Big price drop on Gainward RTX 3080 and 3070 Ti. Strictly limited stock arriving in this week's shipment.
Gainward Phoenix RTX 3080 10GB LHR: $1588
Gainward Phoenix RTX 3070 Ti 8GB LHR: $1199
Big price drop on Gainward RTX 3080 and 3070 Ti. Strictly limited stock arriving in this week's shipment.
The 3070ti is still about two or three hundred above rrp. But with ww3 around the corner, who knows what will happen.
RRP Was only for founders edition mainly, all branded GPUS are always $150-300 above RRP.
Get some last minute gaming in before we all get conscripted.
@Hall-fg: And the SkyNews source was House Republican Mike "You know, buying Greenland really is a good idea" Gallagher.
Someone who thinks it's necessary to state that a document is 5,000 words long (the enterprise agreement I work under is over 30,000, so it's not much) probably isn't who we should trust on global political analysis.
Practice some Call of Duty for good measure. And better some Fallout as well.
Gonna get me some sweet one-armed leather jacket for the apocalypse. And a dog.
Don't let others make you FOMO to buy because of the fear that the price will go up again…..they have already paid a premium last year. You should have a plan for both scenarios….3070ti is much better value here for gaming in the interim and covers both risks. If gpu price spikes again, 3070ti can keep you gaming for next 2 more yrs. But if 4080 come out with a good price, then your strategy is to sell the 3070ti and recover whatever it can, should still be less depreciation compares to 3080. Remember 3xxx are almost 2 year old tech and still above msrp …. so still a far cry from its true value imo. Also, the more ppl can HODL from now the more price it may drop and more chance of 4080 being at the original MSRP. Some will probably tell me I'm dreaming or something completely irrelevant like crypto bull still here blah blah lol. just all imo ppl
Do U feel the 3070ti is better than the 2080ti for gaming ?
2080Ti is an 11gb 3070 for most games. 3070Ti is only marginally faster so not worth an upgrade from 2080Ti
the Ti designation (3070 was 10gb, Ti 8gb and they have a refresh standing by with 12gb for when Intel drop its best GPU and this is when the price will CRASH) are <12 month old…refresh models, the 3080ti is hard to find if at all and its been out since before xmas on paper anyway ~ AND YES the 3070Ti is better, much much better but you can wait the 20XX series works well too with DLSS at 1440
Both 3070 and 3070 Ti are 8GB.
@nushydude: next unreleased but anounced by nVidia but delayed because Intels delays its release ~ nvidia dont like competing against themselves!
Wait for 4xxx
Its not just the nextgen GPU
it will need a new >1200 psu with p5.0/16pin 600w power connector (cost >350-400 base cost) to run the next gen 4xxx/7xxx's
that right, also the soon to be released 1700pin 14th gen Intel will need a new socket to get some of the benefts too
then toss in the DDR5 ram, no I mean the real stuff, not the dell 4400ghz but 7000+….$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Its why I buy and upgrade 1-2 gen old PC tech. Its worked for me a treat! Still rocking a 2060 until prices go down on a better GPU and it wont be a nextGenGPU for sure!
That's for top tier GPU.
That's just rumour mill numbers being thrown around, the leakers themselves don't even know and now there's articles emerging of those high power requirements for RTX 4xxx being untrue. Even if it was true its only going to be for the 4090 which is way beyond most peoples price range.
14th gen Intel is not coming this year, it is 13th gen that is coming out with current Z690 boards being compatible with both 12th and 13th gen.
@danielm88: Same about performance - apparently both AMD and NVidia GPUs with 2.5x Powah…. hard to swollow that too
@danielm88: the PSU's have been anounced already so not a romour…
@danielm88: it will fit the 1700 Z690 but it WILL come with a new chipset and support for additional bandwidth over the previous series (will have more discreet stuff built in so even less 3rd party needed for all new wifi/BT and netowrk)
Nope lol the 40xx will designed like laptop egpus they will have an independent external power supply which will provide the majority of the GPU power needs. You can easily run a 4080 ti from a 300w dell gold psu.
I would sell your 30xx card now when you have a chance. The 3x performance gains would obselete your card at launch.
I will wait for sure haha, 3070Ti now under $1200 !!! What's next? will probably see this going $1k soon !!!
how much more is it gonna be.
buy now and enjoy it… uncle vlad is going to cause more uncertainty and shortages.
Ugh would pull trigger if better brand, unsure on this
But they are owned by Palit, one of the biggest GPU manufacturers.
Palit, PNY and Gainward Phoenix has striking resemblance.…
I have two 3060 12g cards, the Gainward Ghost is $200 cheaper but higher FPS (1-5), higher Mh/s (1) and lower temperature (3-4) than the MSI Gaming X Trio.
This is savage, the cheapest ever to date since all time high late August.
If I wasn't playing elden ring on my ps5, I'd probably snap a 3080 up for my PC. Rumours say the 40XX series will come out in september so I guess I can wait it out to see how true that is.
I get paid Wednesday.
Be gone by then
Still up.
Borrow…money is cheap apparently. Sell the house…put the family on eBay…you cannot miss out!
❌ Buyer appeals the purchase of your family that did not arrive, now you're out a family and have no $$$ for GPU upgrades
At least one bonus there I'd say :p
I would sell the HODLer on ebay or gumtree, this way no more whinging on public forum lol.
Is that what you do?
Would love this price for the phantom model.
Bit frustrating seeing this after my Techfast 3070ti build which I paid $2279 for in late November arrived DOA, had to be returned, then arrived in working condition in late January minus the PSU power cable, which then arrived at the end of January.
