Hi folks, graphics card shipment has just landed. Quick sale on Gainward Ghost RTX 3060 12GB LHR on hand for immediate shipping.
And yep, this means system builds are full steam ahead now too.
Hi folks, graphics card shipment has just landed. Quick sale on Gainward Ghost RTX 3060 12GB LHR on hand for immediate shipping.
And yep, this means system builds are full steam ahead now too.
looks like by Easter next month more deals will come!
At 1080p sure….
I'd say most people with this class of GPU are on 1080p
Steam surveys seem to support that too.
Except for the idiots who bought 1440 144hz monitors without checking to see if their cards could handle it first..
Yep that's me. To be fair though I still wouldn't go back to 1080p, 1440p is still so much better for productivity outside of gaming
@roberttimmms: Id rather game at 1440p 60hz than 1080p 90hz (on a 32" monitor). Sort of where i am also stuck now
At 1080p the RTX 3060 only performs around 5% faster on average. At 1440p it's around 10%.
You can get a MSI RX 6600 for $549 on eBay with the SNSAVE2 coupon.
The RTX 3060 from this deal is $740+ shipped.
Is it really worth paying ~$190 more (+35%) for a 5-10% performance increase?
It depends what your preferences with drivers are. NVIDIA drivers have a lot of value-add features compared to AMD and there is also DLSS support. I agree the $ per fps isn't worth it alone though.
@Agret: Totally agree. I am happy to pay substantially more for the reliability, maturity and extra features from Nvidia.
My experience with AMD CPUs has been outstanding, but for GPUs, it's been a very different story.
Certain games work better with Nvidia / ATI cards - I'd suggest checking which is best based on what games you play.
What a stupendously ugly card.
It's not cool but it's just red and black.
Didn’t think it was too bad myself
@FireRunner: I clicked on it expecting something awful and just saw a red and black card. Hardly ugly. People are weird
I like it!
Colorful definitely aren't second tier cards, their Neptune and Vulcan line are top of the line
Not really, Colorful is more of a premium-brand quality at budget prices.
Some of the high-end Gainward cards look good, but this isn't one of them. Small, likely sleeve-bearing fans, plastic everything and small heatsink. The Colorful card is objectively better in regards to noise and cooling.
Second-tier comment, bloody awful.
Second tier? Are you dense. You done any research on colorful or na?
When that card has better fans, bigger fans, way bigger heatsink and a metal backplate with thermal pads, I can't see how this can be considered a "deal" at $740+ including delivery.
Gainward is Taiwan, Colorful is China. Long live Ukraine!
These are made in Taiwan?
If so I'll have to buy one!
@Exprise: No. It's made in mainland china just like colourful because well, china's labor is cheaper than Taiwan.
The actual chip used in both gainward and colourful however, are probably both made in Taiwan.
They'll soon be the same country.
Reminds me of MSI gaming series design
Or get a Gigabyte RX 6600 XT for $699 shipped which will perform much better than a RTX 3060?
Hey guys!
First of all, it’s nice to see prices finally going down. Anyways, I was just wondering, can someone help me find a good budget build at around 1k or under? Im mainly looking to play games like valorant, lol at 144fps and maybe even Warzone and apex at 100fps. There was a 3050 build by bpc that I thought was great for $1000 but it sold out. Should I just wait until a similar one pops up? And just a side note, there is a 6500 xt build by bpc for $900, is that worth it? Thanks guys.
If you must have a new build right away and can't raise the total price, my advice would be to use a CPU with an integrated GPU, and wait for GPU prices to drop further. You can game on it right away at lower details/resolution, and add a GPU for much improved gaming performance in the future.
Or buy a used PC with last-gen hardware, and upgrade the GPU at some point in the future.
like a 5600g build? alright thank you!
Yep! The 5600G has the best integrated graphics right now. Easily play titles at 1080P with low detail.
I’d avoid the 6500 XT. Best to wait a while longer. Prices of GPUs are coming down so decent $1k builds should be reappearing in the near future
Alright thanks for your help!
Username checks out.
Under 1000 seems quite a bit challenging for what you are looking for. Apex at 100+ with everything turned down needs at least a 3060, a 3050 would probably work but I wouldn't recommend anything less than a 3060, the value just isn't there. I'd say you'd have to grab each component when it's on sale, slowly building up the system to get the max discount. The main cost will be the GPU. As mentioned above, grabbing an apu (cpu that has graphics built in) isn't a bad idea. Build yourself a nice system with a decent CPU, Mobo, Ram, PSU, SSD's, Case etc and then wait it out for a 3070 or something. But this will definitely be above 900. A nice apu is the Ryzen 5 5600G. I'd say 1300 - 1500 is the more likely price of what you want.
