• out of stock

[VIC] Free Rapid Antigen Test Delivered by Post from CARS 24 (Name & Postal Address Required)


Was looking for stock nearby (findarat.com.au) when I saw this ad on the left side of page. Only for VIC customers and limited stock everyday - 26th-30th January.

Direct link - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdQTwzn8eXsRBmPDql8…

Free Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) Delivered from CARS24 (VIC only)
At CARS24 we sell quality used cars and then deliver them, so we know a thing or two about delivery.

Finding a Rapid Antigen Test has become an almost impossible feat. At CARS24 we were fortunate enough to be able to purchase a wholesale quantity of tests and unlike many other businesses we don't want your money or data (you'll notice we aren't even asking for your email address). Our priority is your safety and peace of mind - we just want you all back on the road again.

Stock is limited. Batches will be distributed every day 26th-30th January. Once we hit our daily quota of stock this page will stop accepting submissions.

To get your hands on a FREE Rapid Antigen Test please complete the form below. Tests will be delivered to your nominated address by Australia post. Please allow for delays due to COVID.

*Open to residents from VIC only. We are hoping to secure additional tests to distribute to NSW and QLD in the coming days. Please bear with us.

26/1 - Sold Out
27/1 - Sold Out
28/1 - From 9AM

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Smells fishy

    • +12

      You're supposed to put it in your mouth

      • +3

        You put RATs in the nose

    • +4

      Could be, but assuming wholesale rates on the tests, 1000 unit per day limit, I daresay many similar companies would pay more than that in daily advertising. Good PR move, brand awareness. I'm guessing their business has been hit as hard as anyone else.

    • That's the CARS 24 way

    • +6

      Smells fishy

      You're probably negative then. :)

      • I smell what you did there!

      • Sadly omicron is less likely to affect your smell and taste!

        • 3 of my immediate friends had their sense of smell and taste affected in the past 3 weeks. No idea if it was omicron though.

          • +3

            @eug: Yeah good question! We had a friend who was positive and had no loss at all.

            It's a shame cause my partner's farts are rank, and a week of not smelling them might be nice if anything.

  • +3

    That was quick - only 1000 per day!
    Thanks for visiting! Unfortunately CARS24 have reached our daily capacity of 1000 RAT tests.
    Please try again tomorrow from 9am.

  • +3

    It reminds a bit on the McCain deal with free chips, except that was Australia wide… Happy Victorians, I hope your driving skills have been improved over the years!

    • +13

      We try but indicating to exit a roundabout still escapes us

      • +2

        what's a roundabout, i thought they r all speed bumps?

        • +8


      • +3

        This is so true. I was in Newcastle quite a bit early last year for work and I noticed how most people there indicate when exiting a round about. I honestly never did it before that as nobody does it in VIC but now I always do it. Makes sense.

        • +3

          Plenty of people do it here, you just haven't noticed

          • @TEER3X: So for some reason I notice people doing it when I was in Newcastle but I don't notice people doing it here in VIC 🤔

            • +1

              @Shaun Prawn: VIC here.

              I have always indicated when exiting a roundabout.

              • +2

                @Lucille Bluth: One of the few that's for sure. I honestly don't recall the last time I've seen someone do it here.

              • @Lucille Bluth: Which way? I've formed a habit of shouting "wrong indicator moron" every time someone I'm waiting for exits the roundabout with the incorrect ("right" might have been confusing") indicator flashing.

        • I live in Victoria and that's how I was instructed here and I thought it was a legal requirement as well. I see very few people doing it.

      • -4

        What do you mean indicate to exit a roundabout; you indicate on entry - once you're in it, plebs gotta wait.. I'll put your suggestion in the 'swerve-left-to-turn-right bucket'.

        • +12

          You can also indicate on exit, and it's usually advised on large roundabouts to make it clear which exit you're taking. It's there in the Vic driver's handbook (at least, it was when I was learning many years ago).

        • +5

          It's a requirement to indicate on exit but most don't bother. Then again most locals still don't understand how hook turn works and treat it as a no arrow right turn. If you happen to be in front and do the RIGHT thing by waiting for the other lights to turn green before turning you will get the inevitable honking by angry idiots who don't know how to do a hook turn.

