This was posted 3 years 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Lindt Caramel Squares Chocolate 124g $5 (+ Bonus $5-$100 Woolworths eGift Card via Redemption) @ Woolworths


On Special this week for $5, which works out free once you claim Woolworths eGift Card from this competition (Earn a $5, $10, $50 or $100 Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card) - Credits to promopirate

Note: Limit 1 entry p/transaction. Max. 5 entries p/person

Mod Note: Appears that Lindt are denying claims. Purchase at your own risk.

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closed Comments

  • Nice thanks OP.

  • +2

    This is like the Mutti promo, everyone seemed to do pretty well with that one. I wonder if you need separate receipts again?

    • Limit 1 entry p/transaction.

      Seems like it.

    • +2

      The Mutti Pesto Promotion you made a profit, whereas this one you break-even.

      • +1

        If you are lucky you can get $10 or above

      • +6

        I believe free chocolate is profit

        • +2

          Buy discount Woolworths gift card.
          Use credit card for credit card reward points.
          Collect Woolworths rewards points.
          Free chocolate.

      • I feel deep shame for not checking OzB frequently enough and missed out…
        At least I saw this one, but not healthy, so sad…

    • That was an insane promo. Made some good coin on that

  • Good timing for Easter

  • Yummo.

  • +4

    But I already got fat :(

  • +13

    Having these now and found that each square is individually wrapped. Guess I shouldn't be surprised given how wasteful Lindt are with packaging.

    • +1

      Not sure why you’re downvoted. Totally unnecessary to wrap each individual bite.

    • +7

      Got some of these to give to a nursing home hero who gives out choccies to the folk who seem down with no covid visitors or dying partners. Everyone is so cautious of gifts and contact, it's one time where I've been thankful for individually wrapped things.

    • Hmm whilst I don't like environmental impact, half of the ones I had were already broken and leaking caramel. If they weren't individually wrapped the bag would have been a big pile of goo. Not very appealing.

    • +1

      Reducing is much better recycling, but please everyone remember that these wrappers (so long as they are dry and mostly clean) and heaps of other soft plastics are indeed recyclable through the RedCycle bins at most WW and Coles supermarkets:

  • +12

    gonna look like an idiot again at the check out.

    • Hahahhaha.

  • Can you do all 5 entries on the one day with 5 individual receipts?

    • -1

      I think its a no brainer to go singles for all the names you can :)

      Eg 5 names go 25 receipts .

      Please do it at self checkouts if available .

  • Anyone get there gift cards emailed yet and how long took after registering?

    • +1

      The gift cards aren't emailed instantly. The receipt needs to be validated. On the last screen of the process, it says the gift card will be emailed within 3 business days.

      "Upon successful validation of your purchase receipt, Instant win prizes will be sent to your nominated email address as specified in their online entry form within 3 business days of verification."

  • Got $5

    What did everyone else get?

    • +3

      5 lots of fives. No profit.

      • We need a way of seeing underneath the 3 squares, supposedly there could be different amounts underneath. Will try another 4 times.

        • +5

          I think the minigame just gives you an illusion of choice, most likely the outcome of the lucky draw is already pre-determined server side, rather than client side.

          • +1

            @scrimshaw: Yeah, probably.

            Chances of getting $5 is very high.

            2000 x $100 Woolworths eGift Card, 3500 x $50 Woolworths eGift Card, 5500 x $100 Woolworths eGift Card, 79,000 x $5 Woolworths

            But its like a free competition to $10 or greater.

          • +4

            @scrimshaw: your odds of winning here are better than at a casino …. worst case free chocolate you didn't want, casino you will loose over the long term ….. and no chocolate …..

      • But your utility was increased significantly. By five packets of chocolate.

      • -7

        5 lots of $5 ……. OK for free chocolate but at $5 for 125 grams there are other caramel chocolate options cheaper e.g Aldi

        • +6

          Does Aldi do cheaper than free?

    • 5x $5 only.

      • how long did you wait to get these? I still not received anything and bought 5.

  • +13

    Great success! Ten entries for me and the better half:

    7x $5
    1x $10
    2x $50


    • $95 for free, nice

      • -3

        $95 and chocolate for $50

        • +2

          The chocolate is free. $95 seboya walked away with.

        • +3

          145 - 50 = 95

          He won $145 and paid $50 for the choc.

    • +4

      Ours are:
      8x $5
      1x $10
      1x $100

      Tip: check best before dates. First woolies I went to yesterday had BB dates of Jan 2022 (dark) and Feb 2022 (milk) 2nd woolies I went to had BB dates of Nov 2022 (dark) and Jul (2022) at the special display at the front and old stock at the chocolate aisle.

      • Did you let the store know? Was it the hurstville store?

        I bought 14 packets, 7 dark expired 31 Jan and 7 milk were going to expire 28 feb.

        Had trouble returning them too.

        • Why? What was their issue you returning expired stock?

