• expired

Harvey Norman Gift Cards 10% Uncapped Cashback @ ShopBack Gift Cards (via App)


Referral Links

Referral: random (3531)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

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closed Comments

  • +59

    But that means you have to shop at that shithole

    (thanks for your efforts regardless)

      • -1

        Thanks OP I shop where goods come with a warranty!

  • +35
  • +1

    10% of already discounted C1? Is it worth it….. Gerry though.

    • +1

      Or scout your local Coles for the 15% off gift cards if you can find them and go to JB instead. I brought the C1 65" down to $2570 with those.

      • Which gift cards are these?

      • +1

        Almost no chance to score these in larger cities now.

        • +2

          Yeah they are really hard to find now. Coles are simply doing what they do best - get people into their stores for gift cards that they hardly have stock of. Why have a promo on gift cards with a massive discount then not order enough stock? It was for BF/CM so they knew they'd sell out fast. Worse thing was that they ordered a sh!t load of $30 cards and then max the limit at 5 per customer, so getting decent discounts on big ticket items is next to impossible. I went to 7 Coles stores on Friday evening and almost all shelves were empty.

          • @KangaDrew: 20 coles plus in Sydney for me last few days since Thursday. I feel many of them have spare and just don't put it out or instructed not to. Some blame it on small allocations. But definitely a strategy from Coles to advertise it but try to sell less.

            • +1

              @JL1: Yeah I knocked over another 5 stores between Wed and Fri and it was a struggle to get anything over $30. It's just a traffic driver to get people into the stores. "Oh, while I'm here, I should get this and that to save another trip." smh Coles marketing 101. I'd be willing to bet that the $100 GC's will be back in stock by the end of the week.

      • This the ideal method if getting TCN gift cards from Coles is possible in your area.

  • Sigh, ordered a C1 on Saturday with a measly discount from there.

    • Got one sunday, $2650. With 10% off it would be $2599.20….

      oh well.

      • I don't think that's right

        • Your right, it would be $2385

    • howd you get C1 for that price at harvey?
      guessing it wasn't 65''?

  • Does the cashback track instantly for gift cards, and does anybody know if domayne has a limit on amount of GC that can be used for an order? Have a bed suite ready to pick up with them pending final payment

    • Yes tracks instantly. I purchased $1,000 worth and got $100 tracked straight t away this morning

  • Coz they are valid for less than 3 years, known from the description.

  • I'm going to buy a laptop at hn already discounted for black friday. can I apply this 10% discount on top of it?

    • +1

      Buy your giftcards, then pay with the giftcards

      • Can you apply multiple gift cards when ordering online or can you do only one?

        • Yes, but I'm unsure how many. I would give them a call to check to be on the save side

        • +2

          we can use 4 e-gift cards for a single purchase online.

          • @Frugal Desi: I called last time and they said there is no limit.

            • @Oauiii: Did you try it?

              • @lostn: No I wasn't able to try. I called their office and the lady seems like she was sure

          • @Frugal Desi: Is this from experience or did you read it somewhere? Not doubting you, just wanted confirmation.

            • +1

              @lostn: Tried 6 in store without issues

              • @Mandalorians: arshbir says that online you can only use 4. Maybe online and instore is different?

          • @Frugal Desi: You can use 9 gift cards online but the 10th will error out. I assume because it does not allow 10 or more due it being an extra digit. You CAN however give them a call to reserve your item and pay for it with X number of gift cards physically. I had to do this with 16 x $50 gift cards when I got my Switch OLED plus extras at HN last month.

        • Yes you can, I used 10 e-gift card in one purchase about 5 months ago.

          • @Pinchme:

            Yes you can, I used 10 e-gift card in one purchase about 5 months ago.

            Was this online or in store?

            • @lostn: Online

            • @lostn: each gift card value is up to $1000
              if buying something above 3k, I would suggest you to go into store to have a further negociation and potentially get some more discount

              • @Mandalorians: I ended up buying a $5000 TV, but I didn't buy any GCs. Oops. Part of it because I didn't really trust SB to actually pay any cashbacks. But also I had a notification on my phone from SB saying the gift cards were 7% cashback, not 10%. Just checked now, app says 4.5% cashback.

                This was an impulse buy which is unlike me. Just two days ago I wasn't even thinking about it. Had I planned better, I would have got it $500 less at TGG ebay.

  • +8

    I’m not giving a single cent to Gerry. But like others have said, thanks for the effort OP.

    • -4

      Thank You except for the 56 lovers….

  • +1

    10% iroinic

  • +1

    he is trying to take your money through gift cards now… dont give in.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Bought a acer nitro 3060 laptop for the family xmas present and the 10% makes it easier to swallow.

    • How many GCs did you use? - just wondering if there is any limit

      • I used 3. Altho the HN website was buggy, and kept accepting only 2, the third vanished..
        Eventually after a few attempts it worked with the 3 cards, but do check your total

        • can you please tell me how to do this? never used gift card before or shopback. should I do it through shopback app or directly through hn website?

          • +3

            @nicozam: buy the cards thru the shopback app.
            Then go into hn website and do a online order.
            pay with gift cards

          • +1

            @nicozam: When you use the gift card online, append the 4 digit pin at the end of the gift card.

      • I used 4 x gift cards on Friday no problem.

