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Fortis Foldable Electric 14" Bike | $359 (Was $599) + Delivery ($0 with FIRST) @ Kogan


Part of the Black Friday, this seems a cheap ebike for occasional use. I paid $391.99 including delivery.
Once you add to cart and go through it will show the discounted price (10% Black Friday)

Save another 40 if you've got an Amex with the Black Friday offer (You would need to get a gift card first for $100 and then pay the rest with the Amex for the second $20 off)

Please note that the battery is built in.

According to manual weighs 17 kilos.

Front and rear disc brake Aluminium Alloy Weld
36V / 5.2Ah
Lithium ion battery
Max. 1,5A
3-5 hours
0.3-0.4Wh per charge 100-240V 50 / 60Hz 1,8A 42V 1.5A
Over 500 cycles
0°C to 45°

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

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closed Comments

  • How do you get $359?

    • +2

      Just go through the cart and 10% off Black Friday will apply.

      • Nice!

  • Save another 40 if you've got an Amex with the Black Friday offer

    • Yes, better to buy first a gift card for $100 and then rest by Amex. (After applying $100 gift), so you’ll get $40 off.
      I had a few Kogan gift cards so cost me Around $325 after all discounts. Sure won’t be the best ebike in the world, but I hope it will be good for some occasional use

  • Are these allowed in SA?

    • It's a 250W pedelec so yes! Totally legal ebike in SA and I believe the rest of Australia as well.

      In South Australia, there are two categories of power assisted bicycles that may be used legally on our roads:

      • 1) power assisted bicycles with an electric motor with a power output of up to 200 Watts and the power is controlled by either a throttle or an accelerator
      • 2) power assisted bicycles with an electric motor with a power output of not more than 250 Watts of continuous power, which meets the definition of a pedelec (the power is controlled by the rider using the pedals).


  • +1

    Not a bad price, just that when they advertise this as Foldable when it's really just the handle bar folding down is somewhat misleading to me…

    "Taking only seconds to fold, you’ll be able to swiftly jump on and off public transport"… with the way they fold, I don't really see any material difference in making it easier… in fact, probably harder when you can only lift it after folding down the handle bar instead of pushing it.

    • They show it just fitting in the back of an SUV after "folding".
      My road bike does that just by quick-releasing the front wheel.
      It probably goes faster up a hill too :-)

  • Tiny but. Fairly heavy yet functional clown bike… Couldn't say no…

  • Being small wheels I assume the acceleration on these would be fairly quick… I wonder if they can be hacked to delimit or add a throttle… Not legally I know but could be fun on private roads..

    • Small wheel means an ungeared hub motor needs less torque (faster rotation), so it can be made smaller & lighter for the same power.

      I'd not assume the power or low-speed accel is different from any other 250W motor.

  • +1

    I have this. And got it at a similar price.

    Spent some more to give it a suspension seat and suspension seat post though because god damn you feel every slight bump with it. Fracture the ol' gentleman's sausage if you're not careful.

    Acceleration really surprised me. And it's possible to get into a sort of debug menu but you can't fiddle with much. I don't think I changed the speed, but just the numbers it displays, really. Either way, handy to get me up the massive hill before my home after exhausted from work and gym. So at this price it's a good tester for a pedelec bike.

    • ride quality is questionable enough on 20 inch wheels, i can't bear to imagine life on 14s(!)

      • I reckon.

        Still, if you live in a relatively flat; well kept area (ie. not like my own) I'd imagine it'd be perfect enough as-is.

        • -1

          the footpaths in my area are insanely shit. even the bike lane near my place has random bits of concrete stuck on it, tree debris, broken glass and those bloody nangs everywhere. safer to ride on the road (and i do when it's later at night).

          • -2

            @tdw: You shouldn't be riding on footpaths anyway…

            • @xyron: i'm sorry, Cunstable Care, i won't ever do it again.

              • -2

                @tdw: Do what you like, it's just a bit rich to be complaining that they aren't level enough for your ebike.

                • @xyron: and here you are complaining about my complaining? waddle on, sweetheart.

                  • -2

                    @tdw: Just calling out your hypocrisy. I'm not complaining about anything, by the way. Maybe look up the definitions of words before using them, "sweetheart".

          • +1

            @tdw: Yeah about the same here too but there's no real bike lanes that aren't just used as free parking. I ride on a combo of asphalt and less broken, debris covered pavement when I can.

            • +1

              @Selenium: i don't mind the cars so much as they're very visible. it's the debris you can't see, that is even harder to spot when it's been raining

    • +1

      How did you get into the debug menu? I've been wondering about it on this bike.

      • Turn on the LCD then hold down + and - until P0 appears. Tada, you're in! Not much to fiddle with though and no real documentation.

        P1: switch between km/miles
        P2/P3: speed settings?
        P4: buggered if I know. Something on or off. Haven't figured out what.

        • Did you figure anything out yet?
          I just took a note of the available settings to see if I could match them to anything online but no luck… not even had chance to ride the bike yet with the unpredictable weather…

          P0: No Setting Available
          P1: A-0 - Available settings: A-0 KM, A-1 Mile
          P2: A 12.4 - Available Settings: can be increased/decreased - unsure of lowest/highest settings but went up to 30+
          1-2 - Available settings: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3
          2-5 - Available settings: 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
          3-8 - Available settings: 3-7, 3-8, 3-9
          P4: A-1 - Available settings: A-0 or A-1

          • @evanssm2jp: P2 affects the speedometer only - I'm guessing it's the relative wheel size.

            Tried adjusting P3/4 settings with no real results in a very quick test - when on power level 2 I could take it up to 27km/h on a flat….at power level 3 there was a hard cut off at 24/25 regardless of the settings.

            • @evanssm2jp: I feel like P3 is the level 1/2/3 of the bike and the settings are how much it multiplies the value of P2? Whatever the case, level 3 seems to cut out around 27-30 for me on a straight now and even level 1's get up and go is much zippier now.

              But that's as much as I'm willing to fiddle. I just wanted to see if it'd make climbing the massive hill any easier but it doesn't, sadly.

  • It is like a toy with 5A battery. Useless =="

  • This just arrived - unboxed and put it on charge (battery was dead out of the box - not ideal for lithium ion!)… I noticed the handlebar grips are quite loose and move around. Not sure what the tyre pressure should be - they came near flat so I put 35psi in there…. The brakes are connected opposite to the Aussie standard with the rear on the right but shouldn't be an issue… The build looks fairly solid - as mentioned prior the battery isn't too big but I'm not expecting the bike to be comfortable enough for any more than a 5-10km ride anyway! Looking at the seat it might need replacing with something that has suspension/gel - I can imagine it will be a very rough ride…

  • Hi The price shows $449 now.

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