This was posted 3 years 1 month 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] 5 Free Rapid Antigen Tests for Each Household in Western Australia Delivered (or Perth Airport Pickup) @ WA Government


Every household in Western Australia can register to receive 5 free COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).
Register here
As part of the WA Free RAT program, a member of each household is able to register for the RATs online and have the tests delivered to their home address.

People who cannot register online or need assistance can contact 13 COVID (13 26843) to place their order. To register, people are required to provide their name, contact number, email and home address.

Collection for registered orders will be open from tomorrow (Monday 28 February) at the Perth Airport collection point.

People should allow for up to 15 business days for delivery from when they receive confirmation, with regional areas being prioritised initially.

15/3/2022 update

WA Govt has now announced an additional 10 tests: "The next phase of the WA Free RAT Program has been announced with 10 extra tests allocated to each WA household, in addition to the five initial tests previously announced late February. If you have registered for collection and not collected your free RATs yet, you have the option to collect a total of 15 RATs from the new collection point until 17 March. If you do not collect your RATs by this date, your order will be sent by post. If you have already received your initial 5 RATs via collection or registered for delivery, the additional 10 RATs will be delivered to the address you nominated when you registered for your first order, so you don’t need to do anything further."

25/5/2022 update

  • Households who have not yet received their free 15 RATs when registering through the WA free RAT program can pick up their RATs from any collection point.
  • People who are collecting their household RATs at collection points must present their confirmation email to collect their RATs.
  • The option to have household RATs redelivered closed at 11:59pm on Wednesday 25 May 2022.

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Western Australian Government
Western Australian Government

closed Comments

  • +27

    Thanks Mark!

    • +14

      Thanks Supreme Leader!

      • +5

        Dear Leader once again comes through with the goods so we can beat this and get back down to the Swinging Pig in Rocko and have free drinks for anyone called Mark again.

    • +14

      Damn commies! How dare them take away money from the battered Aussie entrepreneur such as Gerry Harvey! People like him are the source of our trickle-down economy if Gerry don't trickle plebs don't eat.

      • +1

        Legend 😂

    • +8

      I like how the Republic of WA is taking care of their society much better than the rest of the 'Monarchy'.

    • +3

      I love my State Daddy 😍

  • -1

    A Captcha, seriously?

    Cheers OP

    • +4

      You sound like a classy fella

    • +7

      Maybe this deal is no for you then.

    • Its free, I'll take it.

      • +2

        Why if you dont need it….

    • What a stupid and pointless comment

    • +5

      Define "a lot". Way under 1% false positive.

      • +5

        If they are done outside of the acute phase of infection, or after you start showing symptoms, the results are not deemed reliable (can be 25 to 50% inaccurate).

        "Rapid antigen self-tests can detect the virus in the acute phase of infection - especially just before you show symptoms and in the first week of symptoms becoming apparent – but they are not as accurate as PCR tests." (Source) - TGA

        • -1

          The RAT's can give false negatives, but false positives are rare

          • +1

            @Maxibon12: No, it's the other way round.

            • @lgacb08: No, the specificity of most RATs is within 99+% of a PCR test. A false positive is quite rare

          • +4

            @Maxibon12: I'm getting negg'd for posting facts (nothing new), but yes what you are saying is the opposite of the truth. Also, WA Health will ask you to take a PCR test to confirm result if you test positive on a RAT.

            • +8


              I'm getting negg'd for posting facts

              This is the world we live in now. So many people who are offended by facts will do anything to make them go away 🤣🤣🤣

            • +1

              @wizzlesticks: Which is exactly why people won't report the result. Many have already told McGowan to stick it when he pleaded with people to get tested a few weeks ago.

            • -2

              @wizzlesticks: You are being negg'd because you are incorrect. All RAT companys have a different specificity and sensitivity, but overall they all have a high specificity and moderate sensitivity.


              This study found a sensitivtiy of 69% and a specificity of 99.61%. Meaning 31% rate of false negatives, and 0.39% false positives.

              • @Maxibon12: You are correct, except that false positives can be as high as 4% depending on which brand test you use. In other words, if the RAT test is positive, you most likely have COVID. If the RAT test is negative, then there is roughly up to a 50% chance (depending on the brand of test) you could still have COVID. Which is why if you have symptoms but test negative on a RAT test, either repeat the RAT test for a few days or get a PCR test

              • +2

                @Maxibon12: The facts are not incorrect. TGA are not incorrect. Your feelings, on the other hand….

                PCR tests are more accurate, and there is no simpler way to put this. TGA assesses by positive percent agreement (PPA), 'the percentage of individuals that produced a positive test result using a rapid antigen test, in comparison with a positive result by PCR test.'

                For example, the kit that is offered through the concessional means, Testsealabs, has a 90% PPA. This is only if taken during the acute phase, or before symptoms have appeared. Please look this up if you don't understand. As stated, this is not my own assessment.

                As is stands, WA Health will ask you for a PCR test if your RAT has returned a positive result. This is a requirement to confirm the result is actually positive.

                • -2

                  @wizzlesticks: You are close to understanding it but are not fully.

