• long running

Arlec 6-Outlet Powerboard $5.50 + Delivery ($0 OnePass/ C&C/ in-Store/ $65 Order) @ Kmart


Needed a couple of powerboards. This was the cheapest that I could find that I felt wouldn’t burn the house down if you used them.
6 plug cheaper than bunning 4 plus

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    • -1

      Missed that one. Look the same. Probaby are the same and just whitelabled. Guess pay the extra 52c for brand ;)

  • Is this the everyday price?

  • +1

    What about the Arlec 4-Outlet Powerboard for $3.25?

    • +2

      That's 81 cents per outlet which is cheaper than the 6 outlet at 92 cents per outlet

      • +1

        If you need 6 off one that not going to help. But otherwise, yes cost per unit is better :)

  • +1

    It's not a 'long running' deal.

    It is Kmart's normal price…

  • +1

    Only power board I've ever had with a manufacturing fault was an Arlec so not sure about there being zero chance of burning the house down.

    • +1

      Strange, black usually costs more

      • +3

        Cos it's slightly bigger than the white ones

      • Perhaps they need to paint it and it costed them extra….

  • I prefer this one https://www.kmart.com.au/product/6-outlet-surge-protected-po… because it's got three wider plugs which is good for various plug packs etc, well worth the extra money

    • But for $1 more you can buy 2x Alerc ones and have 12 outlets so even if you lose an outlet or two for plug packs you still have more outlets

      • And create an eyesore

        • Not if you do a good job installing them and making things tidy.

          If you aren't organised then a single one might be best for you.

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