This was posted 3 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Cat5e Clearance Sale 3m CAT5e Leads $0.50, 10% off Discount Coupon + Shipping @ EXE Cab


Cat5e Clearance, 3mtr Cat5e @ $0.50 Each. Plus 10% off at checkout using the code Discount10

Related Stores

Execab Custom Cables
Execab Custom Cables

closed Comments

  • Cat5e Clearance Sale 3mtr Cat5e Leads @ $0.50 Each & %10 Discount Coupon

    Free postage I assume from your title…

    • +2

      $13.50 shipping

      • +2

        $13.50 shipping

        WOW !!!

        • -1

          we do have to ship via registered carriers. people unfortunately rort the mail system and attempt to defraud untracked mail by claiming they did not get the item. it is a common practice now.

          • +4

            @execab: If I purchase a 50 cent item, it is not reasonable to send it via registered post and charge $13.50.

            • +3

              @jv: I can do the standard $6.95 Eparcel for small orders if that helps?

              • +2


                Eparcel for small orders if that helps?

                It would for many people…

            • @jv: Totally agree.

              The seller has a good reason for wanting to use registered postage, but that reason falls apart as soon as the cost of the item is less than the cost of postage.
              Using registered postage should never be a default on an item cheaper than the postage price.

              I would encourage @execab to employ a better option for all sales, not just this one.

  • Store name and delivery info in title. 14 posts, you should be up to speed with posting guidelines by now…

  • No postage in title.

    $13.50 for postage to 4000, or free with $100 spend. lol.

    • +2

      free with $100 spend.

      I guess it's a good deal for those people that need more than 200 x 3mtr Cat5e Leads….

  • +2

    Good if ordering 200 cables

  • +4

    There's 3 metre Cat5e at Bunnings for $7.50…

  • +1

    You need to change your business model. You are competing with these guys :

    • -3

      you do realise you just compared illegal imports which are not compliant to australian standards right? We have Regulatory compliance in Australia which means the majority of overseas imports are not legal to use in Australia. Voids insurances and creates a zero resale value. You can start by ooking at the telecommunications act and S008 by communications alliance for regulatory standards.

      • -1

        You realise that majority on this site are home users?

        • which the regulatory compliance is designed for, to protect them. Lets say you import something like a 240v device for your home and it catches fire. It does not give you cover under your insurance. nor does it give you the avenue to pursue damages against someone in the event something goes wrong. same goes for any battery operated, cable, wireless, childs toy, safety equipment, pneumatic and a myriad of other products. this system exists to protect you from harm and failure and gives you recourse in the event something goes wrong.

          For example most overseas patch cords from places like aliexpress are copper clad aluminium which is illegal because it is a fire hazzard.

          • +2


            For example most overseas patch cords from places like aliexpress are copper clad aluminium which is illegal because it is a fire hazzard.

            Hmm, how many 3m CCA patch cables would a home user have to bundle together to generate enough heat through PoE to cause a fire?

            • @eug: Hahahaha someone who has never read the regs. It is a criminal offence to use and supply it end of story. I know you think your smart but being a smart ass and probably an IT workers demonstrates you really know nothing about the real world or anything that works in it.

              Anymore excuses to justify being cheap

          • @execab: Had to google this, but worth a read:…

            Thanks for bringing this to our attention

      • +3

        hey dude - boomramada's just giving you some marketing feedback.

        i get your POV about safety and so if this cable is much safer and just better in every single way than your cheap Aliexpress cables, maybe mention it in the post description or shout it from the rooftops? help us understand why your cable is better.

        At face value, I also thought this was competing with cheapo cables. I honestly didn't know cat5e cables had regulatory compliance (I had to open your link, scroll to the bottom of the page and it only kind of mentions some compliance stuff that I'm ignorant about. If I knew about it straight up, the sentiment would probably be different).

        • -1

          oh look i am totally in agreement. in fact I have been doing quiet a lot of videos on tiktok etc on the topic. the problem is that there is such a lack of education we have seen our country flooded with illegal imports and it costs people down the track. I am in the process of developing a youtube channel to help educate people because we want consumers to be safe and protected, plus we are going to be doing product explainer videos as we develop our website.

