Why Do Slow Drivers Drive in The Right Lane?

Why why why….why why…. Why? Oh why? 10 words… Why?

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  • 326
    Old fogers on the road with no insight
  • 105
    Vigilantes trying to prevent speeding
  • 20
    Americans have taken over Australia
  • 19
    Australians who can't go to the US due to covid pretending they are in the US


      • Agreed that sometimes it comes down to perspective. To me, tailgating is when I cannot see the persons headlights behind me. That, and the obvious swerving to see if anyone is in front of me is a dead giveaway of an impatient person. Even when there is, they continue to tailgate as if I can part traffic… If only.

  • -1

    It is attitude. One of "I can do what ever I please".

    So I give them shit back… when they are seen a mile back in th rear vision mirror creating up, I then move over to block them, as if I am about to overtake the vehicle ahead (2 miles away).

    I have those who linger in your blind spot…. how ridiculous are these people… surely they must know they are in someone's blind spot.

  • -5

    It is due to the long Covid-19 effects, people become unable to process data and estimate speed on the roads.

    COVID is debilitating, you either die from it or become permanent disabled, it’s that bad.

    We should have locked down Australia forever, one death is one too many, even if it is statistically 97% survival rate.

  • I actually saw a person make a serious comment on Facebook last night that the farmost right lane was the smoothest lane (due to less trucks using it) and so he would cruise in it regardless of his speed, traffic, or vehicles around him. Right-o….

    • +1

      Not going to be the smoothest if you get brake checked or run off the road…

  • +2

    When it comes to drivers on Australian roads, there's a million "whys" and I've never found any rational explanation for any of them. So it comes down to ignorance, arrogance, carelessness, aggressiveness and fomo.
    That coupled with the police only focusing on speed, mobile phones, drinking and drugs and being taught to drive by uncle Bruce from the outback.

  • Firstly, what's an "old foger"? Secondly, keep left unless overtaking if speed limit is over 80km/h = law. Less than 80km/h = not law but courtesy.

  • Some time ago there were 'Keep Left Unless Overtaking' signs on highways. What happened to them and why are they removed? The latter could be the reason for sending wrong message.

    • Removed them? What? Like this one??

      • Yep

    • I still randomly see them in WA but you’re right there are not as many of them. I saw a sign the other day reminding people to turn lights on it could save lights. I remember my instructor used to say to me turn them on when it’s overcast, raining or obviously at night. Hardly anyone does it now and it’s mainly the new cars with automatic lights.

  • If you're on a 100 freeway and theres an old mate sitting on 85 on right, just overtake on the left. Whats frustration is two old mates doing a side by side formation lap for no apparent reason, just tuck behind the one on left…

  • -5


    More like ASIANS. They are absolutely terrible drivers.

    • Are you saying that Asians are terrible drivers?

      • That's probably a generalisation BUT I've had a few near-misses with Asian drivers jumping out in roundabouts and junctions. Probably coincidence.

        My mate who's a cop though is pretty adamant foreigners are the worst drivers. Apparently most he pulls over don't have aussie licenses even if they've been here for a decade or more.

        BUT that's not their fault that's a lax aussie licensing system.

        • I’d be curious to see what the stats say, if there are any. Or perhaps any credible scientific evidence that suggests Asians perform poorly in certain areas that are related to driving.

          • @node modules: The bigger issue is probably how you can just translate a Hong Kong license to Australian without doing any tests. My friend in high school had a license without ever driving.

        • Most people from the UK and and Europe don’t consider themselves foreigners 😂

  • Road quality might be worse on the left lane. Heavier vehicles contribute to 99% of road damage. Some drivers anticipate the left lane will be slower because it is used to turn into streets/driveways or be used as parking. I can't believe in Australia we allow cars to be parked on highways.

  • +3

    From my observations, it’s mostly people overtaking while doing close to the speed limit, so it takes a while. Impatient drivers who expect everyone to get out of the way for them is a bigger problem.

