This was posted 12 years 11 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Kit Kat for You and Your Friends 7-Eleven


Free kit kats for you and your mates on facebook! just follow the prompts and you get a free kit kat bar :D

Can redeem up to 1 per day it turns out

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closed Comments

  • nice, thanks

  • Damn, beat me to it. Thanks anyway.

  • +1

    Will accumulate these for Easter.

  • +4

    i keep getting "you need to select some friends" ??

  • +2

    Doesn't work for me…

    When i press "Choose your friends" after i enter my details, It either doesn't do anything or comes up with a popup saying "you have to select your friends".

  • ^That

  • +1

    The Choose Your Friends button is not working for me. Maybe a browser issue.

    • tried firefox and chrome but doesnt work for either :(

  • Msg from 7-11 on FB:
    Hey guys, it seems to be a slight issue with Internet Explorer… Try using a different browser like Google Chrome or Firefox and you should be in business… Let us know if you have any other issues… But in the meantime, we're working to get Internet Explorer back up and running smoothly for you

  • are the vouchers a unique barcode?

    • if they are like the boost ones they had then yes. The vouchers can be used once

  • -7

    Doesn't work! Tried with multiple browsers.

    • But they will, then what will you do?

    • Works with Mozilla Firefox fine. Just cashed mine in too…I think it's your end buddy

  • -2

    no working, unable to neg tho :(

  • It works fine, you just have to invite a friend and use Google Chrome.

    • Yeah, you have to share with your facebook friends first to go through.

  • Apparently 7 Eleven is aware there is an issue with Internet Explorer and FireFox - they are trying to fix it!.

  • Worked fine in chrome here

  • +1

    im using firefox and worked fine

  • worked in FF.

  • +2

    The 'invite your friends' button stops working after I clicked 'cancel' on the page where you pick your friends.
    But after closing and opening the window it worked again.

  • Not working in Firefox.

    • +1

      worked for me a couple of minutes ago…

      • Not working for me right now. I just get a blank page with a Facebook header.

        • Give it time to load

        • Is four hours a long enough loading time? I left the tab open while I did some other stuff.

          Doesn't matter now anyway — they seem to have fixed it now, so it worked after refreshing this time.

        • +1

          It must have been ozbargained :P

  • Worked for me, IE, so thanks! Mmmm chocolate:)

  • Done. Thanks for the post.

  • +1

    it didn't work with opera or internet explorer but ended up working with chrome. You have to put in your mobile number and spam friends though so thats pretty crappy.

    I only use facebook for freebies though and have fake friends on it so it was ok for me.

    • I have imaginary friends too :))

  • Working now.


  • +1

    Does the same voucher work everyday?

  • I miss Kit-Kats I really enjoyed them, but I've been boycotting Nestle for years. Anyone else boycotting them or are you all enjoying the tasty treats?

    • Both, I'll take the free stuff but I won't purchase their products.

    • Why you boycotting them anyway?

      • Because boycotting is cool bro.

      • +1

        I know that's directed at FabMan but I'm gonna jump in and bring something to light here.

        They have done quite a few things, a quick Google search will inform you of a lot of it but I'll mention one thing in particular…
        Out of everything they have done, the biggest thing for most people was the fact they were trying to convince mothers that using Nestle products was better for their babies than breast milk. I think at one point there was a story about how a representative of Nestle was saying breast milk was actually bad for the children.
        This was a huge news thing at one point, I don't think the info will be very hard to find at all.

  • +1

    Not thrilled with having to spam friends to get the voucher (there hasn't been such a requirement for previous offers), but I can hardly downvote free chocolate.

    • +2

      you should have a fake account for deals then. I hate facebook and only have the fake profile for these sort of things, just add a few randoms and other ozbargainers and that covers you for all the freebies and competitions.

  • how big is the kitkat?

    • +1


      But, you can obtain two vouchers per day (one from inviting others and one from others inviting you) and providing that you go to different stores you can redeem them both. That's 90g of chocolate a day for giving your details away.

      T&Cs extract:
      One voucher download for a free KIT KAT 45gm per facebook account per day, plus one
      download from an Invite possible per facebook account per day. Promo ends midnight 27 May, 2012 or once 100,000 vouchers have been downloaded, whichever comes first. One voucher per store per day can be redeemed until 11:59 AEST 31 May, 2012.

      • +2

        That's 90g of chocolate a day for giving your details away.

        Or if you're smart, it's 90g of chocolate a day for giving fake details away ;)

  • all this process for a 90g chocolate? not for me!

    • +5

      I got my voucher in the time it took for you to post that ;)

  • lol make multiple email and create multiple facebook account for more than one voucher a day,
    if you have 2 facebook account thats 4 kit kat vouchers a day.
    Some stores doesnt even know that you can only redeem one per day per customer.
    I once redeem 3 boost bar in one transaction.

  • I used FireFox last night and 5 minutes ago, still got the same error:

    An error occurred with Share a FREE KIT KAT with your mates! Please try again later.

    The steps are:
    1 - fill in your details below
    2 - receive your voucher
    3 - select as many facebook friends as you like to receive voucher
    4 - your friends receive an invite for a free KitKat…

    But it never passed step 1

    Anyone succeeded can tell me how to do that?

  • Man, it finally worked in IE after pressing that 'invite friends' button almost a million times - yes, I was that keen!

  • Has anyone received an MMS? I've only received emails.