          But cheers and thanks for the input!

      • My example is based on your business model, you don't have a shop front. Hence product will cost $7.50 for 3m cable to the consumer, which make this post misleading. Regardless of how good is your product is, there are cheaper delivered alternatives out there.

        As a consumer, if I see a ad like "Cat5e Clearance Sale 3mtr Cat5e Leads $0.50 " that's look like some cheap ass cables for sale from somewhere.

        Maybe, reword it better next time, Good quality Australian standard cables $7.50 delivered for 3m, from Australia, which could make it a good deal.

        Ozb is harsh sometimes, now this was a good deal

        Edit : you do have a shop front, there be a OZb line up soon lol

        • yep but auspost will not do deals anymore, in fact they are about to put the basic rates up again.

          And we cannot send via snail mail because way too high rates of fraud where people receive items then claim they do not get them.

    • It's pretty much impossible to make stuff in Australia and compete with someone from overseas on price alone. The Execab stuff will be higher quality and have all the required approvals.

      • The execab stuff does have higher quality. I grabbed them from the last deal and honestly I'm not buying cables anywhere else now.

      • actually all the cheap overseas stuff is about to dissappear from your eyes. and imports as it is are skyrocketing due to freight prices overseas, local costs here. we just signed a uk free trade agreement to manufacture for them because all western countries have committed to leaving china.

  • +1

    $13.50 for postage kills this deal.

    • there is $6.95 postage for small orders. larger orders we are charged larger amounts. no carrier now offers flat rate postage now. and as these are actually locally made product and not cheap imports they have got actual weight in them. they are not cheapened imports.

      • I've paid 13.5 for 3pcs of the $0.5 cables via paypal, is that anyway do revert it the small parcel postage? Thanks.

        • Did you email
          Them and ask?

  • I ordered 30 cables and paid $6.95 for delivery to Canberra. Thanks for posting!

  • Hey people negging because op they're using registered post - which they don't seem to be marking up at all - is a bit rough. As op has said, if you want to take the risk of unregistered then it's $7.

    I bought a bunch of their cables from the last deal, and assuming they're the same, they're brilliant quality. Molded cable with snag less design. Thick, solid cables that feel like they use proper copper, not the thinnest they possibly could.

    I'd go these over belkin/Jackson/etc. Would I spend $15 on a cable? No. Would I buy 5 of these and spend ~$4 each? Without question! (I mean, I did just that haha)

  • -1

    F neggers - lighten up , he is running a business and from the site information it is Australian, support your country , for you unless its free delivery it's a no deal.. look at yourself, you think free delivery is your entitlement ? . At 50c a pop what more do you want.

    • +3

      The title was misleading. The cables are 50c which is a really good price for quality cables, which would attract people's attention.

      But when people go to the trouble of adding it to cart and checking out, they would have been slapped with a $13.50 delivery charge. That 50c cable is now $14 - far from the cheap price that was initially advertised. It was only later on that OP mentioned a $6.95 shipping option.

      $13.50 delivery for a $30 product is painful but expected.
      $13.50 delivery for a 50c product is ridiculous.

      Maybe OP should add bundles of 10 for $4.50 or 20 for $9 with the option of single cables for 50c to make it look less ridiculous.

      • -1

        There is no misleading - OP said + delivery
        - If you thought it was misleading that was your fault for assuming.
        Everyone needs to expect to pay something for delivery and not expect it for nothing. Obviously you would buy this if you needed a larger quantity to substantiate the cost of delivery and not just 1.
        If you considered buying 1 and paying the $13.50 delivery then you are an idiot.
        OP didn't overcharge the delivery, its what cost them via the Courier ( to ensure tracking/registered ) and explanation given.

        I get what you are saying and I agree possibly it could have had a better marketing delivery but at the end of the day its the same deal.

        • +3

          There is no misleading - OP said + delivery

          I think it is fair for people to assume that delivery for a 3m Ethernet cable will not cost $13.50.