  • -2

    DOnT tRuSt yOuR sPEedO cOs iTs wRonG. SourCe: tRuSt mE bRo. YOu cAn toTalLy dO 10kM moRe. GeT ouT of mY lAnE

    • +2

      Maybe not 10, but generally, yes. Particularly if the vehicle is manufactured after 2007, where the ADR changed to prohibit under reading speed, but permitted over reading by 10% +4kph.

      This means that if your vehicle's actual speed is 100kph, the displayed speed is permitted to be anywhere between 100kph and 114kph- conversely, if your Speedo is displaying 100, you could be travelling anywhere between 86-100kph.

      Because it’s not permitted to understate speed, and manufacturers do not want to fall foul of legislation, manufacturers internally set a floor of 6kph, meaning true speed is actually 94.

      TLDR: Yes, get out of the right lane.

      • +1

        It's law to avoid the right lane above 80 kmph

      • Your source: trust me bro

        • Nah but for real, I would have commuted with about 10 different work vehicles in the past few years and always use gps to validate the speedo. At 100kmph they all would be at least 10kmph out.

          When I did my Civil Eng degree we looked at this stuff and it exactly as HelpMeiCantSee is saying.

          • -1

            @Bidet Mate: Cool so what so I tell the police? Those roadside stands that use radio to measure my speed always match my speedo. But they must be wrong because you said so. So I tell the police to trust me bro? I met someone who got done for doing less than 10 km over the limit

            • @belongsinforums: Go by gps and you will match the police radars closer than any speedo. Gps is the most accurate measurement, any variations will be police radar calibrations which is an entirely different kettle of fish.
              Also those roadside stands are usually in low speed areas, eg 60kmph, so your speedo should be pretty accurate there. Speedo errors are not linear, they are more pronounced at 100. Again, gps will always be more accurate than any Australian speedo.

              • -1

                @Bidet Mate: thanks i'll let the police know next time i get a fine for going 5 kmph over that their instruments are not accurate

                • @belongsinforums: Or just use GPS and then you wont be over the limit ffs, orrr use your useless speedo and stay in the left hand lane…

  • +3

    This was debated on a suburb page I’m on. The amount of women that said they did it to stop people speeding was incredible. They said they weren’t breaking the law and no one could stop them from doing it. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • +1

    When I went to Germany I noticed this was not a problem ever, my theory why is they have some parts of their highway that have unlimited speed limits and if you slow anyone down behind you by blocking them then you are breaking the law.

    As a result German drivers without thinking always move into the slower lane once they have over taken any cars, they do this constantly.

    I wish this was a thing here because distracted drivers or some drivers seem to think that sitting in the right hand lane for long periods of time is fine.

    • +3

      Germany screens their drivers appropriately. No cereal packet licences over there. Not uncommon for people to fail the test 10+ times. They assess for capable driving, not point and steer. Hence the higher speedlimits, the d-heads are filtered from having a licence at all.

      • +1

        They also make you pay quite a bit more for your license there too from memory.

  • +1

    It’s a coordinated operation to slow people down. Video evidence here

  • +1

    They should make a camera that takes pictures of people who pass under a overpass in right hand lane without anyone in the left lane for 10 seconds. Would make tonnes for the government.

  • +1

    I stay in the left lane anyway because it faster as all slow people are in the right lane

  • -1

    There's less and less mindfulness of others as well as more people from a certain culture that can't drive well.

  • I always try to drive on the left lane, I don't care if others want to drive over speed limit, they may have a legitimate reason to do that. E
    I am getting frustrated when most of the roads has only one lane and some one driving very slow or use their break without any reason and causing traffic jam behind them, or when they get to the over taking lane rather than let other drivers to pass them all of the sudden start to drive very fast

  • -4

    I don't care if there are pissed and angry drivers wanting to pass. It's my right to obey the law and drive at the speed limit in the right hand lane. People why drive below the speed limit in the right lane should be shot.

    • +2

      Yes and no. If you're in the right hand lane doing the speed limit and overtaking? Then yes!

      If you're not overtaking or you've just finished the overtaking manouvre the rules say move over.

      • -1

        Only when the speed limit is 80 and above does one have to keep left.

        • +3

          Only when the speed limit is 80 and above 80 does one have to keep left.


