• expired

[WA] 5 Free Rapid Antigen Tests for Each Household in Western Australia Delivered (or Perth Airport Pickup) @ WA Government


Every household in Western Australia can register to receive 5 free COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs).
Register here
As part of the WA Free RAT program, a member of each household is able to register for the RATs online and have the tests delivered to their home address.

People who cannot register online or need assistance can contact 13 COVID (13 26843) to place their order. To register, people are required to provide their name, contact number, email and home address.

Collection for registered orders will be open from tomorrow (Monday 28 February) at the Perth Airport collection point.

People should allow for up to 15 business days for delivery from when they receive confirmation, with regional areas being prioritised initially.

15/3/2022 update

WA Govt has now announced an additional 10 tests: "The next phase of the WA Free RAT Program has been announced with 10 extra tests allocated to each WA household, in addition to the five initial tests previously announced late February. If you have registered for collection and not collected your free RATs yet, you have the option to collect a total of 15 RATs from the new collection point until 17 March. If you do not collect your RATs by this date, your order will be sent by post. If you have already received your initial 5 RATs via collection or registered for delivery, the additional 10 RATs will be delivered to the address you nominated when you registered for your first order, so you don’t need to do anything further."

25/5/2022 update

  • Households who have not yet received their free 15 RATs when registering through the WA free RAT program can pick up their RATs from any collection point.
  • People who are collecting their household RATs at collection points must present their confirmation email to collect their RATs.
  • The option to have household RATs redelivered closed at 11:59pm on Wednesday 25 May 2022.

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Western Australian Government
Western Australian Government

closed Comments

                • +1

                  @tharlow: Absolutely. Our government can’t wait to work out how much pension costs or deceased estate tax they can save or make from them.

        • +1

          quality of life

          Freedom is everything. Well, everything apart from existence

        • Actually it seems all our leading economists haven't ever heard of health economics.

          Well nothing you wrote gives that impression that you do. If you have some, I'd be more than happy to discuss, but the claim that "the $$ saving from healthcare/medicare already covered the cost of the free RATs." has not been demonstrated.

          • +1


            the $$ saving from healthcare/medicare already covered the cost of the free RATs

            It's everywhere but I'll just give a few examples: Lost productivity + wages, PCR vs RAT cost, strain on resources (hospital or otherwise).
            Have you not seen what's happened in NSW and VIC?? Geez dude open your eyes.

            • -3


              It's everywhere but I'll just give a few examples:

              Those aren't examples

              Lost productivity
              How much exactly?

              • wages
                How much exactly?

              PCR vs RAT cost,
              How much exactly?

              strain on resources
              How much exactly?

              Geez dude open your eyes.

              This is what passes for an economic justification to you? 'Geez dude open you eyes'? Dude where's my car?

              Let me give you a start, 5 RATs at $10ea for 25M people will cost $1.25B, and that's before we add the admin costs/overheads to support such a program. Now you need to show how this would save the economy at least $1.25B. How long does 5 RATs last for? If we need this every month then we're already up to $15B/year
              This is how economics works, by applying an actual cost then working out whether the value outweighs the cost. You have provided none of this.

              • +1


                5 RATs at $10ea

                Where did you possibly get this number from??? Just because RATs might be that much at the shops, that's not what the government pays lol. Work in dispatch and can get 5 for $15. Demand has gone down, supply has gone up so price is at equilibrium. Economics 101. Can't believe I had to explain this.

                Compare: PCR test takes several days (client has to isolate until results). Travel to specialised site necessary. Costs ~$150 a pop + wages (of both person testing and lab)
                RAT test: results within minutes. Self administered anywhere. Costs up to $10

                I don't even know why I went into this much detail when it's clear you're just blowing smoke out of your ass. Anyone can see how much cheaper using RAT tests are even using your ridiculous $10 each.

                How much exactly?

                I preferred to not give numbers over largely overblown and inaccurate statements.

                You can easily find these numbers out though if you have every person's salary + the amount of time they needed to isolate because of COVID (either contracting or contacting).

                Please next time provide a reasonable response if you want a reply.

                • -4


                  Where did you possibly get this number from???

                  I gave you an example to start you off since you didn't seem to understand the basics. Feel free to use whatever numbers you think are suitable.

                  Economics 101. Can't believe I had to explain this.

                  That's not economics at all, so once again you are demonstrating that you don't even understand the basics of how it works.

                  Compare: PCR test takes several days (client has to isolate until results). Travel to specialised site necessary. Costs ~$150 a pop + wages (of both person testing and lab). RAT test: results within minutes. Self administered anywhere. Costs up to $10

                  Right, now you seem to be getting it. Comparisons are good, it's a shame you compared the wrong things which only demonstrates once again that you haven't grasped the basics.

                  Costs up to $10

                  So wait, you thought I was crazy for using an example of $10, then you go and use the exact same number? Hilarious…

                  I don't even know why I went into this much detail

                  Lol this passes for 'detail' to you? A 'detailed' analysis would be dozens or even hundreds of pages long. Did you even finish high school?