                  The PPA and the sensitivitiy are the same thing. For testsealabs, 90% of those who are positive through a PCR will test positive on the RAT. The other 10% will get a false negative.

                  PPA has no measurement on false positives as it only measures those who are positive with a PCR. Testsealabs has a specificity of 98.6%. 98.6% of those who test positive to it, also tested positive on the PCR. The other 1.4% will get a false positive.

                  Other states accept a RAT as a positive result, but ask those who test negative and have symptoms to also test through a PCR.

                  • @Maxibon12: There isn't much point in paraphrasing what I've already quoted from the TGA in order to try and correct your own misinformation. If you're incapable of understanding that there is a higher risk of false positive reporting when using RATs (in addition to the PPA measurement), especially in communities with a low prevalence of COVID, or the timing of when the RAT is taken (before or after symptoms have appeared), then you should take up your issue directly with the TGA.


              • +2


                Meaning 31% rate of false negatives

                And a lot of people think the government should spend billions of taxpayer dollars of such a flaky test…

  • +4

    Thank you state daddy!
    Please just mandate the 4th and 5th doses already. I don't want to hang out with these 3-dose plebs any longer.

    • +13

      5th dose? pfft
      On my 27th dose rn

      Long live Daddy.

      • +4

        Shhh. They don't understand that we charge $2k to take a jab under someone elses name for them here in WA.

    • +23

      Did you post this comment from a West Australian manufactured device?

    • You're in Brisbane anyway…

  • -1

    Thank you Daddy McGowan. Signed up and ready to go. I'm now just waiting for your 4th jab order. 😆

  • -6


    • +4

      New Deals, Coupons, Vouchers and Freebies

  • +18

    His Royal Highness King McGowan I has graciously bestowed upon His subjects the test for all diseases. God save the King and the Kingdom of Western Australia!

    • +13


      • +6

        I wonder which future grand kid of His he'll bestow the title Duke of Armadale

        • For anyone unsure why he chose Armadale? Think Mount Druitt, Windale, Beenleigh 😉

    • Mods need to pin a picture of his Royal Highness

  • +3

    Cheers OP, ordered.

  • +1

    Anyone got the promised confirmation email? I had one to verify my email address, but nothing else.

    • +9

      Got the confirmation email thrice to reassure me!

      • +1

        Daddy Marky will never leave his citizens in doubt

      • Got it. Double dosed confirmation, but not yet boosted ;-)

      • +3

        Hi, I received 2 confirmation emails but 10mins later another email came and said “ Our records show the home address you have nominated has already registered for a free RAT kit.”

        My household only has my husband and myself but he didn’t register for it.

        Just wondering if you’ve received the same thing?

        I tried calling the 13covid line to clarify the matter (as requested in the email - “ If you believe you have received this email in error, please contact 13 COVID (13 26843).” but there’s no options regarding RAT test kits.. :(

        • +1

          I got the same thing, both confirmation email with an order number and a "Our records show the home address you have nominated has already registered for a free RAT kit." Both emails sent at the time time.

          • +1

            @Tomacco: I've had exactly the same experience. Only my wife and I live at this address, and she didn't register. Either their system is faulty, or someone's using other people's addresses to get more than their quota.

            I can imagine the latter scenario already - dude rocks up to the airport to pick up 50 000 boxes of RATs

            • -1

              @goldenstaph: Whomever is doing that is going to be wasting their time when ID showing address is required before they will release the tester.

              In the same boat as well. Not sure what's going on, going to ask both my dogs and cat if they've gone and registered without telling me.

              • @PuppieWayne: Also had the same outcome. Emails both come at exactly same time.
                1 to say thanks for order it will be processed, and just before that one saying address is already used.

                Wonder what will happen here.

        • +1

          got exactly the same thing.

          “ Our records show the home address you have nominated has already registered for a free RAT kit.”

          systems faulty it seems

        • Someone has used your address

          Soon Facebook Market will be flooded with McGowan RATs

          • +1

            @susu abis: If people want to sell their allocated RATs I have nothing to say. Eventually we are all going to need this one way or another.

    • The verify and confirmation email both ended up in my junk folder.

    • Nope :(

    • Got mine, but in junk folder..

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Hoping I’ve gotten in early-ish to avoid a 4 month Australia Post delay!

  • +8

    These comments make me cringe

    • +31

      Please respect
      The Glorious Supreme Leader Daddy Mark McGowan
      Protector of Westralia

    • +14

      Lol, but I am sure giving 444 million to their mates is A-OK then.…

      • +7

        Every year there are tens of millions of dollars government grants given to those leaders’s buddy charities for them to spend multimillion dollars on renovating their properties, upgrading their 1 year old new near staff vehicles and buying a ten thousand dollars coffee machine. Basically only 1% of the grants are spent on helping the needy and no questions asked as those leaders have already given immunities to the charities promising that CCC won’t bother them.

    • +8

      $2.8 billion Western Australian budget surplus makes this a non-issue.

      • +3

        The state debt is still ~30 billion.

        So if the debt is ever repaid, then the cost of these tests will be too

        I mean, they would be anyway in some fraction from tax payers regardless

      • -3

        Do you realise this means you are over-taxed? I suspect that is probably ok with you too, comrade.

