With popular small cars like Focus, Fiesta , Lancer, Pulsar, Jazz, City, Accent pulled from the Aussie market we are really struggling to find a small car for my teenager (17 y.o .P plater) to get to night classes at Uni and to work mainly late night shifts at Maccas.
For the years 2015 to 2020 ,there are only about 3500 hatch backs left for sale in whole of NSW , compared with 8,271 SUVs but I do not think a SUV is a serious option. Besides servicing costs we live in the inner city where the streets are narrow and parking is at a premium.
I have noticed that there are a lot more grey import hatchbacks and even cheap little hybrids which seem to be exactly what he needs.
Even though it was kind of a big deal for our son that he saved the money up and wanted to buy the car himself we are at the point of just giving him some more to buy a brand new car.
Have popular top 20 hatches been pulled from the Australian market to make EVs seem more reasonably priced. Maybe dealers make too much servicing SUVs .
What is the best place to find second had hatch backs?
Ozbargainers we seek your esteemed advice :
Suzuki Swift. They run cheap and you can still pick up early 2005-2010 models for sub $2k at auction. They are good little cars.
Once you transition to 2010-2015 era expect the price to jump to $5-10k at auction.