This was posted 2 years 11 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] 10 Additional Rapid Antigen Tests Posted to All Registered WA Households @ WA Government


West Australian households will be sent more free Rapid Antigen Test kits as the State prepares for an expected peak in COVID-19 cases as soon as this week.

This will bring the total number of tests supplied to each of 650,000 registered households since the program began in February to 15.

“By providing free RATs to all Western Australians, we are able to ensure everyone is prepared for the wave of Omicron and best placed to stay safe and limit unnecessary spread of the virus,” Premier Mark McGowan said on Tuesday.

“The reporting of positive RATs is starting to outweigh the reporting of positive PCR tests and the provision of these free RATs will ensure people have them on hand as they need them - for ease and convenience.”

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Western Australian Government

closed Comments

  • +15

    Has anyone received their first lot yet?

    • +5

      I got mine yesterday.

    • +5

      I think it stated that they will ship on the 14th (yesterday). But I've seen plenty of people getting theirs on Facebook, as early as three days after signing up.

      • I got mine the Friday 4/3.

    • +1

      It said in the confirmation email they start packing for metro area from 14th March that was yesterday so hopefully will get it by the end of this week. And maybe because they got a pause from government so they could all 15 together that's why. I haven't received them yet too.

    • +1

      Yes last week

    • Yeh mine rocked up on the 4th of March but my old lady hasn’t got hers yet. Ordered same time, one suburb over. It did pop up in her Australia Post app though so not too far away

      • Same story here

    • Yep, came in the other day. Took a little while so be patient.

    • I got mine on Saturday 12/03/22

    • Ordered 1st March arrived on the 4th of March

    • Yes, came yesterday

    • Got mine last week.

      • +1

        Well for them it probably still is because they postponed the inevitable….

        A colleague of mine who flew in from Sydney said I'd sum it up as WA is like going back through a time capsule to months ago! - he forgot about the whole masks thing we used to do, and said people were even moving away from sitting near him when they heard he was from Sydney, avoiding going places etc.

        At least they weren't silly enough to postpone it until winter when it will hit harder and combine with flu, but they are flying close by the time the tail end of their peak comes.

        (Also I presume you are being negged because most people looking at this post are from WA).

        • -6

          Like I said in another comment it’s as if people want it to be bad, it’s the strangest thing. It’s not just WA, most of the country. Check out this clip, put aside any judgements if the man’s politics and listen to what he says. It’s not about science, we taxpayers wasted millions on token efforts to make people feel safer. Not to make them actually safer, anyone falling fir this stuff you are just being coddled. The best part is how they reinstated check ins to make people feel safer… they weren’t doing ANY tracing with that data. How’s this for science, I had covid, it’s undisputed that I now have more protection than someone double or triple vaxed. So I should be able to get a referral to the pathology lab and confirm that I have the antibodies and would do so at my own expense. Then I could get an exemption from the vax. But no, I’m not allowed to, doctors arnt allowed to refer this. Anyone out there care to explain the science behind that?


          • +8

            @Pennypacka: What an awful take.

            Covid is bad. End of story. Unless you want to tell the 6-12m people that have died from it that its just fine

            Not to make them actually safer, anyone falling fir this stuff you are just being coddled.

            Right so the fact that no one died in from WA for almost full 2 years of pandemic is just "coddling".

            Anti-vax people really are odd.

            • -1

              @Pacify: Did you read what I said?

              Did I say anywhere covid is good?

              Did I say I am an antivaxxer? I fully supported my elderly parents taking the vax, I believe based on what’s currently known the benefits for them outweigh any risks associated risks of the vax.

              It’s odd that you’d draw those 2 conclusions from my comment.

              Does it make me a crackpot conspiracy theorist to question the disproportionate hysteria and and government response?

              It’s turns out that WA will come out of this very fortunate. This has more to do with luck though, that covid fizzled out to a cold with omicron. What if omicron was a more serious strain? The delta customised vaccines wouldn’t be much help.

              • +2


                It’s odd that you’d draw those 2 conclusions from my comment.

                It's not odd at all. One thing this virus has done is reveal how crazy a large section of the community are. You can't apply logic to them, they simply lack the cognitive ability to apply any sort of critical thinking. They have a belief, and if you challenge that belief you are the devil and that's it.

