This was posted 12 years 11 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Contact Lenses - Acuvue Brand - Auswide !


Simply fill out the form, print the voucher and take it to your Optometrist & redeem it !

EDIT: It states 5 day free Trial, 5 pair daily wear lenses.

For those special people who get free trials, get your bonus set free, why you may ask ?, bcoz its free and doesn't make any difference if you don't… ;)

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  • +1

    I assume that would be 5 pairs of daily wear lenses.

    • yup, 5 pairs

      • not if you have already done it once, and you are requesting a refill… ;)

      • how much is the consultation fee?usually

        • covered by medicare. Our taxes cover it.

        • My contact lens prescription is -2.00 with a little astigmatism and medicare has covered it every single prescription I've ever done…, I guess your optometrist is charging you for it and giving you free samples as compensation… LOL

        • It is not legal to bill a contact lens related consultation to Medicare unless your prescription is beyond a certain range, eg. higher than -5.00.
          Some practitioners will just not charge for it, which for OzBargain is good, but sad that optometrists are doing free work.

          You wouldn't need a coupon to get a 5 day trial if you're getting fit for lenses. Normally an aftercare consultation is required.

        • Ok even if you get free trials, what does that do to this deal ? NOTHING ZILCH NADA, BCOZ ITS FREE !
          If you don't get trials or whatever…, then it even benefits those people…

    • first I've heard of such thing, these go for $30+… lol

      • You pay $30+ for 5 pairs of daily disposables???

        • they are for a 30day pair, not a 5 pack, i was referring to the cost of a proper pack of these…

      • this is free anyways take it or leave it…, you don't lose any pride getting it… lol

  • +1

    Mine does as well. Optometrists get samples to give to new or changed prescription wearers.

    • J&J give away millions of dollars worth of contact lenses to optometrists every year for fitting and trials. It would be irresponsible of the optomistrist not to give you a trial before assigning a prescription.
      (I work for J&J - but I'm not a rep).

      • I've never been given any trials from my optometrist(5 years), its always been pay pay pay…

        • Mine made me wear a couple of pairs and then come back for an eye inspection before giving me a prescription. There was no charge for the trial or inspection. I just figured it was built into their margin at the end (I bought 30 pairs). The boxes are the same price now without the trial and prescription.

        • Mine took my Medicare card, did the prescription, charged me $35 for a 30 box of daily wears and left.

        • Your optometrist should be doing an "aftercare" consultation where you come in wearing the lenses to assess the differences (if any) to the fitting after several hours wear (as opposed to 20 seconds wear during initial consultation).
          If they wanted to do an aftercare consultation, they would provide you with trial lenses, for free.

          As shmahoo stated, we don't get charged for trial lenses. In fact, suppliers throw them at us, even if I tell the reps that I honestly don't fit their lenses.

          No, we don't sell the trials we get and pass them off as a retail product, though a couple of guys have been busted for that in the past.

      • Was it a free sample?

        I thought they pay at least that bit since they get paid from medicare circa $120 for one year long contact lens prescription.

        • Medicare doesn't cover the cost of lenses whatsoever.
          They do pay a consultation fee for high myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and for various other uncommon conditions.

        • and if Medicare does cover the cost of consultation, it can only be paid once every three years.

          And the cost that they do pay has to cover the fitting, tuition, evaluation, and any aftercares and or problems that develop with this patient for the next three years. It's hardly a gold mine certainly not enough to get this seasoned ozbargainer optometrist excited

  • +1

    (I work for J&J - but I'm not a rep).

    Did you then click the "I work for …" button in the comments box

  • +1

    I am a self employed optometrist. We get FREE (did I get your attention, OzBargainers?) contact lenses from EVERY manufacturer we use, for the purposes of fitting new patients. We do not get charged for these fitting lenses, even though they are EXACTLY the same lenses as the ones you pay for.

    Now for daily lenses such as J&J, as "trial lenses", we usually give 5 pairs of daily lenses so people can take them and try them in their home/workplace/life. So therefore this "offer" is no different to what any normal independent optometrist offers every single day.

