• expired

10% off Good Food, TCN Him, NRL/AFL, Pub & Bar and Hotel & Holiday Gift Cards @ Woolworths

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10% off Good Food, TCN Him, NRL/AFL, PUB & Bar and Hotel & Holiday Gift Card

Offer available from 2/3/22 to 8/3/22 on all denominations of gift cards pictured including the Hotel & Holiday Gift Card, in Woolworths Supermarkets, Woolworths Metro and Woolworths MetroGo only, while stocks last. Excludes Woolworths Online and Ampol Woolworths Metro. Refer to individual cards for their terms and conditions. Limit of 10 per customer.

Gift Card Participating Retailers
The HIM Card(thecardnetwork.com.au) Academy Brand, Adidas, Aquila, ASOS, BooHooMAN, Booktopia, Calibre, Calvin Klein, Champion, Culture Kings, Diesel, Drummond Golf, Edge Clothing, Factorie, Foot Locker, Glue Store, H&M, Hype DC, INTERSPORT, Jay Jays, JB Hi-Fi, JD Sports, Neverland, Nike, Pivot, Platypus, Scotch & Soda, Surf Dive n Ski, SurfStitch, The AFL Store, Timberland, Tommy Hilfiger, Universal Store, Van Heusen, Xbox
The Bar & Pub Card(card.gift) Use this gift card at pubs or bars that accept eftpos around Australia.

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closed Comments

  • Here we go again.

  • +1

    AFL in Vic and possibly other states.

    • +1

      Thanks, updated deal.

  • -6

    Good luck finding any stock, quickly get down to Woolies and hide a bunch now and hope they survive until Wednesday haha
    TCN Him ones esp

    • Clueless Clarky . JB HI FI often have 15-17% off .
      No rush on this .

      • +2

        Not so sure about regularly but yes they have been available at 15% of just prior to Christmas the last couple of years however trying to find stock has been extremely difficult in many jurisdictions. 10% is likely gonna be as good as it gets until Christmas again unless I've been missing a bunch of deals which I seriously doubt as I've been looking specifically.

      • …where are these mysterious discounts?

        And a link to the last example would be helpful pls :)

        • -1

          Once a year and no stock for you.

        • +1

          “Often” is not a word I would have used…

          Here are the only three 15% off deals I can recall (i.e. upfront discounts):

          There are other deals where you earn bonus Flybuys points that was equivalent to ~17% or 20% of the gift card’s value, but they are usually limited to 5 gift cards per Flybuys account, plus a lot of people prefer an upfront discount than bonus Flybuys points (and fair enough).

          Keep in mind the gift cards I’ve linked to above are either TCN or Ultimate gift cards. The highest discount I recall seeing on a JB Hi-Fi gift card in recent times is a measly 7.5% (and that was through a gift card portal you can only access if your employer has paid for access to this portal).

          • +1

            @WookieMonster: Right, so it's not exactly a JB-only card discount/store-wide sales event. that's what I thought was being implied. Those TCN discounts are super rare!

            I snagged that Coles 15% off deal last November for a Switch + MK8D + NSO bundle. Great value. Didn't buy more GC than I need though, was lucky to find any and I like my money ;)

            Really appreciate the detailed response.

    • I always see these comments on deals but my Woolworths always has full stock. Do some stores actually run out?

      • +2

        Only when these deals are on, often the week before they have lots then all of a sudden the Sunday, Monday before they all disappear lol
        I'm not even joking it's happened at both Coles near me more than a few times, one time I actually hid 5x $100 cards hoping the same would repeat but the next deal was for a different brand with the same "HIS" "HERS" "ACTIVE" branding so they were useless and all the other brand were suddenly out of stock??? I'm in Melbourne's West but it's not unique to me, seems pretty common when you go through chat from previous deals.
        Might have to come where you live next time although I probably won't need anything of significance when it does ;D

        • Maybe I'm just lucky then, I have 2 Coles and 3 Woolworths nearby in Brisbane and I've never had an issue just picking some up in whichever store I'm in when I'm shopping.

      • Not if the staff put the entire store's box full
        of stock aside for a "family that requested them".

  • I need $750 from EBGame and $2000 from The Good Guys…………..guess its next time for me!

    • Be careful though sometimes the don't accept gift cards for console purchases although I think the ACCC have a few retailers a slap on wrist for not making it clear in the terms before hand.
      I'm assuming you are buying a console ($750 EBgames) but I could be wrong.

      • Yes I am indeed buying from ebgames. $2000 is for a tv at good guys

        • JBHifi is on there. You can get them to match whatever GoodGuys has.

  • Can the TCN be used as a normal EFTPOS card?

  • Can anyone let me know if I can use it online. I am trying to buy a console from jb. Thanks

    • I don't think so, there are a couple of different companies that offer "HIM" cards though so I'm not 100% but I know for a fact one of the companies stopped converting them for E Vouchers so the only way is instore. Probably others with more in-depth knowledge, if you are immediately go back to the pre-christmas 15% of deal at Coles and have a read through the comments.
      I just looked at the terms in TCN website and it seems as though they are back swapping them for online vouchers so maybe the issue is fixed now but I'd wait until sometimye who's used one recently can confirm.