            • +4

              @Wolfenstein98k: Except for the fact that you are required by the road rules to wait for the green.

            • +2

              @Wolfenstein98k: Incorrect my friend. EVERYONE in Melbourne should watch this 60 second video from Vicroads. It's so simple and hopefully they will finally get it. It's really a no brainer, however sadly a lot of people do not have a clue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh92LirlCf8

        • Twice I've nearly been hit by a swerve-left-to-turn-right. Idiots.

        • It's a legal requirement in Victoria

        • ahh we found one. So if you're turning right, you keep indicating right as you exit the roundabout, and leave me waiting because I assume you're still going around? "Wrong indicator moron!"

          • -1

            @SlickMick: Yes, just as you would if there was no roundabout; you know, indicate right to turn right.

            Talking about simple, single-lane roundabouts here; big-arse, multi-lane, multi-way roundabouts, different story…

            • @FittyFitty: It's always a pain for anyone waiting to enter the roundabout, if waiting for some moron indicating an intention to continue around, but actually exits

      • +1

        These tests will indicate more than Vic drivers.

  • +2

    Data harvesting

  • +1

    That guy in the pic looks strangely like the guy in the Xiaomi mi watch lite app. Lol

  • +2

    Once you sign up, your name will be in the public domain

    • +1

      don't provide your real name then

    • +6

      Your name and address is already in the public domain if you are a citizen and registered to vote. Anyone can go see the electoral roll and find you.

      It is also in the public domain in about 1000 other ways.

      • +1

        yeah definitely, I didn't even need to explain all that. Just thought even if they don't realise that, they can simply not use their real name.

      • -3

        This isn't true. Try looking up someone other than yourself.

        • +4

          This is true. You have to go there in person — it's not online and you can't photograph it but you can take handwritten notes. I've done it myself.


          "An electronic copy of the current electoral roll is available for public inspection at any AEC office."

          • -3

            @meowsers: You're not allowed to look up people other than yourself in person, either. The role is not to be used for anyone other than yourself or someone you're responsible for assisting.

            • +3

              @Wolfenstein98k: You can look up anyone you want. I think you are misinformed.

              The whole point of the electoral roll with regards to public access is to ensure a open and accountable electoral process.

            • @Wolfenstein98k: I agree with meowsers.
              I've gone to the AEC many times to look up other people on the electoral roll. You can find the name and address of people registered to vote in each electorate.
              A simple Google search will confirm this.

  • i don't get why everyone wants RATs… like if you have symptoms you need to stay home..

    I have been doing RAT twice a week since November but back then nobody was buying them.

    • +1

      I'm with you. Just getting it because it's free and I can potentially give it to someone who may need it for travel etc. Other than that, it's a no brainer for me. No need to get tested. I'll just stay home for a week if feeling sick. It's pretty much endemic now anyway, it's not that we can stop it. To me it's a bit like toilet paper. In a few months when we have tons of stock and possibly no demand, it'll be discounted at 50% off on Ozbargain and people who paid $$$ will be disappointed. My prediction anyway.

      PS: I managed to order one even after people were saying it's gone for today. So not sure what's going on.

      • hahaha.. yes looks like the links working again.

      • +7

        Not everyone can afford to just stay home for a week. To get government support you need to test positive for covid.

        • I understand and that's a valid reason. There's probably a few other good reasons too. But I suspect the shortage is due to many others just panic buying for no real good reason.

    • +9

      i don't get why everyone wants RATs…

      I have been doing RAT twice a week since November


      • -1

        when i bought RATs in November.. i felt like i was the only one. I don't get why they are so popular now.

        • +3

          A lot of PCR testing sites have closed. People were waiting in their cars for hours to get a PCR test. PCR test results took a day if not longer to come. RATs are now seen as more acceptable/reliable. Lots of reasons.

          • +1

            @King Steuart: Yes, I’ve been wiping my butt with a RAT for the past two weeks. Gotta use something.

    • +2

      like if you have symptoms you need to stay home

      until you receive a negative result.

