This was posted 3 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, PS5] Gran Turismo 7 Standard Edition $98 (RRP $124.95) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Pre order price on Amazon for GT7 on the PS5 recently dropped further to $98. 22% off retail and $11 cheaper than the previous deal of $109. (Nb: As per Amazon's terms whoever paid the $109 will now get it for $98).

This has been priced matched at Big W and Harvey Norman.

This item will be released on March 4, 2022.

The PS4 version has also dropped to $78 (29% off retail):…

The PS5 25th annivesary edition is still showing at full retail of $154:…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +34

    Too much $$

    • +1

      Tell me about it..

      • +7

        I got chills. They're multiplyin'

        • +5

          I got bills

    • -2

      In 1992 my dad bought me Street fighter 2 Turbo from Kmart at RRP 129.29. (257 AUD with inflation)

      98 dollars in 2022 is a bargain.

      • +10

        In 2021 I paid $68 for Ratchet and Clank for my son on PS5. $98 for a new title that has an RRP of $125 is not on.

        • I've noticed over the years that Ratchet and Clank games seem to be cheaper at launch and go on steep discount sooner than other games for whatever reason.

      • +6

        Apples and Oranges.

        It was a unique custom sized ROM, which were bloody expensive and had massive lead times. Not like today where its either digital or you can press hundreds of thousands of discs in mere days.

        • +2

          The physical media is such a tiny proportion of the cost of a game that it's practically negligible. That's not what you're paying for, and not what they're charging for. If you want to talk about apples and oranges, you should be looking at the cost to develop a major AAA game like GT7 in 2022 compared to the cost of developing games like Street Fighter 2 in the late 80s / early 90s.

          I'm not sure what GT7 cost to develop, but GT5 (which came out back in 2009) had a reported budget of about US$60m. I wouldn't expect GT7 to be any less than that, and probably more.

          The original arcade version of Street Fighter 2 (1991) cost about $2.5m over 2 years. If we assume the SNES version cost a similar amount then even if we add it on to the cost of the original arcade version for a $5m total, even allowing for inflation there is a vast difference between the two.

          • @AngusD: Very little to do with it.

            Teams were a fraction of what they are now, plus the majority of software guys would work multiple roles at once. Wasnt uncommon for the entire dev team to be between 10-30 people. This game came over from the CPSII board, so the dev costs were primarily spent on the arcade version.

            Lead times were in excess of 6 months to produce SNES and some N64 carts, sometimes even longer.

            To forecast that far ahead cost a LOT of money. You couldnt just re-tool a press like you can today. There were a handful of plants that could manufacture these thing for the GLOBAL demand.

            Again, this wasnt a 4/8 etc Mbit cart either. It was a weird middle ground ROM that was unique. Again, adds to the cost AND manufacturing.

            Printing full colour boxes/manauls/stickers etc im sure wasnt cheap.

            Then you had Japan/USA taking the biggest cut of the pie when it came to supply demand. Us poor PAL people, especially AUS were at the bottom of the pecking order.

            Add to that the exorbitant licensing cost that Nintendo would take.

          • @AngusD: I can tell you from experience:
            $1.87 per single disc game to manufacture, if replicated locally at Sydney Sony DADC though not sure if local production is set up yet. R&C was made Austria.
            Cost of blu ray game cover $1. Blu Ray disc 77 cents and game slick/paper sleeve 10 cents.
            Many other games, particularly third party titles and many of SCI are replicated at Sony DADC Austria so up the cost to around $3.27 per game
            Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on Development, Marketing, Support and promotions is where the dollars go…….

        • And SF 2 had a development team of 12 people. GT7 probably had 1200.

      • +1

        Yeah, prices of video games (particularly physical copies where they still have production and distribution costs) haven't gone up at all ever. I remember buying N64 games for $100-120 in 1996

        • +1

          I remember paying $100 for Pod Racer for N64 in the late 90s, and more for NES, SNES and Gameboy games before that. The early 90s was a crazy time of high inflation and interest rates.

