• expired

1 Month Free nbn 100/20,100/40, 250/25, 1000/50 (Save up to $149, New Customers Only) @ Aussie Broadband


Got this in the mailbox. Managed to check out with their 1000/50 plan (other plans available too if not on FTTP and HFC). Also expires 31/03, so can be stacked before then with Dodo's free month offering :)

Note: 250/25 and 1000/50 is only available on FTTP and HFC.

See fine print in image for T&Cs.

New Customers only.

*A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact,on an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months.

2 promo codes for the same product/service cannot be used together.

Referral Links

Referral: random (259)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Promo/referral code invalid

    Targeted maybe ? I tried 50/20 package

    • +2

      Not targeted. T&C's say the coupon code is for 100/20, 100/40, 250/25, 1000/50.

      • +2


        • +3

          I think you can change it to 50/25 after the first month.

          • @superforever: You can swap plans anytime.

          • +4

            @superforever: Thanks. Was about to pull the trigger, until I noticed I am paying Superloop $69.95 per month for 50/20. Aussie Broadband is charging $79 per month for the same package.

            I guess I will stay with Superloop for now.

            • +1

              @ausdday: Superloop 50/20 plan is $54.95/month for first six months now, so you are better to change to another service provider.

              • @jimojr: I am waiting for a good promotion from other ISP to port out.

                MyRepublic has good package, but I used them before and they are PITA to call when something's gone wrong or I wanted to terminate my internet.

                • +3

                  @ausdday: go to mate for a month
                  then go back to SL using another contact name (but same address), you'll be able to sign up again for their promotion.

                  • +6

                    @Heybargain: I was actually thinking to move to other ISP :)

                    Superloop isn't as good as ABB. I lost internet connection few times a month. I have a feeling they are doing maintenance work during those time, as it always happen around 11-ish pm.

                    They never send out email notifying scheduled maintenance work to get their clients prepared.

                    • +3

                      @ausdday: Sounds like ABB is worth it for an extra $10/month

                      • @sween64: I changed from Telstra to ABB.
                        I found ABB to be more reliable and really good support.

                        Could be just my setup, but latency is a bit high. Have to wait around for the initial connection (for apps or websites) . No problems with download speeds. Have 25 down BTW.

                    • +5

                      @ausdday: I regularly switch between abb and SL to take advantage of whatever offers are on, haven't had any issues with either ISP

                      • @Heybargain: How long is SL cooling period before you can sign up as new member?

                        • @ausdday: 12 months

                        • +2

                          @ausdday: I was able to sign up the following month. Again - use a different name when signing up.

                    • +1

                      @ausdday: Meh, I've been with both. My 6 months with ABB is up, churning back to SL.
                      Never had an issue with either.

                • +1

                  @ausdday: MyRepublic is cheap for a reason. They only have one POP for the entire country, meaning if you aren't in Sydney or surrounding areas the latency is terrible. All the other ISP's have POP's located over all the country.
                  They also don't buy enough CVC so they slow right down during peak periods. I've given them 3 tries and I've been dissapointed each time and left very quickly.

  • Is that typical evening speed:600Mbps is 1000/50 plan?

    • +1

      You will probably exceed it. The real question is, can your router route gb throughput?

      • +2

        They selected us to have FTTN to FTTP free trial and just installed the box after the second team came to clear out the telstra conduit blockage.

        Anyway I don't think I will need 1000/50 and with the free trial I must subscribe to 100/40

        • +2

          Glad you're moving to a better technology!

        • +6

          They selected us to have FTTN to FTTP free trial

          oh how i envy you

          • @SBOB: My FTTN is very solid and fast I am on 75/25, with free trial why not? No need to pay for somebody to put the fibre for me :)

            • @superforever: I'm stuck on 50/20 FTTN, and fibre was pulled in my area late last year
              Hoping NBN allocate my area as available in the not to distant future once the FTTN-FTTP trial stage ends :/

        • +2

          That's awesome! But what Pixie13 was asking was about your own router. At gigabit speeds your wireless network, or even ethernet, might be the bottleneck. So for example, if you are on the 1000/50 plan, but your router's wifi limits you to 400Mbit, then you won't be getting anywhere near the max speeds.

          • @Morien: I am not going to switch to 1000/50 , I asked just because they only said it is ultrafast plan and didn't actually said 1000/50 on their site

          • @Morien:

            but your router's wifi limits you to 400Mbit, then you won't be getting anywhere near the max speeds.

            But if the Mesh router support gigabit ethernet port, should be OK with ethernet, right?