      If you begin to feel unwell, and have a fever or a cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath or respiratory illness you should get tested for COVID-19.

      If you test positive for COVID-19 you must isolate at home, away from others. You cannot leave home for any reason, except to seek medical care or in an emergency (including if you are experiencing family violence).

      If you test negative you are free to go.


    • +4

      I don't have symptoms, I'm a contact. The Vic Gov advice is 5 days of daily RATs. No RATs at our local testing sites. It's just a bit of piece of mind. Do a RAT in the morning, make sure I'm not infecting others in the household or the one time I went out.

      I originally got 7 just in case. Have ordered another 10 as most of them are gone. Hopefully won't need more than that.

    • +1

      yeah i feel RATs are overhyped/overused too.

      I guess the main benefit is that you potentially don't need to isolate (especially if you mild/vague symptoms which you are not sure whether they are covid related or not)

    • I had symptoms last week. Did a PCR test. Cancelled a few appointments. Received a negative result.
      A RAT would have saved me from cancelling appointments. Handy thing to have on hand.

      • no.. if your RAT is negative and have symptoms .. you need a PCR.

        • I don't think that's the latest advice. RAT and PCR are equally valid.

          • +1

            @bmerigan: RAT is definitely less accurate.. you can google this.

            If you have symptoms please take another rapid antigen test in 24 hours or have a PCR test. If your second test is positive you are considered a confirmed case. If the second test is negative, you should isolate until your symptoms have gone.


            like im not sure if im taking it out of context but i would definitely still isolate.

        • +1

          Not true. At least not in Victoria.

          • @sween64: I didn’t know this! Seems crazy we’ve gone from having to confirm positive RAT with PCR to not even having to check negative RAT.

  • I am sure that poster from yesterday "wanting to make a small profit" by reselling it jumped on these.

  • -1

    Building a shrine to testing item 🙄

  • Swimming in them in no time.

  • Thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP, working again placed order.

  • +3

    Grab a RAT Test so I can go to the ATM Machine and punch in my PIN Number 😂

    • +1

      OMG, WTF

  • -1

    unlike many other businesses we don't want your money

    Normal people really will just swallow lunacy won't they.

  • Free? They'll only have your name and address, expect some marketing mayerial.

    • +1

      They have 'a' name and my address lol. Also who sends snail mail for marketing purposes these days anyway. At worst I'll just bin it once or twice, no big deal.

  • -5

    People's names address and mobile phone worth like 15 dollars any way. so these guys are making 15000 out of 1000 kits. the kits cost a couple dollars each from alibaba. so once in country they've made 12k profit say and huge publicity. Good luck with the spam both at home and digitally.

    • No mobile required. Real name not required.

  • pls pls pls don't waste these resources unless you actually need it

    • +3

      Once I need it it's a bit late to be ordering one.

  • +1

    $10 for my data? SOLD!

  • +1

    Do they post a single test or is it a 2 pack kit?

  • +2

    Is it the same link?

  • +4

    Hasn't opened yet…! Must not be automated.

    • +1

      Yeah looks like someone needs to manually activate the form or something

    • +1

      Don't think so, being a Google Form I don't think you can automate the time of launch.

  • +2


  • +1

    Already gone?

    • +1

      No. Hasn't gone live yet.

  • +1

    It says 8am on the Facebook page but 9am on the form?

    • +1

      Oh no

      • +1

        Someone on FB said it wasn't open at 8am either

        • +1

          I checked at 8am to 8.05am and can confirm nothing

        • +1

          Must be true then

  • +1

    It's Up now!

  • +1

    Form up, nabbed one!

  • +1

    It's now active …. I just got my free one :)

  • +1

    Link is live

  • +1

    Its LIVE. Got mine.

    • -5

      Who cares ?

  • +1

    Open. I had so many issues on desktop with Draft versions saving, not saving, clearing, not clearing, forced to fill. I had to revert to mobile to fill it.

  • +2

    25 minutes late but I appeared to get thru, don't want to complain about a free gesture, was worried I set the alarm and waited for nothing etc.

  • Done for today.

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