    • -1

      I received my MMS yesterday just fine, though the person at the counter had to type the voucher number in, rather than scan the code it. It's probably a good idea to print it off if you're using it more than once.

  • Whats the point of the MMS…attendant at store just told my friend to print it out!?

    • +1

      i never use the print out, always flash the iphone and it works fine

  • Very tempted but does sound like a bit of work as i have to drive to 7/11 as well. But i do like my kit kat…..

  • I've received four vouchers so far. But two of them have the same code.
    Also the T&C link in the voucher is incorrect.
    I have written to 7-11 about these issues.

    • Did you use the same mobile number on the same day?

      • One was my claim, the second was an invitation.
        Should have worked according to the T&C.

  • Worked for me

  • Good deal, worked ok for me last night on firefox. Got the kitkat at lunch today, the 45g size has 4 fingers on it, nice!

  • I keep getting "you need to select some friends"… Anyone manage to bypass that? Using Chrome, btw…

  • got one today from the 7/11 at carlingford :)

  • I'm stumped. how do i get my,

    "plus one download from an Invite possible per facebook account per day"…

    Seems like i've done everything right…I got my own voucher, now to be greedy!

    • Those friends of yours need to get their KitKat and then invite you to have one.

  • Awesome, looking forward to some free choco's tomorrow

  • +1

    This promotion got declined at my local 7/11 store at Toowong (brisbane). The staff lied and said the promotion was already over, then after i stated the closing date he said that it was not valid at his store.

    • +4

      ring 7-11 and say he isn't honouring it. Trust me they will come down hard on him, seen it done before!

      • Yeah, i've sent an email via the 7/11 website as well as on their fb post, and they replied saying they will contact the store to deal with it.

        Quite a quick reply as well. I will try again in the same store in a few days.

    • +1

      same here, the lady scanned it the first time, i saw it say $0.00 but she did not give me the kit kat, then she scanned it again and told me the voucher has already been used, how dumb can u get

  • so when you select your friend, do they get one in their email?

    i sent it for my bf and when he tried it, it says to post a thank you on my wall.
    He still has not received it in his email.

  • +1

    did anyone use teh same voucher twice? does it work?

  • +11

    For those who don't want to register:

    Want a FREE Kit Kat?
    Claimable at 7 Eleven in Australia

    • Can anyone confirm that this works?

      • I had to retype it just now…
        Hopefully, it'll work from now on?

        Edit: Wow, someone's DDOS-ing my site…

      • Got 3 using that link and all 3 have been claimed already.

        Luckily I have a couple of "proper" ones (as in using the link, once a day) ones with me.

        • Weird…
          I didn't expect them to collide that easily, you're one of the 3/50000 chance of getting 3 that were already used…

          Maybe i should make another 50k?

        • Nah that's kewl, I've figured another way to generate the vouchers but thanks for your offer anyways. All I can say is so far so good. Now my only problem is the amount of vouchers that I can redeem a day short of going like nuts and drive to every 7-11 that I know of.

    • 46 views, but only 1 vote…
      Maybe i should spend my time doing other things?

      • -1

        I thought the vouchers have different codes, wouldn't the one you posted be used already?

        • Press F5.

    • I'm surprised how many times people have to refresh the site?

      I see some IP's listed, 36-51 times within a short period of time…
      That's why i started banning some IP's…

    • I used a few from NGPriest link but I think they have caught on as they don't work any more, "voucher has already been used".

  • Got my free Kit Kat today (Brisbane city), the guy couldn't scan the bar code off my phone for some strange reason, but he then typed it into the computer and it worked, free choco for me!

  • 3 Bars for Easter and counting…. Some places can scan the barcode off the phone, but some have to type in the barcode, probably those are older bar code scanners???

  • Voucher I got today and on 6th April have same codes?!?! Anyone came across this issue?

    • Yes, I reported this issue to 7-11 last week. What I discovered today after more investigation is that the code in the email and the code on the web voucher ("View this email in your browser.") were different up until today (in my case anyway). The web voucher code was always a new one (up until today) and then the last web voucher code was re-used in the next email that was sent out.
      I've had one duplicate web voucher code (today's that repeated yesterday's).
      The first code I received via email is not in any web voucher - so I'm guessing it belongs to someone else.
      I have not looked at MMS because I have not received any. (Does MMS require cellular data?)

      • Does MMS require cellular data?

        Technically yes but you won't be charged like that. Your service provider will just charge you the default 30¢ to 70¢ to send them and free to receive unless it's from a subscription service (premium number).

        • +1

          I also confirmed with Amaysim that Cellular Data needs to be switched on in the iPhone settings to receive MMS.

  • Stack this deal for the chance to win a Holden Cruze.
    Look out for the wrappers with "Is there a car in this bar?"
    There's still one more car to be won instantly in Australia, and if you're not the holding the lucky 1/20,000,000 wrapper then you can enter into the prize draw.

  • Today the counter assistant at my local 7-11 asked me where I kept getting these vouchers from. I told him they came from FB and asked if they were re-imbursed for them by 7-11. He told me that the store had to pay for the stock and they got nothing for the voucher from head office.

    • The assistant at my local told me the store was re-imbursed for them. I would think Nestle would be using their marketing budget to fund this.

  • Has anyone else noticed that the code within the email did not match the code provided in the web voucher? 7-11's response to me was that they thought that my mail provider may be caching the images - but I don't think this explains it.

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