    BUT, before we get to this part, if you are a new contact lens wearer (eg first timer), there WILL be extra charges from MOST optoms for fitting you, teaching you insertion and removal, and certifying this in our records. However, if your prescription is pretty high (eg very short sighted or high astigmatism), then this fitting etc fee is usually covered by Medicare.

    Hope this helps.

    • -7

      yea you guys are liars or just hide stuff from uninformed customers(did I get your attention ?), as I've been to 2 or 3 optometrists and NEVER EVER have I received "free" stuff, total and absolute BS or you are just advertising your services here and now !!!

      • You went to an optometrist and were charged for trial lenses?
        Are you sure you're not mistaking that for the consultation fee? We don't work for free you know, and Medicare only pays for a contact lens related consultation under certain circumstances.

        How is he advertising anything? He is stating (implying) that he charges for his services, as do I.
        There is also no mention of which practice he works in.

        • Hey cooni (optom joke coming up)

          If Elijah is a myope, I don't think the only negative thing about him is his prescription!

          slaps thigh

        • -_-

        • read english much ?, I don't get trials I pay for a 30 pack…

        • That Darren celebrity photographer bloke paid for a six pack !

      • Question is have you ever asked? I wear contacts nearly every day and every time I want to try new marketed contacts I just ask. Never were have I been rejected. Was given 2 pairs of fortnightly ones once. Optoms are not trained to tell if you are a oz bargainer.

        • Nor do we care :)

  • Reason for neg:
    This is just marketing from J&J.

    I prescribe their lenses and they are fantastic… I wear them myself.
    But this is a coupon for something that's already free.

    • -1

      I find it very hard to believe they'd give you anything, without taking something from you…, TOTAL BS IMO…

      • Dude, you've had several different people mention that they have received FREE trial pairs after a consultation. Just because your optom. doesn't do this, doesn't mean EVERYONE is BS'ing you.

        I have received free contacts for trial purposes. They do this, so that you're not stuck with contacts that don't work for you (fit, breathe, whatever). An optometrist gave me a few sets to trial a few years ago that were too big - luckily I had the trial pairs, otherwise I could've been stuck with 30 pairs that I couldn't use.

        I went to the optometrist last November, they checked my eyes (no consult. fee, my eyes are over/under? the -5.00), gave me five pairs of daily disposable contact lenses (with a refresher on how to insert/remove them since it had been a few years since I had worn contacts) and sent me on my way. I never went back to that optometrist, and have I not yet bought any contacts after that. I used the three of the pairs at a festival over New Years, and the other two a few days before to make sure that my eyes would be okay while I was away.

        It's not like people are telling you that their free stuff is 6 months worth of contacts. It's generally a few days worth, to make sure that they don't mess with your eyes in a bad way. I don't understand why you're having so much trouble understanding/believing this??

        • -2

          because i've been wearing them for a long time and the word FREE doesn't exist at my optometrist, so its hard to believe it exists when i have no proof but your word on frekin OZB…, this guy i go to deals with 100s of people in the very same way for years, now you understand why I have trouble believing this "BS", bcoz it is…

        • +2

          No, I don't understand why you think that. My optometrists have done it (given free trial pairs), and yours hasn't. I accept that. Your optometrist doesn't do this one particular thing; perhaps he hasn't signed up with the companies to receive these sorts of things, or whatever his reason may be.

          But I find it silly that you would rather believe that a bunch of people are making up stories about something that would be absolutely ridiculous to lie about. I wrote a stupidly long post (for OzBargain) regarding my experience, so that you could perhaps gain some insight into why optometrists do give out free trials (not because they're nice and want to give you free stuff, but because you should test a pair or two to make sure they don't cause you pain! This is why my understanding of why I got the trials). I didn't write all of that just to mess with you.

          I have received free contact lenses, as have many other people. That's all I'm saying. We're not conspiring against you; it actually happened! Maybe we thought you'd like to know, in case you'd like to trial some other contacts some day.

      • You think i am calling your response BS ??????, I'm stating the FACT that you guys are getting free stuff as frekin BS !!! check the votes I am not the one negging you if thats what you are worried about !!!

        READ every single response of mine and then tell me what I was calling BS…, you peeps are very touchy !

      • You find it hard to believe an optometrist would give away trial lenses that we receive for free? Right.