  • Of 55" OLED would be $1935 (with some gift card value left over).
    Is it worth pulling the trigger?
    - I'm just about to move into my first home and the living space isn't very big so 55" should be big enough.

    • it's not as cheap as previous models were it could be had for ~$1600 when it was the current model, but that's inflation for you.

      I would probably do it if 55 is your ideal size. I went for the 77" and paid 5k. Could have bought 5x $1000 GCs but I was worried the cards wouldn't activate in time, or there would be some problem with the cashback, or there is some limit on how many you can redeem in one transaction.

      • +1

        Same here, 77C1. Was also a bit nervous about activation and cashback, and also the 4 gc limit (as per HN fine print) but went for 4x $1000. All 4 activated instantly, and when the HN website still offered another gc field after applying 4, I went back and got the 5th. Applied it no worries. Got cashback notification within minutes too. So 77C1 for $4500, pretty happy…

        • good to know for the next time I guess. Thanks.

          I would have been really SOL if I had 5x GCs that I couldn't use immediately.

          It does seem like a good price. I hope you'll be happy with it. Right now I'm going through the cognitive dissonance phase, having splurged 5k unplanned. Just a few days ago, I had no plans to buy a new TV, much less a 5k one.

          • @lostn: It's the best TV on the market, the only better one is G1 but little difference with much higher price.
            You wouldn't regret it and many years to enjoy it.

  • How long does it take to recieve the gift card? Is it instantly so I can use it online today?

    • +1

      Yes it's instant

      • Is the cashback instant also?

        • +1

          No, my Shopback app is saying I'll receive the cash back on Dec 10

        • It tracks instantly but can't withdraw straight away

    • Haven’t ordered a HN card before but I’ve ordered many GC through shop back and usually just a few mins before ready to use.

  • Is this only for today?

    • +1

      According to the app, finishes at midnight tonight

  • +3

    Don't give this leech your money if you can. You get absolute shit service anyway if things go wrong.

    • As someone who tuned out of most news this year, could you elaborate? What did he do?

      I just gave him 50 Nellie Melbas today (that's the woman on the $100 note if you were curious).

  • tempted to do 85" Neo QLED. no where close to the DJ price of $3500, but with gift cards it'd be down to $4307…

  • Hmm the Lg c1 comes to 2650..

  • can you use the shopback account balance to pay for GC and still get the cashback?

  • -5

    Thanks OP. Pay average 15% more and then get it for 10% less. Now I know why I failed at maths.

  • Do the gift cards come through instantly?

  • +2

    Thanks ShopBack. Beats messing around being treated like a criminal while trying to get $500 of TCN cards at a time and swiping 50 EFTPOS cards while contending with TCN default risk.

    • +3

      It is the coles staff who make customers feel like being criminals just to get those gift cards on sale. Well done, coles.

      • +1

        Bought 5 x $50 cards the other day, asked multiple times why I was buying them (yeah they're 15% off).

        Took down my Drivers License details.

        I've found Woolies staff a bit better when it comes to gift cards, but that's a very limited experience from a limited number of stores.

        • I thought you were going to say you were trying to buy 5 x $500 cards LOL

      • +2

        I feel that way, the type of looks I get when I ask if they have any spares or know when they might get more of them in.

        • +1

          “Hey, got some stuff?”

          — “Which kind, bro?”

          “You know that kinda stuff, no good for KIDS, but TEENs LOVE it. And if they use it at HOME, they might get a BABY at early ages”

          • @mrhorse: Lol maybe I would have gotten better results or a this guy is crazy look instead of this guy is one of those gift card people looks.

  • Any idea how long would they keep this at 10% off ? Thanks

    • +1

      Ends in a few hours but valid for 3 years

  • Can you do this deal with The Good Guys also?

  • +1

    thanks OP I purchased this laptop already heavily discounted


    plus 10% cashback of $750 worth of HN giftcard

    and a $30 cashback via INTEL redemption.

    just one more question:is it possible to transfer the cashback money to my bank/card?

  • Seems to be sold-out/broken?

    • I may have broken it.
      Bought $2,000 @ 10%, then $500 @ 7% then no longer available.

      Hopefully comes back up!

  • Is this not valid anymore?

  • Showing 7% for me.. was 10% earlier. Has it been reduced? Sad because I was just about to buy a tv 😑

    • When I searched, it said 7%, but when I scrolled down and found it in the list, it said 10%.

      I just bought $600 worth for a Samsung Smart Monitor M7 25 minutes ago.

      • Just added my card details to buy (even @ 7%) and after adding card details the whole gift card option for HN is gone 🤷

        • Ah yep. Mine has disappeared from the GC page. The main page shows 7%, but says not found when opened. Looks like I got in just in time.

          Search shows one button saying 10%, but also leads to not found. Then individual buttons for each denomination that say 5% and lead to the purchase page.

          • @puffinfresh: I'm a bit sad cos I was negotiating with my partner on purchases for the house and held off buying. Looks like I got scrooged

  • Nothing working at the moment
    edit: now only 5% :(
    Edit 2: now not working at all again

  • It was mentioned that it lasts until end of the day. I am so disappointed since about to purchase but disappeared.

  • Was about to buy gift cards to pay for a laptop for my Mum, a bit disappointing.

  • Is it only me or everyone's shopback showing 4.5%

    • darn it too late!

    • +1

      That's poor form

      • -1

        I'm sorry :(

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