          • -3

            @eug: Thats is fair . On the flip side I think it is also fair that someone who is willing to pay $13.50 delivery for a 3m Ethernet cable going at 50c needs their heads checked.

            • @wchau: I'm amused at how you keep missing the point. :)

              • -1

                @eug: I get the point - Maybe if OP added in the option to pickup it wouldn't be such a sticky point.

        • There is no misleading - OP said + delivery

          NO they didn't. The '+ delivery' and cost of it was added later only after people here did some digging…

          • -1

            @jv: Ok I'll give you that.. , but even if it was omitted, probably did a fast post and left it out… ( and like someone else said, the mods usually fix it up ) .. its still not misleading, its still 50c a cable.

            • @wchau:

              its still 50c a cable.

              Originally, it was $14 delivered with only a registered post option.

              • @jv: Already covered in my first reply - "Obviously you would buy this if you needed a larger quantity to substantiate the cost of delivery and not just 1"

    • +1

      Not in title, yet it seems to be a flat rate charge regardless of destination? Then he offers $6.95 eParcel afterwards (which is tracked FWIW)…

      Ok mate.

  • +1

    Postage kills the deal.

    • -1

      your not going to pay the standard rate of postage charged by the national carrier? your not willing to help local jobs and associated overheads

      • +2

        The deal listed in the title is one 3m CAT5e cable for $7.40 delivered (45c for the cable, 6.95 for delivery).

        The standard price for a 3m CAT5e cable at Bunnings is $7.50.
        If there is a computer store nearby they're even cheaper, e.g. $3 at Umart.
        Those are all 100% compliant cables, and the buyer is also helping local jobs and associated overheads.

        Headlining the deal with an attractive price and hiding the high delivery cost behind multiple clicks is misleading. If the delivery price is fixed at $6.95 nationwide then it should be mentioned in the title.

        It's still a bad deal for a single cable though, it's only a bargain in e.g. packs of 5 for $9.20 delivered, 10 for $11.45, so should be posted as such where it's actually a bargain.

        Otherwise it's like advertising 200x4.6mm cable ties for 1c each with $6.95 shipping. 1c is cheap for a single good cable tie, but it's a poor deal unless you buy in bulk because of the shipping cost.

        • -2

          Usually mods go and check out the deal first and adjust deals accordingly which most sellers wait for.

          There sure are some tight asses in here hey? No wonder everyone thinks aussies are sellouts. Now you just linked an 8ware cable sold by an IT vendor which has no specs or approvals or even any mention of that. you never buy cabling from IT Vendors because everyone knows IT guys know nothing about cabling. Hence the reason mwave and the likes sell dodgy ugreen stuff.

          Im not sure if it is total lack of education but it is obvious so many people on here have no idea what they are buying and the OP is right, people are extremely cheap and look for any excuse to be cheap. And bunnings is full of unapproved items i was just there and the antsig gear is all unapproved.

          How did locals get such a poor mentality?

          I think you guys might want to look at this companies tiktok channel you might learn a thing or two about the real world and how your killing your own futures. I am a big fan! Keep up the good work!

          • @Charlieholmes: Can you provide evidence for your public claim that Bunnings is engaging in illegal activity by selling unapproved items?

            Member Since 1 hour 2 min

            Ah. :)

            • @eug: I can happily do that.

              Firstly all Antsig products do not bear the RCM mark which is a regulatory requirement under the Telecommunications Labelling Compliance notice as part of the the telecommunications act of 1997. this is commonly known as the TLCN you can google it.

              Now there is an exemption for importers to not label certain items but they must have a public register stating that the item is exempt from labelling as part of the TLCN. this public register must be on the sellers website and the original suppliers website which they are not. and that company must be listed on the ACMA's public register of exempt companies that have registered exemptions for which neither bunnings nor Antsig are present. Even under the ISO/IEC compliance scheme these items would need at least to be labelled ISO11801 for which they are not. now a non compliant item can be sold without compliance but it must be clearly marked as "not to be connected to a telecommunications network" for which none of these items are marked with either

              I actually did a tiktok video about it.