        • +4

          Of course we're over-taxed, this is Australia.

    • +2

      Rather this than a swimming pool in the middle of nowhere

    • +2

      Costs the state probably $50 per household to provide and administer? Multiplied by a million households, that’s $50 million.

      Absolutely worth it from a public health perspective.

      • -6

        Absolutely worth it from a false sense of security perspective


    • I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe we get it, you watch SkyNew's take on the economy.

  • +2

    Scott Morrison can't give free RATS nation wide and he needs votes to win this year

    • +18

      "ehh Jenny will think of something"

      • -7

        Jenny just needs to act sexual and get all the middle aged men horny for votes. Wouldn't put it past her to do it either tbh

    • -3

      No such thing as free. Whether you use them or not WA residents are paying and knowing government probably an inflated rate.

      • +10

        a basic icu admission is $4500 a day, more if needing ventilation and interventions,

        Whatever they cost gotta be cheaper than that.

      • +5

        The government can procure medical supplies at a small fraction of what it costs to purchase them privately or through retail channels. They buy in bulk quantities directly from the manufacturers and have massive negotiating power. It's also partly why Australia's public hospitals operate much more efficiently than what our private hospitals are capable of doing, and America's completely privatised healthcare system is the least efficient in the world.

        But the main reason why virtually every other country in the world, including America, managed to provide their citizens with free RAT tests is that the costs of the tests was insignificant compared to the costs associated with the rapid spread of COVID (loss of economic activity and hospitalisations).

        • +1

          This. 5 free tests per household?? I created a user account just so I could comment. I have just come back into Perth from 6 weeks in the UK, where (courtesy of the NHS) any British resident can order online a pack of 7 Antigen tests every 24 hours - for free - delivered to your door. And this is per resident by the way, not per household. Whilst I was there I pretty much ordered a pack every day, and bought them home. I now have over 200 RATs in my cupboard (see pic of my Asda bag full of RATs). In the UK I tested myself every day I went out, because I could. I won't detail my opinions about "Daddy McGowan" as he seems to be referred to here, but living somewhere other than in WA and seeing how Covid is managed in another country does give you a different perspective

    • +3

      He would if he could direct them to the right electorates.

  • +20

    As always Mark McGowan should be next Prime Minister of Australia… Well done 👍

  • Has anyone noticed that the actual registration page where you fill out your details says:

    Each household is entitled to one Rapid Antigen Test kit.

    but all the other pages say 5… I'm guessing this is just a typo

    • +4

      maybe is one pack of 5 test

      • Yeah I guess it's just a wording thing. One test kit = 5 tests.

  • +8

    meanwhile in new south wales…

  • +11

    I came here expecting people to moan about the state government giving a mere 5 tests per household (Not that I am complaining. That's $50 worth of freebies), not people moaning about their rights to catch covid and pass it on to others.

    I am sure some will say the freebies are not really free because it's paid by tax dollars. Well, I'd rather have $50 free RAT test than $50,000 worth of free healthcare service after catching COVID from people who care more about their individual rights than other people's lives.

    Well done, Mark!

    • +14

      I don’t think people actually understand that the value freely available RATs for the community far outweigh the costs. If it helps limit the spread, means less impact to public health as well as less lost hours of productivity for the state.

      The Feds absolutely dropped the ball on this one.

      • +5

        It was pure corruption and influence from lobbyists that stopped them being provided at a national level. The sooner we get a Federal ICAC the better.

  • +4

    If the free RATs can stop some covid spreading, the $$ saving from healthcare/medicare already covered the cost of the free RATs. Why don't they make it national wide?

    • +14

      Because the Liberals like to pretend they are for universal healthcare, but behind closed doors they absolutely aren’t.

    • -8

      If the free RATs can stop some covid spreading,

      They don't really achieve anything

      the $$ saving from healthcare/medicare already covered the cost of the free RATs.

      Feel free to show the maths here.

      Why don't they make it national wide?

      Because it doesn't really prevent anything, hence why people who have a basic grasp of economics don't support such tomfoolery…

      • +11

        Wouldn't it prevent someone who tests positive from going out and infecting others? Well if they are decent people that is.

      • +1

        Actually it seems all our leading economists haven't ever heard of health economics.

        Putting it simply: very hard to put a $ value for human life, quality of life, the economy is people.

        Instead, we've got modern day Marx/Spock: "the economy is the foundation, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". The economy is money.

        Now do your research, which one of these was a failure?

        • A human life is at max of $75,000 according to this$FILE/Criminal%20Injuries%20Compensation%20Act%202003%20-%20%5B03-d0-01%5D.pdf?OpenElement

          • @wtfnodeal: Can I sell grandma? I’ll give a generous discount for any serious offers

            • +1

              @tharlow: The assessor will probably apply 99.9% discount or expects COVID will wipe out the elderly people anyway when assessing your grandma’s compensation based on her expected useful life. So no thanks.

              • @wtfnodeal: Poor grandma… it seems she has almost reached her expiry date.

                Whilst elders might be respected, their hard value is fast approaching zip

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