This was posted 2 years 11 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] Free Boxes of 36x Hand Sanitizer @ Addison Road Community Centre, Marrickville


Free slabs of hand sanitizer, 36 bottles in each box. They restock with a new pallet once it's empty, there's also a phone number on the sign where you can get an entire pallet delivered or request a restock.

It's sitting in the north corner of the Addison road community center carpark.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    is there free toilet paper??

    • +11

      just get the hand sanitizer and use as a manual bidet

      • +1

        here could help

        • -4

          I thought the government put a stop to this pandemic price gouging. Free, well it's not! I have to pay my own petrol to collect it.

        • Risky click of the day

      • And set it to fire

    • +5

      Use your hand, flush your hand to get rid of any residue. Sanitise hands.

    • +5

      I'm not in a position to pick up a box

      Then bend your knees

  • +34

    How times have changed.

    Can we expect free boxes/pallets of Antigen tests in 6 months?

    • +7

      I wish it will have the same effect on house prices and rent (I am not expecting free but not crazy price)

      • +10

        +1 I wouldn't mind 24 free houses. Hell I'm not greedy, I'd settle for 4 or 5.

        • I hear back in the day you could win them in raffles

          • +2

            @SpainKing: Still can for the price of a ticket.

            • @quog: That's marketed as a lottery if it's the one I'm thinking of. Tickets are a whole lot more expensive than I think the raffles were

          • @SpainKing: Probably down at the local RSL too after buying a couple Schooners to go in the draw.

    • -1

      Can we expect free boxes/pallets of Antigen tests in 6 months?

      Anyone with kids at school should have already received theirs. We've got enough to get by for months.

      • Got relos trying to give boxes of this stuff away.
        Pensioner + school kids + low income earners all living under one roof…got antigen tests coming out of their ears

        • gotta get those ears checked, can't be good

  • +9

    Could you imagine the cost of this around 2 years ago? Honestly would have been worth $5,000 lol

    • +2

      $20,000 would be more accurate.

      • +7

        Haha. And remember a time where people would be googling recipes online and creating your own concoctions from equally overpriced ingredients?

        • +5

          Never expected my 5L 99% iso jug to appreciate in value

          • @cydia9k: still not down to pre pandemic levels but 5L last one i bought was $35 delivered …….how hard is it to distill the hand sanitizer and extract the isopropyl ?

    • +2

      This is a great example of supply and demand from sky highs to giving the stuff away for free

  • Expiry less than a month.

    • +23

      Its alcohol it never expires just like vegemite

      • Why they always have the expiry date then?

        • +6

          which sanitiser or vegemite

          probably because the government requires it.

          I mean bottled water has an expiry date.

          • +2

            @MrThing: Bottled water has an expiry date because the plastic bottle degrades and leeches into the water. Obviously the water itself doesn't have an expiry date if you can contain it in an earthenware and seal with wax.

            • @azukay: Nope, @MrThing was correct; it’s just required to be dated as a matter of good manufacturing practice. There’s no serious risk of leeching. Plastic stored correctly will not break down for thousands of years. Indeed, water stored in “earthenware sealed with wax” would presumably leech more - and - would ALSO be required to have a date stamp. Glass doesn’t leech. It also is required to have a date stamp.

          • -2

            @MrThing: probably in case someone peepeed into the tank, and based on the dilution factor that's how long water can last.

        • I read that the alcohol content reduces over time so become less effective in killing germs.

          • @naruto128: Correct the alcohol content evaporates so it will be less than 60% and not kill germs as effectively

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Pretty unlikely to occur in any serious amount. It’s more of a common myth than a truth. If you’ve ever stored bottles of liquor in your cabinet for a while you’ll notice they don’t really evaporate much at all.

            • +1


              Correct the alcohol content evaporates

              How does evaporation occur in a sealed container?

        • so people throw it out and buy more …….. ?

          the sanitizer isn’t just pure isopropyl but some have a gelling agent / thickener ….might be the thickener breaks down ……

      • It evaporates hence the % drops

        • +3

          How does it evaporate with the lid on?

          • +1

            @trapper: You reckon those hand pumps are air tight?

            • +6

              @m9: When still sealed, yes they are.

              After being unsealed, then still practically yes, unless you are talking about decades lol

              Just look at the liquid level in the bottle. If it is evaporating away like you think, then this will have dropped significantly when compared to a freshly manufactured bottle.

              If you're still not convinced, then a simple test you can do is just grab a bottle and squeeze it. If it doesn't squash down then it's air tight.

              • +4

                @trapper: I have a hand sanitizer that is 15 years old in my work office (yes, confirmed by the manufactured date on the label). Doesn't appear to have evaporated after all that time. Still more than half full. You are probably right that some would evaporate but it would take a lifetime at this bottle's rate

              • -1

                @trapper: Most of the hand sanitisers (hand pumps/flip tops/etc) I've seen or bought are just screwed on, no seals. Also I'm not saying it can't be used, it's totally usable past the so called expiry date. And I didn't mean for it to evaporate so significantly that the level is vastly different.

