For 12 hours only from now Star Wars the old republic is $26 or (25.17AUD currently). It comes with 30 days play time but you need to add a subscription of some kind. So that means adding a credit card to your swtor account or buying a time card.
Star Wars: The Old Republic (CD Key) Digital Download Version Only $26AUD

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Never heard Hilarious and frightening in the same sentence.
I thought most new MMOs came with a 30 day pass? I purchased this game day 1 and it came with one.
I think Suddo is probably referring to the free 30 day passes for those with Level 50 characters, which definitely is a sign of desperation for such a relatively new MMO:…
Why would rewarding dedicated players would be called desperation???
Similar deal with FFXIV when it came out but that was due to boredom & poor UI rather than the game being short :P
I loved this game when i played during the trial but i'm reading everywhere that people think it will die out.
Played it a shiteload over from release over xmas and then it just died.
Not interested in going back to it unless maybe it was F2P.Seems most people are just using up all the content and then giving it up, seems that they just can't do what WoW has been able to do for years.
And its been price matched and beaten by keys4me. This has rreeeaally come down in price. Was like $50 only a fortnight ago?
Everyone tries to jump on the MMO bandwagon thinking they'll get rich with subscription fee's like wow, wow got lucky cause it had a huge following and was the first to do something this big now people have a big investment in it level 80 characters and ect…
Maybe if they dropped the subscription fee's RPGMMO's might over come wow but until that day i will not bother with em. I bought a BF3 key cause you pay once and can play forever if they wanna add more content later make DLC or expansion packs and charge for that.
Fuck paying subscription fee's for games when will DEV's learn they aren't gonna WOW so make something new or don't bother.
(FWIW i loved all the previous KOTR games would have loved to played a sequel but they fudged it the day they tried to copy WOW with this subscription shit)
agreed, miss the old days of one time pay for games.
This game will be dead in a year, I guarantee it. The fact they are handing out free 30 day passes only 4 months in is hilariously frightening.