Boycotting Russian Goods and Services

I know that many governments around the world have already placed economic sanctions on Russia.

Are there any goods or services that are available for purchase to the common Australian citizen that we could be made aware of that supports the Russian or Belarus government, or Russian oligarch businesses? I’m trying to think of goods or services that may either directly or indirectly (back door) support, assist the Russian/Belarus/oligarch establishments, and I can’t think of any that the Australian citizen can directly boycott.

EDIT: 23rd March 2022

Well it's been a week and a half from when I first posted this, and I'd say this has been a wildly successful post. It's successful because after about 440 comments from 130 different contributors, I got the answer to the original question (see below list). It's taken a while for me to get back to this, because I only read this every couple of days or so. Thank you Ozbargain community for answering the question!

  • some caviar brands
  • selected vodka brands. However, many Australian liquor stores have already pulled them from their shelves and catalogues
  • Matryoshka dolls
  • some diamonds originate from Russian owned mines
  • some computer games, computer services and programs
  • watch brands e.g. Vostok and Sturmanskie
  • some decorative swords

Btw, I haven't added 'fuel' as an answer since as far as I can tell, we can't choose the country of origin for consumer fuel.

For those that want to support Russia, one way that you could start is by purchasing items from this list. Best of luck with your purchases.


    • The saddest thing of it all… these sheep like creatures now unfortunately forms the majority within our collective society.

    • -2

      cause its virtue signalling

      • +7

        lot of victim blaming here

        ukraine deserves this because…. reasons???

        • +5

          ThEy PoKed tHE bEAr

        • does not deserve, just got the "bad card" .. long time ago

    • +2

      . If my enemy is becoming friends with my neighbour, I will try to do something before it is too late.

      Curious, what would you do?

      • +2

        invade of course derrr

        his hero is Putin so what did you expect to do

        • Ok. Let’s build a similar story. Your neighbour is having drinks with a pedophile who is also happened to be a powerful police officer. You warn your neighbour about not doing so, because that threatens the safety of your kids. Now, all of a sudden, your neighbour is planning to rent a room to the Police. What would you do? You know that the law is not going to help. Wouldn’t you take the law into your own hands before your kids go missing? Or will you go with cupcakes and welcome your new neighbour?

          Putin in no hero of mine. He is a murderer. So are the leaders of US and Ukraine. I loathe all these people who bring death to people just want to live a life.

          My question was, why Ukraine has to make Russia an enemy? Why US has to bring chaos in that region? Why Australia has to poke its nose there? Why can’t we have peace?

          • @amazonaddict: australia should always be at a hostile stance to russia

            how soon people forget that russian killed 200+ dutch and 20+ australians over ukraine in a malaysian airliner

            i would love to hear how an avg. aust. person is supposed to 'oppose the US' when our govt. is avowed US bootlickers???

          • @amazonaddict: No business for arms dealers

    • +1

      Cringe man.

  • +4

    Found something in my house with a Made in Russia. Cant believe it was in plain sight and in daily use.

    Its the Double Edge Blades made at the St Petersburg Gillette PPE factory (or whatever it is called) This company makes a large number of Double Edge Blades.

  • Why on earth would I boycott their products? Nope sry not taking the bait.

    • its easy to boycott us israel and russian products because they are largely non existant here and shit

  • LOL

  • +3

    My mate said until Putin stops bombing he won't go to the Russian escort he used to be regular.

  • +2

    Soon we will discussing "Boycotting Chinese goods and services"

  • +3

    I just got an internal work email (work for a large American company) and they said that Russia has pulled a "reverse Uno card" (my take on it, obviously not my work's words) and imposed sanctions on countries that include Australia, US, the UK, and Korea.

    So, make of that what you will but, other than heavily amused by this latest development, I won't follow the masses blindly. That and my major in conflict history has taught me enough to remain (mostly) unbiased

    • You do know that majority of people here would interpret that as you being a ‘credulous pro-Russian idiot’.

      You are not allowed to be unbiased anymore. Gotta pick sides.

      • +1

        Thank you for letting me know but, they can think that all they want - I dgaf about people who want to shame me for having a working brain and a degree in skepticism (honestly, university level history was a joy and you have to divorce yourself from emotions occasionally if you're serious about it)

        I pick the side that fits the Western narrative of "peace" and right now, it's not Russia.

  • +4

    I have purchased a large quantity of Russian Vodka. Holding it for a year then sell at an inflated price. It will be the next Cuban cigar.

    • +1

      Isn't that because Cuban cigars are of high quality? Not sure that's the case with Russian vodka.

      • Didn’t they invent the bloody thing though ?

      • Both. There are still sanctions against Cuba for no reason.

  • +2

    So what boycotting should we apply for America ? Or we just accept the double standard.

    • +2

      Well obviously. We only hate the bad guys as taught by media.

  • +3

    Fuel. Actually… You should boycott any petroleum based product, so anything synthetic.

    Thank you for your sacrifice. It makes a big difference.

  • We were dealing with a Russian service, up until when they put a block on financial transactions from Aus to Rus.
    The payments were not getting through and there is pretty much no other way to make the payment.

    Just a side thought… if the payments were allowed to go through, and with these crazy exchange rates, they will be getting more in Ruble.
    Does that mean it is in favour of the person who receive the Ruble since they are getting more?

  • +5

    If you wanna boycott Russia you should boycott US too, their government has as much blood in their hands if not more.
    So many people are that easily influenced by one sided media.

    • This is tiktok gen and collective society for you in a nutshell.

      • +1

        Or just put little Biden stickers next to the pumps saying "I did this." But in all honesty, it's the AUS "Government" that is keeping fuel tankers not allowed to dock and that's what's driving the fuel price. NOT RUSSIA. We make our own fuel here and if you do your own research you will find we don't heavily rely on their gas.

        • We're basically shooting ourselves in the foot here lol

  • +1

    Make sure you change your profile photo to Ukraine colours first

  • +1

    t.A.T.u. songs?

  • Personally, if I’m fighting for a cause, look around and see literal nazis on my side, I’d suggest i need to reconsider my cause.

  • where do we draw this line? does it extend to russian brides as a goods and service?
    in fact im sure thats a great export right now with some good bargains

  • +1

    Can we boycott you?

    These posts are so stupid, I take no side in this bs conflict but I encourage you to do some damn research before jumping on the bandwagon like a sheep. Ukriane and Russia are just as bad as each other just Russia fired the first missiles. Take a look at what the Ukrain President did to his running mate, and which Board does Joe Biden’s son sit on again? What would Australia do if Chinese Naval vessels were sitting on our borders? I’m not trying to be a sympathiser but damn, the entire thing is whack. The media puppets, social media puppets, getting everyone to chant Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine! But very few actually bother to look at the other side.

    I thinks it’s terrible innocent people are dying, I also think it’s terrible the innoncent people protesting this war in Russia are getting locked up and the innocent citizens can’t even buy a big mac meal becuase the corporate overlords want to virtue signal to the world.

    End of the day it’s all BS, just stay out of it and live your life, boycotting is lazzy ass bs, if you want to put your money where your mouth is instead of virtue signalling social media karen posts and comments get of your bum and fly over to Ukraine and fight for them. This is not your war this is just the story of the day, or boycott the US for killing the millions of innocents over the years and arming terrorists, or China for their bio weapons labs that released covid.

  • For all those who are keeping up-to-date and receiving notifications to this post, I've made an edit to the original post. Best of luck to you all.

  • I don't think anyone cares about Ukraine anymore

  • I'm guessing from this that less than maybe 2% have had either the brains, courage or morality to look at the causes from both sides. Far easier to believe the completely discredited msm.

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