This was posted 12 years 11 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Parcel Locker Trial at Australia Post at Selected Locations [QLD, VIC, NSW]


What is a Parcel Locker?
It's a convenient new way to receive parcels. Now, when you make an online order instead of having a parcel delivered to your home, you can have it delivered to one of our secure, 24-hour Parcel Lockers, to pick up anytime it suits you. It's easy, simply register for this free service today.

Register now
Join our free parcel locker trial
We're running a free trial in 3 states so you can try a Parcel Locker for yourself.

Brisbane GPO, 261 Queen Street, Brisbane City, QLD 4000

Melbourne Bourke Street Retail Outlet, 111 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 
St Kilda Delivery Center, 170-174 Chapel Street, St Kilda, VIC 3182 

New South Wales
St Leonards Delivery Facility, 2 Herbert Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065

Related Stores

Australia Post
Australia Post

closed Comments

      • +5

        impossible mission? :-P

        remind me of picking up a StrawberryNet parcel on behalf of my girlfriend @ Box Hill North(VIC) Post Office.

        she is working daytime weekday, so I could pickup when I on my way back home, I thought I have all the necessary documents:

        (1) AusPost Parcel Card with signature of my gf.
        (2) My gf Passport (there's signature on it).
        (3) Electricity/Gas Bill and Phone Bill of the address with my gf name.
        (4) My Driving Licence.

        and the old woman at AusPost wouldn't letting me pickup that parcel or even moving her fat ass to check where the parcel is! I mean…WTF do you need to pickup a fricking StrawberryNet parcel? I can't just stole the person passport & home bills + using my driving licence to leave a trace to pickup a StrawberryNet parcel?

        luckily I had the Post Office owner(franchise outlet) came out and had a look at the documents, he was asking the woman same question: what else do you need? he got all the documents needed to pickup a fricking parcel!!

        sometimes people should really use their brain.

        • Been there, done that :)
          Have to take an hour off from work, to pick up something I saved $10 on by buying it online.

    • +3

      West of Australia

  • +1

    LOL so true about WA. They just dump anything at your doorstep. After all there is no crime here.

    WA is very unique - Kalgoorlie lifestyle, New York prices.

    • +1

      And then one wonders why places like ShoppingExpress charge higher postage insurance for WA than any other state!

  • +3

    This is what the Brisbane lockers look like, if anyone was wondering.

    The outside:

    • Thanks. Looked at them yesterday. I hope not too many parcels arrive at once, there are less than 60 lockers for all of Brisbane/Queensland!!!

  • +2

    They should just have a selected offices open 24hrs…

  • If your online order is sent via courier, they might not deliver to the Parcel Locker as it is considered by some courier as Post Office Box. Just a note. I have been on this trial for a few months now. It is a handy service especially during Christmas / Easter when no one is around to wait for delivery at home.

  • This is a great idea, and should prove useful as online shopping becomes even more popular.
    Only negative is they're not trialing them near me!

  • 2 locations in Victoria - both in Melbourne - What a Joke of a Trial!

    • More sites are being rolled out this year as i mentioned earlier. If the trial is successful, then it will be deployed more widespread, including a form of PO box integration as well.

    • And where's the vast majority of the demand going to be? Something tells me it'll be in Melbourne.

      • Why Melbourne over anywhere else in Australia? Something makes people in Melbourne less able to get to a post office than anyone anywhere else?

        • His comment was that both the Victorian ones were in Melbourne. As for why 2 in Vic and not other states, Idunno, but again, it's a trial. How they choose to organise the trial is up to them.

  • +2

    I should neg this … as this is not a deal for me. Where is the deal? It is a great concept and I am used to it for nearly 5 years. In Germany it is called "Packstation" and you can pick up your parcels 24h and even post them at over 2500 locations … just scan the code and put them in a slot … great concept!).

    Why is not a deal … it is a free trial? NO !!! It should be always free … sounds like they do want to charge for that? Australia Post saves money (less staff and post office locations, less delivery vans) and we don't get cheaper shipping rates? Maybe even need to pay for this … ???

    • No, you shouldn't neg it, as you're judging it for things that haven't been decided yet. All that we know is that it's a limited trial, and atm it's free. Judge it on that.

      • I haven't neged this … but as said … in other countries you get cheaper postage for using this service (as it has a huge savings potential).
        To make this a deal I would need cheaper postage … not only a free service.

        The german system works very well (esp. as you can also post things there … imagine being able to post your ebay sales 24/7 without any waiting time.). It is also a stand alone system which is not necessaryly connected to a post office … most of them are close to public transport or big office buildings throughout the city .

        • +1

          Must be a great system, considering Deutsche Post is flat broke and runs in the red. Auspost is one of the only postal companies in the post union that turns a profit each year

    • Now that's a good arrangement - and been in place for some time.

      Gotta love German organisation :-)

  • While it's a great concept, as sure as eggs are eggs, they WILL charge for it - it's Aust Post, after all.

  • ok i went to 2 of my local post office today.
    I asked them if they are getting parcel lockers.
    Their expression was like "F no".
    Here is what one of the guy said : "there are no space for parcel locker, and it is practically useless"
    So i asked: "not even in one or two years time?"
    He replied: "definitely not"
    he also told me it will only be roll out in selected major post office like 8-10 in sydney in the next 2 years.
    So for now if i want to use this service i have drive for an hour to ST Leonard deliver facility
    Doesnt seem so convience to me

    • "Doesnt seem so convience to me"

      They probably said the same thing about the first public telephone. :)

      • -1

        and i never ever use one before

  • this is a good idea if you can't make it to post office to pick up or not at home. The parcel locker in NSW is in St Leonards which isn't as convenient to get to. I'm better off waiting for it to get offered at more convenient locations near my house or surrounding suburbs. It's only a trial now i guess so testing first to see it is successful.