      • Yea I remember paying $160 for NBA Jam on SNES

        • I paid 170 for SF2 champion edition on Sega megadrive mid 90's

  • +22

    Sony needs to stop this annoying PS5 tax per game.

    • +8

      If only there was a competing company that is far more pro-consumer…oh wait.

      • +24

        Lol if you think Microsoft is any more pro-consumer.

      • +2

        Office365 is pro-consumer… oh wait…
        Pay to get better quality of life (e.g. Forza Horizon series) is pro-consumer.

        Also, that Series S|X external storage is so pro-consumer. While there is a 3rd party dongle, the SSD it can used is currently restricted. Good one, Microsoft…. VERY pro-consumer.

      • 1) Backwards compatibility.
        2) A very affordable quality subscription service.
        3) Monitoring if people are actually using the service and suggesting they cancel their service if they aren’t instead of just collecting the subscription fee for no service used.
        4) Providing FPS and resolution boosts for older games at no charge.
        5) Simple and automated refund of digital purchases compared to to Sony where you need to manually email them.

        • +3

          Didn't neg you… While GamePass Ultimate is great for consumers, let's not forget if it weren't due to Sony dominating, Microsoft wouldn't be doing that. Also, it is not all pros, there are some issues…

          1) If you want to really own a first party title, the price isn't THAT attractive.
          2) GamePass Ultimate is only attractive if you can find a workaround way to get it cheap. At RRP, I am not sure people would be that excited.
          3) Stop offering loyal customers good deals once Microsoft knows you've paid for long term GamePass Ultimate previously. What's quite upsetting is that Microsoft clearly knows I've got Series X on launch day, would it really kill them to offer me that $1 GamePass Ultimate for a month deal? After all, there is no more voucher being included with the Series S|X console.
          4) Does feel like beta testing for quite a few first party titles lately. Losing progress (as it is auto save) gets annoying.
          5) So much for the FPS and resolution boosts being free. If they are older games, DO NOT force us to put them in the internal storage.
          6) Locking that external storage interface to strict SSD check isn't great. It is CFastExpress and even if you used a third party dongle, you are currently still locked to getting the right SSD (and no, it isn't a super duper SSD and it is not easy to source that SSD).
          7) Third party games do leave GamePass Ultimate and XBox Live Gold free games are getting worse.

          It's not always about quantity. Also, the companies Microsoft acquired recently are big on in game purchases. Is THAT really 100% consumer friendly? Also, you do have to pay extra if you want the complete Forza Horizon games (inc. quality of life improvement).

          • +1

            @netsurfer: Game pass at RRP is fine, especially for the day one titles and massive backlog of games.

          • @netsurfer: If a games in on Gamepass you get a discount when purchasing it outright

        • +2

          You're being naive if you think Game Pass will stay as-is. Once Microsoft buys up every studio and locks up previously multiplatform titles with exclusivity, they'll 100% jack up the price. It's a typical monopolistic play: buy out or undercut the competition to maximise market share, then slowly bump up prices. I unsubscribed from PC Game Pass after they doubled the price in 2020. Microsoft isn't a charity, they just spent U$69 billion on Activision, and they will make it back.

          • @SydStrand: Even charities make profits for their owners lok

          • @SydStrand: I already have 3 years of Gamepass Ultimate..
            Most use the upgrade hack and just convert their existing live gold subscription to Gamepass Ultimate for a $1….
            I got Xbox live gold on sale last year,converted it to Ultimate for a dollar and I'm good til late 2024

  • +5

    Wouldn't it be $5 cheaper to buy the PS4 edition and then upgrade to the PS5 edition for $15?

  • +10

    The PS5 tax has been enough to push me to buy a Xbox Series X (already bought a PS5 day one)… I got the cheap 3 year of Game Pass Ultimate with the VPN hack and honestly I can't justify these high prices on PS5 first party games. I feel Xbox has wrestled back the momentum at least this generation, I think in 2-3 years time we see Xbox as the number one gaming platform.

    • +5

      I don't think MS can take Europe as they always strongly favour Sony and whilst they're doing better in Japan this generation they'll always be behind Sony.

