3", 4", 5" and 6" kitchen knives in an black gift box just $24.55
Sydney stock, fixed shipping fee $3.99 Australia wide.
Set of 4 Ceramic Knife Gift Box Packing $28.54 Delivered

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Ceramic knives have their place, although it isnt crushing garlic. Are you commenting on the quality or ceramic knives in general?
Pretty self explanatory isn't it.
You think $28 ceramic knives are any good?Depends what you have in mind, but yes sure why not. I actually bought a set over the weekend, cheaper than this and they are really good. Comparable with other cheap knives at similar price anyway.
I love ceramic knives in general. Can't comment on these but the ones I have are sharp as, light, and a joy to use.
ceramic knives are awesome. I bought one 14cm from Japan early this year. We love it!
I personally doubt the quality of this ceramic knife set cos I paid $40 for just one knife. And here you get 4? No brand and look dodgy. Mine is Made in Japan btw.thanks for the comments, the brand for this item is Never Rust, we have good feedback when its price was $50 plus.
Link doesnt work
If you're looking for a ceramic knife, you'll want to stick with Kyocera knives. Quality is miles ahead of the rest.
Isn't it going to be made out of the same stuff (zirconium)? Where's the difference in quality going to be?
Ok so for starters. 1 knife is about 10 times this price.
Because every. single. knife. Is hand sharpened on multiple diamond grinders by crazy awesome japanese grandpas.They are one of the few companies to use Zirconia oxide which ranks 8.5 on the Mohs scale and then heating it to 1200-1400c to create TTZ (transformation toughened zirconia).
You can also send your knife in during the 5 year warranty to get it resharpened (I think you just pay for postage).TL;DR: Because of how they temper the blades they are nowhere near as brittle as the cheaper brands, they hand grind all of their knives and have 5-year warranty.
Actually whilst working for Kyocera i bought a ceramic knife, for staff prices and it snapped/shattered 2nd use. Luckily the warranty was good though.
You do understand not everyone has the budget for knives 10 times the price right? we are not all wanna be chefs
Why would you buy a ceramic knife over a steel knife? Just curious as to their advantages.
If you know how to sharpen your knives properly, these are really not necessary.
I have a ceramic and i prefer to use steel for the fruit and veg because it is thinner and penetrates the fruit effortlessly where the ceramic can get stuck if not enough force is used.
I find the ceramic knife stays sharp longer, but the steel ones i can sharpen to new-like (sharper than a new ceramic i find) and is thinner and like i said, goes through fruit easier.
And that BS about tainting your food with stainless steel… have you ever tasted anything with stainless steel flavor?
They are way sharper and you can slice things faster and thinner. However, you will still need a steel knife as Ceramic isnt for everything.
My kyocera black is pretty much only for fruit, vegetables and boneless meat.Well, I took the bait, we'll see how these compare
In my experience with these a key issue comes down to how the blade is fastened to the handle. If its a two piece handle then anything above a carrot will separate the blade from the handle. Perhaps Rep can provide some detail as to the build and how exactly the blade and handle are joined?
Good call
I bought a cheap 6 inch ceramic knife from dealextreme a while ago. Way sharper than any steel knife, just need to be careful how you use it to avoid snapping the tip. I'm not quite sure you need 4 considering I'm selective how I use mine.
Cheap ceramic knifes =
handles come off
blades break.Bought a set of four with a holder/stand. Within days two had broken and a handle was loose on a third.
Of course you might get lucky, but my thinking is do the Chinese really have to use up precious resources making stuff this lousy?
I take the Reps silence as either
a) they don't won't to try too hard to sell these things
b) the build quality is circumspectGiven how busy the online retail space is it will only be a few that stand above the crowd. Take Jaben as a good example of online service.
Hi Skatterbrain and other guys, your orders have been shipped now. Pls spread your words of mouth if you receive the items. I also use this ceramic knife set, have great experience, personally i don't want to choose very famous brands for this kind of product.
You may have have sold quicker if you answered the above question about the blades being fastened to the handle.
frankly speaking, i am not sure the meaning of the question, maybe can be answered by the buyers.
The question was is it a 2 piece handle? how is the handle connected to the blade?
Is that easier to understand?
the handle of our knife is one piece.
"If its a two piece handle then anything above a carrot will separate the blade from the handle. "
Can anyone elaborate this? i don't fully understand the drawback or advantage of the two piece handle.The drawback being it will break fairly easily if used for harder items. A one piece being stronger, this is how interpret it anyway.
Apparently, the ceramic handle is made of strong melted plastics, i never see "two piece" for this kind of handle. Maybe wooden handle often uses two pieces, and this is normally for steel knife, anyway i am sorry that i was reluctant to answer if this is a critical quality issue for this product.
no deal, rubbish knives should not be allowed in any kitchen