Alright I'll keep that all in mind. Thanks for your input!
You are welcome :)
If you don't care about DLSS, wait for an RX 6600 system for around $1k.
just FYI Ryzen 5 cpus are a bottle neck for this GPU. so you might want to think about that before getting it.
No. No they're not.
I have tested 3600 ryzen 5s with this they are. the 5600 ryzen 5 is the only one I tested that actually can keep up.
Most people don't have 5000 series cpus they have 3000 series. or less.
@kungfuman: Completely depends how and what you tested it. As a general statement like you posted, it's still "no"
@Dvbargain: all tests were done on a Asrock X570 steel legend, with 3200mhz 32gb DDR 4 ram.
3d mark confirms the performance of ryzen 5 3000 series or less bottle necks a 3060 GPU
Good deal
People are so desperate that they would pay $900+ for this card lol
Still needs to drop another $200. HODL!
is it good for csgo on a 1440p 120ghz monitor?
CS:GO is one of the lightest games in terms of hardware requirements, so it should be fine. A quick bit of searching finds the 3060 running CS:GO at ~400ish FPS at 1080p, I imagine hitting a stable 120fps @ 1440p would be no problem.
Then again, 120ghz is a bit harder ;)
csgo is cpu bound on low settings, like my 750 ti handled 1080p fine on low settings 300fps average(cpu bound), so in general a more powerful gpu will not help with csgo
but fps as a measure is deceptive, what you really want is as many frames as possible, this is particularly important in competitive
@Zorlin: damn i haven't watched LTT in years lol, they're too mainstream now, good meme material tho
u can run csgo on a toaster…
Keep'em coming…. I have my credit card standing by once prices come down further :).
its a much better price that previously so yeah go for it.
I have the AMD equilant 6600 XT which costs way less lol.
These guys really seem to listen. I remember when people were asking for 'parts' to be sold separately. We all knew it was mostly CPUs and GPUs people wanted. I never thought they would do it, but they did.
Also, whenever people ask for a deal with certain parts, they try to make that happen too. From increasing the RAM frequency on Zen3 builds to 3200Mhz to swapping AMD for Intel and vice versa. As a business owner, I'm very impressed with their dedication to customer satisfaction.
This comment was in no way endorsed or paid for by Techfast. I am in no way affiliated with Techfast.
No, you're wrong, these resellers/retailers are greedy, more like no one is buying GPU atm for the listed price, so they have to do it without a bundle to make it more attractive, otherwise, their warehouse will be full of GPU that depreciate in price daily.
I don't often comment on pricing, but one thing is for certain - price inflation has little to do with retailers and far more to do with those that sit above them in the supply chain, right to the very top.
They started selling GPUs separately at least 6 months ago. At the peak of the price gouging. They always give decent prices compared to most stores too. Techfast and discounted EBay deals are the only ones that have tempted me so far.
Yes resellers buy their GPU directly from Nvidia/AMD and pocket all the moneys. Not like they use distributors or anything…
I second that, these deals are arguably the deal of the year of 2021 for GPU/CPU:
Many benefited from these deals and no other competitors managed to beat those deals with the same spec.
That 3060ti+5600x was a killer deal they should do more of those bundles.
These deals still suck though. Hard to use words like "good & best deals" unless it's for deals like the below.
These are from 2020, all in hindsight. The techfast deals above was from mid 2021 which at the peak of stupid crypto mining.
Still not worth the price for only 25 mh/s on ETH. Unless of course the hackers release an unlocked firmware which would then give 50 mh/s. Which then, wow, what a deal!
3060 is 37 Mh/s roughly, not sure why you got 25. 50 is for the FHR version which no longer produced for long time.
Nobody asked yet whether it's a mini? Or do we have to wait a year?
You don't need to ask, just look at the specs and it's obvious. But since it isn't for you, no, it's not a mini. The mini is the Pegasus.
If anyone's looking to buy it to re-sell, don't bother. I bought one and found it almost impossible to sell for a profit. In the end I made $10 profit after postage costs factored in.
Very hard to flip since GPU price is dropping now.
feebay charged almost 15% fee as well.
Nope I sold on FB market.
Considering that stock in Australia is pretty decent now, and the weekly price drops recently, why would you bother buying a 3060 with the intention of only re-selling it? Supply is increasing along with demand decreasing. Id imagine the time Auspost drops off your re-sell GPU, that its cheaper to just go to a retailer.
tons of rtx 3080 on FB market now, those guys must be desperate to offload their rig.
why does this junk card even have 12gb lol
memory bus width, its either 6gb or 12gb - which do you want?
Why is it junk?
How does this compare to a 1080Ti?
well, well looking forward to next month now.