Just got my console today after months of putting it off. Found it for a good price and I was always going to get one after getting almost a decade of use out of my Ps4.
No complaints about the system and service itself yet. Seems nicely refined and polished, load times are quick, all the usual stuff. But my God, why was I not warned about the horrid design of this thing? It's not just a shock to look at, the poor design extends to it's accessibility and makes it extremely awkward to lay flat on a surface. They seemingly got around this by throwing in a cheap plastic base connector that helps the console sit straight. It's not an issue per se, but for a modern home console that was hyped up so much, it just breaks the immersion.
This isn't even to mention the inflated form factor. This thing is a brickhouse that you could probably use for self defense. It looks like I'm running a remote cloud service from the damn thing. It's HUGE.
I'm usually not one to care about things like this but it's just that bad.
Mod: Changed title to something more appropriate.
You can always give it to me if you don't like it