            • @superforever: Nah a router with a Gigabit ethernet port alone is not enough to max out Gigabit speeds. At minimum the router CPU should be a dual core or ideally a quad core CPU. At minimum 256MB RAM or ideally 512MB or more RAM.

              For example the Tenda Nova MW6 has a single core 1GHz CPU, 128MB RAM and can reach a maximum of around 700Mbps even with a Gigabit ethernet port. Nest Wi-Fi has a quad core 1.4GHz CPU, 1GB RAM and can reach a maximum of around 920Mbps with a Gigabit ethernet port.

              • @Twix: ic, I have TP-Link Deco M5 may be it can but I don't need 1000/50 anyway.

                • @superforever: TP-Link Deco M5 can do around 850Mbps Ethernet and up to around 460Mbps with Wi-Fi 5.

      • +1

        I’ve had the 1000/50 for about 9 months now with ABB. It’s awesome! I can hit the high 900s. All I have is the Google Nest Wifi mesh system. Works great.

        Just ran a Speedtest - https://ibb.co/M28c19C

    • +1

      If it's not over 900 (930mbit maximum for my router), The worst I've seen is in the 800s when doing a speedtest in the evening. Sources and their uplinks vary, but I've never had an issue with speed in the evening on my 1000/50 FTTP.

    • Yes it is.

  • Assuming that this only applies to new customers?

    • yep, added it in. i had a photo of the promo i got in the mailbox, looks like it was moved to the description by the mods

  • Any credit check?

    • No contract so no credit check.

      • Not necessarily, Southern Phones NBN does credit checks. So does Telstra.

        • From experience, no Credit checks for these. Spintel, Superloop, ABB, and TPG. Telstra, Vodafone, Optus still running on the old school model and do credit checks even on plans which are month to month.

          • @lastkey: You pay the month upfront with Aussie Broadband.

            • @rlf: Yes. All of these are “prepaid”. Voda, Optus, Telstra generate bills and are postpaid.

  • +1

    livechatted with them, the agent said you could change to a lower plan after the free month expires, so I got the 1000/50 for this month

    • +1

      Yeah, they know they just want people joining and remaining, doesn't matter if its a cheaper plan.

      I stayed with them because their contractors go beyond, and repaired the phone pole to house cable themselves which they don't usually do.

  • +14

    This promo is paid for with the blood of loyal customers that they increased the plan costs of to pay for it.

    • +2

      Not really how it works.

      Also why would you ever be a loyal customer in 2022, especially as an OzBargainer?

    • +8

      loyal customers


      "Loyalty" to brands only punish the consumer as the company laugh while they raise prices.

      • +1

        My parents generation don't understand this ^^

    • +8

      loyal lazy customers

      Complacency has a cost

    • +3

      Yeah I left ABB for superloop because of this. Ended up on the same plan I was on but cheaper with SL.

  • I went with my Republic $99 month 1000/50. I get around 400mbps / 30mbps

    • +1

      I went with my Republic $99 month 1000/50. I get around 400mbps / 30mbps

      But how about actual download speed or streaming?

      Never go back to Republic again.

      • Lol yer that's what I get. On my xbox Max 400mbps but low of 150mbps.

        Who are you with?

        • +2

          AussieBB, use Republic before the worse ISP ever

        • Microsoft servers are always trash.

          I have an Xbox One X and PC both hardwired with gigabit ethernet, to a gigabit internet connection and it will still only max out at around 250Mbps downloading a game with either the Xbox or a game from Windows Store, but my PC downloading from Origin, Steam etc will saturate my gigabit internet connection..

    • +1

      How are you running these tests? It’s not over wifi is it? Also what kind of router do you have?

  • +5

    I've been with ABB for a while now. It's generally more expensive than the rest but you get what you pay for. This is why I can't leave and go to another ISP. I value a rock solid connection.

    • +6

      Superloop are pretty rock solid.

      • +2

        Not on 5MOD where I am connected they aren't. Literally the worst experience I've had with an ISP in this country.

      • Agree. Have had 1 unscheduled outage in 2 years and that was due to a construction company cutting through a fibre.

    • +4

      I used to think so. Certainly the speeds are good. Last six months before I swapped late last year I started getting drop-outs every few days which was a real shame. Their support was easy to deal with, lodged a fault etc but it was never resolved. I assumed it was an NBN Co issue, or something with my hardware, but after I swapped to the 'More' commbank deal the drop outs totally stopped.

      Not advocating for More or any other provider, but just wanted to mention my bad experience with ABB.

      • Exact same experience.

        • Same experience but with SL.

