[Afterpay] Gigabyte GeForce RTX3060Ti GAMING OC PRO 8GB GDDR6 Graphics Video Card Rev 3.0 $1034.10 Delivered @ gg.tech365 eBay

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MSRP for the RTX 3060 Ti in Australia is $688 so still a long way to go.
We were getting 3060ti mini's for $850 at the end of last year. I'm expecting that within a few weeks full-size ones will come down to the same price.
they might just suddenly disappeared before you got a chance to buy it, and new series came out at higher prices.
you sold?
pump itahaha :P
RIP to the Bogdanoff twins :(
3060Ti really need to come down more, close to $1k not good enough
The Gigabyte RX 6600 XT is now $699 at BPCTech in case that is of interest to anyone. Seems like a better and cheaper option than the Nvidia RTX 3060.
Still around $100 away from MSRP. If the price drops to low $600, it is worth considering.
Would cards normally sell under MSRP?
If we HODL long enough, and the supplier has excessive stock, it will.
@BennyHe2018: Yeh dw i'm with the HODL gang lol. Just got a iGPU pc so i'm all good for a year or so.
Powercolor also available at the same price
haha…no one will buy it at this price, unless you're a d*mb ass…HODL.
miners like these soon going to offload their sh*t as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_xJzoDrViM
only d*umbass will buy their GPUs. let them bleed…
multiple 3070tis selling for sub $1200 😆
how much more performance %-wise would you say this is compared to 2060 S?
a lot.
the 3060ti is faster than the 2080super, FYI
it's the 3060 thats a questionable upgrade for you since its only ever so slightly better than an 2060s
I did that upgrade, it's a massive change. 30-50%, but really it meant I could do a resolution jump on every game. I game on a 4K TV, if I ran the game at 1080p on the 2060S, it was 1440p on the 3060ti. A lot of games I play at 4K if they're a few years old (been playing AC Origins and Odyssey lately along with Nier Automata) whereas that was impossible on the 2060 super no matter what the settings.
Only thing that would put me off if I was in your position is the cost. I bought my 3060ti for $850 in August and sold my 2060 S for $650 because mining demand was so high still.
Oof that's a good deal. I got my 2060S in mid-2020 for under $600, thought that was a bad price because covid and the upcoming 30XX series but man was I glad to be wrong. Guess I should start hunting for deals
GPU deals coming in thick and fast, long may it continue