Limited stock in few stores (Low stock in Bankstown, NSW, Moonee Ponds, VIC)
I know this will have mixed comments. But I have heard great things about this book.
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster - Bill Gates Paperback for $6 @Kmart

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Doesn't recycling paper use more energy than making new paper?
How to avoid Bill Gates would be a best seller.
Yep, so you can avoid disrupting him in managing the billions that is being invested for better healthcare, and life saving technologies for third-world countries.
Yes billions, and now the largest owner of agricultural land, is that to ensure we don't get any of that nasty carbon emitting meat but to eat synthetic meat instead?
You can’t convince me that BillyG687 isn’t Bill Gates’ own account. The way you defend these billionaires who won’t even blink when exploiting people in the name of profit. Sure philanthropic work sounds good and all, but money is made on the backs of less fortunate people.
LOL, PR rehabilitation campaigns are designed to work on the gullible, and man, don't they do a great job?
Username checks out
imaging genuinely believing that lol
just dont get the vaccine lol .. its the gate to bills control via 5g
Expensive toilet paper etc etc
A bs opinion piece from one of the original computer nerds
Have you read it? If yes, what did you not like about it?
He's not even a computer nerd.
Written for the gullible bed wetters leftards
Fix Xbox Live before you fix the planet!
— Snoop Dogg
Lol. That's gold.
Xbox Live Gold? ;)
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster
Let me guess……reduce the population by 70%?
Why are you so inclined towards killing the masses? I am genuinely concerned and intrigued. In another post you said the below:
The only ones making it worse are the governments who've taken advice from the likes of Fauci, they should have let it rip at the start and let "nature" takes it's course instead of trying to piss about with a new treatment that's being found not to work as they promised/ anticipated.
That is a bold claim. Covid-19 has killed 5+ millions so far. How are lockdowns going to kill that many?
Based on what diamondd? I’d love to know how someone formulates that opinion.
@Buddy195: Common sense, I know I know. It's not that common anymore so, any common sense sounds outrageous or makes someone feel outraged.
Why are you so inclined towards killing the masses
Where have I talked about killing people, let nature take its course was referring to people being allowed to catch covid and letting their own immune system give them the best available protection.
It's your sentences that contain "killing", "killed", "kill", "dying" over and over again!
No alidi it’s to get rid of the 90% who are compliant and keep the rebellious 10% who follow false gods and go against authority. What could possibly go wrong for them, keeping all those enlightened people to service them after the great reset.
It always amazes me that depopulation advocates never start with themselves.
Ahhhh Jeffrey Epstein's mate…
Bill Gates and his tarots.
Sheep: "you must listen to, and follow the experts. Don't think for yourself or do your own research. Who are you to question a climate scientist about climate change, or an epidemiologist about a virus"
Also, same sheep: "I trust Bill gates, the IT billionaire, about climate change, population control and viruses.."
Hey man he was just saving jet fuel by going on Jeffrey Epstein's plane! Ride sharing is a way to lower emissions /s
Ride sharing
In more ways than one.
Everyone is a sheep except me!
- Mick, from the Internet.If shaun the sheep said it, id believe you.
@jjcf I give you credit for admitting you are a sheep.
I'm no sheep, I'm just the G.O.A.T
Funny how the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists define “research”. They all seem to think it means looking for and watching YouTube videos and Facebook memes that support their current beliefs.
@ForkSnorter: Lol.. not an anti vaxxer or conspiracy theorist at all.
Funny how you assume anyone who disagrees with you must be anti science or a nutter.. says a lot about you..
Anyway, continue to be a gullible POS.@mick123: I’m a science nerd, which means I’m anything but gullible. Interesting to accuse people of making assumptions when you do the same. If you know anything about empirical science you would know that its fundamental basis is skepticism, especially self-skepticism (being skeptical of your own opinions and beliefs). You said something about “doing your own research”, and in my experience this is the classic line repeated ad nauseam by anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. You also mentioned questioning climate scientists, epidemiologists, and insinuating Bill Gates has some evil plan, all of which are common positions of anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. But maybe I’m wrong and you are in fact a know it all, and your knowledge is greater than the experts.
Sheep watch the cult of sky news. 'Do your own research'… ROFL. I can spot a sky news cult member a mile away. They all parrot word for word the same talking points.
No idea Bout sky news (never seen it).
But yes, do your own research is a great thing.
You should try it sometime instead of just swallowing whatever you are told..You would exhibit A in my hypothesis regarding sheep
Looking up conspiracy theories is the opposite of 'doing your own research '. You might as well join a cult.
@wosdam: Looking up conspiracy theories is the opposite of 'doing your own research
Yes exactly, but the fact that you can't differerentiate between a conspiracy theory and researching a topic shows that you are the cultist.. willing to believe anything and everything fed to you.
Like I said, sheep mentality..
@mick123: Being able to say: 'I don't know' and keeping an open mind is a sign of intelligence. Conspiracy theorists are low iq people who have formed stubborn uninformed convictions.
@wosdam: No offence but you come across as having a closed mind to accepting other people's reasoning, and why call someone you don't know a moron?
@mick123: Oh and you need to learn to identify shills. Would you trust a tobacco exec when he says there's no evidence of health risks from smoking? Would you trust a coal miner for spreading doubt about the greenhouse effect?
Never watch Sky News or YT videos and never been on FB so sorry I don't fit your stereotype of what you think people who don't want this treatment are like, or where they get their information from.
And most of us aren't anti-vaxxers, just cautious of these types of experimental treatments, along with loads of medicos, nurses, doctors, virologists, mRNA inventors and freedom of information requesters.Oh by the way, please list which echo chamber/s you get your research from?
I'm not even (personally) cautious about taking the Vax. Taken 2 doses and ready for the booster.
I have an issue with people who are Vax fanatics or those who treat people who disagree with them as akin to criminals.Wosdam seems to think Bill gates should be blindly followed, and probably that Joe Rogan should be silenced.
Me, I believe both should be heard (as I am anti censorship) and people can make up their own mind.
Neither of the above ppl are scientists or medical professionals so neither is an expert. But wosdam seems willing to bend over if Bill gates tells him toI have an issue with people who are Vax fanatics or those who treat people who disagree with them as akin to criminals.
I agree mick, my first comment was to ForkSnorter and wosdam who seem tar us all with the same brush.
I cant wait for the next seller "Western Cultures by Kim Jong Un"
Pretty sure I just accelerated climate change by buying this book.
THE BIGGEST scam of all time, global warming LOL
You really need to listen to Carl Sagan explaining global warming in 1985:
Reading some of these comments is a rollercoaster of retardation.
CO₂ = People x Services per person x Energy per service x CO₂ per unit energy.
The carbon he wants to reduce is not in the atmosphere.A sellout climate denier. YAWN.
No thanks! A paid liar. Never was the founder of Greenpeace or an environmental scientist. Book should be in the fiction section.
billy boy at it again lol
Anybody who does some research will easily find Gates is one of the biggest private contributors to carbon emissions on the planet so hardly one to preach anything about preventing climate change. Using a jet as personal transport should provide a clue to this LOL.
You need to learn the difference between “research” and reading some biased article. Gates spends millions each year offsetting his carbon emissions. Not donations. He actually pays a company that uses the latest technology to pull carbon out of the air. No doubt you will be skeptical because this doesn’t support your pre-existing beliefs. But it actually works. He also invests in and promotes clean-energy companies and climate innovation technology.
You’re undermining the fact that he does have access to a lot of great resources, the best thinkers, researchers, you name it. Separate the book from the person. Give it a read & it might surprise you. My $0.02
Printed on recycled paper?