      • Thank you for your input. Cheers

    • +4

      You cannot use these gift cards directly on any participating retailer’s website, as the gift cards operate on the EFTPOS network (and EFTPOS is currently only available for in-person purchases).

      However, some participating retailers (including JB Hi-Fi) participate in TCN’s gift card exchange facility, where you can exchange part or the full balance of a TCN gift card for a digital gift card for a participating retailer.

      If you go to TCN’s webpage for the HIM gift card (linked in the description) and click on How to Use, you’ll be bumped down to a drop-down list, where you can see which retailers accept TCN gift cards in-store and “online” (via the gift card exchange facility). If you select JB Hi-Fi from that list and select the “Online” button to the right of the list, it will give you instructions on how you can redeem part or all the balance of the TCN gift card for a digital JB Hi-Fi gift card.

      Keep in mind that TCN and participating retailers reserve the right to leave the gift card exchange facility (or the gift card program itself) at any time, and as the previous commenter alluded, JB Hi-Fi was not on the gift card exchange facility for about a month towards the end of last year, and there was no warning before this happened.

      • +1

        Thank you for clearing that. i was just thinking online for the convenience, if it comes to that I can always go to store. Not a big deal.

      • +1

        Thanks for the write up.

        Is the swap instant?

        • +2

          It is usually close to instant.

  • Does anyone know if the Him card Xbox credit can be used at the Microsoft Store? I need to buy a laptop for my kid to do remote learning post flood.

    • From Microsoft Website

      "With an Xbox Gift Card, give the freedom to pick the gift they want. It can be used to buy the hottest new Xbox full game downloads, apps, films, TV programmes, devices and more. There are no fees or expiry dates to worry about. This digital gift code is valid for purchases at Microsoft Store online, on Windows and on Xbox. It cannot be used for purchases from physical Microsoft Stores"

      So basically yes you can use it towards a surface device but only online.

      • Yep so it’s definitely a regular Xbox gift card is what I meant. I know the normal ones work online at the Microsoft Store, but I’ve been bitten before buying a Choice or Swap or something card that was limited to the Xbox store only. Good to know the Him card doesn’t have this limitation, thanks.

        • Yes you can choose which type you want it seems either the regular Xbox card or the one for online subscription I forget it's exact name. If you google TCN Him and then scroll to Xbox you'll see the options.

  • Would this be the cheapest way to buy an iPhone ? Via tcn

    • I'd like to know too. I need a new phone and it'd be great if the card can be used for iPhone at JB hi-fi.

    • +3

      Currently, it's probably the cheapest way, particularly if you'd much rather an upfront discount on gift cards than bonus loyalty points. You could also ask JB Hi-Fi to price match Officeworks if you find they are also selling

      Historically speaking, Coles have previously sold TCN and Ultimate gift cards at a 15% discount, but this has only happened around Black Friday (i.e. late November / early December), plus stock usually disappears from Coles supermarkets fast.

      And don't worry if you only find $50 TCN HIM gift cards in stock at your local Woolworths… I think the record for the most number of TCN/Ultimate gift cards redeemed in one transaction in-store at JB Hi-Fi is 81. Having said that, if you're gonna go into JB Hi-Fi with a stack of TCN gift cards, at least remove the gift cards from the cardboard packaging and scratch to reveal PINs before you get to the store. You should also try to go at a quieter time or when there are more staff around, as redeeming a stack of TCN gift cards will effectively shut down a register and tie up a staff member for a few minutes whilst you swipe and punch in PINs on the EFTPOS terminal.

      EDIT: Alternatively, if you don't mind using Apple gift cards from Coles and using Cashrewards for cashback, this deal may be of interest, as stacking the Apple gift cards from Coles and Cashrewards cashback means that you'll be better off than the deal from TCN.

  • Noob question: how do I know where the Bar & Pub card will be accepted? Couldn’t find it online……

    • +3

      TCN have a directory on their (deprecated?) webpage(choice.gift) for the gift card, but I’m not sure how up-to-date the directory is.

      You’ll need to keep in mind that the Pub & Bar gift card is what I would call a “category-restricted” gift card. Essentially, it is an EFTPOS gift card that can only be used at EFTPOS terminals with a specific Merchant Category Code (MCC).1 TCN doesn’t specify the MCC it works at, but my assumption is that it is 5813.2

      You honestly won’t really know where a Pub & Bar gift card will actually work until you actually try to use it at location you would regard as a pub or bar.

      • There is no trusted central database listing the MCC for all merchants in Australia. MCCs don’t really affect many card transactions each day in Australia, so there isn’t a lot of incentive to have a real-time or central database that the public can see. The database on the TCN website I linked to you before is probably cobbled together in conjunction with the Australian Hotels Association, so there is a good chance there are some pubs and bars missing, or the MCC for a pub or bar listed on that database has changed in the meantime to an MCC that corresponds with a restaurant or a bakery3 or something else random.