      But I do think MS can take the US and we'll end with a much closer result this generation. is great for tracking sales.

      • +4

        I'd never write off Sony but I think the combined Activision/Blizzard/Bethesda takes overs by Microsoft will really start paying dividends in 2-3 years time. Things like the next Elder Scrolls being an xbox/pc exclusive and being available on Gamepass, the proposition just becomes to hard to match.

        I'm not much of a Call of Duty guy, but I'll sure play it day one on Game Pass, and imagine how much COD going platform exclusive would move the needle.

        Then you start looking at stuff like World of Warcraft, Diablo, Doom, Overwatch, Fallout etc… it's hard to see them not being on top before this generation ends and if they're not on top I think a lot of people jump ship next gen.

        • A good point I heard made was that at 7 Billion you cant afford to make your games platform agnostic, you have to use it to benefit your own console. However for close to 70 Billion you cant afford NOT to. To make that money back you probably can't do it with just mobile/pc/xbox, you need the extra install base to make enough money back.

          • @Intoxicoligist: I expect COD to remain on PS5. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a contract between Sony and Activision that Microsoft will have to obey. Other IP like Diablo, Overwatch or a new Crash/Spyro would likely be Microsoft exclusive.

      • +1

        Yes I got my PS5 day one (had the previous gen consoles too). However, I'm a bit over paying so much for their games. I recently purchased an Xbox series X and the value of that with GamePass is incredible. I will keep the PS5 but will wait for the games to drop before I buy them.

        • +2

          $16 a month (for MS) is extremely good value comparatively, but Sony still gets me with their exclusives. For someone that really values single player, narrative driven games (and GT), Sony wins hands down.

          I am in a fortunate position to have a PC and play MS games as well, but if I had to choose one it'd be Sony.

    • +3

      Pre ordered most pS5 games for less than $70. Not sure what the issue is… Just be patient…

      Also a monopoly isn't a good thing btw, when MS owns pretty much everything, and jack up the prices for everything, no one wins. We need some alternatives. And we are OZB, we don't pay this much for games, just wait a tiny amount of time and get it for way cheaper….

      Game pass is great, but it doesn't have all the latest games, so really it's just a companion to you also paying for games.

      • I bought nearly every Sony first party game last generation on day one for usually $68 and they'd usual drop to around $36 pretty quickly on sale. I've found this generation they start at about $100 and drop to around $50 on sale even a year after release.

        • +1

          I've been really lucky to see the opposite. I got Demon souls for $50 off marketplace when I bought the PS5, and Returnal is the only other one I've seen at that price on Marketplace. Deathloop, AC Valhalla, Far Cry 6, Death Stranding and Ghost of Tsushima have all been picked up for under $40 on marketplace. I find that the PS store sales are almost always overpriced though, especially compared to the ripper deals on Xbox sometimes.

          • @Intoxicoligist: Yeah I don't really want to deal with people on marketplace, I'm talking more about new at retail.

            Ubisoft games go on sale real fast regardless and have generally stayed at last gen prices as have most third party games I've noticed.

            Demon Souls and Returnal were both $50 on sale at Amazon on Black Friday, honestly I think $50 almost a year after release is still to much.

            • @Sidog: Part of the reason is that you now have GamePass Ultimate subscription. Therefore:

              • There is less need to get games. Not only because you have so many games you could play, but indirectly, you do want to maximise GamePass Ultimate.
              • No real incentive to figure out a cost effective way to play those PS5 games cheap.

              For games you don't intend to keep, it is possible to get them, play them quickly, then trade in. I've previously got more $$$ in credit trading in some games to EB (but obviously, I did combine special vouchers + EB special offer + level bonus).

              Also, in order to get Series X for $100 and PS5 for $50, I did trade in quite a few games. I am certain EB doesn't accept GamePass Ultimate vouchers for the trade-ins.

              • @netsurfer: I paid $120 for three years of Game Pass Ultimate by buying Xbox Live from Brazil and converting to game pass for $1.

    • Well, given the current state of PC graphics card pricing, it is not a surprise you bought a Series X. However, it is more about not willing to pay the Graphics Card crazy price tax.

