This was posted 3 years 3 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Pre order] EVGA RTX 3070 FTW3 ULTRA LHR 8GB $1329, eVGA RTX 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra 8GB GDDR6X $1449 + Delivery @PLE Computers


High-end models of these cards for preorder from PLE Computers

eVGA GeForce RTX 3070 FTW3 Ultra LHR 8GB GDDR6 - $1329 + Delivery - Eta: 20/12/2021
eVGA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra 8GB GDDR6X - $1449 + Delivery - Eta: 3/1/2022
eVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti XC LHR 8GB GDDR6 - $1049 + Delivery - Eta: 3/1/2022
eVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti FTW3 ULTRA LHR 8GB GDDR6 - $1099 + Delivery - Eta: 20/12/2021

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PLE Computers

closed Comments

  • +2

    Prices are fine, dont hold it apes.

    • +15

      eVGA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti FTW3 Ultra 8GB GDDR6X CHEAPER than my

      $1500 rtx 3060 12GB I bought 6 months ago because I couldn't HODL

      Here have my ozbargain license.

      • +8

        I just bought the 3070 Ti, I'll hand over my licence to you when 3080s are cheaper than this in a few months

      • Ouch. I got a 3070 evga from ple for $1k around May. Took ages to arrive however.
        If you mined a bit you would have made money back though.

      • Because the Bitcoin price is so low at the moment

      • i spit out my tea reading that you bought a $1500 3060.

    • +4

      Personally I'm not even waiting on price drops for ampere, at this stage I'm looking at intel alchemist in q1 2022 and rdna 3 in q2 2022.

      The leaks (and common sense) seem to suggest that intel will try to undercut team green and red, meanwhile rdna 3 looks like a massive performance uplift — even if specific models are more expensive than previous gens, price/performance should still be up considerably.

      That said, I can also see the logic in paying up now and being able to enjoy a new gpu for the next year.

      • +1

        even if specific models are more expensive than previous gens, price/performance should still be up considerably

        A little bit at least. I'd imagine they don't want to make it too good otherwise how can they sell the next generation.

        • True. What I'm really hoping is that intel upsets the apple-cart a little and ruins the fun little collusion amd and nvidia are beginning to create now that they've both realised how much people are willing to pay for gpus. Otherwise you're right, we might just see prices keep increasing along with performance…

        • That's historically been the case with Intel and Nvidia, but now they both have to compete with AMD in the CPU and GPU space respectively.

          Plus, it would be beneficial for both AMD and NVIDIA if today's mining cards became obsolete with the next generation, so that they don't need to compete with the 2nd hand market when crypto mining is no longer viable. If there isn't a massive performance lift, they won't sell the upcoming generation - similar to how Nvidia made Turing far too expensive and were then disappointed with their low sales volumes.

      • They are going to be built on TSMC 6nm node, should be very interesting. Unlike AMD, they also have money to invest in driver support

    • +5

      xx70 cards @ well over a grand is and will never be 'fine' lmao

      • +1

        Too right. I remember being late to the party for 10-series and got a band new 1080 mini for $700 iirc?

    • +1

      3080 was $1239 delivered january of this year. Prices are not fine you ape.

  • +4

    Not bad for 3070 Ti, but I will hold for the 16GB version

    • How much improved performance expected? I can't decide between buying the 3070 Ti or keep holding.

      Getting desperate waiting for prices to drop but waited so long already.

      • +1

        More likely for future-proofing to handle the larger textures.

        • Ah I see, double the ram, hope it won't be too expensive or at least put price pressure on existing older cards.

          • @JL1: Sadly the pressure on price seems to be going in the wrong direction.

            • @BargainKen: Yeah very sad that it is true, been waiting a while year and it has just gotten worse. Even with crypto falling lately.

      • +2

        Better resell value and future proof, 8G is just not enough now, if you are already thinking of paying for a mid-top tier card, then getting something extra is what you would prefer.

        • Yeah resell should be better and more future proof but I wonder how much it will be. If shops ask for 3080 ti money it does not help.

          I guess the deals weren't spectacular but attractive enough to sell out some of the models.

          If the higher memory version or new cards are coming it could be worth waiting. Just hope it will not be like this year.

          • @JL1: If the general (overpriced!) market price for a 3070 Ti right now is around 1700 and a 3080 is 2000, then I would expect it to be around 1800, but I would like to pay for some extra premium because it also reduced the risk that the card has been renewed (for example mining for a couple of months and renewed, looks new but there might be potential damage inside).

  • +3

    PLE shouldn't be accepting / doing pre-orders, prime example is their 3080 ordeal clusterf*ck

    • +2

      What happen?