        • +1

          Yes that's the law, but it's common courtesy to keep left if driving slow

  • +2

    What's with people who get right up your ass even when you're already going about 10km/h over and there is nowhere to move? The lead up to Christmas people were driving like absolute floggs now things seemed to have chilled out a bit.

  • +1

    It's not a problem when under 80km/h.

    The 'Keep Left Unless Overtaking' rule remains one of the most misunderstood road rules for motorists across Australia. The NSW Road Rules state that on multi-lane roads with a speed limit of more than 80km/h, motorists must not drive in the right-hand lane unless they are: Overtaking. Turning right or making a U-turn.


    • *It’s not a problem when it’s 80 or under.

      (Why do you keep making this mistake?)

  • Why why why ?


    Because anything else is just too difficult and far too demanding.

  • +5

    Perhaps it was a fellow ozbargainer. Why go 100km/h when you can save 10% and go 90?

  • +6

    The greater question for me is, why do people get so emotional about other peoples behaviour on the road when all they can control is their own?

  • +5

    Because they don’t give a f*** about anyone else except themselves. As we’ve seen in the pandemic, a material proportion of the population think they don’t need to even show basic consideration or respect for other members of society. Whether it’s abusing supermarket workers, not getting the jab, not isolating when sick, holding parties while others try to eliminate spread etc etc…Hogging the right lane while driving under the speed limit is just another example.

  • What's a foger? As in "Old fogers on the road with no insight"

  • Cause manufacturers purposely make the speedometers inaccurate.

    • True, but it is to avoid liability. They'll make the indicated speed limit (what your speedo says) more than what your true traveling speed is (how fast you are actually driving). It is illegal (according to the ADRs) to have your indicated speed limit less than your true speed, so they want to ensure they give themselves a safety margin there.

  • +2

    I'll sit in the right lane on 102-103 (100 zone) on the Southern Expressway (Adelaide) and cruise past people in the left lane doing 95-96.

    Still get people up my ass though wanting me to either move left or go faster. I just ignore those people.

    • Slow down - they will love you more.

  • -7

    I always drive on the right hand lane, cruise control exactly at 105km/hr on speedometer, which is roughly 100km/hr true speed.

    Don't tell me to move over, cus if you do, that means you are speeding. Why you mad cus I'm breaking the rules by not staying left? Why the fk are you speeding then?

    • +1

      The cops can pull you over, and fine you for that behaviour. And rightly too.

      • -2

        Haven't been booked for 30+ years.

        • -1

          Lady Luck is on your side……even though the driving gods are definitely not.
          You’re proof that it’s not just the young who are dreadful drivers.

          • @gasman70: Lol you sound salty

    • -1

      I always tailgate people like you and eventually undertake you so I can speed. Why you mad cus I'm breaking the rules by speeding? Why the fk can't I speed?

      • -1

        lol that's exactly my point. if you are going to break the law by speeding, i'm going to break the law by staying on the right lane. You will never overtake me LMAO

        • -1

          I can simply undertake you and slow down right in front of you. You can't win LMAO

          • -1

            @bobolo: Lol how, i will speed up as soon as you change lane hahahahahahahah salty hagahahavavba

            • -1

              @[Deactivated]: you mad bro? don't care what car you drive, but I will more than likely be faster than you. I'll also be willing to go faster as well hahahhahahah

              • -1

                @bobolo: lmao, you sure you can catch up to tesla 3 long range? salty? hahahahahahahah

                • -1

                  @[Deactivated]: 0-100 in 4.4 seconds. That's cute. Here's a list of my cars from another thread;

                  G63 (my daily)
                  X5M (wife's daily)
                  Huracan Performante (coz lambo)
                  991.2 GT3 (track toy)
                  On order - 812 GTS
                  Kia Sorento - family "beater"

                  Feel free to pick any of the top 5 for me to humiliate your electric vibrator LOL pathetic… didn't even get a performance.

