Some awesome prices for these CPU's from Computer Alliance :)
AMD AM4 Ryzen 9 5950X 16 Core 4.9GHz CPU (No Cooler) $809.10 Delivered.
As always, enjoy!
Some awesome prices for these CPU's from Computer Alliance :)
AMD AM4 Ryzen 9 5950X 16 Core 4.9GHz CPU (No Cooler) $809.10 Delivered.
As always, enjoy!
on which?
So awesome to see competition between Intel and AMD. Prices of Zen 3 have fallen over 30% since the launch of Alder Lake.
What's the performance difference between the 2 with such a huge price difference?
Large. 5600x is good for most normal use.
One has 6 cores/12 threads, the other has 16 cores/32 threads. If you can use all those cores stuff could be up to 2.6x faster.
I still hope I am right with prediction @ $270
5500/5600/5700x announced soon?
Doubt it - not sure what price point they would fit in at. With the 5600X at ~$300, how much is the 5600 going to come in at?
$250 on sale.. 5700X will be around $350 on sale
Prices don’t really look all that great. My sense is that this is more of a marketing ploy than anything. Gets AMD back in the news, gets reporters talking about them…etc.
If anything, the one that seems the most interesting is the 5500 - at $159 USD, it’ll probably come in around the $250 AUD mark, but it’ll be a tough fight against the 12400 at that price point.
The 5600 makes no sense to me - at $199 USD, it’ll come in over $300 AUD for sure, at which point it’s more or less at the same bracket as the 5600X. Likewise with the 5700X at $299 USD, it’ll come in around $450-500 AUD, which is already the street price of the 5800X.
I mean, pricing is already so sharp at the mid-range for CPUs. I can’t see AMD’s new launch as anything more than a ploy to get news. It’ll only be interesting if street price is significantly below what they’re saying. In other words, 5500 needs to come in closer to $200, and the 5700X around $400 for it to really shake up AMD’s stack.
@p1 ama: Does that mean I should pull the trigger on a 5600x (already using an AMD motherboard)? I've been considering waiting for the 5600 to save a few $$ (was hoping it would be $250) since I don't overclock and only do light gaming (esports titles) and occasionally production work.
@BrewerHaHa: I'd just go for it, there's always something cheaper and better around the corner and prices will only ever fall on tech.
@p1 ama: Just picked one up thanks to the recent afterpay deals. Hvaen't installed it yet but glad I pulled the trigger at some point
Cheaper at gg tech eBay $301.50
Good to see the prices coming down, though personally I think i'm going to wait on the 5800X3D reviews (end of the month?) before upgrading.
Funny thing is that the new i3 12300 often matches or outperforms the 5600X in gaming. Which is why I believe that the 5600X needs to come down on price even further.
I have a i7 8700k oc @ 5ghz, will I see much of a difference if i upgrade to 5600x
Not really, the 8700K is still a really good chip, it's pretty much the same as the 10600K, which the 5600X is only marginally better than.
Thanks, I guess I’ll wait a little longer.
Tested with a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU not a huge difference overall
If you have a better GPU you could look at the 720p graphs to simulate being less GPU bound or 1440p if you have a slower GPU to simulate being more GPU bottlenecked.
If you have a better GPU you could look at the 720p graphs to simulate being less GPU bound
Yes, but to what extent does it matter whether you’re getting 220 fps and 280 fps at 720p? It’s not a realistic use case. You should test at whatever resolution you’re actually playing at.
Thanks! Ordered a 5950x. Should be a bit better than my 3600.
Great and Huge upgrade, Make sure your motherboard and PSU can handle it.
Yeah, they're fine. I over-specced them on purpose when Amazon accidentally sent me the 3600 instead of the kids book I ordered. Figured I'd upgrade at some point.
Now that is a score!
Is reinstalling the OS always required after replacing the CPU for win 10?
If you are just upgrading the CPU, you don't need a OS upgrade, just make sure your motherboard supports the new CPU , some boards will need a BIOS update to support newer CPUs, if changing the motherboard then yes you will need an OS update.
Thank you so much for the info.
Thanks OP. Impulse bought the 5950x for $773 stacking with extra 4.5% off coupon with reedemyourgiftcard (sign up to sunsuper to get access).
The lowest price ever