  • +1

    So I had a parcel delivered today, and I received notification that the parcel was being held 'at the post office'.

    I thought it would go straight into my locker and a code would be sms/emailed to me?

    I've now logged in and asked for it to be 'transferred' to a locker. Will see what happens.

    • Did you notify the sender of your locker address? Thats the only way it goes to your locker - the sender posts it to there. If you gave the sender your locker number, get up Australia Post for the stuff up! Transferring between POs can take 3 days.

      • Yeah of course I put in the locker address, and well the package actually got delivered to the PO where the lockers are.

        Last night I put in the transfer request and at 7:20am this morning I got an sms code confirming I can pick up. Not too bad I guess. The transfer upon request 'feature' might perhaps be good for those that may not be able to pick up within the 24-48hr period.

        • Great new system!! If Australia Post can't get that right - oh boy!
          You gave locker address, but AP doesn't use it, so you can't access parcel outside of PO hours. Rather, they send you notification to pick up parcel - the old slow way. How annoying can AP get?

  • Deliveries aren't what they used to be at Australia Post!

    Today, I received a card in the mail saying a registered letter was waiting for me at a Post Office. I had until 3 May to pick it up. I was annoyed to have to pick up mail that had not been delivered to my home as someone is always home.

    Complaining, Australia Post staff at the PO staff told me Posties are not allowed to leave their bike to enter property! (We don't even have a fence - the last time the postie rode right in. As he did not have a pen, I even gave him mine to keep.) Australia Post staff told me I must wait near our letter box everytime there is a registered delivery (who knows when that will happen), ask if there is mail for (my name) & provide ID, otherwise registered mail will be sent to PO & a card delivered!!! No one I spoke to (except Aust Post) knew these conditions on delivery.

    The registered mail had been written on 11 April, postmarked 12 April, sent back to PO 16 April (someone was home between those dates), and a card finally delivered 27 April!!!

    To make things worse, it was legal action - if I did not act within 7 days of date on letter, expensive legal action would be taken against me. As it was legal action I was not expecting (was told would be not result in action against me), there was no way I would know to wait at my letterbox, as expected by Australia Post staff!

    Australia Posts response at the Post Office - only to give me a complaints phone number!! Not a word.

    From past complaints about failed AP deliveries, I have learnt that the recipient does not count, as I did not send/pay for the delivery, so I am not covered for any loss or legal action due to Australia Posts failure to deliver. The sender can get a refund if they ask nicely.

    Have fun with Australia Post new (non)delivery methods! AGH!

    • AusPost have policies that affected a delivery of registered mail to your front door and you don't like it. What has that got to do with parcel lockers? You should take it to the forum for a vent instead of going off topic in the deals post.

      • +1

        As we are discussing changes to delivery methods by AP, thought it may be of interest that another delivery method has changed without notice, that I am aware of. Especially when things go this wrong due to strange conditions placed on delivery. Both deal with a change away from delivery to your address, and may inconvience people who are now expected to do the work AP normally does - deliveries. AP is shifting their costs onto us. So this is a strange "deal", but useful for some.

        Lockers are another move away from the expensive home delivery by AP, and may have consequences for sections of the community like those with disabilities or mobility issues in an aging society, if it becomes THE delivery method. Locker deliveries suit those most mobile, busy during Post Office hours, and not at home for deliveries & unable to accept deliveries elsewhere. But lockers are unlikely to be available in the suburban POs (but may be available in supermarkets as in other countries). Locker only delivery may have negative consequences for those least mobile, similar to the AP requirement that home delivery of registered post is limited only to those who wait everyday by the letterbox & ask for it by their name.

        I was unaware of a policy that I have to meet all mail deliveries & ask for my mail by name, else any registered delivery will go to the PO. There is NO "delivery of registered mail to your front door"! I take it you knew. What other restrictions on deliveries to a home are there???

        Others have already posted that this is a possible future for delivery methods (to save costs) by AP. This may extend to all home mail deliveries. Mine is an example of a change in delivery policy to save AP money, that is having a dire consequence. Something to consider if we go to a locker only delivery method. (Have lodged a complaint with AP, but have no legal standing as am the recipient rather than sender.)

        As for my post being a Forum issue - you are correct, but then the entire thread is just a forum post - a new delivery method by AP to benefit them, rather than a deal. AP have been advertising it for months. It is designed to ultimately change delivery to reduce cost for AP, but may be of use to some (I have a locker number), as shown by the large amount of interest which is unlikely to be found in a Forum. But the downside of this "deal" should be discussed.

        • ^ tl dr

        • Australia Post responded that they do not deliver Registered Mail. You have to pick it up at the PO. Sounds like parcels will soon become the same.

  • Isn't it more convenient for most customers to receive them directly at their door…

    • Absolutely (for those who are home or can get delivery at work, during delivery times)! For some who work/live (in an appartment) near a delivery hub with lockers, that may be more convenient. (I have a locker number just in case, even though I am home based.)

      But where's the profit for Aust Post? No delivery vans & drivers saves a fortune. So if they convince you it is more 'convenient' to do their delivery work by collecting from a locker, they can enjoy the spoils. We have a year trial to be 'educated'.

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