Hey hey, whats up. New to OzBargin and thought I'd say hi. I'm new to video gaming and loving it, coffee, meeting new people. Ask me anything.
I'm a Newbie Gamer

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Do you mind? If so, when why so?
Passive income.
He said mind not mine
Not sure what that means. But been playing Satisfactory and I'm loving it.
Great game but I feel it needs to have enemies that attack periodically - like Factorio
no way, love it how it is, love how you can get lost in time
A game can have both modes :)
yes, so good
What are you thoughts on the car market at the moment? Better to buy new or used?
Im looking for a car ATM myself. I always seem to go used. I'm looking for a Land Rover Defender at the moment.
I won one of those on a Forza Horizon 5 wheel spin just this morning.
no u didnt
have you considered a toyota? much more reliable. the troop carrier would rival the defender.
By gaming do you mean gambling?
What are your thoughts on the 1975 constitutional crisis when Gough Whitlam was dismissed from office by John Kerr?
I try not to get into Politics or Religion.
5 for me @snow
@JulieWoOF: Do you put butter on before other condiments?
I find it strange people would butter their bread and then spread on peanut butter.
@SnowDragon: Oh … we can be friends.
Toast, butter, filly cheese, then strawberry jam … or just good butter and creamed honey.
@SnowDragon: you need to add butter to peanut butter to cut through the claginess, peanut butter on toast by itself is horrible, peanut butter and butter, (profanity) incredible
9 aint even burnt enuff!
@consume: lol guess no one likes the joke!
i actually do prefer mines slight more burnt, so number 10
@SnowDragon: mid-rare … you? while we're on the subject have to taste the veggie beef? I think its called bud?
@JulieWoOF: Yes, Medium rare.
I've had the Hungry Jacks impossible burger and it's not bad. I've also had V2 mince and I don't mind it. I'll buy it more often when the price of real mince overtakes it.
@SnowDragon: nice. the bud is another level.
theres a burger joint that's just opened in bondi called Flave.
worth checking out.
So don't ask you anything?
John Kerr died in such depressing fashion after this.
I wish he'd suffered worse
B42 or B45?
B11 or B15?Eh!?
big n00b here lolz
guess you aint a CS player :P
def not :)
AWP noob.
@djones145: 0.3 beta for the win, first shot was always in the same spot for the uzi and owning snipers from afar with the uzi was killer.
Dak dak
B43 all day erry day
What's the deal with styrofoam? Why is it so small, and why is there so much of it??
What's styrofoam? Sounds like a foam.
Yep it’s foam, styro style.
Styro the Flagon!
I think AMA has a new low….
Oh yeah, how so?
You are bored isn't it ?
name checks out
What you think of watching 3 hours of Ghan in Prime? I thought it was exciting.
Better than watching 3 hours of Prime whilst travelling on the Ghan?
Should I buy a tesla or crypto?
hahaha PC Gamer. Trading is a whole other world.
PC master race!
tesla STOCKS + crypto
Actually! im a massive fan, ive watched a few lux train shows on YT, its something I've been keen on for years — next trip to Japan, I will be def looking to jump on one of their Lux trains :)
Zerg, Protoss or Terran?
rush b
Aren't school holidays over yet?
no sure, havent needed to think about school or holidays for a long time.
so you play fortnite with your grandkids?
not in fortnite but I am into Satisfactory, have you played it before?
Zerg for sure.
did you just google what it is?
What platform(s) are you gaming on atm?
Do you have any views on the likely source of reconciliation between general relativity and quantum mechanics?
thats a bit much, im not that smart, and I could google it. but good question tho.
Some interesting work is emerging from Paris that seeks to unite Plank's constant in quantum mechanics, with Newton's gravitational constant, and Einstein's speed of light constant with the potential for a unified theory of quantum gravity to emerge.
I'm just not sure if this is all headed in the right direction, and if so what the practical applications of this may be?
Once the Higgs-Boson is understood, I am sure a unifying theorem will emerge ;)
Practical applications include zero weight Higgs-Boson decoupling enabling travel faster than the speed of light!
What likely source? Did I miss some science news?
What’s your opinion of SlavOz?
…and of course coconut water?
Most important, his hypothesis of watermelon as a vaccine.
his weakness is bread
Where are the warp whistles in Super Mario Bros 3?
no idea
There's definitely one in world 1.
I can't remember which level number (maybe 1.1) but I'd know how to find it if I was on that level.
You have to crouch on a white block until you fall behind it, then you run behind all blocks until you get to the end where you will find the warp whistleFrom memory the block is high up too(above ground level).
How old are you? Range is fine. Why didn't you play before?
40's, I did as a kid and recently I have tried to get back into it and I'm hooked. I've been playing Satisfactory a building StarCraft/WarCraft type of game.
If you think that is, any any shape or form, similar to Starcraft/Warcraft then you haven't played either of them.
Satisfactory has more in common with StarCraft/WarCraft than it does with say, Duke Nukem 3D. Chances are they would show up on the Steam more-like-this store page for Satisfactory if Blizzard games were listed on Steam.
@rinco: No freaking way is it similar to SC or WC or any sort of RTS. From youtube videos i've seen its more like minecraft.
@rinco: So can you point me to anything at all that has at least a passing resemblance to Starcraft/Warcraft on that list you refer to?
Satisfactory may not have a lot in common with Duke Nukem 3D but that does not somehow make it more like SC/WC.
You may as well compare it to pretty much any game that's not Duke Nukem 3D.
If it's because there is resource mining that makes it comparable you are drawing a pretty long bow there.@Grunntt: I was thinking along the lines of multiplayer base building games with resource management. But if these don't count then yeah it has nothing in common.
@rinco: You are mixing up two totally different genres of gaming.
SC defined what is meant by RTS.
Satisfactory is more like Civilisation (on a much smaller scale).Games of different genres can have some mechanics in common but it does not make them similar - they are different types of games with totally different gameplay.