      • Nothing happened. As in you got nothing for months

    • +2

      Well there's a lot of love for the since a lot of people even if it was 6+ months late got gpu's at the closest thing to msrp. What they shouldn't do is take pre-orders for any non OC cards which AIB's have been producing sweet FA of and was known since the early days of this gen. The last batch of FTWs got filled reasonably quick so this should be fine.

      Anyway HODL4LIFE.

    • +1

      Just pre ordered - if it isn't in stock next week as per ETA always the option to cancel. Tired of waiting for prices to drop more and I do need to replace my 9 yr old graphics card.

      • That kept delaying with emails to me, I cancelled because I didn't want to condone that.

    • I had an issue with a pre-order at PLE many moons ago on a Vega 56 too

    • -1

      What (profanity)? I got my 3080 from PLE within about 6 weeks from ordering. Granted it was the garbage Zotac variant but timeline was acceptable all things considered.

      • -2

        Zotac = Garbage junk

        • +2

          Better than nothing

  • what does ftw3 ultra mean? $120 worthwhile for the Ti?

    • FTW3 Ultra is EVGA's top range GPU lineup (arguably comparable with Asus ROG Strix lineup)

      I own the 3070 FTW3 Ultra, the Ti variant will give you approx. 5-10% performance gain (depending on games of course) however be aware of the hot DDR6X memory. Personally I am not 'Fan' of the 3000 series fan design but overall I am very happy with my 3070

    • Ftw3 has a higher power limit which gives headroom for overclocking.

      • bigger beefier heatsink than the XC3 EVGA models

    • +1

      Since no one actually answered, FTW is For The Win (their proprietary cooling like MSI Frozr). The 3 is how many fans.

      • +1

        I thought it stands for For The Whingers…

        • +5

          Way more than 3 then

  • They have changed since the original clusterf*ck with the 3080's.
    They only accept orders for the initial allocated stock.

    • I have an early November ETA card on order that is still waiting stock :(

  • This is nostalgia dating back september 2020

  • I think the 3070 Ti's are out stock already. kept getting an error

    • Me and my friend both got one just now.
      Try again, it still seems to be in stock.

      • I panicked and went with a 3070. ah well. still happy to hopefully have secured one!

      • what for? gaming or mining?

      • Has your order updated from awaiting processing yet?

        • The current status is: Waiting for stock from supplier.

  • Just managed to get a 3070Ti. Thanks OP. Great Price.

  • Im not one to say its a hella of a bargain since its 1k for a xx60 card. But in this market, and given single fan or those ugly ass gainward cards costs only only 100$ less? The 1099 ftw triple fan looks a steal. Both 3070 and 3070ti also looks good for the price and they just look much more aesthetically pleasing.

    • Yes still more than original "retail" but haven't seen these prices for FTWs for a very long time.

  • Any 3080ti's coming?

    • +2…
      Price isn't as good as it used to be, but hey its there if you want it

      • Thanks, think I will hold out for the hybrid.

      • $2549 as I just checked again. Was the price cheaper yesterday compared to today? Not sure if I remember seeing it for $23xx or whether that's just my half wishful thinking.

        Especially with the news of the EVGA drivers, I think there will be more demand but at the current prices still a bit hard to take.

        • Nah, they bumped it up a couple weeks ago. It was somewhere in $2300 range before like you said.

  • With the current market prices, I'm upgrading to a 3060Ti from my 5700XT for free.

    Thank you Elon?

    • 5700XT is going for $1200 at most on Facebook so you're still paying.

      • Money in the bank!

        • +1

          Yeah I feel ya though. Bought my 5700XT for $900, gonna sell it real soon and upgrade too.

  • -6

    which would be best for mining

    • +2

      I take it you have no idea how mining works? Considering it says LHR in the post title you should know how it goes if you're a miner.

      • Just let him mine ETH for a couple weeks until PoS

  • 3070 worth getting over 3060 Ti? I thought their performance were similar? Or is that just for mining?

    Tempted but also want to hold though, wish supply increases quicker. The 3060 Ti about $100 more than those Asus deals, worth it?

    • +1

      Most games show a difference of about 10% between 3060ti and 3070 a d some even less. If the games you play support dlss then that difference becomes even less visible to the naked eye.

      • Thanks for the reply! Ah so 3060 ti should be enough for most games then? 3060 ti the best deal here? Seems like the 3070 ti a good deal in terms of price compared to the 3070?

        • +1

          I'd say the 3060ti is the best bang for buck but it depends at what resolution you game. It should max out games at 1080p and decent at 1440p but if you are aiming for 1440p the 3070ti would do a nice job. The difference between the base and ti models going up are about 10-13% - 3060-3060ti-3070-3070ti-3080-3080ti. So a 3080 should be about 40%+ better in games compared to a 3060.