Guess it's my own fault for not HODLing.. :|
I feel ya, just bought 3070Ti FTW3 from BPC just a week ago for $1379
I jumped in too quickly when the price dropped a bit.
haha i bought one of the Techfast 3080 deals a week ago and knew i'd be watching prices come down for a while afterwards. still hurts though.
That's still a great price. Haven't looked too hard but most places are selling this for $200 more than what you paid.
Isn’t EVGA better though?
That's what I've heard. But for $200 more I can get 3080 which performs 25% better right?
They have further to go yet unfortunately. All indicators are a move to somewhere above MSRP leading into mid year.
Somewhere along the way the supply/demand balance kicks in though.
Don't beat yourself up and move on and enjoy. You will never notice the $100-$200 you overpaid in the course of the card's life.
Do you guys have plans on accepting Afterpay at some point Luke? Cheers.
Only Zip at this stage, haven't spoken to any other BNPL options at this point.
Just wondering why is there a $150 extra charge for zip pay option? Kinda kills the deal
The more of us that hold, the quicker theyll drop in price
Theyre desperate to sell ahead of all the new cards coming soon. Dont forget that this is still far above RRP.
Herd mentality versus herd reality is quite different.
either way Im personally not willing to pay above RRP for 2 year old hardware.
Prisoners dilemma with gpus
is this model suitable for custom water cool? trying to find the waterblock for it
According to their standard 3080/3090 waterblocks should fit
Buy it guys! Don't even think.
Thanks for your advice scalper ;p
Not one at all. I bought the rtx 3080 ti ftw3 evga from ple. I understand price to performance for the given month to the people who say wait for 40 series, it's stupid. You want a graphic card, buy one of you think it's genuinely the lowest price you'll get one for. I don't justify the prices but if it's a good deal performance wise for that month in the year go for one. Purely stat's.
def a scalper
HODL my bradas
HODL my beer
How come there aren't any founders edition ones? What's with these with the 3 fans vs the original - are these quieter?
Founders is close to a scam to set the marketing price. Don't use them for comparing pricing.
wasn't comparing the price, more so what's the benefit of these vs founders?
been using a founders 1070 for a whiile now
YOU CAN SMELL IT BOYS, you know a 1k 3070ti is just around the corner!
corner of what?
The street
So is the $700-800 12gb 3070Ti thats been anounced but delayed until Intel drop its best GPU (priced around $600)
They have wharehouses full of them to attack Intel but Intel delayed so they have held the ammo and using the delay to drop 4mil 9nVidia) GPUs (inc non LHR) on the market to free up wharehouse space for the 4xxxx series in 6 months release….. BTW 4xxx need a new PSU with 16pin/600w smart pcie5.0 connector
Says who? 4xxx won't need a new psu , just an adapter.
Nvidia has confirmed the 4090 will need a 1500 watt PSU.
they will do base models that use the current 2xPSU/GPU but it will be limited speed ~ you will need a new PSU5.0 for all the others…
I think we all would be surprised if this actually occurred.
The 3070 ti AU MSRP was $960. Prices back down to 1K for sure, but supply & demand constraints will kick in.
Freeing up a massive amount of gpu supply from crypto, combined with another node about to come online, supply is going through the roof. I'd be very surprised if these didn't go under RRP.
@[Deactivated]: But will they? Eth going pos is going to make that pointless. A 3090/3080ti is doing about $2usd/day profit on rvn…and that's assuming they can actually sell that amount of it without destroying the market.
About 3 years for break-even is pretty atrocious. And that's not considering how much the difficulty will sky-rocket too.
@incipient: someone will create another shitcoins for miners to mine. there're heaps of them, one more wouldn't hurt.
@[Deactivated]: But they'd still be worthless. A good amount of the current 900GH of cards will go into other random coins, but I can't see too many new cards going into it. It would simply be a loss making exercise.
The market is already reflecting this as the eth hash rate has flatlined. Rvn is declining. The other coins are already loss making.
Mining on GPUs seems to have had its day.
@incipient: gpu mining has been a thing for like… a decade.
it comes and goes, and it has stuck around through worse events before. probably going to be a thing for another half decade.
or this is the end? who knows.
Hey Luke, any upcoming offers on 3060 ti?
No - supply still not there. Trying to see if PC deals are possible but single cards not on our radar
So tempting…Just built a new 5600x and using my old 1080. About to start doing some video editing and recording. Does anyone have enough experience to let me know if the 1080 will suffice or if I need to look at new RTXs to get benefit from Nvidia Studio?
you need to share your requirements. What video are you editing? 4k/1080p/less? Where is it from where is it being used. An iphone can record and edit video
look for a used M1 pro base macbook on Marketplace. For video, nothing else comes close! Paid $2200 for mine…. Better than my PC by a mile
whats your pc specs tho?
in the process of swapping the internals of a dell to a new case/mb as the dell has limited everything so time to dump the good contets over but Ill be honest its for games only. content, I use the M1pro!
I'll probably be aiming for editing 4K raw footage, don't know yet if I will output in 4K but at very least 1080p. In terms of where will it be used, likely webinars, video streaming sites, etc.
Its fair for you to assume I've gone through building a 5600X PC because editing on a mobile device just isn't gonna cut it for quality of videos I'm looking to produce.
and Mac? pfft! :-)
My M1Pro kills 6/8k video, it does 4k in its sleep… makes my nVidia rig and 64gb look SLOW
Price keeps going down, so hard hold…
Buy now or wait another month?