    • Aussie to me is a good ISP to recommend overall. Haven't been with them for a while but wouldn't hesitate to tell people how good they are.

      My first NBN rsp for my fttp connection back when it went live in around 2012.

      Now I'm with superloop but wouldn't recommend them to your normal layman due to support issues.

  • i would move but is there a way to have 4g failover like telstra?

    • +4

      If you buy a 4g service and a router that supports 4g failover, sure.

      • that would mean id have to like buy one of those 365 plans?

    • +2

      Funnily, I haven't been with telstra for over 2 years (but still using their modem) yet their 4G backup always kicks in whenever the internet is down…

      • -3

        You probably have a $4000 bill for excess data that's just been sold to debt collectors

        • +2

          Lol doubt it, when I cancelled I made sure that all services were gone even their email which they sneakily keep active. Afaik the first gen modems have 4g backup which works straight out of the box. So quite a blunder on their part.

          • +2

            @umoddbro: Agree, almost certainly you don't, I was just joking about it. Telstra do like to go after people is all. Might not have been clear enough..

  • Just spoke to ABB LiveChat agent and was told this offer is for NBN plans only, not for Opticomm Fibre plans. We also get shafted :(

  • For those wanting an alternative and not such the high speeds, i have been with TPG for some time and pretty happy (every provider has a hit and miss experience with some of their customers).
    The thing I like about TPG is they offer a FREE WIFI-6 Modem Router with their 6 month plan 50/20. After 6xmonths you could change to another provider or upgrade to a higher speed plan. Exetel dont offer free modems anymore unfortunately, and i am not sure who else does for the smaller contract timeframes.

    • The thing I like about TPG is they offer a FREE WIFI-6 Modem Router with their 6 month plan 50/20

      do you know which modem is it?

      • +1

        Likely garbage. One of my parents was signed up by TPG salesman a few years ago, modem she got was barely capable of 30 down even though she'd been sold on a 100 down plan.

      • +1

        TP-Link VX420-G2v

  • How does ABB compare to superloop? Anyone would like to share their experiences? Cheers!

    • +7

      i regularly churn between the two… don't notice any major differences between the two.
      only difference comes down to customer service, abb is a lot better than sl.

      • Do you get the new customer discount every time you make the switch? And is there any downtime during the switch? Thanks in advance!

        • Yes I have been getting the new customer discount.
          Downtime depends on the type of internet connection you have.

    • Joined SL for three months, had twice unscheduled maintenance.

      • +2

        I’m currently with ABB and get quite a lot of maintenances, sometime with VOIP as well. I guess that’s NBN not ISP?

        • +2

          Maintenance notifications from your ISP can be from within the nbn network, the ISPs network or a third party supplier. nbn and ISP maintenance happens all the time and most of the time the ISP won't tell you about it unless a fault occurs. Aussie BB notify you in advance when possible.

    • +1

      I've used ABB multiple times, and have found their internet good each time. They do not connect you at midnight on the day you ask them to start though, but anywhere from 8am to 11am. SL have connected me at midnight on the day once, and in the morning the second time. Also, they insist you call on the phone to cancel, but I have managed to convince them to call me, or just do it through email.

      • +1

        Hi, when switching between providers, do you just line up your cancellation date with commencement date of the next provider?

        • Yes
          Make note of the cancellation policies of the isp and keep in mind when they will next bill you for the next month. You can set a future date for new connections.

        • Yes, that's how I do it. I have 4G if needed though, so I'm not that concerned about a day or two of downtime.

    • +3

      I churned between Superloop -> ABB -> Superloop. In my area, I found Superloop to be better and cheaper ($69.90/Month for 100/20). YMMV

    • Support and all that is all Aussie. Back when I had them, I noticed pulling a website would be 1 second slower and it would also be slower for the browser to start resolving the address. It's like it was warming up the DNS servers (maybe just change the DNS server).

      International streaming IPTV seems to be the same. International links seems to be better with Aussie. I loathed that Aussie would constantly run maintenance at 12am a few times a week. Don't know if they still do.

    • -1

      ABB is unlimited. Superloop has 3tb cap.

    • Superloop I had no probs but tried to call to clarify billing cycle and gave up after 40 minutes on hold and callback feature not detecting my button presses.

      ABB answer the phone after a few rings.

  • For those who switched providers, do you experience downtime during switching ? I am looking to change, just worry there's downtime in between.

    • +2

      I have switched almost every six months between superloop and abb, almost unnoticeable. There maybe a 2-5min downtime.

      • +1

        What makes you associated with ABB?

        • They clicked the checkbox.

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