                  Let me help you out again. The question wasn't 'is a RAT cheaper than a PCR', It was 'what is the economic benefit of spending billions of dollars on handing out taxpayer funded RATs to everyone indefinitely'.
                  The fact that you didn't even consider the reliability or effectiveness of either test, or the how long this program would be expected to last says all we need to know about your 'detailed analysis'.

                  And you didn't even consider the 'do nothing' option, ie roll back the testing regimes, and treat Covid like every other respiratory illness? How does that compare economically?

                  Please next time provide a reasonable response if you want a reply.

                  You reply is sufficient to confirm my original hypothesis.

                  • +1


                    Demand has gone down, supply has gone up so price is at equilibrium

                    That's not economics at all

                    Lol. Demand and supply is the first thing you learn in economics as it's the basis of everything.

                    Comparisons are good, it's a shame you compared the wrong things

                    Oh sorry I didn't realise there was a 3rd option of testing for COVID. Would you care to show the world what you've been hiding for 2 years?

                    I used your ridiculous $10 price to highlight that even at that level it's still much cheaper.

                    you didn't even consider the 'do nothing' option

                    Oh yeah great tactic. Why do we even have hospitals? It just costs so much money to keep people healthy/alive and it's cheaper economically to just give birth again.. Didn't think we could find worse people for our country but I'm sure glad you're not in charge.

                    'detailed' analysis would be dozens or even hundreds of pages long.

                    You misunderstood as usual. There's no use spending that much time in replying as you fail to see economics is a social science. It's not finance. Either way, I await your 300 page thesis. Please link it in your next reply or don't bother replying.

                    Trying to work out if you are a troll or really just that stupid.

                    • -4


                      Lol. Demand and supply is the first thing you learn in economics as it's the basis of everything.

                      Cool story so where did you demonstrate that? You claimed RATs no longer cost $10 then immediately said they cost $10 lol…

                      Why do we even have hospitals?

                      For people who need actual healthcare, not arbitrary testing for mostly asymptomatic illness that 99%+ of people recover from without incident.
                      Should we implement mandatory billion dollar test programs for flu too? Where do you draw the line at burning billions of taxpayer dollars?

                      There's no use spending that much time in replying

                      Yet here you are. The lack of self awareness is next level.

                      as you fail to see economics is a social science

                      Lol whatever the hell that means. Now back to the topic which you've tried so hard to avoid: "the $$ saving from healthcare/medicare already covered the cost of the free RATs."
                      If this true you would be able to demonstrate it. If you can't then it's just more junk economics from people who have no idea how economics works.

                      • +1


                        The lack of self awareness is next level.

                        Not the lack of self awareness, but the lack of awareness you're a troll. I should've seen it a long time.

                        Cool story so where did you demonstrate that?

                        So now you agree that you were wrong. Cool. Next step, look at what I wrote. $10 each -> 5 for $15 ($3 EA)

                        Lol whatever the hell that means

                        Exactly my point. You don't even know what the social part is. Society. People. Not money.

                        You'll get to a proper economic understanding someday don't worry but that time isn't now.

      • +1

        Basic grasp of economics? From Scomo School of Serious Economics? Hahaha…

        • -6

          Basic grasp of economics?

          Yeah, if you read the never-ending cries of 'the government should pay for stuff I want' you'll never ever find any economic justification behind them.

          The logic plays out the same way every time:
          'I want free stuff, the government should pay for it!'
          'Can you demonstrate value for spending that amount of money'
          'Waaah Scomo/Murdoch/Sky/Fox News/Trump sucks!'

          From Scomo School of Serious Economics? Hahaha…

          Just like that lol…

          • +6

            @1st-Amendment: There's a difference between us all getting Cartier watches and a government responsibility to keep us all safe.

            1,420 people have died in February alone in Australia. Making RAT tests free would've definitely lowered this number. However, the government here cannot see the economy is people and only see numbers. What's 1,420 people in almost 26 million? You and everyone you know mean nothing to the current people in power.

            Now if that was 1400 of the parliament and their families, we would have a very different outcome. Just goes to show if the Libs win this next election the whole country is suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

            • -3


              Making RAT tests free would've definitely lowered this number.

              Because you said so. And hence my original comment about not grasping the basics of economics which you've proven over and over again.
              What is data when you have feelings lol…

    • +2

      Speaking to the Today Show, Morrison added that the Government wanted to preserve retailers' bottom lines by not making the rapid tests free.

      "By making that policy very, very clear, then that means the private market, whether it's in the big warehouse pharmacies or the other pharmacies or the supermarkets, they can now go and stock their shelves with confidence that they won't be undercut by the Government," - Scott Morrison


  • good deal

    • Great freebie.

  • No love for NSW

  • Well done posting this on ozb to ensure no one can get hold of them

    • +1

      The website was being hammered well before I saw this on OzB, so not our fault.

      • Actually, it looks like it was my vpn that stopped me getting through. All done now.

    • Are you using a VPN? Didn't work for me until I turned it off.

