• expired

[NSW] $20 Weekday Parking @ Wilson Parking


Book online or with the Wilson Parking App using promo code FLEXI22 and park at any time of the day for just $20* per day, at some of the best car parks in Sydney, available until 28 February, 2022 7 March, 2022

Lots of CBD and North Sydney car parks included.

Full list of car parks available here

*Weekday Flexi Parking $20 daily rate is only available at participating car parks when booked online or through the Wilson Parking App, using promo code FLEXI22. Bookings are limited. Weekday Flexi parking is available Monday - Fridays, except public holidays, for car park entries from 14/2/22 - 28/2/22 and can be booked up to 4 days in advance. Rate is available for one entry and one exit per booking. Casual parking rates apply if booking conditions are not met.

Referral Links

Referral: random (172)

Referee gets 50% once-off discount on first booking of a single-day park, Referee gets 50% discount applied on their next booking of a single-day parking. Discount valid for 60 days from date of issue.

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Wilson Parking
Wilson Parking

closed Comments

  • WILSON! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Wilson. Wilson, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! WILSON! I CAN'T! WILSON! WILSON!

  • Cheaper to park at the Domain car park if you can get in at the early bird time.

    • What? I've been paying $20 for early bird at domain…

  • What happened with $32/hour rate in CBD?

  • Will the discount codes continue whilst Sydney trains are out of action?

    • The page is still up and as far as I'm aware, the code is still working. So for now - yes?

      • seems like not working anymore.

        • I just tried the code for the 1 Farrer Pl car park for tomorrow and it worked. Confirming the car park you used is on the list?

          • @em0r33: Yea tried to book in Australian Square with the code but keep saying parking is not available. But when I deleted the code, it allows me to book.

  • Code is still working, just tried on Sydney Harbourside parking.

    • +1

      Yeah it got extended, I got an email about it. Updating now

  • The code is not working for any of the carparks I am trying..

    Only worked for Australia Square, which is booked out

    • Can you be more descriptive? When you say "code not working" as in it's failing to apply or it's showing up with a message saying it's sold out?

      In the Wilson app, I tried 4 car parks in the City North for tomorrow and it said "Weekday Flexi Sold Out" - so I tried Friday and it worked. I'm assuming it's a popular code and there's limited spots.

      If the code is failing, I guess report it to Wilson and list the car parks here you tried to book that failed?

      • Looks like some car parks are excluded from the $20 code price that's all. I tried a few others and it worked. Ended up catching public transport in today due to the rain.

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