      • Another issue is that pretty much no one at the pub or bar would know what the MCC for their EFTPOS terminals are, because it is something that usually doesn’t matter when taking payments from customers. I have previously been trained on using EFTPOS terminals to accept payments, and I certainly was never told what the MCC was (and I had no need to know either, because all I really had to do was punch in the requested amount and present the EFTPOS terminal to the customer for payment).

      Another issue is whether you can get a pub or bar to split payments so you can use up the last $3.60 on a Pub & Bar gift card (as an example), but that is kinda outside the scope of your question.

      (I think you can see why I don’t like “category-restricted” gift cards.)

      1. An MCC is a four digit number assigned by the financial institution managing the merchant’s EFTPOS payments, and this four digit number identifies the primary business undertaken by that merchant. You can find a long list of MCCs here(citibank.com)

      2. 5813 corresponds with Bars, Cocktail Lounges, Discotheques, Nightclubs and Taverns–Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)

      3. The bakery example may seem a bit random, but there’s a good reason I mention it… I was with a friend one time at a cafe, and they wanted to use a “category-restricted” gift card that only worked at Eating Places and Restaurants (5812). However, their gift card kept on being rejected by the gift card issuer when they attempted payment at the counter. My friend eventually relented and paid with a bank card, and when they called their bank later, their bank said the MCC for the transaction corresponded with Bakeries (5462). 

      • +1

        Much appreciated!

      • I have actually found that the Pub & Bar card is quite widely accepted. TCN had an offer of 10% off, some months ago and I purchased some eCards. I have used these at several pubs and bars, and haven't been knocked back once.

  • -1

    OW price beat for HIM cards still valid?

    • +1

      OW don’t sell TCN gift cards (and I don’t think they have ever sold them).

      • +1

        thanks Guru for the speedy response 🙏

  • -1

    HIM card should include ebgames. Which guys doesn’t play ?

  • Does anyone know if I can use woolies gift cards to buy TCN gift cards?

    • Probably not.

      • If you swipe, scan or key in a gift card on the payment screen if you're purchasing any gift cards at Woolworths (or BIG W), you'll get an error message, regardless of whether you're also trying to buy groceries or other items in the same transaction.

      • If you use Everyday Pay, I have no idea.

      • Thank you for your reply.

        I think in previous posts I read that you may only use 5 TCN cards max now at JB? But other option was just to trade it in for digital JB gift cards if you needed to use more in one transaction? Hoping you can help me confirm before I went out and bought plenty.

        • That 5 gift card limit was quietly introduced in November 2020 during a 15% off TCN gift card at Coles. JB Hi-Fi relented and removed the limit a couple of days later, after a lot of people got cranky for JB Hi-Fi shifting the goal posts.

          I think the (OzBargain) record for the most number of TCN/Ultimate gift cards redeemed in a single transaction at a physical JB Hi-Fi store is 81. Other people have redeemed 20 or 30 TCN/Ultimate gift cards in one transaction at a physical JB Hi-Fi with minimal fuss. If you're gonna go into a physical store and use a stack of TCN/Ultimate gift cards, make sure to remove the cardboard packaging and scratch to reveal PINs, as it will take some time to redeem all the gift cards. Try to also go to JB Hi-Fi at a relatively quiet time, as you'll tie up a checkout and a staff for a few minutes whilst you redeem all the gift cards.

          If you're shopping online, you cannot use TCN gift cards on the website unless they have first been converted to JB Hi-Fi gift cards. There is currently no limit to the number of JB Hi-Fi gift cards you can redeem in one online transaction, but you'll need to remember that you cannot use JB Hi-Fi gift cards to buy JB Hi-Fi gift cards.

  • -1

    Do any of these work for the weekly everyday rewards points offers?

  • The Fashion Card for Him is subject to these restrictions:

    JB HiFi

    Cards cannot be used to purchase gift cards issued by JB HiFi

    Does this mean I can't use it to buy apple gift cards or just jb hi-fi gift cards?

    • +2


      “Gift cards issued by JB Hi-Fi” only refer to JB Hi-Fi gift cards(jbhifi.com.au).

      Apple gift cards are issued by Apple, so there should be no problems using TCN or Ultimate gift cards to pay for Apple gift cards. If you purchase an Apple gift card from JB Hi-Fi, JB Hi-Fi is merely acting as an agent in the transaction, as they are facilitating the sale.

      Btw, if/when you’re purchasing the Apple gift cards at JB Hi-Fi, remember to say you’d like to use card(s) as a payment method, not gift cards, because TCN and Ultimate gift cards are EFTPOS or Visa cards. (I got into more detail about it here.)

      • +1

        thanks! I thought maybe they changed the terms and conditions

        • also it's 10 per customer but is there a way for them to check if I get say 20 in two transaction?

  • -1

    Are there any pubs that sell gift cards? They’re mostly owned by Woolworths anyway. It would be good if you could find one that sells Wish cards and effectively swap the pin card for a wish card.

  • Has this ended? Or only at 11:59pm tonight?

    • It will end at 11:59pm tonight.

      • Has woolies got stock of this everywhere? or is it hard to find

        • In my experience with this deal, stores have a few gift cards in stock, but not many.

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