Good price for two of these Samsung EVO Plus MicroSD cards that work out to be $8.47 each making it cheaper than a recent Bing Lee deal that sold 1 for $12.
Orders limited to 1 per customer and free shipping included.
Good price for two of these Samsung EVO Plus MicroSD cards that work out to be $8.47 each making it cheaper than a recent Bing Lee deal that sold 1 for $12.
Orders limited to 1 per customer and free shipping included.
The good Evo Elus is the red label one, which has pretty decent 60mbs or higher write speed.
The white label ones like the ones in this deal only guarantee 10mbs, but some may go as high as 20mbs.
If they hit 30mbs write speed they would be classed as V30 and not V10
You are getting mixed mbs and MB/s mixed up.
This card is also rated for 90 MB/s, not 10mbs.
Where is it rated at that speed?
@meeowth: Everywhere that it's listed with a product description of the read/write speeds. The old (<2020) one was rated at 100/90MB/s read/write:…
This newer one is rated even faster at although states "lower than read speed of 130 MB/s":…
Please do more research into bitrates with a particular focus on the difference between megabits per second (mb/s) and megabytes per second (MB/s).
@studentl0an: I feel like this cannot be the case and they have used a controller with a higher read speed but lower write speed. My evidence is that the cards have V10 stamped on them which means 10MB/s write speed while a card with 90MB/s write speed would have V90 stamped on them.
I apologies for not capitalizing the speeds and including a / earlier, I am quite informal sometimes.
@meeowth: V10/U1 is the rating for the minimum write speed.
In the review below you are free to see that the write speed for this 2021+ white Evo Plus micro SD card is ~120MB/s:…
So this card in the review got ~120MB/s write speed which is inline with the Samsung advertised "slower than the 130MB/s read speed".
Yes it is the 512gb version, and is rated for v30 - but that's still 4x lower than what it can actually do. You would have to ask Samsung why they don't put the actual write speed rating - I would think it's due to them wanting to sell other cards at a much larger markup and not cannabilise those sales.
You are bottlenecked by your SD card reader that is topping out at a slower write speed than the card is rated for, which is very common.
@studentl0an: Ah, I think I have found the source of the confusion in another review here, which does indeed say that most of the 2021 models have high write speed:…
"The cheapest 64GB version is capped at U1, V10, A1, and Class 10, making it far less impressive. I recommend sticking with 128GB and up."
If you look at the labels on the higher capacity 2021 cards, they have U3 and V30+ wriiten on them.
So I stand by my assertion that this 64 gb one in this sale has slow write speed, but I concede that the higher capacity cards have much higher write speeds.
@meeowth: This does not have a slow write speed. The prior generation had 90MB/s in sequential write speed despite being rated U1, and this is the newer updated model.
I know you mean well and want the correct information to be for others to see. For this reason I really think you should read more into the topic.
Perhaps you could look at actual benchmarks, like the ones I have posted, that back up your claim if you are still so certain?
@studentl0an: The benchmark you posted is for the 512gb model, which has an entirely different SD card class stamped on it.
@meeowth: Yes, I addressed that. I wrote that it's rated at U3/V30 yet actually has a 4x greater write speed of 120 MB/s. By your logic that means it should only have a write speed of ~30 MB/s.
SD cards have a much higher write speed than the rating they are given. That's why it's important to find actual benchmarks, like the one I provided. If you could provide a benchmark showing that this card gets less than 20MB/s as you wrote - then I will be happy that I was wrong as that means I learned something new.
@studentl0an: Since nobody on the internet seems to have benchmarked this one, and it's so cheap anyway, I've gone ahead and bought it, who knows, I might be pleasantly surprised!
Are they genuine?
Of course. AZAU belongs to the same group as PC Byte and they're not going to be selling fakes.
Are these suitable for dashcams?
They can be used but wouldn't be the best performers due to the lower write speed. The Samsung extended warranty mentions dashcams specifically and says they're excluded.
Samsung advertise their Endurance microSD cards as being more suitable for dashcam.
It's not due to the write speed. This card has a write speed that is much faster than most if not all dashcams out there.
Infact endurance cards typically have a slower write speed. They are rated for more data written, and more latitude in the temperature range.
Thanks for explanation. Alright everyone ignore what I said and listen to this ^
The high endurance ones are best for that application, but I've been using an old 64gb EVO for years without issue.
i wouldn't, the speed is too slow.
The write speed is 90 MB/s. Could you please tell me what dashcam comes even close to that, or even a quarter of that?
Even the A119 that is popular here has a bitrate of ~30mb/s at 1440p@60fps HDR, which is 3.75 MB/s - much lower than the 90 MB/s this card can write at.…
The write speed of the white label Evo Plus cards are under 30mbs.
The red label has the fast write speeds.
@meeowth: 1) You are getting MBs and mbs mixed up.
2) The write speed of this card, a Samsung EVO plus is >90MB/s
You are off by a factor of 8, please do more research into the topic before you downvote people for giving the correct information.
oh sorry, my dash cam is 4k, i need the bigger and faster one.
i guess yours records at 480p?
@Hugh G Rection: In what universe does "1440p@60fps HDR" translate to 480p? Furthermore, bitrate is independent of resolution, a 4K resolution H.264 video with 51 CRF will have a significantly lower bitrate than a 720p resolution H.264 video with 0 CRF.
@Yukari Yakumo: I think he's shown to be best left to think what ever he wants to think. Let him live in the blissful irony of being on a bargain website while paying the 4x premium for the best rated SD cards that he thinks he needs.
Almost read it as Amazon au, I always wondered who is the profile picture.
I know JV in colour, I want to know the identity of the avatar picture, is he some famous person?
@Clear: Thanks, now I know where the acronym JV comes from, I thought he is some kind of 19th century industrialist.
Thanks, needed a couple for my Xiaofang that I've resurrected :-)
Call me lazy but there was no express checkout with Paypal so I didn't proceed.
That's extremely lazy. Took me less than 2 minutes to check out.
Hey lazy
username does not check out.
i think evo plus has a couple of variants
this A1 is U1 … write speed 30 mbps ?
the orange/red one .. has U3 … with 60 mbps write speed