Almost 30% Discount for Paying My Bills through Gift Cards - Is It Scam or Legit?

Hi received a phone call last week and below is the summary how the scheme works:

1) If I forward my utility, rego, insurance, rates & other bills to this company they would pay the bill on my behalf and I only have to pay 60% of that bill back to the company.

2) I asked how is this even possible to get 30-40% discount and they came back to me saying that as part of their business model they do get paid through lot's of gift cards and if they don't use those gift cards before the expiry they might loose whole value of gift card and hence they would like to forgo 30-40% in form of giving me discount by paying my bill rather than loosing 100%

So have you ever heard anything like this before? Would this be a scam?

I am in the impression that they might pay the bill on my behalf and 2 or 3 months later they might raise a payment dispute on the payment that they made on my behalf and they will be refunded the whole amount. However i will be paying the original bill again as it would be due and also the initial discounted amount that I've paid the company.

Just wanting to know if this is even real?

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  • 97
  • 2
    Not a scam


  • +9

    This is a new low on is this a scam ozbargain

  • +4

    Just wanting to know if this is even real!!


  • +2

    Be sure to let us know how it goes…

  • +3

    On what planet could a person believe this company would ever pay anything on your behalf?

    You buy gift cards, you give them gift cards, they spend/sell gift cards, and you default on your bill payments.

    Super obvious, I hope this post is a troll.

    • -6

      will send you the number that he's called and you can ring him!!

      I do have better thing than just to TROLL!!

      • ok then do it and see if you only need to pay them 60% of the bill and report back here.

      • did u do it?

        • +1

          Not really…..after reading through the comments I didn't want to share my personal address through forwarding my bills….he's still been contacting, however i have now blocked his number.

  • Don't bother. There are no free lunches!
    Your bills, your responsibility.

  • +1

    I'll give you 50% off… just forward me those gift cards to my anonymous email address, and I pinky promise to pay all your bills for you*!

    *not actually a promise

    • +1

      I’ll do it for 60%.. but I only accept apple gift cards

  • +9

    VERY UNLIKELY BEST CASE scenario it's actual money being laundered and as far as you're concerned it does work, albeit funding drugs and terrorism.

    MEDIUM case scenario they use stolen credit card numbers to pay the bills and get away with it for a few months before taking off with your cash.

    LIKELY SCENARIO they very simply just take your money and disappear. Nothing more than a confidence trick. Takes a month or so for utilities to start sending payment reminders.

    - they use your details and statements to change the address so you don't receive any reminders.
    - they ask the utilities for a payment plan and charge you more than is actually coming off your bill.
    - something actually to do with stolen gift cards or cracked gift card codes

    • You are right! It's your personal information served to these scammers on a platter.

      It never occurred to me until I read your post.

  • +2


    Scammers will often ask you to use an unusual payment method, including preloaded debit cards, gift cards, iTunes cards or electronic currency such as Bitcoin.

    Avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for up-front payment via money order, wire transfer, international funds transfer, pre-loaded cards or electronic currency. It is rare to recover money sent this way.


  • They really should teach life skills in high school. Learning how to budget for example, may serve a better purpose than something like ancient history.

  • +4

    I asked how is this even possible to get 30-40% discount and they came back to me saying that as part of their business model they do get paid through lot's of gift cards and if they don't use those gift cards before the expiry they might loose whole value of gift card and hence they would like to forgo 30-40% in form of giving me discoutn by paying my bill rather than loosing 100%

    I read that like 5 times and it still doesn't make any sense to me.

    • +1

      Yeah, wouldn't they be charging 140% in that case?

  • +3

    The most basic scams are usually identity theft. When they get all those bills, they get a good amount of personal information. Also, they mentioned Gift cards which is a scam alert as highlighted above.

  • +1

    Any unsolicited phone call offering a deal that sounds too good to be true is 100% a scam.

  • Try it and you will find out if it true or NOTTTTT

  • +1

    I pay all my bills with gift cards. Saved a fortune.

    • Prepaid MC/VISA card from supermarkert sale is as good as one can get. Sometimes from card issuer's offer. 10% off is almost the discount ceiling.

  • +4

    Jesus christ.

    • +3

      More chance he is real than this mob that op is banging on about.

  • Sounds like ID theft.. and you’re paying for the privilege

  • Are people really this gullible still?

    • +2

      Many scams are, by design, easy to notice they are scams. It helps them not waste their time because people who fall for it are dumb as donuts.

      I had a call the other day where they started a rant about how they got my details from Comsec (who I don't deal with) and talking about a stock they just had to share with me. The second I said "oh you're trying to sell me penny stocks" they hung up. I was no longer worth their time.

  • So where did it end up. Has anyone being scammed by them in real?@twofoursix, where did it end up?

  • +1

    A few days ago, I received a similar call. I asked the caller whether they knew my name and address. They said they only knew my phone number. I wasted their time for 15 minutes asking dumb questions and pretending to be falling for such an unbelievable charitable offer and said "Go to hell!".

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