                • @1st-Amendment:

                  One thing this virus has done is reveal how crazy two large sections of the community are.

                  Fixed that for you.

    • nope

    • On Sunday

    • I got my first lot in under a week from the day of announcement. They said that regional areas were being prioritised and metro orders would ship later, but I am metro.

      Ordered 27th Feb, delivered 4th March according to the AusPost tracking.

    • I received mine last week.

  • +1

    Nope. Not yet and it has been almost 3 weeks now.

  • Yep, received my first lot of 5 about a week ago. Was surprised as I thought I read that they were not due to be packed and shipped until mid March.

    • +25

      Grow up.

    • +7


    • +14

      and Australia doesn't want you, Djokovic.

      • -6

        Please, call me Novaxx

    • +7

      On the contrary, troll. The rest of Australia would be quite (profanity) without WA.
      Try educating yourself.

        • @ Botchie, that's not saying much 😂

    • +2

      The only talk of WA leaving anything is from the east coast. Why are you so obsessed with what WA does?

      • To be fair, the rest of the country can be considered ‘east coast’ to WA…

    • Why not? C'mon and join the rest of the flock. Baaa!

      • I'll pass on joining your flock thanks.

  • got my first 5 last week also

  • +27

    +1 for this WA initiative

    • They don't do this in other states?

      • Here in NSW they gave out a total of 8 RATs to schoolkids for surveillance testing (twice a week for a month), plus a final lot of 8 to be used as required.

        Concession card holders also could get a number of free RATs from pharmacies (I think this one was a national initiative though).

        Everyone else in NSW had to buy their own, which was challenging to find and prices were inflated in Jan/Feb.

  • +1

    The first 5 I got was 3 nasal swab and 2 spit test.

    Hope there's more spit than nasal in this 10 :S

  • -4

    When is the election?

    • +4

      Years away

    • +10

      Last year

    • -1

      I think Scomo was hinting May.

  • +15

    Why only to WA? are people from other states having stupid dumb leaders ? I guess so

    • +2

      If you have kids you should have around 20 stashed around your home

    • Money money $$$

    • Because it now has the same risk profile as the flu and we didnt spend millions of dollars on flu tests in the past. We just stayed home and rested and had plenty of liquids.

      are people from other states having stupid dumb leaders ?

      Quite the opposite. Well I wouldnt go as far as saying the other states had smart leaders :)

    • -1

      are people from other states having stupid dumb leaders ? I guess so

      Maybe you are the dumb one? How would you know?

  • +18

    Praise the Glorious Mark McGowan for bestowing this amongst the citizens of Westralia

  • +4


  • I received a double batch from the gov (two separately packed 5 packs) yesterday. Didn't sign up twice or any funny business, just was lucky I guess!

  • +63

    WA has a population of 2.6m Covid deaths: 12
    VIC has a population of 5.2m Covid deaths: 2645
    NSW has a population of 8.19m Covid deaths: 1983

    Yeah, keep calling Mcgowan a clown. Eventually its our turn but all we get is a weak version of Omnicron now. His strategy worked.

    • +18

      +1 esp when he's opening up at such a high vaccination rate

      • +24

        We didn't ban cars, we just didn't allow them to arrive from interstate. Both literally and to put your comparison into context.

        King Mark's strategy (combined with a fair bit of luck) worked, maximum benefit at minimum cost.

        • -6

          lol as if I said WA banned cars. I was simply providing an example. Bit over your head I guess.

          • +7

            @gimme: I get it that you tried a simile or metaphor, it was just way inaccurate.

      • Didn't Vic have the harshest lockdowns? Didn't they also close borders? Nice try.

        • -1

          Nice whataboutism. Very cool.

          • @Techie4066: I didn't say what about, I merely pointed out other states had followed a similar path but failed.

            • @Spendmore: Right. I see it now.

            • +4

              @Spendmore: WA could do it because it is isolated

              VIC did harsh lockdowns but is too close to NSW who had a very lax approach towards covid until it was too late.