      Don't get too excited, we are all upset about the Series S|X external storage tax. It's just CFastExpress, so don't lock it so deeply in firmware Microsoft.

      I've beta tested for quite a lot of first party titles (let's face it, a lot of them are buggy when they first got put on GamePass), lost progress a few times. Also, in order to get better quality of life in Forza Horizon series, you need to cough up $$$. You only get standard edition in GamePass… That really feels very "Ultimate"….. not…

      • +1

        For the majority of players Game Pass is remarkable value, even a game like Forza Horizon 5 I doubt most casual players will even do half of the games content even in the standard edition and still have a pretty good time with it. Halo Infinite campaign has been amazing.

        Keep in mind I'm a hard working Aussie dad I can't put in crazy hours to these games anymore, maybe 10 hours a week tops is a big gaming week for me these days.

        • Wow 10 hours is huge!!! How much did you used to play wow.

          • @onlinepred: In 2005 I reckon I was clocking on average 10-12 hours a day on WoW… I was in my final year on Uni and had to let my subscription lapse in the first few weeks of the final semester as the writing was on the wall that I'd fail every class… stayed off it for 10 weeks passed and graduated literally the first thing I did the day after my final exam was to go buy a 3 month WoW sub card and play non stop for a week!

            Those were the days!

        • Problem is, the quality of life difference is nice. I too have limited time so I just paid for that. Forza Horizon 5 was glitchy initially. Honestly, if I didn't purchase the add-ons, I would be quite upset (because one house I purchased wasn't saved properly, lucky it happened to be the one included if you bought the VIP pass).

          I really wish Microsoft would release a FPS boost patch for Forza Horizon 3, but that's not going to happen. It's considered EOL.

          • @netsurfer: Yea agreed. I sold my old consoles and paid $50 on top for the PS5, got the huge playstation game pack, and signed up for PS plus, barely bought any games, mostly cruising by on the classics and the ps plus games at the moment.

  • +3

    Rip off. Sony are going back to their greedy, cocky ways of the PS3 era

    • Don't really remember when they weren't a pos. Still I keep buying PlayStation just for exclusives I love.

      They don't get anymore of my money besides from that.

      • You're right, and I hated how they killed off Sega. They had great games during the PS2 era, but since the PS3 generation their arrogance and cockiness had pushed me to Xbox/PC. Only get exclusives for PS too, and usually when they're in the bargain bin

        • +2

          I try to buy second hand as that way they only see money from the purchase from the original buyer.

          • @Intoxicoligist: the only time in recently memory when sony werent 'arrogant' (as per meme) was when the $599 ps3 dropped and everyone had to work two jobs to get one

            once the ps3 started to resurge at the end, sony has always been #1… at being assholes

            the way the internet loves the ps4 and ps5 says it all

  • EB has trade deal for this so you can get it for $79 or less

  • +4

    honestly the GT series really lost it shine after GT3. Other racing titles have caught up or even surpass the GT series ( panel damage?). Have they even added this yet?

    • +2

      I 100%’d GT3.

      Was on 99% needing one more gold, actually rebought a ps3 and 2nd copy just to 100% it ;)

      • a Backwards compatible PS3 to run GT3? was it hard to transfer your saves over?

        • +2

          Ah, my bad. It was a ps2. I had kept my memory card and sold my unit when I tried getting out of gaming haha.

          Consoles - I can’t keep up anymore!

    • -1

      Completely agree. There hasnt been a decent GT game since the PS2 era.

      • +1

        There is a lot riding on GT7 to be the real successor to GT3. I spent countless evenings with GT3, was one of the few games where I really pulled out full value from the game! haha

        Hoping that GT7 meets the expectations and doesn't give us a watered down experience like GT5, GT6, GT Prologue, GT Sport.

        • +1

          I like the even numbered ones. GT2, GT4, GT6. Sport was just for online play, and when people complained they added more tracks and cars.

  • Wow console games are expensive.

    • +1

      Depends how/where you buy your games. A PC capable of playing this would cost over $2k for the card alone. So I guess you can factor in those savings?