                  • -1

                    @bobolo: right right, here's list of my cars from another thread;

                    Ferrari with Saturn V rocket attached at the back (my daily)
                    X5M (my girlfriend's daily, oh she tells me she has a husband though, she's cheating on him with me)
                    Aventador towed by unicorn (coz lambo)
                    F1 Redbull RB16 (track toy)
                    On order - Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo with modified engine powered by a supercharged unicorn
                    Kia Carnival - wife "beater"

                    Feel free to pick any of the top 5 for me to block the right on ya behind LMAO

                    • @[Deactivated]: Naaawww YoU SaLtY?? hahahahaha

                      Just because you couldn't drop just $10k more for a tesla 3 performance doesn't mean others can't have nice things

                      Hey what do you do when someone rocks up next to you in a performance?? roll up the windows and avoid eye contact? hahahahah

                      • -1

                        @bobolo: LMAO that it? hahahahahahahah running out of ideas huh hahahahahaha saly assssssssssss

                        • @[Deactivated]: Clearly you are……fill it up with more "hahahaha's" and "salty asssss" LOL….mediocre, just like a mid spec tesla 3 electric toothbrush

                          • -1

                            @bobolo: Lol ooooohhh why, did i hurt your delicate feelings?? HahahHahahhaha

                            • -1

                              @[Deactivated]: and there it is, hook line and sinker, done LOL….its ok bro…at least your long range has enough juice to get your salty ass home. Hey one day you might get yourself into a base model S! Good luck!

                              • @bobolo: Hahahahha u mad? LMAO


  • +2

    there should be one more option - we didn't teach new drivers how to drive/share road properly. Keep left unless overtaking, and only overtake on the right can help stop so many accidents and road rage.

    • Keep left unless overtaking is for highways only though. The reasoning is simple: you can't turn right on highways in Australia.

  • -1

    Well on motorways where there are major intersections with other motorways ( Qld ) If I'm going straight ahead I keep in the right hand lane at just above the speed limit.
    Why - because of the large number of times that I have been in the slower lanes and bastards come screaming up in the fast lane and then pulled straight in front of me and others to make a high speed exit, crossing all the lanes. That causes all the other road users to heavy brake, potentially causing major accidents.

  • +2

    ANd why do we have the prats that think they own the road - sit two metres off your rear bumper at 100 kph and when you do move over - they get about 50 metres ahead and are happy with that…

    • +1

      Muh rytes brah. iM nOt BrAyKyN aNy LaWz

  • Meh, they're doing the speed limit. Not doing anything wrong.

  • Sometimes I really need to take a crap and close to unloading in my pants.
    I'd like to get past please so I can not shit myself on the way to a maccas bathroom.

  • +2

    My way to work is interesting:

    Situation: One lane, speed limit 80km/h
    Driver A driving at 60km/h, resulting in a queue of angry drivers…

    Then we have two lanes, speed limit still 80km/h
    Same driver A drives at 90-100km/h on the right lane (I can only imagine he/she doesn't want to see another driver overtaking)

    Back to one lane, same 80km/h speed limit…
    Driver A reduces back to 60km/h…

    If fire guns were allowed in Australia, this kind of person wouldn't last… I'm usually a calm person, but I try to imagine what happens inside this person's head.

    *Just to be clear, driver A is not the same person every day, it's just a kind of person I often see on my way to/from work…

    • -1

      "fire guns"?

      • https://lineoffireguns.com/

        It was clear in the context despite the redundancy, which I acknowledge, but that's for anyone who has difficulty understanding… Just "guns" would work well in the sentence.

        And when I write "allowed" I mean "widely available" so that people can easily carry guns, and, as a consequence, can easily shoot other drivers.

        • -1

          Yay, drivers shooting other drivers. You would be all for it until your wife/son/daughter cuts someone off by accident and at the next set of lights gets gunned down in their car for something as trivial as not indicating long enough before merging.

          Absolute stupid suggestion to say it would be good to allow just anyone to carry a gun and dispense "street justice" at their own whim over a minor traffic transgression. Or gunned down for being in the right, but the other idiots thinks they were in the right.

          In the US (where they have virtually no gun control) 740 people were shot and killed in the first 7 days of 2022. What are the statistics for Australia so far? Australia has a rate of gun violence of about 1 death in every 100,000 population. The US is 12 deaths per 100,000 people. They are higher on the list than places like Uruguay, Mexico and the Philippines and literally 3x the rate of places like Nicaragua.