          • @[Deactivated]: Thanks again for the info, I do have a 1440p monitor but not sure if I would need the higher frame rates. Just want to play Diablo, haha.

  • +2

    If you've been fine all this time you probably still will be.
    I'd wait for the higher memory models pretty much confirmed next month

    • You think prices dropping for these because they are clearing stock for the higher memory models?

      Those ones will cost more though or perhaps not?

      • +1

        Only 3070ti 16gb and 3080 12gb confirmed by EEC filings, stil not 100 percent.

        Does seem to be getting better in general, seen more sub 1k 3060tis popping up so may be a trend? Or it may go nuts again

        Crypto is cooling off a lot now but anything can happen, just take a guess

        I think if you got no gpu this is a good price. If you're upgrading ask if you really need it

        Other models no sign of more vram, basically its the higher end getting bumps
        3060ti won't change as it's mid range

        • Thank you for the info. Yeah a few of those sub 1k 3060 ti deals from asus, galax, etc. This one a bit more but for the better EVGA card.

          So the 3070 ti and 3080 will come with higher memory. Building a computer and have waited about half a year for a graphics card with no improvement in price until recently. Wanted a 3080, what a distant dream. From pre LHR to now.

  • Got a 3060 ti. Thanks OP.

    • Has your order updated from awaiting processing yet?

  • would the 3060 ftw be worth the $50 price increase?

    • Yes triple fan and better cooling than xc variant.

  • Does anyone know what is the thickness of 3060 ti ftw3 ultra (in mm)? Specs mention 2.2 slot. My case GPU clearance is max 45 mm GPU thickness.

    • Average PCI slot is 20mm. 20mm * 2.2 = 44mm. Should be fine in theory but may need a dremel.

    • I hope you’re not using a vertical you Mount. You might only have half an inch of space between the fan and side panel on these cards

  • RTX 3070 Ti ordered

  • Oh no, pulled trigger on 6800XT for $1650 ! have i missed ??? bugger - 3070ti price looks really good

    • +1

      Without dlss the 6800xt beats the 3080. The big draw card is the dlss. But that will change with FidelityX. Given it's open source many more games will get support and faster. Like freesync.

    • +1

      So did I. But after doing a lot of research, 6800xt beats 3070ti by almost 30%. So $1649 for 6800xt is still better value. I think I'll be keeping mine :)

      • Amd seems to have more bang for buck for games, but everyone wants nvidia. Is it because of the ray tracing and perhaps better mining performance?

        • +1

          I think mining and a better RT

  • Just got back from my local PC store. Guys were saying GPU prices are tipped to increase 8% shortly. 2022 is likely more of the same.

    This goes beyond bitcoin or whatever. Manufacturers and suppliers have cottoned onto the fact that people are still paying for the higher prices. Nvidia have just reported a massive, unprecedented profit….yet saying 'supply is constrained, hard times boo hoo'

    They are going to ride this gravy for as long as possible. That's likely to go all of 2022 and likely beyond.

    • I hope when crypto mining profits start to come back to earth the flood of cards onto the market sends NVIDIA a reality check. Greed was rampant late last century but unlike anything seen in 2000s. This century will go down in history as the period of greed, the ridiculous riches of the few and incredible disparity of wealth.

      • the markets will crash eventually, but it isn't greed, if you divide asset prices by gold many of them are flat lol

        • Because NVIDIA's share price has gone up exponentially until recently with a PE of nearly 90 it needs to make a huge amount of revenue to justify that valuation by the shareholders. This creates a terrible situation where the company directors/leaders will then do whatever they can to increase profits and take as much as they can from the wallets of consumers to justify the confidence, price and their own salaries and bonuses. That introduces greed on the part of shareholders and directors at the expense of Joe consumer. This is the unrelenting effect of modern tech companies.

          • @[Deactivated]: agree on that, but really its just capitalism, completely normal to see exponential trends in stocks.

            what is also happening now is the average guy is getting poorer due to currency debasement, if wage growth kept up thousand dollar GPUs wouldn't be so unaffordable

            don't get me wrong I hate nvidias practices, ill probably never buy a new card just to game

          • @[Deactivated]: also, I don't think it's luck that these GPUs are now income generating assets that distribute cryptocurrency, if you are enterprising you may be able to pay the card off through mining

      • If no one bought even for a month, they'd know! The issue is everyone buys, just like everyone buys 1000 rolls of toilet paper! People are stupid and that will never change.

    • Intel is releasing their gpu in feb so either that will shake up the market and force prices down, or it will be a dud and nothing will change

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