Pokemon Fusion Strike Booster case (36 Packs) $159.95 @ Cherry ($25 from every sale goes to Kmart xmas appeal)
Great cause, have a lot of other card deals and breaks today.
Pokemon Fusion Strike Booster case (36 Packs) $159.95 @ Cherry ($25 from every sale goes to Kmart xmas appeal)
Great cause, have a lot of other card deals and breaks today.
OP you should go down another $25 to $135 and let people choose their own charity .
I guest most would choose their own back pocket based on this age group .
I don't know. I didn't get the feeling op was from the store? But maybe my spidey sense isn't working this morning =P
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Took a while to post something. Btw, I’d you’re associated with the company, you need to mark yourself as a rep or associated.
Not sure how much boxes like this are usually meant to cost, but it works out to $4.69 per pack, vs $7 purchased individually from most retailers.
Wholesale cost is about $130 before tax.
Seller will give remaining margin to a "great cause"?
To all saying I am associated the company, I am not. I haven't posted here prior and probably won't again. Will go back to being just a user. Cheers all.
What is a Kmart xmas appeal?