    • +3

      The WA government already has enough stock on hand for 5 RATs per household right across the state, and there'll be many who won't claim.
      I imagine that due to the fact they've kept the borders closed for so long, they haven't been scrambling at the last minute to create a stockpile.

      They're giving travellers two kits on arrival at the airport, and also handing them out via testing centres as required too.
      The hardest part now is the logistics of shipping so many packages as quickly as possible.

      On one of the local talk back radio stations about a month ago, someone phoned in a 'rumour' that the entire Department of Finance (including the director general himself) spent an entire weekend in a large warehouse unpacking bulk boxes of RATs and breaking them down into their smaller retail sized packets. That's a pretty decent clue that this is what they were preparing for.

  • Also free for Tassie if anyone thinks they have COVID or someone in their family does.

  • that was easy…took a couple of minutes all up

  • States haven’t been giving them for free already?

    • Dom decided that basically everyone has enough money to pay for their own tests

      Others I think have been, yes.

    • +1

      A few have, SA, Tas and Vic off the top of my head but in certain circumstances. This is the first one I've heard of where it's just blanket "if you live at a WA address, get some free RATs". Don't need to be symptomatic, don't need to go to a testing centre to get them, just get them delivered to you no questions asked.

      But I could be wrong, I haven't been following the RAT situation in every State super super closely.

  • +3

    That’s like, 170 West Australian Rupees worth!

  • +4

    Disappointed that we didn’t declare independence, but this deal is a good consolation prize

  • +9

    As you head to the polls in the coming months, don't forget Scomo's position on free RATs - that he didn't want to hand them out because it would undercut private businesses. Way to go Scotty, great priorities!

    • And we had every Tom, Dick, and Harriet calling 000 to report a positive RAT. I think he did the right thing to avoid a complete meltdown of the Australian hypochondriac community

  • +2

    When can we become our own country? If we do we be in the top 5 of the richest in the world I think.

    Happy to be calling Mark our King of the West!

    • ScoMo will “renegotiate” the border…

    • Sure, top 5 richest, based on average income/wealth. But as long as people like Gina fight tooth and nail to make sure they keep most and others get hardly anything, it aint gonna be paradise…

  • none for NSW? politics sure sucks

  • +6

    WA Govt do give a RATs

  • +4

    Ahhh McGowan, you've done it again.


  • +6

    Dominic Trumpottet could learn a lot from WA

    • +8

      Yikes i bet you don't even know what a commie is.

      • +8

        He sounds like another fruitloop, these threads bring plenty of them out.

      • +4

        Just a buzzword. They sound like a braindead Trump supporter, multiple comments saying things are "fake news" and complaining about taxes.

        • +2

          It's sad and pathetic how easily the word communist can be used to influence people. I'd say 99% of the people who use it have zero idea about what it actually means. Sure they could do some research on the topic but it's much easier to just repeat it.

    • +2

      the 80's called and want their insult back.

  • +1

    Thanks Mark for keeping us safe 🙂

    • And what would you do exactly in the same situation?

      • -7

        Stop the mandates, open the border and let people live their own lives. Let small businesses operate without restriction.

        I've seen half a dozen local businesses close down within 1 km of a my house. I've seen friends flee this country. I've seen little kids afraid to take off their masks. I've known two suicides of young people caused directly connected to McGowans lockdown. My wife couldn't say goodbye to her dad in hospital— turned away at the door.

        So in short. McGowan has destroyed enough lives. Who gives a rat about a few trinkets handed out for "free", he's done enough damage.

        • +7

          Perhaps all of this is true. But to provide some perspective, overseas I had an uncle die from COVID. My other uncle attended the funeral - you know, to say goodbye - and then passed away a week later from contracting COVID. So putting that into perspective, I think we've got it good here. Fair enough, small businesses suffer, you have less "freedom" but honestly, living in WA through the pandemic has been great compared to what other states and countries are going through.

  • +1

    After all the arguing above: I just got a tracking number. Don't expect it gets shipped in a rush, but still, better than a slap in the face from a wet hater.

    • +1

      Amazingly quick, weeks ahead of schedule: found it in my letterbox this afternoon.

      • What brand are they?

      • Do you live in the metro? Ordered mine once the deal was up but a part from the initial email confirmation nothing as of yet.

        • Maybe for once living in the outer metro area helped. Who knows where they drew the line on this.

  • +1

    Another ten free RATs coming the way of those who have registered. And more to be given away at train stations, tertiary campuses, sporting events etc.

  • Received 5 about 1 month ago. Still waiting on the remaining 10. There's still no tracking from AustPost about it so its unlikely to have even been shipped out yet. Anyone experiencing the same delays?

    • haven't even got my first 5 yet. i raised an enquiry a few days after they didn't arrive on the date promised. got told i should receive it by the 6th of this month. guess i'll have to raise another case

      • You called that 13COVID number to raise a case?

        • no, Aus Post

          • @tdw: Oh. I can't do that then. I don't even have a tracking number from the WA govt. The previous tracking for the 5 tests have already been marked as delivered.

  • Everyone I know has received theirs but we still haven't got an email or tracking yet?!

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