      • It's also on PS4 so I think you can get away with a PC less than that (if/when a PC port is announced that is).

        • Yea for sure, if all you want is PS4 graphics you can get a much cheaper PC, still more than a PS5 costs though. But yes, if you want 4k 120fps gaming like on the PS5 version, you will spend a lot of money on a PC.

          • @onlinepred: Very much doubt it will be 4K 120fps in game, but will be impressed if it is.

      • A PC capable of playing this would cost over $2k for the card alone.


      • +1

        A PC not capable of playing this would cost over $2K too. The GPU market is stupid crazy.

  • +4

    Only ~420 cars to begin with is a bit disappointing considering every other GT was 1000+ cars and they have had years with so many delays to make this..

    • I think they will add more cars in updates but yeah 420 isn't a lot.

      • Paid DLCs of course. Lol.
        If the 25th Edition came with a guaranteed season pass for DLCs, then I would get it. But doesn't talk about it.

    • Not hard to see why GT Sport wasn't popular, only had 161 at launch

  • +4

    Eh, I can see this dropping to the expected price closer towards release. What's that rule about pre-ordering games months early again?

    • +2

      If Amazon drops their price before your preorder is shipped, they’ll cut the price to the same level for people who’ve preordered.

    • +1

      PS5 version will drop to $89 before launch.

  • A true OZB will get the PS4 version and get free upgrade to PS5.

    • +4

      or wait for the GOTY edition @ $29

      • If its anything like GT Sport it'll drop to $20 after a month

    • +3

      No free upgrade this time around. Horizon Forbidden West is the last one to get the free upgrade. The upgrade for GT I think will be $15 which is still cheaper than the extra price buying the PS5 version.

  • $125 RRP for 'Standard Edition'…

    I used to think Switch games were overpriced

    • +4

      Video games being too expensive is an interesting topic. The truth is we have just been spoilt in the last 10-15 years with Steam pushing prices down and now GamePass.
      Go check out some of the old video game catalogs:
      We were paying $120+ in the '90s for PGA Golf games lol.
      Considering inflation and the fact games are significantly more expensive to make now price increases are kind of reasonable.

      • Good perspective. I'm kinda grateful that new games are $100+, the pile of shame is big enough already

      • I remember some SNES games were $100+ at Kmart, which must be like $10,000 in 2021 money.

      • This is such a long forgotten fact. "Back in my day" games were always $100 on release. The notion of expecting a day 1 AAA at $68 still feels like a novelty to me.

        • Back in my day buying games on release was a novelty in general.

          I rented them and tried to play as much as I could in one weekend.

  • +1

    This is almost certainly gonna be the case.

    It'll drop to 79-89 SRP pretty quickly.

    Then its free fall from there.

  • +9

    Imagine being a digital only console owner and being at the mercy of the Australian psn stores outrageous rrp’s

  • my reason for getting a ps5 is finally here! now i just have to get a ps5…

  • +1

    LOL, who the hell is (a) paying this much for a game or (b) pre-ordering a game in 2022?

    There are so many good games - just play something else for a couple of months and this will be half the price and probably a better game due to patches.

  • I'll wait for Black Friday and it will be $25. I have time.

  • Picked up GTS a few weeks after launch for $9 at HN. Let's see that again.

  • This is a ridiculous price for 1 game….yes I know it's Gran Turismo but that's insane pricing…I will wait tul Black Friday 2022

  • -1

    Don't think I've ever seen a standard edition game RRP at that kind of price.

    Long live Forza

    • You mustn't look much lol

      • List me five console titles that sold for over $120 for the standard Edition

        • +4

          Returnal - $124.95
          GoT: Directors Cut - $124.95
          Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - $124.95
          Demon's Souls - $124.95

          That's going from EB Games, only standard games over $120, all on PS5

  • -2

    Lol, these prices are just stupid… This is why my ps5 is still brand new unopened in box while my Xbox Series X is played daily with a huge library on GamePass.
    Honestly ready to just sell the ps5 and grab one in a few years and pickup all the exclusives dirt cheap second hand…

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