Yes… It is sold by dishonest HT… But a deal is a deal?
Free delivery on first order.
Yes… It is sold by dishonest HT… But a deal is a deal?
Free delivery on first order.
I bought that before via Ebay even cheaper. Happy with the powerboard protecting $5k equipment.
this is regular amazon sellers price
Correct…it has been that price for AGES with HT on amazon
Aren't these $29 each at Scorptec and CPLonline?
Had a power surged few months ago, 1 ssd died along with the PC monitor.
YMMV with this item.
It died using tihis specific model? Do you have recommendations for a better board?
I have had very good experiences with this board…
Get this model from bunnings cheaper
I have this and the Belkin power cube on all my stuff. Great board.
Assume it’s the same as this, which you can price beat at Officeworks if you are in Vic…
The real deal is in the comments!
The metrics for this board look pretty good.
I had just bought 3 from shopping express for 85 delivered which is cheaper than this
This is has been the normal price on Amazon the last few weeks. Centrecom is selling it for $28 atm
This is Amazon set price. Not a deal. Cheaper elsewhere.
I've basically given up on these sorts of boards - the protection they provide can be good initially but will start to fail over time - in particular if you have poor grid power - so you eventually can end up with a false feeling of security. Basically the metal oxide varistor "MOV" used in most surge protectors like this wear out. This is a design thing, not a flaw - they just need to be replaced eventually, like a smoke alarm. This board at least has a light that I assume goes out or turns red if it is no longer providing protection, but then again you'd need to look at the thing to know it has died and frequently these are shoved under cabinets etc and forgotten.
I know it's way more expensive, but personally anything that I really want to protect I put behind a decent UPS and the rest I just use normal power boards. For example I recently replaced an old APC with this ( and have been pretty impressed.
slackme posted in the Jackson deal earlier, 3 for $75+post from Shopping Express which is a better price for those needing a few.
or 1 for $29
where's the link?
click on the "slackme" above and that's the link to his comment with the link to SE
No deal. Bought this late 2019 for $17.85 from eBay. Making it worse, it's from dodgy HT.
I also want to know. What did HT do?
Posted a voucher on eBay front page, dishonored it later by claiming it was intended as a private single use one and cancelled most if not all orders used that voucher with reason "Problem with buyer's address". If you don't want address issues later, possibly you should avoid touching anything from them ever.
Why the hate for HT? They're no worse than most sellers IMO. I've bought stuff off them and have had no issues so far.
I dunno… doesn’t feel like a huge bargain for an 8x power board with 2x USB?
Also no wide slots