              • +2

                @MaxHashrate: Yeah that's right yet the border closures are the reason some people have a dig at WA and make stupid comments like WA doesn't want to be part of Australia. Can't win either way😅

      • -8

        Dude's just pulling figures out his ass… like McClown does… hey is that you McClown?


        NSW 864
        Vic 1,557
        Qld 69
        SA 22
        WA 10
        Tas 18
        NT 0
        ACT 16
        Aus 2,556

        Number of deaths due to COVID-19 that had associated conditions (a)(b)(c)(d)(e)
        Reported with: No. of deaths Percent (%)
        Reported alone on certificate 220 8.6
        Reported with causal sequence of events only 560 21.9
        Reported with pre-existing chronic conditions only 604 23.6
        Reported with causal sequence of events and pre-existing chronic conditions 1,172 45.9

        So 220 actual Covid deaths, or in context, a couple weeks car accidents.

        The median age for those who died from COVID-19 was 83.7 years (81.2 years for males, 86.0 years for females). Ie higher than life expectancy.…

        Life expectancy in Australia continues to rise, with a baby boy expected to live to 81.2 years and a girl to 85.3 years, according to the latest figures released from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

          • -2

            @gimme: The negs on this comment not only demonstrate the insightful commentary on the people of WA by the astute @gimme but furthermore highlights their lack of self awareness.

            • @Pennypacka: It's ok the truth hurts but the penny may drop eventually. Or you can go through life being blissfilly ignorant.

          • +5

            @gimme: Gods you are dumb lol

          • +4

            @gimme: Lived in WA 35 years, can't say I've ever thought of us as WA vs the eastern states… Just thought of everyone as an Aussie. You have a weird way of looking a life, what would be the point of a split nation?

        • +11

          ummmm yeah.. i guess you didn't drink your morning coffee to see those notes down at the bottom on the ABS website….

          This table only includes information on registered deaths due to COVID-19. Numbers of deaths will differ to disease surveillance systems.
          Information on deaths due to COVID-19 include deaths that occurred and were registered by 31 January 2022.
          All deaths due to COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 code U07.1 COVID-19, virus identified or U07.2, virus not identified as the underlying cause of death.
          This data is provisional and will change as additional data is received.
          Refer to methodology for more information regarding the data in this graph.

          Furthermore… the stats i provided were from…
          So yeah… are you telling me that this website is a scam because you have data which is ending on 31 Jan 2022 and not updated as frequently?

          Quite often the ones throwing the "clown" word around are themselves the clown.

      • Do you mean WA should’ve follow Covid19 path from the states that have more deaths and more lockdown? Interesting point.

        • -1

          Naah WAs doing great. Stay in your beautiful bubble. In fact I'd recommend a self imposed lockdown in your homes. If you have zero interaction with others, you are highly unlikely to die from Covid.

          • +3

            @gimme: There were more protests in other states than WA about lockdown and restrictions, we really can’t complain the bigger bubble in WA compare to tiny bubbles ‘lock inside your home’ in some states. We had a lot of interaction in 2020 and 2021 only within WA, it was truly sad. But compared to some other states people can only interact to the people within your house, we also can’t complain.

        • Well, it's not like every West Australian had a say in the matter….. Just like EVERY other state we've all just followed the directions set in place by our state leaders.

      • +3

        Whats the downsides here?

        Our economy has been going as strong as ever. Unemployment as low as its been.

        Only real downside is a few people got stuck outside, and people couldn't easily visit people over east. Pretty small downsides for the ability to have basically ignored covid for 2 years.

        • Pretty small downsides for the ability to have basically ignored covid for 2 years.

          Locking down an entire state isn't ignoring it…

    • -3

      Don't know where you're getting your McClown stats from, but they don't correlate with the ABS, you know, the authoritative agency for stats.

      Oh and let's not forget…

      • +13

        Do people actually think referring to McGowan as a Mcclown is an insult to him? Seems very childish

        • +2

          Yeah it really reflects on the person using the phrase, they would be too dumb to realise.

      • +2

        ummmm yeah.. i guess you didn't drink your morning coffee to see those notes down at the bottom on the ABS website….

