Hi Guys,
I know it will be different to every person
I dont have prior experience in driving
Currently holding a learner but was looking into getting driving lessons from instructors
I am over the age that requires logbook so i dont need to record hours
Thinking of taking ~10 lessons but wasnt sure if it is enough to pass the P Test
I dont have anyone around me with Full license so I would rely on the lessons with instructors to gain experience
How many hours of practice would be sufficient ?
its very dependent on each individual. kinda need to ask yourself how many hours have you had to drive on Ls?
are you comfortable with road rules?
why dont you try out a few lessons and ask the instructur their opinion of your skill? get more if needed get less if gud.
i know some people who did 120 hours of L and some cough did about an accumulated 30-40 hours on driving (with full license members in vehicle type), took 3 x 1.5 hour testing with instructor (lessons) and passed P test.
i also know some horror stories where people get passed (for whatever reason) but this person doesnt head check and just change lanes without looking. driving on the road is a co-operative activity so the more lessons —> more confortable you are at driving the better for you and everyone else (especially yourself).