        What I do have a problem with though is handing out an Rx Only product to someone without a prescription. This is why you need to either bring a prescription in or be fitted by the optometrist who will (likely) charge a fee for that.

    • Hey Cooni,
      How does the Acuvue TruEye compare with Acuvue Moist?
      Just wondering whether you think the premium for TruEye is worth it.

      • +1

        The way it's marketed is accurate.
        Significantly better end of day comfort.
        A little bit more awareness of the lens initially as the lens is a bit stiffer but the oxygen transmission wins at the end of the day.

        • Thank you Sir.

  • SCAM !!! You have to pay for the fees to get eyes tested..

    • As cooni has stated throughout this thread, all lens manufacturers give lenses away to ECP's for the purposes of fitting. This is a marketing exercise from J&J so you take the piece of paper with you and specifically ask for J&J lenses, hopefully to get you to try and like their product.

      You have to pay to get your eyes tested regardless of if you have the coupon or not. If this offer inspires you to go get your eyes checked, and your eye sight improves as a result, then it was worth it.

  • Can I get those cool one that are coloured red or glow in the dark…want to freak my wife out during fiki fiki time

    • Acuvue don't make cosmetic lenses. They used to make coloured lenses, but only in regular eye colours. I'm pretty sure they no longer make them though.

      • Well they do… The 1-Day Define lenses or "circle lenses" as Asians like to call them.
        I find Ciba's Freshlook Illuminate better for both look and comfort if we're talking circle lenses though.

  • Let's stay on-topic and not make it personal. This is a very interesting subject. Personally, my eye test is covered under Medicare and I'm not over neg 5. I've never actually bought lenses from here, usually buy at fraction of the price from overseas. When I originally was fitted in the US, they always gave me trials if I was switching to a different type. Interesting to see so many opts on here.

    • Are you buying them online? If so, may I ask where? Thanks :)

      • Clearlycontacts like me… LOL

        Neil, I (Troll) DUG them out…, hopefully they provide us some deals now !!!!

      • I buy mine from Visiondirect. $165 US shipped which last about 2 years (24 lenses per eye). Easy to find coupon codes and they don't require a presription. I just get my free eye check, input the numbers into VD. I need new glasses but I'm not sure how I'd go about getting glasses measurements from an opt without buying them.

        • Cheers, I'll add Visiondirect to my list of sites to have a look at once I get my prescription. Pretty sure clearlycontacts is on my list, it's one of the more popular ones on Whirlpool I think!

    • To clarify, your eye test was not covered under Medicare, your optometrist just isn't charging for the service.
      You can bill parts of it to Medicare such as the initial spectacle prescription, eye health check, but fitting a CL is extra work. Many will charge for it, many will just wear the charge and make up for it in profits from CL sales.

      • They definitely state that it is covered under Medicare and I sign something at the optometrists office but can't remember what. They do the eye test plus an eye health check (dilate pupils to check for cataracts). I guess they are billing it under eye health check. I've never bought anything from them and been going there for the past few years. It's well worth it for me as cataracts and detached retinas run in the family. IMO,The government should promote that people should go the optometrist on a regular basis and check a free checkup.

        • They've actually been doing quite a lot. There has been lots of awareness to "get your macula checked"!

  • I've received free trials pair before (not a box, just a pair). Didn't think it was that uncommon. Any half decent optometrist would offer it.

    I've found to be pretty reliable and prices are good. Australian owned and operated as well which for me is +1.

  • I am optometrist myself and I think Elijah is just a little misinformed. As shmahoo and cooni have said, trials completely free, it is the consultation that attracts a fee. Some optometrists do the fit for free in hope of profitability from the contact lens sale, however with the onset of buying contacts lenses (and many other things) online, it is a very tough battle.

    On this deal itself, it isn't really a deal since it's free anyway. Every optometrist would need you to return for an aftercare visit to check if the lenses are suitable before you can order, but of course, if you order them online, you do so at your own risk.

    • Every optometrist would need you to return for an aftercare visit to check if the lenses are suitable before you can order

      Apparently Elijah's optometrist doesn't. :P Ok, no more of that.

      Hey, it appears there is a disproportionate number of optometrists on OzBargain. We must be a bunch of massive tight arses!

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