        • Ask for the Store manager.

  • +6

    $100 on my first entry. Then 2 x $5. Waiting to do my others :)

    Thanks OPs.

    • Followed by a $50 and a $5! My husband has his to do still.

      Thanks so much :)

  • I have expectation of $7 gift card per entry .

    Assuming data is wrong on $10 ( stating $100 but should be 5500 X $10 )

    • +2

      I got 1 $50 and 4 $5 good deal

  • +1

    5 x $5 :(

    • +2

      think of it as free chocolate ….. are you a glass half empty type person or a "glass and a half full dairy milk chocolate" type person ?

      • +1

        Yeah, definitely thankful. Great deal.

        Just don't have an epic $100 win comment to share :/

        Update: Just had a piece of the normal caramel, damn that's some good chocolate!

  • 1 x $50
    4 x $5

    Thanks OP!

  • Can't seem to access the site

  • +3

    Anyone got expired packs? Was just about to try one and expiry on packs are 31 Jan 22.

    • +1

      Just to clarify they are best before dates but they shouldn't be selling these past that date.

    • I saw that too and showed it to the store manager immediately. I hope they remove the expired packs from the shelves.

      • I was buying some vitamins today at Woolies, they had packets with expiry date Dec 2020.

    • +1

      One store had dark packs All past their BB. 2nd store had a mix.

    • Same going bring back for replacement btw how long does egiftcard take come through so far no email confirmation either

    • Most of Woolies had packs either expired or short dated. It seems they did not order it for long time.

  • +1

    Our family had 9 entries which got $5, and got lucky with 1.

  • got 2 $5 1 $50 and 1 $100

    • then went back bought another 7 but only got $5s

    • +1

      Promo is for Woolworths

      • -5

        Thats what I meant

  • +2

    Got 10x $5 but if anyone asks I got at least one $50 so I don't look like a total cheapo doing this just for free chocolate.

    • Oh no, you might look like a cheapo on ozbargain 😂

    • did you do the entries all with the same name/number ?

      • +1

        Half on my name, half on wife.

  • Is it 5 per household or per person? If I have a family of 4, can we do 20 or just 5?

    • -4

      Go and re-read the deal description again. It's right there. I don't know why people don't read before asking?

      • I read it 5 times actually. Cheers

        • -3

          Then why are you still asking? It says right at the bottom - Note: Limit 1 entry p/transaction. Max. 5 entries p/person!!!!!!

          Can't miss it!

          • @clubhonda: Mate, I didn’t ask because I couldn’t see it. I asked because sometimes my english comprehension isn't too good so I could interpret it differently to others. Doesn’t hurt to ask.

  • Not bad! I got 4x $5 and 1x $50

  • +2

    Got 1x $100 first go and 4x $5 following

  • 10 X $5 :'-)

  • For me

    1 x $50
    4 x $5

  • Got 5 bucks. Shit luck

    I think the 100 buck vouchers might be ozzybargined, mates

  • 4 x $5.00….:(

  • Damn, 4 x $5 as well. There are worse things to get for free though!

  • -1

    I wanna update the mathematics : Total prize pool value is up to $825,000.00 divide by prizes 90000 = $9.16666666667 gift cards expectation per entry

    They are paying you $4.17 per entry with some free chocs hehe

    Stores are running out of stock in my runs

    I've smashed it and I think the 90k of entries won't last long :)

    Fast Fast Fast :)

  • 2 more entries…..yep 2 x $5.00…..

  • Do you necessarily need to have each purchase on a seperate receipt?

    • +2

      yep it says it in the T&Cs

      • Ok thanks. Silly I will be standing at the cashier machine issuing out 5 seperate receipts.

        • +4

          If you have Everyday Rewards the receipts should appear in your account, downloadable as PDFs. Much easier than printing and taking photos of each receipt.

  • Delicious chocolates!

  • +1

    Interesting! I purchased 10 and received x9 $5 and x1 $50. Agree with the tip about checking best before. About half the stock I got were out of date.

  • -1

    I have a better run on $100's than what I should have .
    Currently at $14.33 per entry and it will drop .

  • Got expired Jan 22 for the milk caramel.
    Sea salt still march

  • 9 x $5 and 1 x $50 for our household. All together 1.2kg of free chocolate and a $45 profit!

  • My local store had these on special at $4 each. A supermarket manager special. Also had 10x bonus points on my Woolworths card on Lindt purchases,

    However, only "won" the $5 gift card on each but happy I'm still in profit.

  • I won a total of $75! 3 x $5, 1 x $10, and 1 x $50! The higher ones were the centre chocolates but I also got a $5 in the centre one as well.

    I used a 4% off gift card to buy 4 of them, and my HSBC 2% cashback card for the other, for another 90c profit.

  • Damnit 5 x $5

  • Is everyone buying these 1 at a time in separate transactions?

    • Would like to know also.

      • Yes, seperate receipts for each one

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