Since a lot people on this site post Amazon deals and generally have good experiences with Customer Service, I’m just wondering how many returns people have made so far since they opened their account and in relation to how many purchases they’ve made? And if you did make any, have you gotten in trouble with Amazon?
How Many Amazon Returns Have You Made So Far?

Last edited 01/12/2021 - 12:44
How does it work? Do you just buy a box from the post office and put their address in and they refund you back?
I usually just use the packaging it came in.
You put the request in and they email a label.
You have to file a return in Amazon and they will provide you with a ashipping label. Put it on your box and send back the item.
I usually keep amazon packaging until I can test/verify the items. If all good, I will throw the box or use the same box for return.
Ah I see good call on the boxes so there is a reason to hoard them boxes.
Thanks to the both of you.
.740 orders since 2018, have had issues with maybe 10-15 orders and have any issues with their CS.
Most extraordinary issue I had was buying a desk riser from US that came with monitor arms and the arms were not in the box. I had to get a quote to return the item which would was about 200% of the original price so after some escalation, they sent me new one without needing to return the old one.
Zero. I order about 20-30 items each year and haven't had an issue yet.
1 time in over 200 orders, over 3/4 yrs
I think 4 returns out of ~30 purchases, never had any trouble at all, even when the reason for return was just shoddy build quality
I'd put them just below Woolies for how little they care about why you want to return something for a refund, suppose it helps when it doesn't cost them anything, they usually just make the supplier eat the loss
I can only see orders back to 2006 easily, a few hundred orders, one return which was a damaged kindle. I don’t think I made any returns between 1997 and 2006, not least because it was international postage to return things.
about 500 9rders, around 10 issues with orders and had to call
go on the website, they call u with 1 minute, and usually it's resolved either I send back or they just credited me
keep doing it and they'll ban you
citation needed
Not sure how many orders in total, 81 in the past year.
But I've returned two things:
- 55" TCL TV that would go staticy every 5 seconds
- Laser hair removal device that arrived from the US smashed to bits. Cost me $30 to ship it back, but that was reimbursed.
Almost all of my returns has been due to listing errors that eagle eyed OzBargainers have spotted lol Generally no issue, though on occasion the CS rep will try and argue that what I received is correct, at least until they look at the order more closely. Only about 10 instances in the past few years.
Been using Amazon since 2013, back when the dollar was at parity with the USD (good times).
Only returned an item once.
About 4 times over 5 years and 100 odd orders.
Damaged in shipping mostly.. and once it was missing bonus components which were advertised but not delivered. Only had to ship back one item. The rest refunded or compensated.
Two returns out of about 80 orders.
No problems on either.
First order with Amazon US in 2009, but primarily order for Amazon AU now, with a total of about 200 orders placed between all the regional Amazon sites.
I've had to return two items there were dead on arrival. Was sent replacements or given partial credit for 2-3 items that arrived damaged. I was also given credit for two items that went missing in the post but ended up arriving randomly some time later.
About 150 orders over 4 years, 2 or 3 returns.
1, broken wheel on a kids' toy car
100+ orders.
Around 5 times in terms of returns and partial compensation for damaged items.
Probably between 50-100 orders now since 2018.
316 total orders since 2018
7 total returns, only 1 of those was due to change of mind the rest the item was either faulty on arrival/has some sort of issue or died sometime after i received it.Only returned an item once as it was covered in scratches and clearly second hand.
Over a hundred orders every year since 2008 across UK, AU and US accounts.
Returned 3 this year.
1) They sent me Godfall US version incorrectly (pic was AU version) but US DLC doesn't work on AU account. Good thing it's free on PS+ next week.
2) They incorrectly sent me 2 books instead of the item I ordered due to some mix-up when dispatching. Seems the packer put the wrong label on our orders somehow.
Both got refunded as soon as Aus Post scanned the return (before it even arrived back to them).
3) Ordered a Revlon hairdryer for someone in the US that turned out to be rubbish (she wanted it..).
Never had any issues with Amazon CS which is one of the reasons it's difficult to switch from them to someone else. If anything's late, you usually get some credit back. Good prices, better than most stock availability, fast Prime delivery, great CS.
Been using Amazon since 2003 so couldn't say how many returns I've had but it isn't many. I don't buy stuff I'm not sure I want so the few returns I've made have been for faulty products.
Don't be like that a***hole that took 3 free refunds and kept the products because delivery was just outside the estimated delivery times and then had his account banned.
PS: Only two or so. One was an organic food product where there was only a pic of one side of the bag. When I received it the other side said from China, which was nowhere in the description. CS let me keep the product, which I promptly donated to a food bank.
1, no issues. Ordered a cover for a Kindle, chose wrong model, refunded as soon as it was dropped off at collection point.
Few, most recently my damaged on arrival Mayvers Peanut butter
Surprised they made you return that. Low value damaged stuff they usually just refund you and tell you to dispose of it.
O, i didn't return they did refund without returning
600 orders in 20/21, returned maybe two items and got credits for about 4 things that were smashed in transit (usually glass drinks).
None yet. No idea how the returns process works.
So far every thing has been good.
Knock on wood.
Knock on wood.
how often do people say that as to touch wood?
No idea but enough I started using it.
In the past year my account is showing 103 prime purchases. I would say maybe 5 returns. No issues for me.