              • @execab: OK so if Bunnings are selling illegal products, have you reported them? What did the authorities say?

                • @eug: we are going through it all.

                  Think of it like this. 70 percent of all items sold via various online avenues such as ebay and amazon are not legal for use in australia. and about 15 percent of goods in bricks and mortar stores have the same issue. the problem is there are literally millions of illegal products in Australia being flooded in from overseas and because of the lack of education on regulatory compliance (universities and tafes do not teach it) it slips through the cracks. So it takes a considerable amount of time for the regulatory bodies to investigate and process.

                  Usually what happens is a penalty is issued if serious enough and then remedial action is taken in the way of recalls

                  • @execab:

                    Usually what happens is a penalty is issued if serious enough and then remedial action is taken in the way of recalls

                    Bunnings is the nation's largest hardware retailer which makes them an easy target for penalties especially since they're local, unlike overseas sellers. How did the authorities respond to your complaint about them?

                  • @execab: I don't buy it.. No way Bunnings cables are illegal.
                    OP just trying to justify expensive cables delivered.

                    • -1

                      @Jessie Ryder: really? and you base that on what exactly? i just posted the evidence right there. i think you need to go and figure out how the world around you works and stop putting your head in the sand. Go and read the legislation then go look around you. and hey give a reason why your not willing to support your local economy. what do you do for a job? can your employer use the same mentality you have and claim your ripping them off therefore you should be cheaper?

                      What you need to realise is that everything around you has a cost. most people do not understand the costs of running a business or the costs involved. your claiming ripping off against shipping. but 6.95 shipping is the base cost for 500g shipping. what about packaging materials? labour costs on packaging? are you saying that businesses has to lose money just because you want something to be cheap?

                      • @execab: @execab
                        I'll say it again in simple English.

                        Cat5e cables bought from Bunnings in Australia are compliant.

                    • -1

                      @Jessie Ryder: Go and call the company and ask for their certificates then and proof of compliance? Then come back here and post the evidence. Because i looked it all up and the OP is correcr.

                      Your just trying to justify a cheap mentality. This is exactly what is wrong with australia.

                      Oh and heres food for thought. Russia is invading ukraine right now. Guess what happens to all your cheap goods if china gets involved or goes after taiwan? You no longer see cheap chinese goods because all freight gets embargoed and it is all over for you

                      • @Charlieholmes:

                        Your just trying to justify a cheap mentality.

                        So just what are you doing on OzBargain? ;)

      • May i know which courier you use for delivery? Thanks

        • +1

          standard shipping is Eparcel.

  • I'm really not sure why OP is taking constructive criticism so negatively.

    50c for a 3m CAT5e cable is a very good price if sold in larger quantities, even with the $6.95 postage. The issue is just the way it is currently advertised which makes it a poor deal that looks misleading.

    • +1

      Actually i am not being negative at all. and hey i am happy to take in all of your input and take on board. i am actually very grateful for the input.

    • -1

      throw me some suggestions and lets make it work!

      • +1

        Well for a start advertising them as packs would make it a lot more attractive. The title right now advertises a single cable for $7.40 which is definitely not a good deal.

        As I mentioned previously, a pack of 10 for $11.45 delivered (45cx10 + 6.95) looks much more attractive and honest than "50c plus shipping" where the shipping cost is hidden. Even a pack of 5 for $9.20 is good, which beats all local retailers. You can also link to the individual 50c cables for people to add to their order in case they need a few more cables.

        In the end the price is still the same, but it wouldn't be seen as misleading or clickbaity. 10 3m cables for $11.45 delivered is definitely a good deal. 20 for $15.95 is even better.

        • +1

          lets go with it. i will jump back on later today and we can quit this deal and put up more like this. We actually have a whole lot more bigger stuff too we can do this with aswell.

          • @execab: Put up a 5m cable !

            • -1

              @wchau: once i put up a new deal most likely in the morning we will get it sorted. We have quiet a lot of varied lengths to go to make space for new stocks. We are just counting it up

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