: Cancer vs Chemo) I'd take short statewide lockdown with financial support any day.

  • Would love to get a single one free in Qld 😅 spent $100 on them the last month

  • +2

    Thanks op.
    Got the first 5 a few days ago. Made in China.
    I am old enough to remember:
    Before year 2019 the communists team Zhengli Shi studied the virus in Wulan lab, they had been fined&sentenced for selling experimental animals to the wildlife market. They hid everything, eliminated whistleblowers like Dr. Wenliang Li in the first key days after COVID broke out whilist bulkbuying PPE all over the world mailed back to China. They kept refusing COVID source investigation&tracing for an more effctive vaccine research by WHO. But they were keeping and they are still blaming other countries.
    Dictators wont care lives.

    So, dear officers, I personally can not get the point we are still dealing with those cold blooded communists.

    • +2

      There really are a lot of crazy people that post on ozbargain, its impressive.

      • I get suckered in and almost start replying every time!

    • Made in China… but but but imported by a company in Bayswater!
      Buy west eat best

      • +1

        Good to know. If packages are dented then you know the shipment is brought to you by the Bayswater Bridge lol

    • Myth or truth? I thought no one had proofs? Well they are sometimes good at hiding bad stuff just like all other countries including Australia anyway.

  • Made an order and havn't received the first batch yet, just got emailed there are 15 being sent too, hopefully i get something

  • Thank you OP for the PSA and drama 🙏

  • +2

    Govt sends out bazillions of test kits, tells people to expect a spike in positive test results soon after…..riiiight.

  • Can someone please post a link to apply for the free RAT that can be picked at special areas around Perth. This is the link whereby you need a special code to pick up the sites.I am unable to find it. I can only find the link for delivery.

    • +1

      It was only free collection for a certain period of time.

      If you have an Australia Post account. Make sure you register for the RATs using the same details but put in your home address.

      Once the items are posted you can then redirect them to a post office, parcel locker or parcel collection.

      This instruction was given to anyone in rural WA were the post man doesn't delivery to people homes. Yet this can also apply people living in metro Perth.

  • +3

    I still haven't received any of these and I signed up for the original 5 when it was posted end of Feb on here

    anyone else in the same position?

    • +2


    • +2

      Same, I received an automatic AusPost tracking alert on Monday at 2AM.

      I've not received an email and the tracking has been sitting as "Ready for Processing" since Monday.

      • +1

        I still haven't even received Auspost tracking

        Gonna end up getting Covid before even getting theses tests…

        • Mine finally arrived yesterday and to my surprise they were all saliva tests. They're the very high accuracy ones though so that's pretty awesome.

        • Mine was stuck at processing for a week.
          Then I raised an enquiry on auspost website and it was delivered a day after on Sunday.
          Something happening at austpost

          • @eecchhoo: Silly question maybe, but how did you raise? Did you have a tracking number? I've just got an order number.

            • +1

              @Ozbargainasaurus: Yeah I registered with austpost app and when there is shipment with my details it will automatically appear with tracking number.
              I don’t think you can raise the query if you don’t have the tracking number yet.

  • +2

    I applied right at the start and have not received the tests. My sister who applied, got them virtually straight away and she applied a week later. Finally got some after lining up at a shopping centre. Surely the government could have done this from the start instead of waiting to get in the mail which I have been told can take up to 5 weeks.

  • Finally got mine despite signing up once the site was live…. The ones I received are the saliva RAT kits how about everyone else? I thought they were the nose ones like they hand out at the vaccination centres.

    • Our initial 5 were nasal swab ones. Got them pretty promptly. Haven't received the next 10 yet.

      • Yeh im not sure how well these saliva ones work, but I was expecting the nasal swab ones…. There was also no packaging it all came in a plastic ziploc bag lol

        • hmmm sounds like a 'dodgy' batch. I got 15 all in one go (5 in each pack) nasal swab type. Maybe they ran out

  • I got my initial 5 within a few days, still waiting on the extra 10.

  • There is an update to your enquiry


    Thank you for taking the time to contact us about your Rapid Antigen tests that you are waiting to receive. I can certainly understand that you are eager to have them delivered. My name is and I'll be happy to help with more information.

    Because our facilities are working through the ongoing challenges of the COVID pandemic, we will need to allow a little more time than we normally would for the delivery of your parcel.

    Many of our facilities are managing staff shortages and temporary closures while they follow necessary testing and isolation orders, at a time when they were already handling record parcel volumes.

    Currently for items sent within WA, the estimate of delivery is between 1-16 business days, however some items can take up to 15 business days after their expected delivery date to be delivered. We expect to see your article delivered on or before 05/05/2022, if for any reason this does not occur, we’ll be in touch with you as soon as we can.

    We’re sorry for the inconvenience this will cause you, but we’re grateful for your patience and understanding as we navigate these challenges.

    If you require testing urgently, I recommend seeking out a local testing clinic until we are able to have them delivered.

    I must also inform you, requesting a redirection can delay a package up to another 7 business days.

    How to stay updated in the meantime…

    The best way to track your deliveries is through our mobile app. You can also track and set up tracking notifications for your parcels using our online tracking tool:

    I hope that this information has clarified the matter and been of some assistance. If you have any questions in relation to another article or other postal matter, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • I did the enquiry thing 4 days ago, I finally received them today, all saliva and they just come in plastic bags

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