          I am not anti-gun, I am just anti stupid suggestions of letting anyone carry a firearm at any time to discharge as they see fit to punish another road user.

          Arming drivers to shoot other drivers over mild traffic annoyances. Stupidest shit I have ever read on this site, and I have read a lot.

          InB4: WeLL tHe OnLy tHiNg ThAt StOpZ a BaD dRiVeR WiTh A gUn iS a GooD dRiVeR WiTh a GuN!!!!1!!1!1!

          • -1

            @pegaxs: You made wrong assumptions. I went back to my text, and I have no idea how you could have assumed those things based on what I've written.

            I'm not "all for it" at all… I work in a field where I see people doing stupid things like that (shooting or punching someone else) for no reason whatsoever. I'm talking about the fact that there are many emotionally dysregulated individuals around, and many of them are driving. I get frustrated if I see a driver doing what I described, but that's fine, not the end of the world. The emotionally dysregulated could use a gun if they had easy access to one. My point is that we (population, including good and bad drivers) are lucky that they (emotionally dysregulated drivers) don't have access to guns, otherwise they would impulsively shoot other drivers, unjustifiably.

            It was NOT a suggestion, so I won't even comment on your emotionally dysregulated paragraphs, except that I am actually anti-gun, and I like the fact that it's difficult for (most) people to have a gun in Australia.

    • Similar situation is single lane roads that have occasional "overtaking" lanes. For example those on the way down to Margaret River from Perth.

      Someone is under the speed limit (by quite a bit).

      You patiently wait for the overtaking lane to come, keeeping a nice 2 second distance.

      The minute it starts to arrive you creep up and increase your speed.

      The driver in front then also speeds up making it very difficult to overtake without breaking any limits.

      No idea why they do this but it happens….a….LOT.

  • Sad

  • +1

    So many people don’t realise this rule only applies for 90km zones or higher.

    If I’m doing 80 in an 80 zone I will drive in any lane I please.

    I laugh when people flash lights and gesture you to move over as though you don’t know the rules, utter irony.

  • +1

    The reality is, people including myself choose to speed. It helps us get places faster and we are willing to risk getting caught to do so. I know damn well I can sit on max 116kph in NSW and never get a fine. And even if I choose to speed faster, that's my problem not yours.

    If you can choose to break the law by sitting in the right lane at 110kph, don't judge me for choosing to break the law by speeding. I will simply undertake you to continue speeding my merry way

    And don't bother lecturing me by saying I'm putting other lives at risk. Going 120kph on a 110kph straight motorway is not the same as hooning at 100kph in a 50kph zone.

    There are plenty of studies around the world (especially in Germany where sections of autobahns have no speed limits) that shows going slower on freeways/motorways actually increase the risk of accidents

    • -1

      We don't have an autobahn, how is that remotely comparable?

      • -1

        Do you even know what "remotely comparable" actually means?

        We have long, wide, and straight stretches of roads that go on for hundreds of kilometers called Motorways and Freeways. I'd say that's pretty comparable don't you think?

        • We have different road conditions, the roads are not constructed the same way as the autobahn, and they certainly weren't constructed with the intent to go faster than 110-130kph.

          It's oranges and apples. I agree with some of your post but this comparison is blunt stupidity.

          • @[Deactivated]: Nobody suggested we treat our freeways/motorways like the autobahn because nobody suggest we derestrict speed limits entirely. The comparison is more like apples and pears and is completely comparable - far from "blunt stupidity", especially when you take into account our overly restrictive speed limits. 110kph is FAR too conservative and has been backed time and time again by road/traffic experts and even government bodies

            For example, the pacific motorway in NSW for example was first constructed in the 60's and the speed limit remains relatively unchanged, but back then nobody really paid attention to speed limits unless you were going excessively fast. Furthermore, the safety and tech in the cars back then compared to now are worlds apart, and the road itself has been extensively upgraded to be wider, smoother and safer

            General consensus in recent years is that a minimum of 130kph should be the new safe limit

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