        This table only includes information on registered deaths due to COVID-19. Numbers of deaths will differ to disease surveillance systems.
        Information on deaths due to COVID-19 include deaths that occurred and were registered by 31 January 2022.
        All deaths due to COVID-19 in this report have been coded to ICD-10 code U07.1 COVID-19, virus identified or U07.2, virus not identified as the underlying cause of death.
        This data is provisional and will change as additional data is received.
        Refer to methodology for more information regarding the data in this graph.

        Furthermore… the stats i provided were from…
        So yeah… are you telling me that this website is a scam because you have data which is ending on 31 Jan 2022 and not updated as frequently?

        Quite often the ones throwing the "clown" word around are themselves the clown.

    • -2

      Yes but WA had pretty much the same number of deaths from heart disease, stroke and other age related causes of death. They just weren’t marked down as covid like they were in other states.

      • +1

        Look at the "excess" deaths of you want to start picking and choosing. Deaths in WA have been pretty much as expected, other states have higher than normal rates. "With covid and other health issues" doesn't mean they'd have died of the other health issues anyway.

        • You can point to data that says there’s a statistically significant increase in excess deaths accross the population? Let’s see?

          • @Pennypacka: Every study so far is suggesting that yes, excess death is way higher than our current figures on covid deaths, latest one suggest globally covid probably killed twice as many people as we recorded.

            • -3

              @Pacify: Let’s stick to Australia. You lot have troubles with stats as it is, let alone inconsistent and unreliable stats from other countries. I just don’t believe that this has been confirmed. Overall deaths from year to year in Oz can vary up to 20k so I can’t see how a few thousand can be confirmed as statistically significant excess deaths.
              Headlines are probably more your thing than logic but I put this to you. The average age of covid death is 82 give or take. The average life expectancy is 82.9. So say locking up the state 18 months ago prevented the 2000 odd deaths that the eastern states had. So basically that extreme measures which no doubt severely hurt the lives and livelihoods of 10s of 1000s of west Australians and their families, including bankruptcy, marriage failures, trauma of having loved ones die alone was all worth it becuase mark managed to save the lives of 2000-3000 people? So get this, statistically those people are now all dead and have been for some months as these measures only bought them 9 more months on the clock. Of course, there would be rare cases of say a 20 yo that had a sever pre exisiting respitory illness that died from covid who would have otherwise lived another 50 years. But statically all those people saved are now dead. Worth it?

              • +2

                @Pennypacka: I hope you will be singing a different tune if the worthless life of a few thousand people you so casually dismiss include a few in your immediate family.

                Thankfully, your "statistical prowess" didn't land you any actuarial science job. Or any job that other people's life depended on because it is obvious your ego is bigger that your humanity.

                By the way, why should the trauma of dying alone matter because dying people doesn't matter (in your flawless logic)?

                • @frozenchicken: Here’s a thought experiment. imagine you are given the choice now.

                  Option 1. You can live until 82.9 and die from natural causes but for the last year of your life you will remain isolated from your family even your husband or wife. In your dying days you will face it all alone.

                  Option 2. You will live until 82 then suddenly contract a deadly illness that have you 1-2 weeks to live. you will have your loved ones around and on your death bed you will share your final moments with those you love, feeling their touch, looking them in the eye and thanking them for all they’ve meant to you.

                  Once you make he choice the fact you made a choice is erased from your memory so that either way you have no forewarning of how things will end.

                  What would you choose? 1 or 2?

                  • @Pennypacka: You don't get it, do you? Your primary objective around here is winning arguments and trying (too hard?) to show people how smart and informed you are, a fact that even you are not convinced yourself (hence trying too hard).

                    That's why you didn't realise that you have accidently thrown in contradictory arguements that you now avoid addressing and instead throw more questions with the hope of confusing everyone.

                    Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses

                    • @frozenchicken: It was a simple choice, option 1 or option 2. When I put it like that you know what you’d choose. I just wanted to demonstrate how silly your point is about people who question Govs response are deemed as people that don’t care about people dying.

                • @frozenchicken:

                  if the worthless life of a few thousand people you so casually dismiss include a few in your immediate family.

                  My Aunt died alone during Covid. She had cancer and even her own daughter was not allowed to visit her in her last days so she passed in pain with none of her family by her side. Is this the 'humanity' you seek?

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