                If the labels say 70% v/v for example, then the manufacturer will have made sure it's at least this + a bit more just to be sure. It doesn't take much for alcohol to evaporate a few % and when it gets below 70% (or what's stated on the bottle), they can't legally be sold now. This lost of a few % is not noticeable to the naked eye. If the bottles does not state the % then I'm sure they have nothing to worry about.

                • +1

                  @m9: You are still peddling misinformation though.

                  Alcohol does not evaporate through either a hand pump or a flip top lid.

                  Squeeze a bottle, nothing escapes.

                  • -4

                    @trapper: Look up the angels share. That's why whisky etc is bottled in glass. Plastic is porous.. Slightly. (Whisky barrels are obviously very porous)

                    It's also why snowglobes in thin plastic lose water and need topping up.

        • OMG! Please Google evaporation - it is roughly the transformation of a liquid substance to a vapour. The space for vapour to form inside a full bottle of sanitiser is practically zero, once saturated with alcohol (at manufacture) it stays that way… Got it????

      • And Maccas cheeseburgers

      • And milk.

      • +1

        Vegemite is already made off lol

  • +3

    Why is the black white square sticker so crisp, it looks photoshopped lol

    • +1

      They are to do with limiting the quantity of shipment of hazardous goods

  • +1

    They’d likely be ozbargained by opportunistic flippers or delis/petrol station owners.
    I wonder why they don’t just call up schools, charities or community centres to donate?

    • +3

      There dudes who drop them off have a whole warehouse full haha, I think they want them gone ASAP hence delivering you a pallet if you're from a school or whatever

      • +4

        They have to make room for hoarding the new shit everyone one wants. Empty hand sanitizer by the pallet, fill with Adblue

    • It's the same for anything that's provided "for free" … without price to regulate demand, over consumption is inevitable.

  • +4

    I can't wait until everybody hoards wine, then I'll finally take advantage of one of these giveaways.

    • +2

      It's alcohol, close enough.

      • brb going to go get brain damage

  • Do I need a boat to go to Marrickville? 😂

    • Roads were fine this morning, no water anywhere that I saw on the drive.

  • +2

    Send it to the local schools

  • Can you drink it?

    • Well, you can

    • +9

      everything is drinkable once.

  • Shipping kills the deal. I kid. I kid.

    • Transport to Marrickville kills the deal…….

      • +4

        Potholes on the way to Marrickville will kill your car.

        • And potheads will finish you off 😂

          What a great sports team name, the Marrickville Potheads.

          • +1

            @decc0: For Marrickville that'd be the Marrickville Methheads, lots of those running around.

  • -4

    These guys probably shouldn't be doing this, short expiry means they are avoiding disposal costs but instead passing the disposal costs onto the consumer i.e. your personal waste bin. But I guess if people are happy to use expired hand sanitiser then go for it?

    • +9

      It doesn't expire the same way bread or milk does. It's almost pure alcohol so at worst it'll only be slightly less effective even well after its expiry date

      • -1

        I guess it depends on whether it gets used in the end, if its a handful of pallets maybe but where does the line get drawn? If i have 500 pallets that I can no longer sell, should I seek to recycle or dispose "responsibly" or push on to consumers who may just chuck it in landfill.

        • It's Ozbargain we will be using it

  • +1

    This looks like a trap if childhood cartoons have ever taught me anything.

    • Only if it's Acme brand!

      • But how do we know it isn't inside?!

        • Road runner gotta do what road runner gotta do.

  • +1

    Stockpile for the next pandemic

    • Nope. That next pandemic will be all about stocking up on latest hard to source and grossly overpriced foot sanitiser!

  • shops are not letting these sanitisers to take up most storage space

  • Looks like someone was a few years late to the party. 😂

  • The 'Huns' in those Facebook markdown groups are going to love this deal

  • +1

    On Friday afternoons there's often leftover Bread & Butter Project bread—delicious sourdough—left outside the Food Pantry in the Addison Road Centre too. They're not operating on weekends so it's left for anyone who wants it.

  • Thanks op, just grabbed a box.
    FYI - No mention of an expiry date for those questioning it.
    Brand is K's and they're short stubby 500ml squirt bottles.
    Alcohol concentration is 75% (ethanol)

    • It says 2 years validity period on the bottle

  • +1

    This time last year, people were transforming gin & vodka into hand sanitizers. Hopefully there's a reverse recipe!

    • nope, but you will be clean inside and out.

    • +1

      You can reverse back to ethanol, but it will cost way more than it would if you just bought some at the store. It's very difficult to make it drinkable again.

  • Plenty left when I got there at 230PM

    • It's been restocked, whole new pallet :)

    • +1

      Thanks for sharing, also I assume the expiry date is soon?

  • +1

    Bought some freezer clips from Mini-So and they gave me a litre of this stuff.
    Seems everyone is trying to get rid of their overstock.

  • But isn't it flooding in Marrickville?

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